The herald and advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1887-1909, February 12, 1909, Image 5

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fieraid and Hdomiser. “The Herald and Advertiser” over the Newnan Banking Co. I)o You Open Your Mouth Ltko n young bird and gulp down what ever food or medicine may bo offered you ? Or, do you wunt to know something of the composition und character of that which you take into your stomach whether as' food or medicine ? Most intelligent and sensible people now-a-days insist on knowing what they; employ whether as food or as medicine.; Dr. fierce believes they have a perfect right to Insist upon such knowledge. So ho publishes,''fesajulcast and on each bottle- wrapper, whatjR'medjcincs are made of •v>HLiiies.itTurnTPr-oaxIti This lie feels he can wMUTlTord to do because the more the Ingredients of which Ills medicines are made are studied and understood t.lie more will their"superior curative virtues For the cure of woman’s peculiar weak nesses, irregularities and derangements, giving rise to frequent headaches, back ache, dragging-down pain or distress in lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, ofttimes, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness, Dr, Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a most efficient remedy. It is equally effective in curing painful periods, in giving strength to nursing mothers and In preparing the system of the expectant mother for baby’s coming, thus rendering childbirth safe and com paratively painless. The "Favorite Pre scription” is a most potent, strengthening tonic to the general system and to the organs distinctly feminine in particular. It is also " Ttothing and invigorating nervine ana cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vitus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and organic dis eases of the distinctly feminine organs. A host of medical authorities of all the several schools of practice, recommend each of the several ingredients of which "Favorite Prescription” is made for the cure of the diseases for which it is claimed to be a cure. You mav read what they say for yourself by sending a postal card request for a free, booklet of extracts from the leading authorities, to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical In stitute. Buffalo. N. Y., and it will come to you by return post. Valentines and Valentine Pojft Cards Murray’s Book Store C0W7UN5 8% ALCOHOL . P*' -VKZPKXZO rCR •pnufcsSsfr (RattanoogaTcn.'' Champ Clark’s Kid Won. Nashville Magazine. Owing to the rapid changes in the weather there was an early and flour ishing crop of colds this season, and as coughs and colds and sneezes were heard and handkerchiefs came often into play, Champ Clark dropped into a story-telling mood. He is an old newspaper man, and al ways manifests a keen interest in the newsboys, and anything that concerns them makes a lasting impression on his memory. He is very proud of their keen wit and believes that the Ameri can newsboy has no equal in repartee or shrewdness. 3 On the particular morning of the sto ry—in chilly, frosty January—he was waiting on a New York dock landing, while his friend, just over from Eng land, saw to the collection of his lug gage. The Congressman thought it a good opportunity to dilate on his favor ite theme. The Britisher rather re sented his boasting, and said that to his mind a London newsboy was with out an equal. ‘‘He is always ready with a retort, doncher know, that is us good as the la test in Punch. The London newsboys are keen students of human nature— not a detail in a man’s appearance is unnoted by them,” the Englishman said somewhat warmly. Champ turned his quid to the other side. “ You just try one of these New York kids,” he said. A lad approached to sell a paper and the Londoner promptly opened fire, while the boy took an inventory of his customer. ‘‘Now, my boy,” said the English man, ‘‘can you tell me the time by your nose this morning?” The boy gleamed up at the English man’s aristocratic features and smil ing sarcastically replied: “Ask your own nose, sir; mine ain’t runnin’.” The Londoner, somewhat confused, took out his handkerchief, and nothing more was said on the subject of news boys. Champ retired with the gleam of victory in his eye. Barking Up the Wrong Tree. Pittsburg Dispatch. There is a certain member of the Duquesne Club who heartily detests to be approached by a stranger. Recently he had occasion to take a Centre ave nue car and found a seat in close prox imity to one of those lanky, sad-faced men who seem to he unable to resist talking to their fellow-passengers. The ciub member had opened his paper and was making himself as comfortable as possible in the cold car, when his neighbor opened up. “Say,” queried the lanky one, “will you allow your son to smoke stogies when he grows up?” “Really, I never have given the ques tion a moment’s thought,” was the re ply. The other gasped. “And,” he continued in a faint voice, “will you allow him to drink liquor?” Once more the club member an nounced that he had not thought of the question. “Terrible, terrible,” gasped the lanky individual, *tto think that such persons as you are allowed to exist.” Then the club member became real wrathy. “Look here, my kind friend.” he an nounced. “No doubt you mean well, but just let me tell you that I have been a confirmed bachelor for the last thirty-five years” The lanky individual subsided. He had something to think about. DO IT NOW. Newnan People Should Not Wait Until it is Too Late. The appalling death-rate from kid ney disease is due in most cases to the fact that the little kidney troubles are usually neglected until they become se rious. The slight symptoms give place to chronic disorders and the sufferer goes gradually into the grasp of dia betes. dropsy, Bright's Disease, gravel or some other serious form of kidney complaint. If you suffer from backache, head ache, dizzy spells; if the kidney secre tions are irregular of passage and un natural in appearance, do not delay. Help the kidneys at once. Doan’s Kidney Pills arc especially for kidney disorders—they cure where others fail. Over one hundred thou sand people have recommended them. Here is a case at home: F. VV. Brown, machinist, 18 Thomp son street, Newnan, Ga., says: “Some months ago I was troubled a great deal by pains in the small of my hack. Pro curing a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills at Lee Bros. ’ drug store, 1 used them ac cording to directions and was relieved in a few days. I have been in good health since.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. He had just taken her measure for a new solitaire, when, after the manner of her sex, she began to work the in terrogation point. “George, dear,” she began, ‘‘am I the only girl—” “Now, look here, Grace,” he inter rupted, “don’t ask me if you are the only girl I ever loved. You know as well as I do—” “Oh, that wasn’t the question at all, George,” she said. “I was going to ask if I was the only girl that would have you.” Many Women Praise This Remedy. If you have pains in the hack, Uri nary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman’s ills, try Morther Gray’s AuS' tralian-Leaf. It is a safe and never failing regulator. At druggists or by mail 50c. Sample package FREE. Ad dress, The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. Henry—“Why do Jews have such big noses?” Harry—“Because it takes a large air passage to supply them with wind while selling to customers, I suppose.” - sea:al CUt&/.W’tC3UK5f3THrfmrv.'.AK3 li*(¥WACT Tli.'a is an exact representation of li e ' cart u containing a b ttle of S . .In-1 all’s Liquid Liver Kcvulfttor, I ui i' is ( much larger than this illustration, n:ul . v printed in black inkc.uayi 1] ,\ve.r-"it. ? D:n wrist* an<l general mere I antes 'Ii i' <* 0 at 50 cents a bottle, or you can get i> dc 0 rect from in at the sane price. Tills is r, y a delightful liver m diciue—prompt, lit ’t effective, and exceedingly pleasant to ’> tlie taste. Try Just one bottle to satisfy V v yourself—and you’ll buy more. <j? i> GlBSTLS ROICIKE CO, C 0 Chattanroga, Tormassao. ( take notion to “What made you marry?” “That is what I have been trying find out ever since I married.” to am OLD ADAGE ‘‘A light purse is a heavy curse' Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the scat of nit: tenths of ail disease. New Advertisements PARKER’S HAIR BAl.SANI Cleanse* and be&utitica the hilt. Promote* a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to Its Youthful Color. Cure* *calp disease* & hair falling. 50c, and $1.00 at Drupgirtg All kinds of job work done with neatness and dispatch at this office. Bad Effects of Worrying. New York American. “Worrying is a business in itself and occupies the mind to the exclusion of business of n profitable sort.” said a fa mous New York specialist in nervous diseases. “Along with worry goes pes simism, discouragement, down-hearted ness, lack of ambition. No man, how ever energetic, can worry much or long without losing his energy. “Worry, after causing a man’s men tal callapse, will spoil his physical health, and the days of a man with mental and physical health gone are numbered. If you are worrying over conditions that cannot be altered you are wasting time. “If you are worrying over conditions that can be altered you are also wast ing time ; get busy and alter them. You think you need change; you can get it without a trip to some distant country. “Change your habits of occupation. Take up some form of light reading in the evenings. Get interested in some fad or other that will give you a chance to get out of the rut, and be come enthusiastic about something be sides making money or losing it. No man can think constantly about his business without coming to brood over it and worry. Your mind must have rest and recreation. It needs it just as much as your body does.” True Womanly Beauty. No woman can be truly beautiful who has a yellow complexion caused by a torpid liver. To he beautiful a wo man must have good health, and this can be accomplished by occasionally using St. Joseph’s Liver Regulator (either liquid or powders, as you like best.) It keeps the bowels open, pass ing off the poisonous, effete matter, and in this way purifies the blood and assists in clearing the complexion. All women should occasionally use St. Jo seph’s Liver Regulator. Liquid, 50 cents a bottle; powders, 25 cents a box. go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safeij and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. KILLthe COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS! with Dr. King’s New Discovery FOR Colcs 18 | AMD ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY [OR MONEY REFUNDED. DR. M. S. ARCHER, Luthersville, Ga. All calls promptly filled, day or night. DiseaseH of children a specialty. DR. F. I. WELCH, Physician. Office No. 9 Temple avenue, opposite public school building. ’Phone 234. DR. T. B. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. Office—Sanatorium building. Office’phone 5 1 call; residence 'phone 5—2 calls. W. A. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to surgery and diseases of women. Office 19 1 :* Spring street. ’Phone 280 K. W. STARR, Dentist. All kinds of dental work. Patronage of the pub lic solicited. Office over Newnan Banking Co. Court Calendar. COWETA CIRCUIT. It. W. Freeman, Judge; J. Render Terrell, So licitor-Oeneral. Meriwether—Third Mondays in February and August. Coweta—First Mondays in March andSeptem her. Heard—Third Mondays in March and Septem her. Carroll—First Mondays in April and October Troup—First Mandays in May and November. CITY COURT OF NEWNAN. A. D. Freeman, Judge; W. L. Stallings, Solic itor. Quarterly term meets third Mondays in Janu ary, April, July and October. BA N KRUPTCY COURT. R. O. Jones, Newnan, Oa., Referee in Bank ruptcy for counties of Coweta, Troup, Heard, Meriwether, Carroll, Douglas and Haralson. U. B. COMMISSIONER'S COURT. W, B. W. Dent, Newnan, Ga., Commissioner A RECORD OF NINE TEEN YEARS. Tested Year After Year With Most Successful Resutts. The Farmers of Coweta and Adjoining Counties Are So Well Ac quainted With the Old Reliable Brands of Guano Made By the Coweta Fertilizer Co. That no introduction or commendation is needed at our hands. We merely wish to call attention to the fact that we are again handling these goods, and that we have no hesitancy in offering them upon their merits in competition with any grade or brand of fertilizer manufactured in the United States. Repeated tests during the past nineteen years, under all conditions, have demonstrated their superiority as a soil stimulant, and their unquestioned efficacy as a plant food. We furnish the BEST GOODS for the LEAST MONEY. This season we are offering the following well-known brands, viz : “Pope Brown’s Special Formula for Cotton” 9. 2. 3, Regarded by many as the best Cotton Grower on the market. Sea Bird Special Fertilizer. 10. 3. 3. Extra high-grade. More plant food, at less cost. W. O. C., a Pure Blood Guano 10. 2. 2. Always gives satisfaction. Coweta High-Grade Fertilizer 10.2.2. Never known to fail. Good for all crops. Aurora Ammoniated Phospho 9. 2. 1. A Pure Cotton Seed Meal Compound—rt liable, tried, and never found wanting. A. A. P., (Acid Phosphate, with Ammonia and Potash) ... 10. 1. 1. Good where you do not need much Ammonia and Potash. Our Brands of Dissolved Bone and Potash arc as follows : Sea Bird Dissolved Bone and Potash 15 & 3. Coweta Dissolved Bone and Potash 13 & 4. Coweta Dissolved Bone and Potash 10 & 4. Coweta Dissolved Bone and Potash 8 & 4. Coweta Dissolved Bone and Potash 12 & 2. Coweta Dissolved Bone and Potash 10 & 2. Pure Acid Phosphates- - Coweta High-Grade Acid Phosphate 14 per cent. Coweta Standard Acid Phosphate .12 per cent. We appreciate the patronage given us by our friends in the past, and ask a continuance of the same. Wo guarantee fair treatment and as reasonable terms as can be offered by any dealer in Georgia. ANDERSON & BOWERS, AGENTS COWETA FERTILIZER CO., Newnan, Georgia. / / Executors’ Sale. GEORGIA—Cowkta County: By virtue of the authority vested in uh, as exec utors, by the will of Margaret Latimer, deceased, there will be sold to the highest bidder, for cash, before the court-house door of said county, at Newnan, Oa., within the legal hours of Hale, on the first Tuesday in March next, the following property, to-wit : One-fourth undivided Interest in 10H4 acres, more or leas, of lot of land No. , In the dis trict of Coweta county, except that p*Wt of uuid tract net apart to Lebanon church and cemetery, amounting to five acres, eakl tract of Und bounded on the south by lands of Berry Murphy and lands of Arthur Hutcheson estate, on the east by lands of G. L. Warren, on the north by lands of Arthur Hutcheson estate, and on the west by lands of C. W. Carter and lands of Arthur Hutcheson estate. Also, one undivided one-fourth interest in part of land lot No. in the Fourth district of Carroll county, being seventy-five acres, more or less, bounded on the north and east by lands of Scudder. on the south by lands of W. T. Jones, and on the v/est by lands of Richard Springer, it being that part of said lot that lies southwest of the creek that runs through the same. To be wild as the property of said Margaret Lat imer, deceased, for the purpose of making distri bution amongst the legatees of said deceased. This Feb. 2,1909. Prs. zee. 8.84. W. J. MURI’HEY, C. S. REID. Executors of the will of Margaret Latimer, de ceased, late of Coweta county. Give us a trial order on job printing. BILIOUSNESS BITTERS and kidneys.