Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, February 19, 1909, Image 3

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! ‘tv Kggyggf^sssssssssm ■ BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION O F T 11 K — First National Bank At Newnan, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business Feb. 5, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. S. Bonds to secure circulation Banking-house, furniture and fixtures. Due from Nationnl Banks (not reserve ftfftonts) Due from State banks and bankers Due from approved reserve agents. Checks and other cash items Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve in bank, viz ; Specie .* 8.034 00 I Legal-tender notes 1,000 00 » Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (6 per cent, of circulation) Total. $284,046 16 11.291 06 60.000 00 1.000 00 7.658 36 287 95 19,262 21 476 26 1,335 00 197 75 9,034 00 2,500 00 .$386,986 75 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Coweta, ss ; I. N. E. Powel, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. N. E. 1'OWEL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of February. 1909. Correct—Attest: J. S. Hardaway, Jr., Notary Public, J. A. Hunter. ) Charles C. Parrott, > Directors. P. F. Cuttino, ) STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION — OF THE—‘ Newnan Banking Company Located at Newnan, Ga., at the close of business Feb. 5, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $190,226 49 Demand loans 49,250 80 Overdrafts 4,836 54 Bonds and stocks owned by bank 13,000 00 Other real estate 2,178 79 Due from banks and bankers in the State 21,460 64 Due from banks and bankers in other States 27,925 12 Currency 4,224 00 Gold 525 00 Silver, nickels and pennies 3,385 31 Checks and cash items 590 46 Total $317,603 15 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 55,000 00 Surplus fund 70,000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 13,954 01 Due to banks and bankers in this State 4,553 47 Due unpaid dividends 23 00 Individual deposits subject to check.... 149,895 43 Demand certificates 14,177 24 Bills payable, including time certifi cates representing borrowed money. 10,IKK) 00 $317,603 15 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Coweta: Before me can\e T. M. Good rum, Cashier of Newnan Banking Co., who, being duly sworn, says the above and foregoing statement is a true condi tion of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. T. M. GOODRUM, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15th day of February, 1909. v G. W. Meyer, Notary Public Coweta county, Ga. (6047) REPORT OF THE CONDITION O F T 11 E Coweta National Bank At Newnan, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business Feb. 5, 1909. RESOURCES. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. U. S. Bonds to secure circulation Premiums on U. S. Bonds ... Banking-house, furniture and fixtures Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash items Notes of other National Banks. Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve in bank, viz : Specie $ 3,877 15 I Legal-tender notes 2,000 00 I Redemption fund with U. S. Treasure: (5 per cent, of circulation) Totai $190,385 02 Total $116,699 18 10,445 48 30,000 00 900 (Ml 2,685 00 7,709 92 8.205 22 345 16 5,5i:i 82 310 00 194 09 5,877 15 1,500 00 $190,385 02 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Coweta, ss : I. R. E. Platt, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. E. PLATT, Cushier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of February, 1909. Correct—Attest: W. B. Parks, Notary Public. Mike Powell, j Thos. J. Jones, /-Directors. J. A. Hunter, ) (8477) REPORT OF THE CONDITION O F T II E— Manufacturers National Bank At Newnan, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business Feb. 5, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. S. Bonds to secure circulation Premiums on U. S. Bonds Banking-house, furniture and fixtures. Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) Due from approved reserve agents Checks and other cash items Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve in bank, viz : Specie $ 6,190 00 f. Legal-tender notes 500 00 I Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (6 per cent, of circulation) Due from U. S. Treasurer Total $223,464 58 $133,104 45 2,801 31 15.000 00 400 00 3,454 04 45,026 23 13,385 00 2.020 86 100 00 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 60,000 00 Surplus fund 6,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 4,576 62 National Bank notes outstanding 15,000 00 Dividends unpaid f>6 00 Individual deposits subject to check.... 131,226 87 Savings deposits. 2,474 13 Demand certificates of deposit 4,121 96 Total $223,464 58 STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Coweta, ss : I, H. H. North, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the al»ove statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. H. NORTH, President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of February, 1909. Correct—Attest: O. B. Hayes, Notary Public. H. C. Glover, ) T. G. Farmer, -Directors. J. R. McCollum, ) STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION - OF THE — Moreland Banking Company Located at Moreland, Ga., at the close of business Feb. 5, 1909. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 31,542 73 Demand loans 1/228 25 Overdrafts ’203 21 Furniture and fixtures 404 25 Due from banks and bankers in the State 15.710 11 Due from banks and bankers in other States 1,682 75 Currency 2,640 00 Gold 100 00 Silver, nickels and pennies 761 80 Interest paid 208 94 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 25,000 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 5,201 64 Individual deposits subject to check ... 22,205 80 Time certificates 1,669 00 Cashier’s checks 505 GO Total $54,482 04 I Total $54,482 04 STATE OF GEORGIA County of Coweta : Before me came J. W, Camp, President of More land Banking Co., who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true con dition of said bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. J. W. CAMP, President. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of February. 1909. J. A. R. Camp, Notary Public Coweta county, Ga. Notice of Discharge in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. No. 2311, in Bankruptcy. In re N. H. Allison, Bankrupt: A petition for discharge having been filed in conformity with law by the above-named bank rupt, and the Court having duly ordered that the nearing upon said petition be had on February 27. 1909, at 19 o'clock a. m., at the United States District Court-room, in the city of Atlanta, Ga.. notice is hereby given to all creditors and other persons in interest to appear at the time and place named and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the bankrupt for discharge should not be granted. This 10th day of February, 1*>9- . W. C. CARTER. Clerk. By F. L. Beers, Deputy Clerk. Herald and fldwrifcer. LIABILITIES. Capital stock pniil in ....$ 57.000 00 Surplus fund .... 67.000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid .... 00.948 52 National Bank notes outstanding.. .... 50.000 00 Due to other Nationnl Banks. ... 1,238 07 Dividends unpaid .... 803 00 Individual deposits subject to check .... 141,257 S3 Savings deposits 4,432 56 Demand certificates of deposit. .... 8,306 77 Totai ,. .1886,686 7 r > LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expense’s and 15.0(H) 00 taxes paid 13,300 45 National Bank notes outstanding 30.000 (K) Dividends unpaid 70 00 Individual deposits Subject to check... 64,532 06 Demand certificates of deposit 17,482 51 Totai $190,386 02 If you are indebted to The Herald and Advertiser for subscription settle up. NEWNAN, FRIDAY, FEB. 19, Old Warrior Goes to His Rost. The many friends of Cnpt. Henry A. North throughout the county will be sincerely grieved t6 hear of his death, which occurred Wednesday afternoon at the home of his son, Mr. W. H. North, in the Third district. He was seized with a chill Sunday morning, and later developed a case of pneumonia. He was seriously ill from the first, and grew steadily worse day by day, the medical treatment usual in such cases seeming to afford no relief. The end came peacefully at 5 o’clock Wednes day afternoon. Capt. North was one of Coweta’s oldest and most prominent citizens, be-‘ ing 79 years of age at the time of his death. His native genialty and numer ous admirable traits enabled him to make friends wherever he went, and his popularity was only limited by the list of his acquaintances. He was a veteran of the Civil War, serving throughout that memorable conflict as captain of Co. B, 1st Georgia Cavalry, and his record for gallantry and devo tion to duty was not eclipsed by that of any soldier who enlisted in the cause of the Confederacy. Capt. North leaves four children-- Mr. W. H. North of the Third district, Mr. L. L. North of Ashland, Ala., Mrs. Ed Pitman of Sharpsburg, and Mrs. Smith of Farmdale. He was a brother of Dr. A. C. North, of this city, and Mrs. Mary Bridges, of Sharps burg. Mr. Mark North, of Gordon, Ala., is also a brother. The remains were carried to Sharps burg yesterday atfernoon for inter ment. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. V. A. Ham. of this city, and were largely attended. Boone’s Drawings. There being eleven uncalled-for ‘pre miums, they were drawn for Saturday, Feb. 13, at 10:30 o’clock, as follows: 1st prize . 2d ” .. ..$25.00 Ticket No. .18077 .. 5.00 “ .. 9542 3d " .. .. 2.50 “ .. 6073 4th “ .. .. 2.50 “ ..13430 5th “ .. 2.50 ‘‘ ..20557 6th “ .. 1.00 “ .. 5982 7th “ .. .. 1.00 ” .. 1530 8th “ .. .. 1.00 “ .. 5208 9th “ .. .. 1.00 ‘‘ ..18194 10th “ .. .. 1.00 “ ..10857 11th “ .. .. 1.00 “ ..22740 If above numbers are not called for by Tuesday, Feb. 23, the following numbers will draw any uncalled-for premiums: SECOND DRAWING. 1st prize . . .$25.00 Ticket No. .15375 2d ‘‘ . .. 5.00 “ ..21932 3d “ . .. 2.50 “ ..16530 4th “ . .. 2.50 “ ..27349 5th “ . .. 1.00 “ ..18425 6 th “ . .. 1.00 “ ..18007 7th “ . .. 1.00 “ ..16148 8th “ . . . 1.00 “ .. 1551 9th “ . .. 1.00 ‘‘ ..23063 10th “ . .. 1.00 “ .. 595 11th “ . .. 1.00 “ .26880 If there are still any uncalled-for premiums by Tuesday, March 2, the following numbers will draw the pre miums : THIRD DRAWING. 1st prize . . .$25.00 Ticket No. .12596 2d “ ... . . 5.00 “ .. 6850 3d ” . . 2.50 “ ..23242 4th “ .. .. 2.50 “ .. 3019 5th “ .. .. 1.00 “ ..33337 6 th “ .. .. 1.00 “ ..26651 7th “ .. .. 1.00 “ ..11193 8th “ .. .. 1.00 ” .. 6051 9th “ .. .. 1.00 “ ..20663 10th “ .. .. 1.00 “ ..12795 Uth “ .. .. 1.00 “ ..24548 In the event all prizes are not called for by Saturday, March 0, we will com bine all uncalled-for prizes in one and draw for same at 11 o’clock until given out, rain or shine. At about the hour for the drawing it was very rainy and only a few people present, and we thought it impractica ble to draw out numbers until all were called for, hence the above plan was adopted and we trust meets with the approval of our friends and customers. Please look up all your tickets and send them in promptly, if you hold correct numbers. D. W. Boone Co. Notes From Mary Ray Memorial School Miss Maude Hindsman, of the Sixth grade, has returned to school, after an absence of two weeks. The people of Raymond have organ ized a Sunday-school here, and the school has a fine attendance. The Mary Ray Debating and Literary Society meets semi-monthly. The ex ercises consist of debates, recitations, songs, dialogues, plays, etc. A large number of visitors attended the exer cises last Friday afternoon. Owing to the inclemency of the weather many of the pupils of the pri mary and intermediate grades were ab sent last week. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Miss Dollie Ector died last Monday at her home near Raymond. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. L. L. Landrum. The remains were carried to Atlanta for interment. Whereas, In the providence of an all wise God our dear friend and school mate has been removed from us by death, and we recognize through our I tears and sorrow the hand of our Heav enly Father ‘‘who doeth all things well.” Resolved, That we, though sorrow-{ ing, bow in humble submission to the will of God, knowing that He careth for His own, and can make even afflic tions become blessings. Resolved, That in the death of Dol-] lie this school has lost a true friend I and studious pupil, and a faithful ; worker in the church and in the Sun- j day-school. Resolved, That we send a copy of j this memorial to the family of her) whose loss we mourn, arid that a copy he furnished also to the Newnan papers for publication. Pupils. Raymond, Ga., Feb. 18th. Sudden Death of An Infant. Banning, Ga., Feb. 18.—To-day a baby of Mr. J. R. Lasseter died sud denly in its father’s arms. It had had croup during the night, but was thought to be better till just before its death. Mr. Lasseter is secretary and White Goods. Damasks, Madras, (in fig ures, cords,checks and stripes.) Lingerie Lawns, French Lawns, Persian Lawns, Wash Chiffons and Swiss. Potts & Parks The Leading Dress Goods House—Let us Show You. THE ADVANCE STYLES FOR SPRING. SILKS, WHITE GOODS AND TRIMMINGS FOR FINE DRESSES. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, NETS. Embroideries. Special values in fine Swiss Galloons, bands and panels. Let us show you and explain the use and application of these novelties. Potts & Parks Newnan, Ga. We Invite Your Inspection. Heavy Cambric Embroideries. Perfect work on best heavy Domestic—the kind that lasts. It’s up to you to examine them. Laces and Nets. Val Laces in French, round- thread or cluny, white or cream, all widths and any grade you wish. Cream, white, black or Persian, with hands to trim. treasurer of the Hutcheson Manufac turing Co., and one of the most promi nent men in the county. His wife died little more than a year ago. Plough deep while sluggards sleep, and you shall have corn to sell and to keep. Day 'Phone IS Night ‘Phone 11 The Quality Of every drug, chemical or medicine in our store is Guaranteed Purity is always found here. Let us fill your prescriptions. REESE DRUG COMPANY Prescription Druggists, io Greenville Street NEWNAN, GA. TICKLE your stomach with these choice MORSELS 174c. Berkshire boneless Hams, per nound, Picnic Hams, per pound, 124c. Fresh Oatmeal anil Post Toasties. Heinz’s Sour Pickles, quart, 10c. Crackers, Candies, Fruits, Nuts. Also, a full line of kitchen ware. We sell a 1-gallon en amel ware coffee pot for 2.0c. 3-qt. pots for 30c.; washpans, 10c. Everything in this line cheap. Snuff, Tobacco and Cigars in a large and select assortment. The Business Man HO BEGINS AT THE BOT TOM IN AN HONEST, HUMBLE WAY, TAKING CAREFUL FOOTHOLD AS HE RISES, Usually Comes to the Front in a Way that Causes the World to Look on His Achievement With Ad miration and Makes His Community Proud of his Citizenship. Such a bufiinesa the Dominick Mercantile Co. has built up at Turin, Ga., which has gathered in volume year by year until the firm has been forced from time to time to take on additional branches. An assortment of ladies’ dross goods and trimmings which will compare favorably with that to be found in uny town in Middle Georgia is among the new lines carried. With the assistance of Miss Fannie Butts, Mr. Dominick has spared no pains in selecting a well-assorted and strictly up-to- date line of the latest things in wash goods, such as bordered chambrays, French percales, beautiful lawns with Persian borders, (striped, dotted and figured,) which are among the latest novelties in wash mate rials; also, pure Irish linen, linen lawns, linens, lawns, (barred, striped and figured,) batiste, taffeta silks, siloame, real linen and torchon laces, (round thread,) and baby Irish embroideries in beautiful designs, nich ing, belting, etc. In fact, we have tried to supply the demands of our trade in everything that goes to make a first-class dry goods store. In connection with this department we will have also an up-to-date millinery establishment. This branch will be under the man agement of Miss Fannie Butts, and the firm is assured that she will take a just pride in building up a high class trade in fine millinery that will add greatly to Turin’s importance and popularity as a trading point for the ladies of this section. Wc shall he pleased to show our goods, and cor dially invite the ladies of Turin and community to give us a call. DOMINICK MERCANTILE COMPANY Turin, Ga., Feb. 19, 1909 L. A. Alsabrook. ’Phono 206 Twelve Months' Support. GEORGIA—Coweta County : The return of the appraisers sett ing apart twelve I months’ support to the family of A. Haywood j Camp, deceased, having been filed in my office, all persons concern**! are cited to show cause by the j first Monday in March. 1909, why said application j for twelve months’ support should not Is* granted. This Feb. 4. 1909. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. to show cause in the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in March next, why such administration should not bo vested in the County Administrator This Feb. 1, 1909. Prs, fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. and ex-officio Clerk Court of Ordinary. Legal Notices. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA-<2oweta County: J. B. Ashley having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of administra tion with the will annexed on the estate of Harriet Matilda Ashley, deceased, all persons concerned are required to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in March next, if any they can. why said application should not be granted. This Feb. 4. 1909. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. 1 Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Coweta County: W. A. Nipper, administrator of J. M. Nip per, deceased, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of dismission from his said trust, all persons concerned are re quired to show cause in said Court by the first Monday in Marcii next, if any they can, why said application should not be granted. This Feb. 1. 1909. Prs. fee, $3. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. To Whom It May Concern. GEORGIA-Coweta County: The estate of Ike Hill, late of said county, decease*!, being unrepresented, and not likely to be represented, aU persons concerned are required Notice to Non-resident Heirs-at-Law of Harriet Matilda Ashley, Deceased. GEORGIA—Coweta County : To Philip Ashley. Lily Ashley. Joel Ashley and Sallic Teale, of Hightower, Ala., Reuben Ashley, of the State of Alabama, (postoffice unknown.) Lizzie Norton, Linevillo, Ala.. Lottie Bozeman, Graham. Ala., and any and all other heirs-at-law of said Harriet Matilda Ashley, residing out of the State of Georgia: Take notice that J. B. Ashley, of the State of Georgia and county of Coweta, baa applied to the Court of Ordinary of said Coweta county for probate, in solemn form, of the last will and testament of Harriet Matilda Ashley, late of said county, deceased, and you add all parties concerned are hereby notified to show cause in said Court of Ordinary by the first Monday in March next why the said will of Harriet Matilda Ashley, deceased, should not be admitted to pro bate and record as prayed. This Feb. 4. 1909. Prs. fee. $4.92. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.