Newspaper Page Text
NO. 22.
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These Silks
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These are nice, clean, goods, and comprise everything desirable
for Dress Patterns, W a i s t Patterns, Linings, etc. Many pretty
things in Fancy Silks, and in black and colors. C,No sale like
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really desirable offerings, h
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Nothing reserved.
F. C
Stock Food
Three Feeds For
One Cent
The Following Preparations Manufactur
ed By the International Stock
Food Co. are Sold By Us:
International Stock Food, 25c., 50c. and $1 packages.
International Poultry Food, 25c. package.
International Worm Powder, 50c. package.
International Colic Cure, 25c. and 50c. per bottle.
International Pheno-Chloro.
Silver Pine Healing Oil, 25c. and 50c. per bottle.
International Gall Cure, 25c.
The Stock Food is guaranteed to make horses, cat
tle, sheep and hogs gain more pounds from all grain
eaten, purifies the blood, and keeps stock healthy.
International Poultry Food prevents diseases in
poultry, and increases the production of eggs. Positive
ly guaranteed to cure poultry diseases when directions
are faithfully followed.
Silver Pine Healing Oil, for human and animal use
-a guaranteed cure for bruises, sores, barb-wire in
juries, etc.
International Colic Cure—a famous remedy for all
kinds of colic.
Everyone of the above preparations are sold on a
“spot cash guarantee” to refund your money in any case
of failure.
H. C. A mall
Merchandise Company
Saved Through a Mother’s Prayers.
J. Stokeley Hunt in The Watchman.
As old as the story of sinful boys,
which includes the first boy ever born
on earth, is the story of mother’s pray
ers for her wandering boy. Since
Cain went out into the world, a stran
ger in a strange land, marked as the
murderer of his own younger brother,
boys have wandered away from the old
home in pursuit of business or pleasure
or sin.
But no boy ha3 ever gone from a
Christian home without carrying with
jhim, wherever he went, on land or sea,
the prayers of a loving mother. And
I as old as is the story of wandering boys
| is the story of a mother’s unfailing
| love and the power of a mother’s pray
: A young man of fine traits of charac-
| ter who had always been the pride of
I his mother’s heart left the old country
{ home to accept a position in the city,
I where he could better provide for his
widowed mother. He left with her
blessings upon his head, and also the
blessings of a sweet maiden who had
promised some day to be his bride.
His prospects were roseate, his aspira
tions were high, and his resolution was
fixed that never should his gray-haired
mother shed a tear over any misdeed
of his, and to so live that the pure girl
that he left behind would be justly
proud to become his wife.
All went well for awhile, but, alas!
the tempter came.
His business associates were genial
and apparently without a flaw. They
introduced him to others like them
selves. A lonely youth in a strange
city, naturally fond of company, he
was easily led on, step by step, without
suspecting whither he was drifting.
First trie social game of cards shall I
say it?—yes, at the home of his Sun
day-school teacher. Then came the
theater and light wine at the banquet
I saw him leave the office in the eve
ning, going straight to his room to
write his mother. Alas, the tempter
never sleeps. He was met and warm
ly greeted by some companions,. One
proposed a social glass at the bar on
the corner. He refused. They insist- j
ed and ridiculed “Mamma’s baby boy. ” ;
He was finally urged into the door, but
refused to touch the glass that he knew
sparkled with a reflection from the
flames of torment. As he was about
to yield, a vision rose before him of a
gray-haired mother upon her knees
and a sweetheart holding out a plead
ing hand. He dashed the glass to the
floor. Again his companions ridiculed,
and one jocosely forced a glass to his
The demon of thirst began its work.
See him now at the card table, be
side himself with a drink and the ex
citement of the game. A dispute
arises, a scuffle ensues, and his hand is
lifted to strike the fatal blow.
But a hundred miles away his mother
kneels in prayer. The murderous hand
is stayed, and he runs from the scene.
Again we see him gathered around
the gay festive board with worldly men
and fast women. Wine flows freely,
and music, prostituted to an immoral
purpose, thrills every fibre of his bq.
In the midst of the revelry a messen
ger comes with a telegram. One of
the women present snatches it from his
hand and refuses to give it up except
at the price of a kiss. He pays the
price amidst the slapping of hands.
Carelessly he opens the envelope and
reads the message. His face blanches
and he sinks into a chair. It is a mes
sage from his sweetheart announcing
the death of his mother. “And her
last words were, ‘Where is my boy to
night?’ ” The alarmed guests sit like
stones. The woman whom he had
kissed picks up the message and reads
it. Quietly all but she withdraw. .She,
like a devi 1 incarnate, tries to tempt
him to drown his sorrow in drink. He
dashes the proffered glass to the floor
and bids her leave him alone.
Saved through a mother’s prayers!
But the mother prays for her daugh
ter as well as for her son.
A young woman as pure as the rose
that blossoms in the morning, sparkling
with dewdrops as it is kissed by the
first ray of the sun, was lured away
from home by the call of the city.
Subtle temptations in a thousand forms!
b-gan to assail such a shining mark. I
Almost she was gone when her mother, j
little suspecting the impending trage
dy, bowed before God in prayer. The!
wine glass dropped from her hands arid j
shattered into fragments, but she was
saved through a mother's prayers.
A young man who had been called to
serve his city was being introduced
at a public gathering as one who had
resisted all the temptations of the city.
He arose and said, “Gentlemen, if I
have escaped the sins of the day, it is
because hundreds of miles away a
Christian mother was praying for me.
Had she not prayed for me at one cer
tain definite hour, my soul would have
been in hell to-night, and mother would
lie broken-hearted in her grave. For
at that hour the greatest temptation
of my life swept down upon me in the
most subtle form and without a mo
ment’s warning. To have yielded
would have been irretrievable ruin, and
that I was about to do when I felt
within my soul that mother was pray
ing for her boy. I sprang to my feet
and shouted, ‘Saved, thank God!’ with
as deep meaning as ever a shipwrecked
mariner shouted it when saved from a
watery grave.”
Saved, thank God, through a moth
er’s prayers!
Mme. Sembrich’s Farewell to America.
New York Letter.
In the late ’70’s of the last century,
somewhere in Poland, a poor, pretty,
gifted child, 10 years old, named Mar
cella Kakhansky, stood at the door of
a great opera house one day for five
long hours, waiting to hear Patti. The
star heard of this, and sent little Mar
cella a kind note. She did not dream,
though, that the girl to whom she was
writing would replace her on the stage
and enjoy world-wide fame. Yet this
is what happened, for the little Marcel
la became the famous Madame Sem-
Twenty-live years ago Sembrich was
engaged by Henry Abbey for the open
ing of the then new Metropolitan opera
house. To-night she is to make her
last appearance in opera on the stage
of the Metropolitan and make her fare
well to America. The programme will
consist of the first act of “Don Pas-
qualo, ” the second act from “The Bar
ber of Seville” and the first act of “La j
Traviata. ”
Madame Sembrich’s retirement from
the operatic stage while at the height
of her fame and popularity adds but!
another chapter to a career that lias !
been as extraordinary as it has been I
successful. At 12 the future primal
donna was earning a precarious liveli-1
hood in Galicia by playing waltzes and j
varsoviennes at dances given by people
more fortunate than herself. She was \
studying to become a pianist, and her I
teacher was a young professor, Wil
helm Stengel, whom she afterward!
From Poland Marcella Sembrich went
to Vienna to complete her education as
a pianist. There she fell in with the
famous teacher, Julius Epstein, who,
hearing her sing,counselled her to aban
don instrumental music and devote
herself to the culture of her voice.
She followed the advice, and at the age
of 18 made her debut at the Athens
opera house as Lucia in “I Puritani.”
Her success thereafter was never for a
moment in doubt. In 1883 she took the
London public by storm, and in the fol
lowing year her debut in New York
proved equally successful.
$ 1,000,000 FOR GOOD STOMACH.
This Offer Should Be a Warning to
Every Man and Woman.
The newspapers and medical Journal#
recently hnve had much to say relative
lo a famous millionaire's offer of a
million doliars t’or a rieW stomai’ll.
This great multi-millionaire was tod
busy to worry about the condition of
his stomach. He allowed his dyspepsia
to run from bad to worse, until in the
end it became incurable.
His misfortune serves as a warning
to others.
Everyone who suffers with dyspepsia
for a few years will give everything he
owns for a new stomach.
Dyspepsia is caused by an abnormal
state of] the gastric juices. There is
one element missing. The absence of
this destroys the function of the gas
tric fluids. They lose their power to
digest food.
We are now able to supply the miss
ing element- to restore to the gastric
juices their digestive power, and to
make the stomach strong and well.
We know that Rcxall Dyspepsia Tab
lets will positively and permanently
cure disordered stomachs, indigestion
and dyspepsia.
We want you to try them and will re
turn your money if you are not more
than satisfied with the result.
Price, 25 cents. Only at our store or
by mail. Holt & Cates Co. Newnan,
Bacon — “What’s the matter with
your friend?”
Egbert—“Why, he looked into the
barrel of a gun he thought wasn’t
Bacon “I should think that would
have been the last thing he would have
Egbert—“It was.”
Shake Into Your Shoes.
Allen’s Foot - Ease, a powder. It
cures painful, swollen, smarting, ner
vous feet and instantly takes the sting
out of corns and bunions and makes
walking easy. Try it to-day. Sold ev
erywhere. Sample FREE. Address,
Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.