The Palladium. (Newnan, Coweta County, Ga.) 1835-18??, October 17, 1835, Image 1

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vr>L. i. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY i BY V. F. Sherburne, Editor and Proprietor. Terms. —Tlirce dollars per annum, payable in advance br within i,\ months after the receipt of the first num ber, or four dollars if not. paid within the year. Subscri bers bring ou: of the state,\\ ill be expected in all cases, to pay in advance. No subscription received for less than one year, utiles 9 (he nibney is paid in advance; and no paper will be dis continued until all arrearages arc paid, except at the op* t ioli of the publisher. Persons requesting a discontinu ance of their Papers,arc requested lobearin'mind, a set* tlrment of their accounts. Adveri ;s.emexts will be inserted at the usual rales; when the number of insertions is not specified, they will be continued until ordered out. All Letters to the Editor on matters connected with the establishment, must be post paid in order to secure attention. Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes, by Ad ministrators, Executors, or Guardians,must be published sixty dats previous to the day of sale. The sale of persona! Property, in like manner,must be published forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to debtors and creditors ofan estate must b p blished forty dais. p Not ice that Application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes, must be pubished four months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days an and etters of )is mission, six months. Jk LIST Oh LEITERS remaining in the Post-Office, Netvnan (Ga.) October 1, 1835. Atkinson, Robt Knox, IVm Amis, YVm, King, Mrs. Mary Allen, Thomas Lamoert, Blakly Akin, H S Lovelace, Wm Andrews, J S Legh, Charles Akin, Wm. Marshall, Wm Ball, Tuean H Magers, Samuel Bethune, John Merawither, James Bohannon, Joseph Merenson, John Brown, Mrs. M T McFarland, D C Biedso, John Mercer, James Burrou, Arch’d Moore, Geo-ge Bradley, Mr. Morgan, Mathew Bryan, Tlios Moore, Elija Benton, Archibald Manners, Joseph Bingham, Elija Newell, Samuel 3 Ballou, Thos W Neel, Samuel Bates, John Odom, William Byron, mrs. B Ottwell, G B Burges, Polly Persons, M Bell, Mary Pentecost, George Bryant, George W Pryor, mrs. A C Capley, Jesse Powell, inrs. Sarah Cox, mrs Elizabeth Parker, Carter Clerk S court Ray, Andrew T Chandler. Zachariah Russell. A & S Chandler Jefferson, Rainy, H C Carrington, M John C irn (in, Joh o Rowland, Sherod Cash, William Rush, Wm. L. Crowley, Abram Reynolds, Jefferson Coleman, Wm. W Reynolds, miss S A Coker, J C Stewart, L C Chappell, Thos Smith, Eliz. or John Dougherty, W. esq. Shell, Ishani Davis, W illium Stedhard, Zachafiufe Daniel, A Summerj Adam Davis, Britton Smithwick, Edmond Davis, Wm J Spratling, Wm. Easterwood, Mathew Smith, John Echols,miss Catherine Smith, Stephen D Easterwood, J VV Subtley, James Kudin, Charles Terral, JoclW Echols, S D Tallifero, Charles B Fuller, Mathew Taylor, John Foote, mis. A E Tarrenli ie, Dan C Farr, Y\m. Teacle, John Foreman, Beverly A Thompson, Wineford Granade. B M Thompson, James Guthry, Janies M Thomason, James Garret, Henry Upshaw, Wm. G> ry, Allen Vaughn. Henry Horton. Elisha Wilson, SI A Hearn, Thos. Ward, George Holdm n, Christian Walker, Moses P Higginbott on, Robt Williams, James S Henry, William Wood, Green L Hail, Wm Wakefield, John Heard, George C Weaver, Samuel Holman, Thornton While, Thomas Ingrain, Joh i Wood, James Johnson, Abner Wilcoxon, I.evi Johnson, Robert Walker, Stephen Kelly, De y 3 October. JOHN BOWEN, P. M. MY friends who are ind ebted to me arc earnestly re quested to come forward and make immediate payment, as we are greatly in want of the rhino. They cannot complain for want of indulgence, as some ac counts have been running oil nearly four years, there fore they cannot expect longer delay;—*‘a word to the wise &c.” C. F. SHERBURNE. FOUR MONTHS after date applica'ion will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Cow eta county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell Lot No. 55 in the sth District of said county” belonging to the estute of John Dickson, late of said county, deceased. ASA DICKSON, ) .. . MICHAEL DICKSON S bxr9 ’ July 6 1835. 5 mtm JIfOTICR —I caution and for arn all persons from trading tor a certain promis sory Note, made payable to M. C. Goldsmith, by my self, on the 25’h day of Deeember, 1835, for four hundred and thirty-five dollars, given the 30th day of September 1835 : as said note •< fraudently obtained from me, I am therefore determined not to pay the same, or any part therefore, unloss compelled by law. ROBERT ROLLINS. 3 October, 1335, DISAPPOINTMENT. Away, tttvay, from our childhood’s home, In search of the bauble wealth, we run : Exulting in hope and health, we roam, O’er scenes that gleam in the setting sun. For the West where the mountains appear, From the haunts of our youth, we madly start, Ahd proudly dash from our eye the tear, With a teace be still to our throbbing heart. OnWard'we go, and beneath our feet, The pathway is smooth, and fresh and green, And the sky above is smiling sweet, In soft repose and silvery green. Wtt stop at last in the forest land, Weary of foot, and well pleased to rest; But our thoughts arc pure, our fei lings bland, No guilty tear is our bosom’s guest. And we look upon a stranger’s face, And his laughing lip and sparkling eye ; No fraud and no falsehood there we trace, For we never learned that smiles could lie ! We had felt the glow of a mother’s love, In the glance and smile of days gone by ; I was doomed in the stranger’s land to prove That they could illumine dark villainy. How cheerless now is the earth’s wide waste ! • Since gone is the charm —dissolv’d the spell, Our fancy wove in confiding haste ! Let the murmurer memory tell. ROSS. ICP The above was sent as an original communica. tion —we would respectfully request that our communi cants would confine themselves to their own ideas, and ; not give, or attempt to give us, any plagiarism—for wo believe ourselves well read sufficient to detect any im posture. From La-Belle Assemblee. THE SMUGGLER’S DAUGHTER. A few weeks since business caused my at tendance at the Admiralty. While waiting in one of the anti-rooms, I heard myself accosted by name by a tall and elegant looking man standing near me. My eye rested on his figure but memory refusing recognition in the gaze, I inquired his identity. My surprise was great j at finding he was one of my dearest, and earli- i est friends ; and the start cf astonishment, j almost of pain, which his revelation elicited from me, must I fear have communicated to him the knowledge of the withering havoc which sorrow had made on his person. Only five years had elapsed since our last meeting, and that period, when unmarked by mental suffer ing or sickness, may pass over ma while in his prim!—and Captain Taucred was now only thirty-five without leaving a record of its flight. I had known him in boyhood; he had bee : the wildcat, but the and most generous of my school companions. His pres* neie *hi‘id ever been the signal for some thoughtless freak or hazardous adventuie. With a spirit fresh und buoyant as mountain air, exuberant health, and exhausiless vivacity, he was formed to he the idol of his associates. He seemed desti id for happiness ; he had every element of it in himself; and utterly exempt from that co trad ing selfishness which binds up the sympathies of too many natures, he revelled in the joy of dispensing it to others. Left to the choice of a profession, he selected that of (he sea; it as similated best with his taste, for it afforded in dulgence to his peculiar temperament, which always seeking after strong excitements, would even court danger in all its varieties. ‘The very character of the element had charms for him : he loved its false unsubstantial surface, its en ! gulphing depths, its perilous quicksands, the warfare of its waves, whose wild hoarse mur murs seem to warn aan from their territories : they had terror in their sound, and that sound was music in his ears. Often, when the tem pest from above had lashed the ocean into fury, and it boiled forth its wrath in billows which threatened destruction to aught of human power that dared its ire, I have known him singly em bark iu a little boat, in assertion, as he would say, of man’s pr< rogatives, and to ti ample on the enemy which se. med to oppose his fee a - over nature and her works. At the termination of our maritime struggles, fin ing his very soul enervated at the prospect of indolent peace, he obtained the comma do; a revenue eulter, anil I parted with him in the fuM glow of health, o his departuie for the coast of Norfolk, to e ter on his new service. Engaged in active pursuits, 1 had little oppor tunity for c-irrespo dence ; hut my hart often , held communion with him, who was the dear* st friend it Imd ever known. An interval of leis- j ure having occurred in my occupatio , 1 hud re- j selved on visiting him n few days subsequently to the period when chance again uniie.i us. And was it, could it he Tancred, the gay, the j handsoin', the volatile Tancred, who stood be lore me? His very voice seem and cha <ged ; its accents now h da mournful cadence, like the reupo Bos of a rifled cavern, and they were tilt echoes ol a hare and shivered heart. There was still about hun the exquisite polish of de meanour so often instinctive with high birth, for Tancred was nobly connected, which had al ways distinguished him; hut the lofty hearing, the unquailed eye, the sunny smile, were gone forever! At an interview which 1 afterwards had with him, he disclosed to me the eve.,ls which had produced such a metamorphosis m his aspect and manner. The substance was us follows; The signal station which Captain Tancard commanded was situated, as I have sail', o. tne coast of Norfolk. It was near a remote hamlet and partook in a eminent degreo of that dullness and insipidity which so often distinguish a OUR COUrT.IY, f r 'R WRONG.— Decatur. Ni:w.viy, cowsta cotot ? \, jr. ,im country village. The localities exhibh and no peculiar points of i forests. The scenery “ s not of that elevated an ‘pleturesqiii character which, in many parts of 1 ngl: nil,* in loveliness and grandeur the landscape of I’aly j ■ of Switzerland, might well rente t a people less migratory than ourselve. with the otiv sam ples it displays of nature’s power. W ha . nine of this: the painter or the poet might j have looked on without the faintest glow ol that kindling enthusiasm which rushes from the , heart and thrills through the frame, a’ the sig t I of beauty in whatever gl ise displayed, unin i st rue ted, u altered, by the s phisticntioris of art | flesh, luxuri nt, and p .Iccti th visible und I tangible evidence of that, unerring system of | harmony and arrsngen-.-.'1],.. which til divine 1 ruler conducts the universe. The inhabitants, J too, of YV were generally uncultivated | and illiterate. Education had there been tardy jin its Civilizing influ nee; and there was a ! rnongst the lower classes, he mass of the popu j lation.dittle f that Uu.eitv of feeling and manner ■ which may in some measure PtOP.e for the ah j sence of the higher mental qualities. The ser ‘vice in which Captain Tanc rd was engaged drew an almost entir line of dctnarcatin.i be tween himself ad his neighbours. He m t them, and perchance the how and courtesy of compelled deference w; re accorded; hut there ■ was neither glance, nor tone, 1 or word of sym pathy exchanged. He was looked upon, by those even who stood unconnected with the il licit traffic which it devolved on him to oppose, with distrust and suspicion. He was one of those men however, whose activity and healthi ness of temperament supply to themselves the deficie eies ot place or people. Still there were moments when h.s customary empl yinents (ailed of amusement; when even his own belov ed element was gazed upon with the eye of listlessness ad dissatisfaction; when h weuld more gladly have enjoyed communion with living than inanimate natuie. In o eof these, j moods he wandered forth on the beach. It was | at that hour when The moon was up, and yet it was not bright. The sun was still in the sky, and the ocean I blushed in the gorgeous beams which crimson- I ied the west. A thousand clouds floated around the throne of his * xpiring glory as though they , were anxious to bear away to some favourite and distant clime a trace of his splendour. A few stars were ou to murk und guard the orbit | ol th.: timid moon, which, pah’ and more beau \ tiful than all, seemed the type of that blessful ! world of pence and rest, from which she had just emerged. Tancred felt in its full foice. the might an ! majesty of the scene arou and him. - an ■?■y.dwn. t e un eireumserib and tirmemerd, *>i*> “.-tar- width an the poetry or heaven/’ and not feel his own insignificance in the scab of creation? YYhn i ?an think of the world, its empty distinctions, . its lev* rish pnssio s, its trivial pursuits, while gazing on the immensity of nature? The.heait must be dead to very finer impulse, the mind destitute ofevery noble desire, which can resist its views and wisher to mortality, while corn. ternplati g the symbols of immortality! Immersed in his own reflections, the hours glided imperceptibly on, and Tancred st; rted n fin ling the waves were “winning their wav to tne gol b n shore ” lie was about to retreat hastily, when a form at a distance met hi- ob servation Perhaps it might be humanity to warn the individual . f the ‘lunger f her -itua lion or curiosity to discover who was the lonely w nderer, or gallantry, that wan ever bore the outline of a f male, vv irh led him hastily forw rd to offer prote* tin . It was decli <d bv the young und luqely girl to whom it was prof fere*!, with sueh bewitching yet shri king ti midity, such tr mi ling apprehensiveness, *hat his interest was fine nr re p wt-rfullv awakened by her refusal *han and she had acceded to his | request. Casual and slight, however, as this; introduction t*> each other may seem, it formed i the basis of a permanent ai quai lance. 1. is, unnecessary for me to tra.e its progress, or to follow it through ill its gradatio s, whil ger minating into friendship, till it arrived at the matuaitv flove. The development of a passion which involves the whole sum of earthly hap piness <f iw ii .divi mils, whim embiaees iu its issue anguish oi bliss to them, here and hi real ter. m ,y yet be toodefici nt in striking peculiar ly of i eide tto engage th sympailues nfoth i ers. ‘To a c rtain point this was the < a-e i the attachment of Captain Tam-red am Helen, | for so was his idol railed. There was mystery | about her which she seemed most u willing to j aceouut for or unravel. Beyond the name of j Helen, h: was even igno ant It w ihe object of his worship was desing aied. “A rose by any oth r name will son II as sweet:” and vv ile gazing on lilt * xquisite being befor him h of | ten thought how little accessary were name, 1 birth, or situation, to the poss ssion of beauty grace, and dignity. Mu was eighteen, vet 10, kid even childishly y ung for that brief date jof years. Her term was bounding and light, : and there was a freedom and elasticity in her step, winch her natural quietn- ss of spirit ml demeanor at times could scarcely control. Ther were moments when a daik and mel n ch ly shade of s dticss would steal across a brow pine and clear as the lair and stain 1 ss snow of heaven; aid the small rosy mou h, which s emed blushing for the peril its match less beauty exposed others to, would compress and almost quiver with internal agony. The yee, ton, so blue and bright, woul sometimes j lose its look of boundless radiance; while a j i glance of deep, mournful, and nassionato feel- [ ing woul I b.-arn from its azare depths, and the daik silken fringe which shrouded its glory be. ome gemmed with the tears of silent sor row I anered often interrogated her as to the i cause of her unavowed grief. To imagi oit ■ the result of personal misconduct was iucom- I ! ! ,a bhl with the a gelic purity which so pecu ! iiar| y distinguished heirand which, even more perhaps than her extreme loveliness captiva ted his imagination, and enthralled his heart. Ls her relations and friends she spoke little She talked indeed of her< r, hut it was evi- 1 dent th. t fear ad awe were blended wiib fillial ! love and du:y. 1 hat she moved in the lower \ w.Jl.s of hte, her appearance irqk< ated, though in her eonveissluj , and in and gentie repose ol her manner, there was not discovera b.c the dighiost taint of vulgarity. They met bu! seldom and reach time with the resolve on Helen’s lips of parting for ever. But who shall tell the struggle it requires voluntarily in sepa rate from the being most dear to us? Policy, prude ce—worldly wisdom may bid us burst tne letters which e: chain our souls but when those tetters are, at the same time, the only connecting links between us and happiness— when the s appi: g of them rives assunder, too, the ties of co fidence, sympathy, ad affvbtion —oh! who shall marvel that we hug the chain closer ad closer, till the mashes become so woven and entangled with our very heart’s stri gs, that the breaking of tbe one may shiver the others too. Tuner and, convinced that the destiny of his future life depended for light or darkness on his belov and Helen, offered his hand, though literal ly ignorant of the very name ol her to whom he tendered it. His proposal was received in silence and tears: still it was not rejected; in deed a faint smile illumined her countenance, and a slig it pressure of the hand was his w hen he talked of the ensuing week for their nuptials. This was supers:ructure enough for Tancred to build a fair) castle of hope upon, a,id he an ticipated, with boundless joy, the near prospect, ol calling Helen, the fair, the delicate Hele.;, his own for ever! But now to deviate from the order of may narrative. In a rugged and rarely trodden path which 1 led to the beach stood a mean and lonely hut. It was ol that coarse and rude description which the mind involuntarily associates with | the idea of even squlid poverty, and from which ihe eye retreats, while the bosom yields a sigh j of pity for those condemned to inhabit it. It ■ wore a ch erless aspect, an air of negligence mid gloomy ilesol ten ss, which seemed as though it were w iifuUj indulged, and even pri- j d* and in. Tne * -mates of this hut consisted of an old man, ‘ his daughter; little was known of tle-rii )no asc.etic and uncompromising st rnness of the lather operated so powerfully ngai st th*- daughter, that her meek demeanor and singular liveliness could hardly subdue the general feeling of dislike which was entertain ed for them. Os their occupation, or even of the precise nature ot their present employment none were aware. Some im pined that the .ather lab'red un era partial alienation of rea sor; lor there was at limes a savage moodiness about him w Inch approximated to insanity,— He s. Idem was met in the hamlet, and neither visited nor r> ceived his u*igl.burs, by many of w hom, as he had been more than once sur prised in the ex rcie of fire-arms, and the ar rangement of sea tackle, it was suspected that he followed ill daik, desperate, and unlicens* and trade ol smuggling. The unuvowed xercise too, of any other oceup tio , r* ndered the b< - het prevale t ;.nd strong. ]\or, was suspicion taise. Old Denham, which was the appellation ol H leu’s father, was a smuggle! In voc tion and ehoie ,it might he almost said, by na’ure. In early hte he bad tilled a subaltern situ tion in th>- navy; but the morosem ss <-f his temper led i ft qu irel with h.s captain, and he quitted an honorable service to engage in dishonor ble tr flic.— lie had fa cit'd himself wronged, thong: ho himself was his inly en< my. The convieti n, howev i, of having been injured, combined with the loss of a wife, who, though he tyrannized over while living, he bewailed! crus, less!, when dead, and the accidental death j ofan only son, soured his disposition to abso- j lute m dignity. The eonsta. t poverty which ho str g: ted with, his exclusion from ~1l soci tv,’ and even the beau y of IT len, which might render her so accessible to design and danger ! ’ —all lid their aid in makn g Denham an object of restless misery to himself, or anxiety to his j child, ami detestation to his ne ghfcours. It lias been stated, that, in ignorance of her condition in life, in ignorance that h ■ had pof fered his hand to one whose father would have hac little computation in stabbing him to the ‘ heart, Captain Ta cred had fixed the following we k for uniting himself to the sniuggl r’s daughter. For sevi ral nights a vessel hod been observed floating “n the dark vvateis, which had ar used tin-suspicions of Captain Tancred. — On the Saturday mglit pieci ding the week in which he tondh hoped to renize his heart’s dearest was again descried. On that evening a seaman, who had recently been added o th’ deiai nment, was on the waler for the I llr-’ time. By t e moon’s light lie r cognized, in th einnmnmler of the littl vessel, a m to rious smuggler, who had long masted the coast of Kent, where he had previously serve , but had alwavs eluded ursuit, and iia I for some months disappeared from the neighborhood.— Y'heint lhgenco was communicated to Captain [ i oncred. who, with a party of tnep. put off in a boat in chase. Tt wa,: a wild and sionrv night; the moon at intervals o ly broke throi g}j i|, t . huge masses of cloud which drifted along tl.o >ky, the darkness of which received frequent ! illumination from the lightning’s blue glare.— j i i* e w ind howled around, and i From peok to peak the rattling crags among, Leap’d the live thunder. Many a heart might have blenched from dnr ing man’s and heaven’s wrath on such a night as this; but Tancard and his companions wero fearless; duty incited them, a. and they sped on wards duuntlessly. The vessels met, r.iid a si ert but dete mined eneoui ter ensued. Tb.- numerical strength of the sttegglers wa trifling in comparis.;n with their opponents; but ii spate lent them gigantic energy, and they fotig’,-’ ns though this world and the next had been staked on the issue at the engagement. After a “brief space.” h wever, the scuffle terminated in :h • defeat and capture of the smugglers. Yet lb’ . was one among them who stood UDharined, un yielding, uncismaved.—Throughout the con,bat a savage desperate, ess and ferocity of condo: had disti guished turn from his comrades. lii arm brandished a huge cutlass, which he rai to strike at the head of Captain Tancred, v L- , at the same moment, discharged his blued* - buss. One b.,11 entered the heart of the sun; gler, and a*gurghng splash of blood w lied from his side. On ■ deep short groan, an heait stopped its pulsations, and he fell a h corpse at the feet of Tancred. But the smuggler was not alone in his d* not a single victim to Tancred’s fatal weap<: “its scatiered shot destruction dealt around “ Iu the commencement of the affray a slit • figure, masked and enveloped in a large cloai had escaped observation by crouching in tl corner of the vessel. As the danger thicken ed, however, that form sprang from conceal ment. and was about to iuteipose between the combatants, when the fatal trigger was pulled, and a random bullet entered a bosom heaving with love for its murderer. The brave and the weak, the stern and the delicate, alike had been aDnihil.-.ted by Tancred's arm, and lay prostrate b. tore him! Tbe vessel steered has tily back to shor-, ad then was the discovery made, which stamped with unalloyed and un mitigahle griet th<- future life of Tancred- The bodies of the smuggler and his comrades were removed from the boat. There was no mask to hide the features of old Denham, and his ascertained identity created little sympathy. But the teari: g off of the mask, the removal of fatal disguise Irom the figure of his youtbfnl | adherent, awakened a thrill of horror, and to. overwhelmed one with a tide of misery that ni \>r ebbed. P* rception at first rj&sed to yr Id credence to the reality of tbe appearance presented to it. Hortor without limit, despair w ithout hope, were in the conviction; hut con. viction did come, and the miod sickens with the caotemplaticn of the matchless agony of the moment. Y s! it was the corpse of Helen that lay before him; killed, too, by his own hand! T he lair, the loop, the beautiful being whom ho bad worshipped with the idolatry of devoted love; who had lai.i on his bosom in the sweet confidence of pure affection; and to whom ho had been the whole earthly sum of weal and woe! He put aside the sott golden hair, which was now clotted with gore, and kissed Ihe mar. hie che< k, whose w hiti ness was stained with Hood. Her eyes were closed, yet on the lids stil. lap a tew glittering tears, the latest momen. tos of human suffering. Th little flower which he had that v< ry evening presented to her, was \et hidden in her bosom. It was crushed and faded; but, worthtess as it mav apperr to some, to him the world's riches would have seemed poor for tilt purchase of the holy relic. On in. quiry it was proved thut Denham, in his way. ward moods, w ould often take his daughter to he his companion in his unlawlul and danger, olis enter prizes. No reasonable motive could he ussig ed tor such proceeding by others ; it could only he traced to the natural tyranny of : his disposition, or might find solution in the | fears that ho sometimes expressed lest bis | daughter’s state of unprotected loveliness might Ibe invaded by insult. There wn* no osteuta. j nous parade of griet obout Tancred; not a | single tear d.d he shed over the grave when it open, dto receive his life’s essence. But the blight and struck at his heart, withered up ev ry i blossom of joy, and bla-ted, as w ith vulcanic I influence, the soJt verdure ol hope that had grown there. No amusement beguiled him of i ins woe, no occupation robbed him of one pang < f recollection. “Memory ceaselessly plied ihe work of pain,” and at the age ol thirty five he appeared before me, of joy, with a shattered frame, haggard looks, and a wasted j and decrepit! heart! ELIZA. Mother Jasper told me, that she heard Great j wood’s wile say that John Hartstoue's aunt mentio ed to her, that Miss Trusty was pres ent when Mrs. Parkham said Capt. Hartwell’s cousin thought Ensign Dolittle’s sister believed, that old Miss Oxby recollected, that Sam. i'rifle’s better half had told Mrs. Spaulding that ! she heard John Brimmer's woman say that her mother told her, that she heard her grandfather say, that Mrs. Garden had two husbands ! ! ! WANTED AT THIS OFFICE Two Journeymen and io apprentices. Arplica’iont’o be NO 7,