The Palladium. (Newnan, Coweta County, Ga.) 1835-18??, September 26, 1835, Image 1

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Vi)L. I. FLittiV£&ii EVERY SATURDAY • ,M ¥ C. F. .?nERBunNE, F.ditor and Proprietor. Terms.—Three dollars per annum, payable in advance or within six months tarter the receipt ’of the first.num ber, or •ur dolta s if not paid within the. year. SiSbscri* bers living out of the 6tate,wil! be* all cases, to pay in 4 No subscription received for less than one year, nr. h* B the money is paid in advance; and no paper will-lie ms’ continued until'all arrearages are paid. except at tin op-’ turn of the publisher. Persons requesting a .iiscoritimt* ance of their Papers,are requested to bear in mind, a Set tlement of their accounts. Advertisements Will be inserted at the usual rates; , when the number of insertions is not specified, they will i be continued until ordered out. ICIP All Letters to the Editor on matters connected ; with the establishment, must be rosr paid in order to secure attention. T °dce of the sale of Land and Negroes, bv Ad- s, or Guardians,must be published sixty days; previous to the ofeale. rhesaleof personal m like manner,must !e published forty pays previous to the day of sab .. Notice t debtors and cruditirs of an ate must be p Mi shed FORTY DAYS; Notice that Application will he made to Ihe of Ordinary fa? Leave to sell Land or be pnbtshed four months. \ Notice that Application wil* be made for Lfaers of Administration, must he üblis and TintpfcY r*Ats and ett rs of Dismission, six month--. ‘ a-s — 1 ■"jjgfeii.j.jJij-M ©iPira-jKDm In Troup S peri r OtLvC, AUGUST TERM, 1835. Hickerson Rurna.n VS. Cka los (1. Pearson. Rill for discovery, relit f.iarcuuiit, injunction,&r InTrnup Sup rior Court. term 1836. The complainant alleg s, in ins hill of com plaint, that on the llrii day of Ma- , 1831, and tor along time previous thereto, he had he or iri the peaceable, quiet a <t uninterrupted posses sion (except a solitary effort of defendant to force the same from him) of a lerr across the Chattahoochee riv r, a; the town of \V st Point in said cou ty, k own as Broadnax's ferrv. That complainant held poss< ssio ■ f one halt and said ferry in his own rigid ; to wit ; the western bank of said river, on which the western ferry landing of said river is situated, and the right to use the same, as a, ferry la,- ding, with one half f the ferry f oat used v %r, said ferry, i coni ey ing persons across the same, tog.-iher with the • litre fraction or parcel oi fi.ud, on which said ferry la .ding js sitini'e, by virtue oi a convey ance to complainant, from on Christ tphe B >w n an 1 others, who purch .serf the sain from the st rte of Georgia, at the Iracti n sal - ii Miiletlgevi 1 , dnri g the year 1839, and w o hel tire certificate of the commission) rs r.p pointed by the legislature to s 11 and dispose of said fraction, with others. That - id Chris topher Bow r, together with his associates transferrer, and delivered to complainant, the said certificate, there y conveying t him ;.!l thvii right, title and interest in and to tin s~ ter ferry landing ol said f riv ; th< ir nit rest in said ferry; said ferry boat, ad the. e; tir f actio i on which the western f try iandi g oi the s .me is situated. It is also alleged by complainant, in his said bill of complains, that he held th ea t r hank of said river, whereon the eastern ferry lancing of s.iid ferry is situate, the remaining half ol said ferry and ferrv boat, by an express agree ment With the defendant (who nr th..t time claimed to own it in his own right) that he (complainant) should use ad keep said ferry ] ontire, and receive the tolls arising therefrom, and account to him (the and; I: :>dant) for half of the nett profits of the ao.e. It is further alleged by complainant tha’, dur ing the time he was holding one h if ol said ferry, in his own right as aloresai , as his oil property, ad the other half, by tin exprtss agreement, as aforesaid, with delendant, he, (complainant) was, on the 1 Ith day .f May 1834, by the deputy sheriff of said county, a t-j ing under the authority of a hill of qiotlemcn!, \ issuing from this court at th irs a ee of tli defendant, deprived of the possession f said ferry and eveiy part thereof, and the entire pos session ol th same given to the defendant,who has continued toe joy the sole, entire ii and n - use ad possession of the same, as w ell as the emoluments arisi g therefrom. It is charged by complainant, that said bill of quilte. menl, issui g fioui this court, was (antoi.oi to the filing of hi-said bill ofcomplai t) regul rl> dismissed and fully cniltri ; ami that n e defen dant withholds ami r fuses to p:.y ov r to tin complainant, any portio or part *t the profits of said fi rry, hut applies the same to hisowi individual use. It is further alleged, that defendant is totally i solvent and u lie to respond to the compla n ant, for the rents and profits oi said ferry, re ceived by him as aloresaid, amounting i nil to a huge sum of money ; and without the interposition of the court, he will la; entirely remediless in the premises. * The complain int fuither charges, in bis said bill of complaint, that since the 1 th day ol May. 1834, he has paid into the proper office all the money due upon s id eertrfic >e, and has obtained from the state of Georgia, a grant in his own name, forfracdional lor of land num ber 58, m the 16lh district of originally Carroll, now Troup con ty (a < opy ol winch giant is attached to comrlainontV hill) upon which said fractional lot ol land, il is alleged, the western , ferrylanding at said lerry is located; from which i complainant alleges it will appear lie lias a clear and complete title in fee simple to one half of uaid ferry, and to one half of the nett *■ * . ‘Tsbeehs mm sHss&kj ,— Tn®Bi % pjjajvs ansnigTl.ereliom and pin s tiasrcqiu ’ HTT an injunction, enjoining he defend; nt roe running sans ferry boat, or eceiving anv poitm of the tolls arising from rhe same. He alstf prays the court, for die appotnttnem of a receiver, -to take possession of said fern and receive the tolls hnd emoluments arismj Ibeiefroin. until the rights of the p-rties can b 1< g: tly a jo-t and, or until the further order < this court n the premises. Th * several allegations in the cemfdaii afH bill use ve. died by h sown affidavit, in th 4ih .September, 1b34, fins court grinte the injunction, and appoint, and a receiver, a cording to the prai’er of'th'c bill. | The ccrtinsel for the defendant have filed demurrer, to the aforesaid bill of conipb.n.t, an for cause of demurrer, allege that the com plainant, by his own allegations in said bib contained anjfia&f’ till, with’ tile documental’, . viCenced-Vd’ appended, hate e tir. ly fail, and to nuke out and estalkish u. himself any satisfiict ly and sufficient title t, the one half of s ‘ id ferry. by h.m in add bill claimed, and'f.r the proiectto of wbfih-b. prays tne nrt rvention of the equitable power., o ibis court; btiy -on the t* Tiin.iy. it is dial i. made tna ileri.ny- Ins own shewing, that lie fvt no valid, legal litl to tile o .e hall of said fi iri . and the efore not entitl d 1 tq the aid of lie ex trnordinary pV>W< rs“ofa. *CouTt off fin tin ry fin His protection.! Atti furth.-r, that ne has aii ‘liequateremedy io’iiimnim fSu-.v Tne impi>rtant JfYuerests imo vrd in tin ause, as iv. II asfthe ffect win. .; th* dect-io pi the court mair have upo'n the .rights ol’ olliei ‘inJivid als, <i. mauds much r*-fl eiiou ‘as iv. Il a aial’ inver-i.'itiim. It will hi tli objlt-i st the court <0 reduce die cads*- - ex;-i iked tne conjMain.iiit, in h■; ill.'spiO t o. .ginia l. nieiilstaild eaup sI.V eridcfivotep test <b*i 1 sam-’ by the standa.d ol ra ns i,s tKupaiua e * and instkucte . li tffrrdiYtixed c'of the law an i decisions of the cnnrV wbieli ave been justly said to'b the | erle tin v ol nuinan r : on. Thecas n w rim • bv th pleadings, no t turn upbn ttui. -nti Cp a< -ot i stuff i. m i o the eomplmii .n s title, ex! hibite.i m b s hill of c mpl ini) ! • the tnuy m <I ii st.oii, lies h f.eyi a Kiiffic-je® tide it. Imnseli loth ferry id dispute (takinjjf! II tii all.-gaiions in the hill to b . true) tupi&ithoiise him, pon legal princip es, and the *•; ourts o. ch . c ry. to have tt.ftitiaPsJ iK.w. is o, i i• . mi exercised in lby ’ , - , a■ oKiingp.n injuiie i -ii apifi si the and dfeittfmi ? is a general n 1.. cuur sos chancery will'no rant an uijnni tpin, : nm the comp a.nan xlulii|B a legal title t.. the subject n nti r upon , hieli il is to o.n iateAMitf >r I on l 1 e a ngl 18. kiden on Injun dons, ‘533. Van ifirg> u v.- Van B. ry, ri, . J dm. Chari. Hi p. 282. Hei is. (iiffor , 6 Joun. Cl.fln. Hip. 19. I ins geu -ral iul- , however, is not univors in its epplie ition ; there ar inanv xee turns lo nin tae b oks. This court wi I in t ado the rule contended for by defendant's rou/is* .ii th* ir argument, that an inju ction wi|J not he grantor!, until ibe p rty making the appli- tioi has first esiablish. and h s title in a i < lirt ot !a . bei use there are o be found n any c; se where the c. uits hu e glinted injunct on nil re the Ii le was doubtl'ul. T e nvt rs.ties of Oxford and Cambridge, vs. Ki b. rdson, 6 Ves y, jun. 707, llanue v.-. Plane, 14 Vesey, 130. iSicoll vs. th>‘ trus tees ot’ Huntington, 1 John. ( ha . Hep. 166 : Livingston vs. Van Ing., 9 John. Hep. 507. In the present case, the court will lav down the rule r . ognis and in the case of the uuiversi ties 1 ( xioid aim tan luicgi vs. llu lain i just cited, which ws an injunct.nn to r sirm the infringement of a paint alleged tuhai been granted to he plaiuti'is. “ Possession, u der a c.'.ior of title, is gr.nmil enough loin joi , and to co tn.ue the injunction until it u proved ..t law, tliat it is only c. loin, and ii i real title.” ‘1 hts rule, the court ndmi s, is nn je tiem ly li!>< ral one ; but accepts it in this I eas . becaus it i J so. Now let us nalvse th cunipb.i ant’s cause, as exhibit and by his bib, and . pply it to the rub; adopted for its govern ment. The bill was exhibited acd sanctioned, 4th Septi n.her Jg 34. Had cumplaina tp< sscssi o of the fi-rryiat that tim>‘? He says not, but was in posses-ion of tin- same on the llthd i of M ly, 1834, nearly tour i.m hs pri lit us to his filing Ins hil i this *ourt—p hi eahie pus s ssion ( xcept ones. litarv effort ot’ defc da-u to lor e the same from him.) Complainant admits h was ot in the possession of the er<y t he time of exhibiting h s hill, hut how oes he account for being out of possession ? lie al egos that o the 11th day of May, 1834, lie was put out of possession by the deputy sh> riff of Tionp county, ai ling unicrlliemi ihority of a hill ot qniltnnenl, issuing from this couri; and the defendant was placed i posses sion nt the same, and at the lime of grading the injunction wis still i possession. So that itappca'Sthe defin ant came into he posses-: sio ot the ferry it der he authority of this eoiiit : and the court is bound to pr sume all acts donn by its i fficcrs, under its authority, to have been leg IL done, until the contrary ap-I pears But it is isl ged, the bill of quil'e <tenl is dis— misser'. Htif (tillv nd**d. I’he fin tnt the ‘.'ill o’ q illnnent b mgd .missed, does m n cessa lily i hange the pos-e-ston ot the ferry, m r the , legal rigb's of the parties, without some further I ncti n or .rer on th“ premises. ‘Pit patties are left if *// q o. having all the legal rights and legal remedies which the laws of the Cotm try guarantee to them. Ths ccmplninant can - OCR COb.VTRV, RiailT oa v/ltoxo.—Drwiw, N I]W € cow iT.i cou rv. gso isi i,September 2<;. hhzz. <, therefore, according to hts own shewing, o eras p-.ssession of the firry is concerned, ’ring himself w ithin the rule laid down ? What title floes he exhibit to the ferry in question? According to the aflegatio sm h bill, he claims one halfof the- ferry, to wit ; th e-tern halt, by virtue of a certifirat wx.'ci;lefl v certain eommissior.ers, acting undo the au liority of the .quite of Gcergia, to ( htMoph r Howcptui'l others, who transf. rrerl said c. rtifi *"-te to the complainant, Which was for the uc+ onal lot ofUnd upon which the western ferry landing of said ferry is |*ic, t<d, Th< sai<; C; .ristopher Be wen and others conveyed lo conq.laii.;.rd, I y the transler of said reilificati, a! tin ir right, title and intereM r. and to sad iv stem terry landing, fi rry and k'n boat ; but it is no where alleged in the bdl what that in terest leas. The i ter. st which Christoph, t B and his associates had in the fraction;! 1 l of but ‘, is isjbrcf readily understood, bc< aus* tile and. rived lltctr intenst under th>* authort'v- j of a p ifilic statut of the Blate. ol which tni ■ flourl is bound to take notice; hui a“ to ih<- | nature oi the int rest which those indivi ’iials [ tjad in fn s .id f. rry ahf’ ferrv h’ at, ivhicfe was ] ; aii'fi tied to th*. complain .ot, the ch nrt i- n'. t . i.'dorioeu Iy anv ch rg*- or allegation nn ein ‘ !;:*- c-.ißphimani’s bill. „„ r t, howi&'r. I t k s’t tin gras ted, all ‘he r ghts and . riv hg's ! mentioned in sai ! eeilifn ale, n r gr.iinui t . he Corr.daiiiaiil, mth. grant Iroin the st -te to him, v, ich is append and lo Ills bill of cOHipf int, in accord nee w ith tile public statutes of tin late ; he liuvi g paid, a- he alleges, the I st mstaliTi id cue upon sa.d ceilifiia e Vie roust h n look into the gram fr.mi the state, to the com da.nan , lor iiis titk to t-.e one half of said ferr . l’iiat the complainant cpn-iders the giant aloresai as bis evidence of title >o the qu.'s ion, is evi tent roin the (pllowmg allegaa ?'(on, i his bill crntHfeed :•* thatn grant fitiM •Uie tutp of G orgia lias i-su* and to vo y ur f,< hepr i.i.yes in said nytifi ale inoiitioiß’e, ‘ t mi : f,i* tin numb r o in tin 16 h disl.iktit, |oitii ity hair*,ll, now Tr* up equatg. on -the- .* r Mi ru fen v laiioiWif ut saiilfern; is sitiiSfc rl6 ate.:; Iriyn rrnieft it will -pp sitf' y*>ur it.tor mi's a<t a. a.rrt . coipl * title,- ;n sno.if.*-, too e hah t ■•.?, tnr , an., in the <%* | h it ot the tv. it pi.dfcw •usi:i tat fronti-’,’ Tlfc j so. p i-fii' 1 lory id tin.- c* < , vbe ;10j|i;i b. w* Maj •fen,. Oo iiy ’Vfre %di7 : iSBtTA-j’ae ession by the deputy sheriff . f -Tmtip connK-, acting i.ndi r pi this f .ii. ffaiti! thV H3.iil;tlWj the possessi n o. ;n ■ ante, and Ii ft there receiving t: r re Is uiYd ofits —that he is ms Iv. nt, ami t e c ■ midahl- j and Ims a grai.t from the state of (i. orgia for! iacuon.,l in! id land o. 5- in li.e 16. h district, j .pon w l.ici. said lot of land the wes ert) hank of j sat. forty is Inealeu— by rciis. n ii <•!', the I mpiaiiiaid cl ~ tile to the o e alf of tire sai ter. .an ; its etjoluni. ids. V • .ave rea d sin wti ih com; !a; ant has n t btought ’t nisi 11 within the ml laid down, so a. as pos ssion is cou er td; nor has I- sh. u any t I mhi ..s ‘, ov # bill, •ti e or.* ha I of 11 t rry. unh ,i d* rives sin h till troi i the grant is.-u and to t.ini b . the stale, tin tae afoie -aid tr ie in and lot ol land, upon which the w.*- tern •nk .1 the feu yis located. VV hat is a terry in legal enntempHtio i ? • A terry is a franchise which cannot he set up mtiiout th king's licens 5 Comvn’s Digest, “66. la tins -at , the right ot’ leirv mai he | gr iiitcti to a u -.1, t*y an act of the lcgi< j ;<i ure, or In t .ejusti es of the iiilern r cou ts, 1 n tlie respective counties, a< tli g under the : it-' 1 ho iv of lie legislature. See I'm i’s Digest, ~<■ 40. VV..;;t is a franchise? “ Frniicl isc nd fiber t. aresyuon ni<*ut mas. a dtinir t fiiuti.n is, a royal plivil go pi bra ch * f the king’s pr io g ii., subsisting m toe hands of the subject. B ing tli r fore deriied Irout tin crown, they inns anse from the king’s grant, or in some cases may b n Id by pr scription, which, as has b’ eu frequently said presupposes a grant 2 Black, t om. 29. As w t hay oo king in tins i coar.tiy in wlioni the sovereign power is vest ri, 1 it is lasted in thi state authorities by the peo | pie, u less delegated ilsewln re. The same r.ghts and privileges which appertained to the crown iu Lngtand, can he exercised b\ the au l hoi dies ol tile st te, w hen ot r< pugnaut to the Constitution ad laws of this - ton try. The -a tne Ira chi-, s w i liihc king .nil gra t i England, the i gular eonsti lit and authorities oft this st ile can giant here. We have already • shewn that the legist turn of this stale and fin j inferior com sos the re -p ctivi < omitiee. ar ting under t ;e authority of Ii figtslntur . have the • x bisiie right to estti! li-h ferries. Has flic complain, nt*h ivtt any grant to the terry in qu stum, IV.>in tiie legi-lal’ire, or frcin tile infe r tor court, to hints* If or to those In m whom he all. g s lie pinch :sed the ci rlith ate ? 8o tar from it, there is o evi fi nee xlnbited that the lighi of terry lias evi r lie. n gniiite I o anyone ; n** a I gati n tlmt such fi rrv hast ver bei nesta. bhsli and by the competeut authority, Doe-; the gr nt ir mi the state of Georgia, fir the fraction 1 1 ot of lad, cetiv yto him the ri Id of ferry ? Upon nn inspection of the grant, it will he seen he st be In-grated fn'lie .Tim. plain int, a ;i.l trardioiml lot of a ‘‘together uatll all an’ sineul r the rights, members and a purte.ian es thereof, in f*■ simple.” But the right of terry is not exj> e sly granted, unless the light he included in the general grant. Does the general grant of the fractio. si lot of laud, by the state to the complainant, neceusari ‘V Convey to hpn lie ight or title to o:e half of the ferry in qu stion ? or entitle him to re ’ etv one half of the emoluments arising (here fi m f Tths ferry is not alleged, in con plain ant’s hill, to be a private terry ; and according t>> the ;ules of pleading, the court will presume he his case as lavor.-.ble t, himself as the finis w ill authorise; and ther for. con.-i !ers i it a public ferrv, upon a public highw y. more j e'-pcciall as it is stated to!, is charged and re 1 eeivori for ir- s-i g at t r s .nie. For w fiat object are public tetries estab lish -I'. ’ fi r whose benefit i the right of ferry granted to an individual l The object in the establishment of public ferries, is unq le.-tmna bly public convenience; i ©-idcd for the b nefii ol the people , ho travel th public io ds. The prop* r auth rify gr nts the right of feny to an indrvi.iuai, and at the same time requires of him certain duties in return for the privik g-, which : j lie is bound to perform for the protection ot the j citizens gent ral y ; ands a compensation for | that pro eetion, he is allowed to charge certain I rati sos toll. *’ f n every country, a ferry forms a na ttf a pnfihc passage or highway, wher, v rrv ,c. w !. re, nip the pa-s din boats ; and on - j ton the law of die land must neeess; rilv, fi 1 j establishing terries and k ejai.i them in order. : make proviso n, a- it *'oes for keeping high ways in ■ pair. In thi w \, a f rr. bet mu prop r.v, an incorpoi • hereditament, the ou n ers o| widen, for the public couvem nee, beu.g ol ligee by law to perform cert ;n > ufdic servi i as, must, a-a re sonah'e pquo a at, be pro to ted m this property.” 2 Dane’s Abtidge ni* nt, 683. It is admitted, the legislature, as well as the five interior courts acting under its au- j kffij.Us, jkorzs fee power to establish r • > him! *rfifig. But i aiiriot the right *"fi rrv h g<au- j other tha him who - the jgp,i f i P tpf’ r. t sfiw.tld require it? A-■ i t'.c aii.-Tilutcly be ccnfinw.l to*him b re f td tht right 1 ’ f ity ( all legally , xj-t Utl : rs, i- J oof neisi n li # ; him wijo i.wns tbe seif es *. ii hit.ttk O. lie fife!, lien the! • , !/;. of h m; am i t uavi: g a grw t • tv- I * ii; jut oi fi>n< , oVe. .will* fe is a p ufiijic ,r* • . • .. up..rr j pa-id. h is a pife.K- Jerry in ctmg, „o - a<> I CCS; • ily (miepi Tuie .! fop* O.t ’• ...raw from Vie pr.,l him tl.erafe tr. , •• - .WtfSP* ’ ‘. V 1,1 • ’-p'*>. t - 1 c uioß TmT . “.ri a rw...■>•*., 11. I a'slati re •r I'MtnaHKVi, utri'er any , rrr uni* , ul. r ; IdSTu t of firry css. legally iu ii kit* w. Tfeytyju*ueta*,t ki- w.-a*-<r.q.j • aclffeiue o! the i iiTrTvTvTTnqWlffrF^k^ I ing t.,c land, does t e; n*; . .-wanly give title to ! tie- terry, lie have endeavored to shew that a fern is j.; fra clti.-e g = nti *t by I < • at*, t • * i\ dee! ’ for the item tit of tin pu! lie. That r. i- • pub lic highw..y—; n inc* • r.d herwfli o*t. i is comp t< nt lor the I. i-,;.ture <*; • -’ate ti : t: k piivate prop tly t r neeess rv •’ im. t'u! i public purpof's.” G rive r i. rfi* wd age ot’ New bin gb, 2,1 bn. th.,n lv the right of the compete! t authdrity to estar h-n itits ttny. c nnot be doubted ; and • thei# i no n sirieti r- (ft ’i- right (*x • \ v.iwte •o; *-t’, C'ltinoi • t; • n twr pu’-h u* , with ut jua ! compensation) it f Hows, • • necea-ttry conse qu* ce, that such rTulhorily could giant th> right ol la ry to any oth r i.idiTifluwl w well a; jto him w iio ow ns the land on til western ba fi |ot the tiv. r. It we ailtnit he un estrie’e* power < f the *onq eti nt autl oiity to giant the rigid ok ii rry, subp ct lo llie constitutional ituti- [ ’ l non thus state. , we must al-o a. nut th .1 am h : n lit ia It gaily *xist in on who a>i a not I own the soil on cithei bank ot tit* nrer, prev:- •ed tli jn inle.t I a granted to ■m. iln incivKii al o whom the tight to Wave and ke* p a public fi riy, upo a public highway. : is gi nted, may properly be, ered the agin 01 the liltiic, so tar as the s Vi ;sl due appertaining thi reu to, * e eoneerni-d Hi i utii'S are pn seiihed hv statute. He is lira, i ‘ liable to ce tain p ins and penal ics, tor tii | ; uegk'i i thereof ; slid is ri quired to give bend ! aiiu sieUrily lor the f ithli.) pi rforntanc* •■’ j I such duties, end as a cen p. r -mi n th’ r for is allowed to charge . nd re- e.’e . vitain rates of tII tmni tbosewho cress tbei.w.. Prince’.- 1 i ;g -t, 40e, 4 7. Blackstouc, speaking of the g artir.g incor poreal hereiliiaments, the right of wav, &e ----i r. it.arks : “ tvh* n th. law t etli gm any thing to one, it giveth impliedly vi h itsoevi ri- • * ce sail for itijoy ing the same. [2 Blai k. 36 ] The same Ip.lined author also sms. st caktna o’ ! Ira elusi's, “ ihal the same id u;cri fuu his | will’ , has In lor bee granted t o *. i anm-t j be It s l ived on another, (or that w. ij, pieji.. j nice the lormei grant.” Black Com. 29. “ Ths i ivner of a lern It's a right te use tir- i 1 mis on h t. sides of the waltr. li>r tb pai ! post of eniharki gaud disembarking I. is pa st tigers, without having, nt the s rue tin- , am j property in the soil o either mlc. Fort!..’ principle is, that a fe/rv is in resx .t of tl; ‘ landing place, and nt of ti,,- n iter, (i is suffi cient it tne landing place he iu .i public high- j way ” Peter- vs. Iv i *l. 6! at new all and j Cressw h, 703. ‘J hat the int rest of priv le| iu iviuuals must yit Id nfu n the tr erest t ;l c pm lie neeess.t.ily rlemaiu's it. we have air aky ; sin tin. The and cisi in just cited seems lo be a rational one, nhd in accordance with the pi in i iple from Blaekstone. “When th” law doth give any thing tonne, it giveth impliedly whatsoever is necessary for enjoying the same. The grant from th* legislature or (b* ioianer. * court, of tic iVfi ( f fcr*. w’ljiUl be tmfin If tmgnt rv, II t!e inrtiiK!e„j to whom the tcirv fiivtpge was gu.iitcfC ci uld imt * mfiark a nil j “3i*nmark Its passengrrr- The oijeet of the gran* wcuh. 1 r ntirchr defeated, and the ecu ve. e e- of the r.” l lie fn s’rr.tad ff ti e individual who happens to own fl | soil. u| on a pel lie fiighwev, has the exclusive j n^f,t nl ,etr . v v fl'ted in him, and the right run no* h ve- tr din and . xercis id by another, (hi u such individtral wou and ii ve the interests and coni cnterice ot ‘he while comn unity in fiis power, so I *w as r g rd- erorsim* the water course I ounrieri ! y his land. If Ihis doctrine, hi sound, the if ~ san.e evil would exist in re lation to t, e rstabli-1 mi n* es public roads, for there exist- no rational eifference between the eafablishment ot a public ferrv upon the land of another, and times’ blishment of:, public road, j B ' ll “ r| * a appears, I oth from the outhoritv cited and the r asan of the t ing itself, that the owner of the soil where a publie ferrv is esta !i-he does not, as a matter ofcourse, havo - r xCm-ive tifb fi the ferry,without anv grant o that i fii t - tfip ro-. patent authority, vest ing such ii bt in him. Tt public interest requires a turnpike rowel shouln lie laid out, unni: g over th complainant’! fractional lot of ;i ‘ no. 58. - 1 In legi-lutare grunts the right t i a e su*h toad to an individual other ‘ban th compiarnant. und authorises such an i’ civi dual te charge and receive certain rat of tol from all pjg~sons who travel saul read when it i- comp;* ,t ttei the compie ion r-f the turnj dtc roan, n® • oulfl |\e entitled to receive tho tiols, fife'ti s w r! emolument- arising therefrom; the individual to whom the leg* ’uregrnted the right, or (he complainant upon whose land the rod, was made? The aim ;*.r is plagr. oven |to tl# •< * nmen understanding • yet ,bi© I •feims rece ve tin toll •*d emoluments ati • [rifts, bom biv> rowd, is equally os strong as hfe ’ b'om to j ■ ecpive the toil- • and en.-olurcentJt \ • i * ir, in fee ferry, uaon tbesamo , jUin) rgfe. - }4<iv ■* thi* efiurt would interfi r* 5 to ti.e grute ffom exereisi g his right .f . firm* Ul rue* , he’ instance, or from making fi • m the other, upon tht laud of fee cora ’ • -iu until just ctnnpettsaUon ha* bo>n mad i y now to drfiSfce.^Nor uiSt v-f et icpfair writ i.iiv;, fc ” ;•. - ,n.ple tale to the !r> ioiiai lot of !..*£ oi rcb the ferry !';na t- h * •*( <;, one-ni t re,retsai'!v (incepen .'ent of IMPy* *,fer grant) confer upon him the oi fi ny, wbfeh he claims in his biH. Th® t. bet v the owner of the soil, haw ti • rig! fto f wt*. ve n ’ urii'e- grofetf, * BCepf I<t ly tb*- i wiirh the g ily constituted j authentic* oi (!■ >t, u ha\;,ot appropriating II ;:■* • **,'ol’ for n*ces-rv public pur* j, . • *,, • ;ch just con'.pons*:i'-n >• be made. It is r.ot nectw-ary for the court to i >* the title es the defei dant, for if th* c n plainnw’ hw- *wr, A* and murer must k* suslaiurd. “It the [ • .rlifl, from h* e- • as*, de.- r,. t -I** % enougi*, •< fails to rv <UI •JttiV ny evid. nee, his tnfiwill r* dism'srt.4 without a warding ,*n is so©.” feicoll -©. Th© ruatews ©f Iluniinfdo©, 1 iohn. CU... Hep. 166. “An injunction will be granted, to rknn to party the enjoyment of a principle c*;fer**4 by statute, of which he is io the actual pasnssiom and when bis legal title is not put in doubt.’* t roton Tun fake Company r. Rider. 1 John. 1 ban. I.rp. 611. •• This e. nrt dees not int r j sere hv juules© the party ©(Spfemg ’ Ur'tTe remedy, has a rested right, legal or j . quit ili e. which u av he gi ©tjy if not insepa ©- I lily affected by tne arts sought to be restrain* and. j The corporation *fi N*w Ivik rs. Mas©*.*. 6 John. Chan. Rep. 46. The complainant in this cause, not having sh* wn by hi- bill possession of the ferry in ■ question, nor, m the opiui* it of the court, aoffi. ; < len* title to the -ame. to authorise i 1 further to restrain the defendant by injunction. It is feer©- tore considered ©nd orflered by the rourt, that : the de. un er fil*d lo i • * omplainant’s bill, in the cause afor* ©©id, be sustained, and the bill dismissed. IIIRAM WARNER, Judge Styper tor Court, C. C. *ge’ 1. i . i- ■©,■!. ■ g© Mi'rifiiilji w lia an* inc* blc >. to nit t. . , .'ostiv re qne^ff* J to com forward and make immedia'D j vment. rs we are • oatlv m wans *4'the rhino. They cn ot complain so: want of indnlijcnco. as some ac counts hare be*r® on t wrly feur years, thcro- t‘*cy cannot export long-r dtlay:—* a tcord to the trifte C. F. SHERBURNE. rwi'u: following BLANKS,- neatly printed on “004 * • ai\'r, at tha office and kept constantly on han4 •s: 1 at riniuced prh'o? Sheeiff’s 1 f.fps, of the common form. Siirriit's tLii! Bondi*. ’o Ua: Ba. Bondi. SIIFUIFF'i* Kx Cllticn*. | do ('a. Sa's. Attaciimf.vts. dcsTicf s’ Executions. Jcstices’ I'li i a ration > in Case. do in Assumpsit, do in Debt, Common Prods. F> uda nud Powers of Alto, to Administrators’ Rmds. do Letters* Guar rian s’ Bonds, do Letters, NUaruioE Licence*.—Note© of Ham}, Pension Blanks, Sk JKO 5,