Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1917-1922, November 19, 1921, Image 6

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SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 19. I HARDING TO INTERVENE IN TAvjC BILL DISPUTE WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 Presl- (lent Ha rdin«, through Representa tive Mondell, Republican leader in the House, arranged today to inter vene in the conferences between the House and the Senate over the tax bill. FENNINGTO) 3. B. REID .DEAD. CORDELE, Nov. 17 S. B. K-id, for two terms representative of Wil cox county in the legislature and for a number of years member of the county board of commissioners, died SHIP DELIVERS WATER* ' SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., Nov.i —A Spanish oil tank ahip iudi jq left this port for the Morocan cor with CtlOO tons of fresh water, ^h water is for the Spanah forcea Hr 11 ng jn Morocco. 1 FLYNT MAY DEfXINt!. GRIFFIN, Nov.J 17.—Judge James J. Flyrt today iiitHaljed that he would not accept place as attorney t® Georgia railroad commission, I which has l|ern tendered him by Gov- Mr. and Mr*. J. I. Pennirgtln and son. Dallas, arid Miss Lillie i’lining- ton were Sunday guests of an< i L r nviif; B - E,stcrlin - ** ot Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sommers, of Amerlcus, spent the week-end with ..... I? ,srac| s P c nt the week end at Snnthvillc, with home folks. Mr and Mrs. O. A. Summers, i , .. A ‘ Sumr »Prs. Miss Leila 1 j V !i « F - Mrs - Dan Ledger aml ?: , T - Sm^prs went to Amerl- cus Friday to attend the unvcillmr of Tiftt^TTfepares For Great Crowd, Especially Thanksgiving And Sunday TIFTON, Nov. 17.—With at least ernor Hardwijk. Tuesday night at his home in Ro- cbollc at the age of 72. Where Satisfacti !sA J Ce.'tamfy J CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank the good peo ple of Americas and vicinity for their kindness and prompt assistance this past week, when we were so un fortunate as to Jose by fire all we Especially do we thunk HUGE ATLANTA BOND ISSUE HELD VALID ATLANTA, Nov. 17.—Atlanta’s ight and a half million dollar bond ssui* for schools, sewers and other Municipal improvements was held alid in a state supreme court dccis- possessed. I?;;:™::, .j.. „ v J iniIft the members of .the Amciicux fire de partment for their heroic efforts in endeavoring to save our home from destruction. IU 'Iiivuii! uuiiiih me in in mi* nuil ies/bn of the South Georgia conference, Methodist Episcopal chqreh. South, November 23 to 29 inclusive. There will be about 500 delegates in attendance and hundreds of additional visitors arc expected every d«y, and the visitors probably wilt run Into thousands on Thanks giving day and Sunday, November 27. Bishop Warren A. Candler will pre side during the conference and .i!ao will deliver two special sermons dur ing the session. The first wit! bn on Thanksgiving morning at 11 o'clock, and the second on Sunday morning at 11. These will l.e deliv ered In the high school auditorium, where all sessions of the conference will be held. Preachers attending VALDOSTA. Nnv. 17. MRS. J. W. ROBERTS and FAMILY. These Prices I Will Compel You Wilson's Assorted Jellies To Buy EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS FRIDAY! Yard-Wide Fast Color Percales MOULTRIE, NOV. 17—The preach ing of Dr. Frank -fall Wright, noted Indian evangelist of St. Louis, who is conducting a rcrics of meetings sit the Presbyterian church here, is attracting wide attention. At the night services the church is unable to accommodate the crowds. ; WAYCROSS WOMEN REGISTER. WAYCROSS. Nov, 17.—Registra- 1 tion for the coming city municipal election reached 1034 and of these i 190 were women, according to last figures from the city clerk’s office.; HIT BY RADIATOR CAP, ASKS $5,000 DAMAGES VALDOSTA, Nov. 17.—Suit was filed in the United States court here yesterday by E. K. Blount, of Jack sonville, Fla., against T. S. McKcy, ct «!., owners of the McfCcy offico building, asking *fi,000 damages for personal injuries. It is alleged that the plaintiff was in the office of the Vnldosta Timber company, on the fourth floor of the building, last winter when a valve cap from one of the radiators blew ft «•..! struck li\. plaintiff on the leg, for six weeks or more disabling Scalsweet Oranges Dozen : Black, All-Wool, good quality Serge; 40-m wide; actually worth $1.50. Yd. WANTED—Salesman with car. Call on dealers with guaranteed cord and fabric tires.' Salary and ext penscs; also e^tra commission. Cres cent Tire & .Rubber Co., Plymouth, Ind.—17-11. »g features of the conference last Good quality Messaline and Taffeta Silks; $2.00 and $2.50 values. Yard. Cotton Poplins, in all colors; FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—For fat Beef Cattle or Hogs, two or three milch cows and calves. Mrs. A. J. Williams. Phone 420.—17 3-t Prop am Al Yard Wide Madras Shirting; fast WANTED—Two unfurnished rooms, downstairs. Close in. Call It.. Phone 242 17 3-t. Funcy Apples Dozen Seeded Kuisins Pkg ........ Dromedary Dates Pkg Currants Pkg Fancy Hard Head Lettuce 'fail to see this good picture program at the Opera House today. Matinee iyid Night. Matinee’s at 3 o clock. Night, 7 o'clock. A Big •‘V" Comedy. A Roland Comedy. Pntho News, rathe Review. •'Trailed By Three.” Thursday. "The Purple Riders.” A Big "V” Comedy. Harold Lloyd Comedy. Friday ‘fTlio Moonshine Menace.” |g Krnito Review. Won’ Pictures. At prices that are right. 5c, 10c and 15c. Wax tax in- eluded. , dv Bedroom Felt Slippers; Large, Fancy 'Grapefruit, each Cranberries Per Quart Citron Per Lb Have you grown away from the old home? Pure Thread Silk Hi Brown, Black, Navy; actually worth 11.75 pair for only All These Specials Ai Wonderful Bargains! Convinced! Remember Rogers’ 16-Oz Loaf of Bread .. Reuben OVER 135 -STORES... IN GEORGIA Rylander Tuesday 116 Cotton Ave. IURNED ’EM AWAY AT Tillman & Brown’s Big SHOE SALE Which Opened To-day with the hl« g ^ crowd ever seen at any sale in Americus. Tillman & Brown are giving such Bargains in; Shoes that impossible to wait jpn the people. f FRIDAY’S BIG SPECIALS I One Lot Ladies’ Black Kid Low Heel Pumps, $8.00 and $10.00 Vijues Sale Price Men’s Brown Calf, Solid Leather Dress Shoe Latest Styles Friday Only wnmi Chicago rhildrc Sale Conducted by Merchant.' Adverting and ■ . E. Donovan, Mgr, a inotorc 17 1*2 Pounds Donjino Sugar. 10 Lbs Domino.Sugar $1.0 61 25 Lbs Domino Sugar $1.4 100 Lbs Domino Sugar $5,7: 1