The Palladium. (Newnan, Coweta County, Ga.) 1835-18??, October 17, 1835, Image 3

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EFFINGHAM. Senator .Powers. Representatives Wald baner all State Rights men. WILKES. Senator Willis. Representative, Brown, Bolton, and Bradford all Union men. MUSCOGEE. Senator Hepburn, (Union.) Representatives Calhoun, (Nul.) Bonner, (Union ) JONES. Senator Hutchings. Representatives Dav, Gray, and Lewis all Union men. WALTON. Senator Echols. Represeutatiin Earl}', Bryant, and Hill all Union men. ELECTION RETURNS Schlep, Dougherty. Baldwin, 313 291 Bibb, 495 370 Bryan. lf>o 73 Bullock, 339 2 Burke, 312 581 Butts, 337 179 Campbell, 445 139 Carroll, 436 139 Cherokee, 191 165 Chatham, 680 398 Clark, 357 635 Cobb, 265 137 Columbia, 235 405 Coweta, 644 407 Crawford, 453 324 De-Kalb, 680 349 Early, 285 43 Effiingham, 134 170 Elbert, 130 830 Fayette, 503 235 Franklin, 623 227 Glenn. 49 85 Greene, 29 728 Gwinnett, 657 784 Habersham, 65s 237 Hall, 714 407 Hancock, 375 449 Hatris, 502 723 Heard, 345 134 Henty, 797 522 Houston, 657 499 Jackson, 528 367 Jasper, SSO 627 Jefferson, 159 452 Jones, 565 4§9 Lawrence, 6 427 Liberty, 149 157 Lincoln, 234 299 Lee, 129 123 Lumpkie, 519 269 Marion, 334 393 Madison, 299 266 Meriwether, 631 555 Mclntosh, 136 64 Monroe, BJ7 855 Murray, 234 14 Morgan, 214 419 Musi •ogee* 697 744 Newton, 511 796 Oglethorpe, 155 482 Pike, 539 372 Pulaski, 261 128 Putnam, 222 618 Randolph, 30G 143 Richmond, 565 473 Scriven, 218 258 Stewart, 574 423 Talbot, 843 737 Taliaferro, 13 410 Troup, 252 925 Twiggs. 453 314 Upson, 517 570 Warren, 415 560 Walton, 616 344 Washington, 593 508 ‘Vi I lies, 549 530 Wayne, 89 51 _ SIM AMO ifOITSR IP AH it SB II£J di- a THE snbscribcr informs his friends and the public, that he now devotes his time exclusive ly to the above business; and is prepared to paint all kinds of Signs, either, plain, or orna mental gilt. His charges will be moderate. HE will also paint and trim Gigs and Carriages of all kinds with neatness and despatch. He will undertake jobs in any of the Counties in this Circuit, WM. BRADLEY. Newnan, Aug. 20 1835. 1 3f. TVOTICE. —Four months after * date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Coweta county, when sitting for ordin ary purposes, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the orphans of Benjamin Selman, deceased. YV ,YV. SELMAN, guardian. October 3, 1535 Factoruge & Commission Business. fiMHE undersigned under the firm of I A ffl Voting & Cobb having taken tiio ‘ arc houses :,nf l close Stores, rcceut iy occupied by Messrs. Shorter, Tarver 4- Cos. and Mossrs.S K. Hodges & Cos. which will be open for the reception of Cotton and Mer chandize by the first of September next, and intendin'; permanently and exclusively to devote themselves to the transaction of the Ware House Factorage and Com mission Business, tender their services to their friends and the public generally, with the assurance that tlicir undivided attention will be given to the interest of their patrons. Their Ware Houses and Close Stores are in good or der and sn located as to be more exempt from the danger of Fire than any other in the citv. Particular attention will be paid to receiving and Forwarding Goods. wvi. p. Young, WM. A. COBB. Bolnmbus, August 17 ts BEMJ4MIN B4lttD ■WKKS th 5 method|of informing /jERUfiMpK JL his friends and the du Idle genera filjr ly that he continues the KJL-J WARE HOUSE COMMISSION BUSINESS, In Augusta, and has taken the fire-proof ware house on the corner of Campbell and Reynold streets, formerly occupied by Messrs. Slaughter and Labuzan, and recently by R. Malone, esq. Advances will be made, if required, on cotton in store, and orders for goods attended to with enre. THE PALLADIUM. NEWNAN, Saturday, October 17. IS3S. i “We have met the enemy, and they are ours.” Perry. From our returns, Governor Sciii.f.y is elected by an tmprecedenied vote, by a vote that has never been cast since politics has divided our State. A roan who can ride into power upon such an overwhelming majority, shows clearly that tie possesses the confidence of the community. That the community will support him, we do not doubt—that he will sustain the community in their views, we verily believe. The slanders that have been cast upon Judge Schley will revolt upon the origin ators. and to their shame. What have they made by it 7 Why, they have been defeated, horse, foot and dragoons. We marshalled our force, and although we had many m the hospital (say 10,000) yet we routed them —and from such a defeat, we trust that they will never recover. NULLIFICATION IS DEAD IN GEORGIA .’ ! / The first Monday in October gave it its quietus. Judge Schley can safely remark (in the words of a favorite author) “ But the suffrage of my own heart re mained, and that will ever prove a balmy cordial in the greatest afflictions our natures are liable to.” That Governor Schley has been greatly abused by those who have been his former friends, no one can deny, j If Judge S. has been in an error, discovers it, and sees tit to retract, does he not deserve more credit, than to persevere ? We say, yes. There is a sensation in con scious rectitude, of a quality so soothing, that whilst the bosom ot the injured is wounded by the sting of oppres sion, the patency of its virtue steals imperceptibly there, amTmingles with the throb of anguish—the triumph of self-approbation, and although reflection will, in spite of our best endeavors to conquer them, intcndly, and like the coward assassin, force their unbidden entrance on the mind ; yet, by an uninterrupted adherence to the path that leads to the suffrage of our own hearts, we shall indubitably rise superior to our misfortunes.” Our readers will perceive, that although the vote through the State has not been so large as the last gub ernatorial election, yet Judge Schley’s vote far exceeds the ticket was run last. Not in consequence of the un popularity of the present incumbent, but that there is a resuscitation in the country. If our custom admitted of Governor Lumpkin again offering, lie most assuredly would have been elected. We have heard from many other of our up-country counties (although not officially) yet we believe to be true—which will increase to Judge Schley’s majority, in addition to what wc now publish, at least 600 —and yet the strongest union counties are yet to be beard from. That, from the returns and information that we have, that Judge Schley will run in over 3000 votes, we verily believe. COMMUNICATION. Mr. Editor, Believing you to be a liberal man, both in politics and religion, I have ventured to make a short essay, hoping that it will find a place in your columns. When I see persons who profess the Christian religi on, and attempt, through their ignorance, to preach the divine doctrine of our Saviour, and will then endeavor to excite quarrel and bloodshed between his neighbors— that man is not to be trusted—his faith is not perfect— lie is an hypocrite at heart—lie is a dangerous man in the community—he beare two faces—lie would murder you in the dark—be will take any and every advantage of you. Beware, feilow-citizens, of such men ! Look at the work that such have been doing in our South and Western States; and tremble. You cannot leave your family, and say that they are in safety when such bigot ted fanatics are abroad. That such a man fives in our town, I verily believe—that he has been but a short lime among us, £ know, and hope that his stay will be short er. The Mississippi mode would not be too good for him. “ YVhoever the coat suits, let him wear it.” CATO. Upon the above communication, we will make a few remarks. Our columns are ever open to political discus sions, and all essay’s that do no* touch upon religious subjects—we do not deem a newspaper the proper exor dium to discuss such subjects. But under the excitement that now prevails through the slave holding states, we feel ourself authorised to publish the above, hoping thereby to assist in correcting an evil, if any exist. “To live by one man’s will, is all men’s misery. Civil laws, being the act of the whole body politic, ought, therefore, to operate equally and uniformly on every part ” Mr. Editor, That there is cogency in the remarks which you have recently made in the Palladium, in respect tp the neces sity and importance of a Supreme Court for the correction of Errors, is a fact which must be generally admitted by every person of observation or reflection. There is no subject which has been agitated, either in the halls of legislation, or in the primary assemblies of the people, of more deep and lasting importance, in its particular and general consequences, than the one before alluded to. That a subject of such magnitude, and fraught with such consequences, should so generally be permitted to pass from one session of our legislature to another, without being more particularly noticed and investigated by our public journals, is not a little surprising to the man of ob servation. When we reflect, sir, for a moment, upon the grand object of government, which is the freedom and security of the governed, and towards the consummation of which, permanency, uniformity and universality are ossential to the very nature and existence of laws, we are compelled to confess, when we look at our judiciary system, and the eonsequcnces resultin'; from it, that our laws, so far as it respects their operation and mode of administration, are wholly destitute of two of thos.’ essen tial constituents, namely, uniformity and universality. For it is too well known to be even mentioned, tha t what will, in many instances, destroy the reputation, blast the prospects, and ruin the circumstances of an in dividual in one section of the State, will scarcely aflect him in another. That certain individuals, who are not only in easy, but in affluent circumstances, have been reduced, as it were, in a moment, to perfect indigence—others, not on ly deprived of their liberty, but immured for months on months in the glooms of a prison—andaal as then, and since believed (by the most learned m the laws) through either tho unhallowed or ignorant decision? of a pres’ding judge in tho republican State of Georgia. It is u matter, almost of common observation, that a certain species of favoritism is but too prevalent in many of the courts of Georgia—by virtue of which certain members of the bar are allowed to assume a position and advance views of ten in opposition to the opinion of the court—pointing out wherein the court was mistaken, and thereby fre quently effecting an important change in lhe decision of the court—which if certain others (and pari icularly the younger members of the bar) should modestly attempt, they are immediately, and gererallv rudely crushed, as held in contempt by the court. Hence the propriety of the remarks by tho pcet of nature ; Great men may jest with faints; ’tis wit in them, But, in the iess, foul profanation. Thafm the captain’s but a choleric word, Which in the soldier is flat b'asphemy. AH this is no more than what might naturally be ex pected of petty tyrants, who are, in many respects, cloth ed with more unlimited authority than many of the kings in Europe. And if they have not played the same “ ty rannous and fantastic tricks before high heaven,” as the latter, it is owing to the force of public opinion, and the frequency es election, for there is at present no other check to their despotism. But often, when passion is roused, and the narrow intellect is opposed by a man of talents, the puny incumbent rushes along, regardless alike of public opinion, frequency of elections, grave decisions, and venerable authority—and the unfortunate suiter, who just the moment before imagined he was standing in the temple of justice, protected by the laws ot his country, finds himself robbed of his property — despoiled of his character, of his sentence pronounced, and he about to bo ordered into the hands of the execu tioner. There is, in fact, no such a thing as a fixed rule of action, operating equally on all, and beyond which the presiding judge cannot go; for each judge, in his own judicial circuit, is, for the time, the high priest of the temple, and, like the oracle of Apollo, often (in the same riding) perfectly fluctuating in his determinations of the law, in consequence of which, the plaintiff, in one county nnder tho same judge, recovers his property; and in another, under perfectly similar circumslancos, loses it- Now we have, almost, al the precision and technicality cf special pleading 1 formerly under a different determin ation of our statute, it was, in a great degree, almost wholly dispensed with. Thus, it is, on the approach of every new incumbent to the bench, the members oi the bar, eli cnls, and people at large, arc thrown in a moment almost, as it were, upon a s'ea of total uncertainty ; for mer decisions, and former rules of action, cease now to operate. Thus “it is, owing to this state of alternate fluctuation, that the members of tnc bar are perpetually learning and unlearning, and yet never learned. That an enlightened people, who are jnalous of their rights and liberties, and alive in watching every approach to wards the advancement of power, should passively, for a moment, submit to such a state of things, is passing strange indeed. For it is but too evident that such astute of filings is wholly uncongenial to the spirit and intent of the institutions of our country. A single presiding judge may, in the moment of excitement, overawe the young professional aspirant, by the stretch of his power, ! bear down the talents and genius of the bar, and rush a j foul of long established and venerable authority. And j from this, the only dernier resort, is t:> submit in silcnca and bow respectfully to the powers that be. Such a judicial despotism as this, is almost wholly un known in every civilised country in the world, and is to tally incompatible with the rights and privileges of an American citizen. That some men of talents, genius and virtue have presided as judges in Georgia, with hon or to themselves and credit to their country, is not to be doubted; and it is much to he regretted that their deci sions, which evinced, no doubt, so much ability, have passed away with the parsing moment, and not a rem nant remains to bespeak the mighty mind, or to maik out the land marks and rights of the citiz n. It is thought 8y some, that a Supreme Court for the correction of Er rors, will tend materially to delay, to multiply litigation, and enhance the cost of legal proceedings ; and tiiis is adduced as an argument against its creation. Surely this cannot waigh a partiole with a reflecting mind. For, if despatch, simplicity and cheapness constitute the sole object (and not the effectual security of the person, pro perty and characterof the citizen) then, sir, look to the despotisms of the Eastern empires, for instruction, for example, and for models of imitation and adoption-'- where man, perchance, may walk and live; but the lofty spirit which the God of Nature gave him, is crushed within turn by the force of despotism. But in every country in which the rights of the citizen are respected, and liberty has an existence, there must be checks and counter-checks ; and the road to the temple of justice must be somewhat circuitous—in order to ascertain facts, collect testimony, and gain light; besides, those who administer in her temples should be elevated far above the rage, the prejudice, and party bickerings which too generally prevail below. Truth is confirmed by investigation and delay; false hood avails itself of haste and uncertainty. But a Su preme Court for the correction of Errors, must necessa rily tend to establish a fixed, determined and pervading rule o r action, which will regulate and measure the ac tion, not only ot the citizen, but of every judge through out the State. It will give to our etatute laws, which in many respects, are wordy and ambiguous, a clear, deter mined and rational construction : the result of all which will be accessible toevery citizen. It will remove doubt and uncertainty, and litigation of consequence-must necessarily diminish ; and its inseparable attendants, the cost and expense of legal proceedings. It will throw around the person and property of the citizen, the ample shield of security. It will give more mildness, dignity, and impartiality to the hen cb, and by stimulating to in dustry, elevate the character and genius of the bar confer perfect security and protection on the people, and give permanency, uniformity and universality to the law. But as the important object before alluded to, can not be effected without an alteration of the constitution, many seem to think that it is of tem sacred a character to he touched for any purpose whatever. Although it is conceded that a profound deference and respect is due to the constitution, and that it should only be touched when the defect is evident, or the error noto rious, stir ely it is not the province of reason to canon.zc error, nor of philosophy to veil deficiency : nor is it com patible with the growing intelligence of a republican people, to look with a sanctimonious reverence on old in stitutions, and deem them, like the ark of the covenant, 100 6acred to be touched, although in many particulars radically detective and totally unadapted to the grade of population and the circumstances of the times. It is a position universally admitted by political philosophers, that in every country in which liberty has any existeneo the laws and institutions must go huna in hand with the march of genius and the dev elopement of mind. As tliat become* more developed, more enlightened, and new discoveries are made, new truths disclosed, and manners and opinions change with the change of circumstances, institutions mntt advance also, arid -keep pare with the tunc?. It would bo justaa tcjgoaablotorequire a ntj | to w&ir sail life habiliments which ikied him when a ; boy, as civilized society to remain ever Under tho repi- * men cf remote or barbarous ages. It is tiiis preposterous i idea which lias so friquently deluged Europe in blood, and stayed the march of political improvement Let us not, sir, follow their example ; but let tis, from time to time, make such amendments to the constitution of our country as sound experience and the growing in telligence of the people would seem peculiarly to require. That the people require a Supreme Court for t!i correc tion cf Errors, to fix and determine a pervading rule of action that shill operate alike equally on a’l, throwing the shield of its protection around the person, property and character of every citizen—tliat he shall not only ! think he is secure, but that he shall fee! and know lie i s secure—his rights perfectly exempt from the attacks of petty unlimited tyrants, whether swayed by pas-ion or actuated by corruption, is what the people do peculiarly require. “ talus populi supreme tsl lex.” One of the People. j-CT’ e are requestcd to announce JI DG.. it. b. 1 WOOTEN as a candidate for Sheriff at the next elec tion, Octoberl7. jCLr* W e are requested to announce J. WILLIS KILGORE, Esq. as a candidate for Sheriff at the election in January next October 17. ’dp* Wn are authorised to proclaim that colonel GEORGE PENTECOST will discharge the duties as Cleik of tho Superior Court, as he has done for many years, provided bis county friends see fit to re-elect him. October ] 7 jdp’ e are requested to announce BATTY H. MITCHELL as a candidate for the office of Clerk of ; the Superior Court- October 17 £ 3 EORGIA, Cotceta county. —Personally came be- W M fore me, M iliis Kilgore, one of the acting justices cf the peace in and for said county. John Jester, and af ter being duly sworn, deposeth and suith, that so much of the presentments of the grand jury of said countv as relates to the allowance of the keeping of two estray horses, without the assent of the clerk of the inferior court by his own authority allowed the enormous sum of 16 dollars for the keeping,, and that the cost attending the same was more than the horses sold for, while the said horses Were for the greater part of the time in the service of the taker up. Now, this deponent states that tile clerk told him in the presence of a good if lie would go to the justice of the,perce before whom the horses were posted, and bring a certificate ot the amount of what he would allow, that lie would a'so allow the same. And this deponent states that he went to the justice of the peace, to wit; James Echols, brought said certificate; and on the day of sale, the horses wore sold, and Jacob Ray bought the said horses. And he, said deponent, went to the clerk of said court, and pre sented the said certificate to the said cleik, and he re ceived the certificate : and he told the clerk that he would take the purchaser for the .amount of the same, which was ninety-six dollars. And he further states, the clerk said that the county would be one dollar and fifty cents in debt; and he told tho clerk that he would pay the balance of the cost himself, and that the county should not be in debt. And the clerk took the certificate and settled the same on his book; and took the certifi cate and posted it on his book, when they made the set tlement, on the same day the horses were sold And he also states that the information of the using of the horses | made to the jmyby an individui', was not tnc fart,for he took the horses up some time in the month of Felu nary, ; 1534, and did not get the appraisers before a justice of | the peace until some time 111 April of the same year. And this deponent farther states he never used the hor ses until in the spring of 1823, with the exception of the winter of 1834 and 1835: but the horses were never collared to work until last spring, 1835. And so far as the presentment relates to that pari, it is incorrect. But he does not brand that bod} with error, but he thinks that some individual misrepresented the thing to them. JEHU JESTER. Swom to and subscribed before me, J. WILLIS KILGORE, J P. 17 October. 4DMINISTR ATOR’SS SALE. —Will bo sold ut my house, at public outcry, on Saturday the sth day of December next, the personal property of John Featherstun, deceased, on a credit ol twelve months : the purchaser giving small notes with approved security. Cash for ail sums less than five dollars. Those indebted to the estate by note or account, are requested to make payment, otherwise their notes and accounts will he put in an officer's hands for collection. IRA E. SMITH, adm’r. The sale wiilbe conducted by James Eck!e9. October 17, 1835. Notice. THE public will please to take notice, tliat the sale of Lot of Land, no. 101, In the 6tli district of Coweta county —has been inde finitely postponed. HENRY C. PHELPS. October 17. PROSPECTUS /—The undersigned Polish Nation al Committee in the United States, prqpost |pub hshm<r an historical account of the Polish emigration to these = United States, under the title of ‘-THE POLES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,” to be prefaced by a short statement of the history of the late Polish Revolution, and to be accompanied with au thentic vouchers connected with the residence of the Poles in this country. Form in Svo. Subscription price 81, payable on delivery only. The’ committee being sensible of the advantages ot fered to the Poles bv a settlement in this favored land, the proceeds of the work, after defraying the expenses of publication, will be applied in aid of the colony on the Rock River, state of Illinois. MARTIN ROSIENKIEWICZ, FELIX GWINCZEWSKI. DR. CHARLES KRAtTSIR. New-York, August, 1835. jpA Jllntosli iiaii, 1 Columbus. Ga. The Subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the public genera'ly, that he has taken the above establishment, known as the Mclntosh Hall, formerly occupied by Mrs. Love, and more recent !y by Isaac Mitchell, esq. It is situate about the centre of the city, and perhaps as u ell calculated to afford com fort to thi Boarder and Traveller as any house of the kind in the place. I view it i ntirely unnecessary to make the usual promises, hut would earnestly solicit persons visit ing the city to call and judge for themselves. .My own personal attention will be given to tho establishment, as well as that of my brother, Henry Mangham, of Mil ledgeville. JOHN C. MANGHAM. O tob‘ r 17. . ELisiTZ^. THE following BLANKS, neatly printed on good paper, at this office and kept constantly on hand for sale at reduced prices . Sheriff's Deeds, of the common form. Sheriff’s Bail Bonds. do Ca: Sa. Bonds. Sheriff’s Executions. do Ca. Sa’s. Attachments. Justices’ Executions. Justices’ Summons’, Declarations in Case. do in Assumpsit, do in Debt- Common Deeds. Bonds and Powers of Atto. to maiio titles. Administrators’ Bonds. do Lettcis. Guardians’ Bonds, do Letters, Marriage Liccnce*.-*Notcs ofHand,'fct. &c. Pension Blares, Anr description oi BLANK?, if Uf K - on QWD b peat silt gaart uptitf. WAT€fIEB,JEWELRY, &r. IjIOSTIiR & FOGLK hate lately returned from Ne%rYork, where they buvt st l.cled on assortment ot* Goods in tiit-ir line, w! i h, to their former stock, makes the most splendid cr!i< ction of articles ever offered for sale in this lewit, and second to none except ‘• Marquand.” Anion# other articles, the following or© ft few. WATCHES, Levers made to order, and warranted oh the bestkia<i Also Tobias sml other approved mu km Gold, Anc’ or, Duple*, Lupine Verticlcand Silver Lever, Anchor, L/f inr*, Ciuaitier, and common. JEWELRY, tkc. i Watch, guard arid nook Chains, a giei! variety Watch and guard K* ys anti Rings Fingrr rings, from one to one h- n i el dollar? Breast Pins, from one dollar to la o hundred dollars Pencil cases, Spectacles, Thimble?, : Quizzing Glasses, Ear Rings, a greet variety, ome c( 1 the latest stvi. s, Medalior . j SILVER WARE. Table. Tea, .Mustard, Salt,Cream and Desert S|Oon9 Ladies, Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives, Pish Knives | Porks, fi'nuffßoxes, Combs (anew article)Spectacles PLATED WARE, Castors. Cordial Stands, Tea Urns Branch Candlesticks, common and chamber do. Snuffer Trays and Snuffers, Spoons Astral Lamps, Cups, Knives and Cake Baskets British Plate, Spoons. Forks and Butter Knives Britania Tea and Coffee Pots, Urns, Spoons Leather B-ixes,Tumblers, Cutlery A few subs fine Table Cut'ery, containing 51 pircCß Pen, Pocket and Dirk Knives, Scissors Belt and Pocket Pistols, Duelling Pistols French Clocks, American Kighr-dav Clocks Percussron Caps, Music Boxes.Accordeans Portable Desks, Gent’s and Ladies’ Dnssing Cases Tea Trays, a good assortment Canes, with gold and silver hr a Is, with and without dirks Steel Specks. Gilt and B ad Watch Guards Bead Bags and Purses, Silk and La. ather f’urscs Visiting Cards and Cases, Belt Buckles and Plaques Teeth and Clothßrushes, Lather Do. Powder Blasks. a general assortment of Perfumery Fancy Soaps. Also, an assortment of MILITARY GOODS , And many other articles, which thev w ill bo glad to shew to persons favoring their establishment witha call, three dcora North of the Insurance Bank, where Hatches will be repaired neatly and warranted to perform well. Also, all kinds of Jobbing done at short notice. Columbus, October 17. DOLLARS IN PRIZES. One hundred dollars for the best Essay oa newspapers, their management and inluence; with such suggestions as may be most likely to promote their use- I fulness and independence, secure theirpayment of biilg. and advance generally the interest of publishers. One hundred dollars for the best original tale, which shall be throughout American in its subject, incidents, and eentiments. and which in its moral and patriotic tendency, may be calculated to exercise the most saluta ry influence. One hundred dollars for the her! series of familiar and popular Medical Essays, not exceeding 13 in number, on the prevention and cure of diseases, and the promo tion and preservation of health; and, as connected With so important a subject, the evils arising from ignorance error and quackery. Fifty Dollars for the best National Song ; something worthy the American muse, and that shall excite in the breast of the reader a glow of patriotic enthusiasm. Fifty Dollars for the best Satirical Review of the fo reign travellers and scribblers of the Fuller and Trollope school Fifty Dollars tor the best Poem. The balance of Fifty Dollars will be referred to defray the expense of furnirtiing a free subscription to the Phi ladelphia Saturday Courier to each unsuccessful candi date whose production may be deemed worthy of being published. All c ommnnications intend and for competition, will be handed to the several commiltees of examination on tho first of January next, and the awards will be announced immediately thereafter. The committees of examination will consist of the first litei ary gentlemen in Philadelphia whose names will be published with their decision. As usual, all articles received will become the property of the publishers. No communication taken from tho t ost Office unless the postng* is paid. WOODW AHD & CLARKE, October 17. Philadelphia. E. WHITE & \VM. H AGER RESPECTFULLY' inform the Frintefs of the U nited States, to whom they have long been individ ually known as Letter Founders, that thev have now formed a copartnership is sai,l business, and hope from their united and extensive, experience, to be able to give lull satisfaction to all who may favor them with leir orders. The introduction of Machinery, in place of the tca aious and unhclthful process ofcasting type by hand, a desideratum felt by the European ana American foun ders, was by American ingenuity, and at a heary ex penditure of time and money,on the part of our senior pirtner, first successfully accomplished. Extensive machine cast letter has fully tested and established it-s superiority in every particular, over thalcast by the old process. The Letter Foundry business w 1 !1 be carried on by tho parties before named, under the firm of WHITE, HAGER. <s• CO. Their specimen exhibits a completoseru s from Dia mond to 11 lines Pica; the Book and -\ews typo being in the most modem and light style. HITE, HAGER & CO, are agents for the sale o the Smith and Rust Printing presses, which they cau furnish to their customers at the -Manufacturer's prices. Chases, Cases, Composing Sticks, Ink and every ar ticle used in the Pnnting business, kept for sale, and furnished at short notice. Old type taken in exchange Tor new at 9 cents per pound. N. B. Newspaper proprietors who give the above three insertions, will be entitled to five dollars in such articles as they may select from our specimen. E. WHITE, IVM. HAGER. Georgia Coweta County: HERE AS Win. G. Andrews and George Scott, ▼ ▼ Administrators on the Estate of Lewis Sune, dee. ased, apply to me for letters of dismission therefrom. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed bv aw, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letter should not be granted. G iven under my hand, th is 6th of August 1835. Wm. MMMONS , d.c. c. o. Aug mG m months after date application will be mad., to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Coweta countv, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the lands belonging to the Estate of Levi Demp sey, deceased. W. YV. SEI..MAN, Adm’r. CHARITY DEMPSEY, Am's August 15. 10 rolm. Administrator's Sale. AGREEABLY to an order of the Hon Inferior Cour’. of Coweta county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses, will be sold ut the court house in the town of Newnan, Coweta county on the first Tuesday inNovcn.- her next, a iMXiRO MAN named George, belonging to the ostnte of Lewis Sims ! deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs arid credit ins of said dec’d. \Vm. G. ANDREWS, EOB<3B SCOTT,, Aug. 0