Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, April 09, 1909, Image 1

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NEWNAN HERALD & ADVERTISER VOL. XLIV. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1909. NO. 28. Buy the Garment That Wears. Construction is as important as style or fabric. You get the best in our “CURLEE” Pants. Each gar ment has the correct style, high quality, perfect ht and big value that have made the “Curlee” a “repeater” wherever shown We also carry a full line of the cele brated “Clansman,” “Americus” and “Jefferson” brands of oxfords. • Remember, we are always prepared to supply your wants in heavy gro ceries, either for cash or on time. T. Q. FARMER & SONS CO. EASTER PROMISES. "There ia no donth!” the flowers say, “In faith we hide our souls away. While tempests desolate the earth. And patient wait the promised birth.” The South wind chantH, “There is no death! I come, and winter is a breath; Against his falling walls 1 set The snowdrop and the violet.” Glad prophets of the life to be. A kindred spark abides in me, That, like the wind, no thither knows. And yet is comrade to the rose. Thus. Mother Earth, thy gracious breast Gives all thy tired children rest, Where, sheltered from the storms, they bide The Coming of the Eastertide. — [Chas. Eugene Banks. Who’s l Got the H c A We have just completed our new buggy emporium, where we keep at all times two of the best-known buggies made—the “White Star” and the Jackson G. Smith Barnes- ville Buggy—both made in Georgia. We assure the buying public that the “White Star” and the Jackson G. Smith buggies are an individual and superior class, whose merits are winning success in every locality where buggies are sold. These buggies are— High Grade in Duality - - - High Grade in Finish High Grade in Style - - - ■ Moderate in Price IT IS AX UNBEATABLE COMBINATION'. A complete line of Buggy Harness, from §10 to $2d. Come let us show you our buggies. H. C. ARNALL MDSE. CO. CUSTOMS OF EASTERTIME. Easter is the chief festival of the Church, and of course the Little Men and Women always look forward to it with pleasure. Festivals of some kind seem to be necessary to all the mem bers of the human race, big or little, and nothing could be more natural than that there should be one at this time of the year, when nature is waking up from her long winter sleep to put on new life. There has perhaps never been a time when there was not a celebra tion of some kind at the end of winter, for people must express their joy in one way or another, even if it is only as the little girls do, when, at the first signs of spring, they invariably with one accord get out their skipping ropes, which may have been laid away and forgotten for eleven months. The word Easter is probably derived from Eastre, the name of the Saxon goddess of spring, and i it is easy to imagine that before our heathen ances tors were converted to Christianity they used to have a great spring festi val in honor of the goddess. With the advent of Christianity the same season, when all nature suggests joyous thoughts, would naturally be selected for the festival that commemorates the resurrection of Christ. At first there was great disagree- | ment as to the exact day that should be set for this great festival. The Jewish Christians wanted to have it at the same time as the Feast of the Pass- over, but others would not agree to that, and the result was that for hun dreds of years diiTerent branches of the Church celebrated Easter on different days. It is because, a part of the Church did at one time keep Easter at the same time as the Jewish Passover that the word “paschal” is now used in reference either to Easter or the Passover. The question as to the par ticular day on which Easter was to be celebrated was discussed in Church councils and all the learned men of the Church gave it their most serious con sideration, until it was finally decided that Easter Day should be “the first Sunday after the full moon which hap pens upon or next after March 21; and if the full moon happens upon a Sunday, Easter Day is the Sunday af ter. ” No one is expected to under stand this except the astronomers and mathematicians, who discover and an nounce to the general public on what oarticular day Easter will fall each year. The only reason for mentioning this bewildering decision of the Church is that it gives a hint of the connection between Easter and rabbits. It must first be explained tlat the rabbit is all a mistake, and the animal that appears in our Easter pictures and done in su gar in the windows of the confectioners j should really be a hare, instead of a I rabbit. The hare has from time imme morial been the symbol of the moon, and, as the moon decides the time of Easter, it is quite proper and natural that the hare should be associated with this season. In Germany the Easter hare is almost as important a person age as St. Nicholas, and its habits somewhat resemble those of that much loved saint. On the night before Eas ter a white hare enters the home of all children who have been good and hides in all sorts of out-of-the-way corners any number of beautifully colored eggs. Anyway, the children find eggs when they hunt for them, and it would perhaps be presumption on the part of anyone who is not a German to ex press an opinion as to where they real ly come from. A rabbit is not a hare, although they i are cousins. There is one marked dif ference between them. The baby rab- i bit, as all know who keep these little animals as pets, comes into the world blind and helpless, while the baby hare has its eyes open from the beginning, and is soon able to take care of itself. It has been believed that the hare nev er closes its eyes, and that is one rea son why it is chosen as the symbol of the moon, which always has its eyes open and sees everything that goes on at night. Just how the rabbit error was introduced is not known. It may have been all the fault of the confec tioners, who no doubt thought they could make candy without studying na ture, and therefore never learned that there was any difference between a rabbit and a hare. The use of eggs in the celebration of spring is an ancient custom, for the egg has always been the symbol of creation and new life. It is easy to understand why this should be, for every one knows that all the downy little chick ens and ducklings come out of eggs, as well as a multitude of other birds that don’t look so pretty, because they are in such a hurry to get out that they won’t wait to put on their downy gar ments. The egg had been used in the Jewish Feasts of the Passovei, and when the Christian festival of Easter was established its use was retained with an added meaning, for it became the symbol of the Resurrection. There have been many curious obser vances in regard to Easter, in which hare and egg are dying out, while new ones are coming in, but the custom of wearing new clothes is one of the old ones that is not likely to die out. This practice has been so long and firmly es tablished that in some parts of the world there is a superstition that it would bring bad luck to neglect it. Even if there were no Easter festival the coming of spring would probably always create in the human heart a longing for fresh raiment. The Easter Lily Industry. EilgatiE. Webb. In “addition to the Easter lilies raised | from bulbs by the florists to meet the ] demand for that popular blossom dur ing the Easter season, many thousand blossoms have arrived during the last week from Bermuda, where the (lower is said to attain its most perfect growth. It is by its lilies that this lit tle island has made itself famous, and, as extensive as the industry is, it is carried on in a most primitive manner, nearly all the labor being performed by negroes and by hand. Since 1878 the cultivation of the blossom has in creased yearly. The growth of the industry is largely due to the elforts of Mrs. George Rus sell Hastings, a niece of ex-President Hayes, who planted some bulbs ami, finding that they took kindly to the thin, rich soil of the island, encouraged the farmers to raise lilies as well as vegetables. The lily industry has two branches— onefcf raising bulbs and the other the raising of buds for shipment to firms in various localities. The experiment | stations of the United States are en deavouring to ascertain if the lily indus try can be made successful and profita ble in those States where mild weather prevails, and the florists and growers are eagerly awaiting results. Should the results prove encouraging, a new American industry with great possibil ities would open up, and it has been said that here would be another oppor tunity for the indefatigable woman of to-day to engage in an occupation both pleasing and profitable. The lily fields of Bermuda form some of the most attractive sights of that pleasant spot; yet, strange to say, many natives strongly object to the fragrance of the blossoms. "You can discern the fragrance of a lily field a mile off,” said a native the other day. “I don’t know of any per fume I dislike as much as that of the lily, and you will find that many other persons born in Bermuda feel the same way. You see, unless you live there all the year round, with that heavy, overpowering perfume permeating the air, it is impossible to realize how tired you become of it, and the fra grance of a bunch of lilies delicately scenting a room or church is decidedly different from the overpowering fra grance exhaled by a field of blossoms thirty or forty acres in extent.” This industry is said to be much more profitable than raising potatoes, onions or fruits, as an acre of lilies will bring three or four times the revenue to he obtained from an acre of onions, al though a crop of vegetables can be raised at any time throughout the year ; in this land of perpetual spring. | Certain rules prevail regarding the growth that must he attained by a lily bulb for the market, and it usually re quires three years to bring the bulbs to the required size and perfection for shipment. The bulbs are collected dur- j ing June and-July and carefully packed | in dry sand to insure their safe arrival in a condition to force into flower when renuired. The fields of blossoms attain their perfection during the early part of April, continuing to cover the land with white blooms for six weeks or' longer. The wharf from which a steam- ! er starts for New York twice a week is the scene of great activity. Cold stor age accommodations are provided for j the bulbs, which are carefully packed! in boxes with layers of damp moss or i ferns, in addition to tissue paper, which protects the bulbs from cracks or breaks on the white surface. All the j i work must be got through with almost i incredible swiftness, as it is done the! day before the steamer sails, in order j to avoid keeping the flowers packed longer than necessary. Sometimes a j belated packer will arrive a short time I before the hour set for sailing, and, ht - ing too late to pack the blossoms, will stack them up around the side of the cold storage room and trust to luck for I their safe arrival. Not infrequently ( the steamer arrives at New York with 120,000 worth of bulbs aboard. EASTER. Harper’s Weekly. Chance it cannot be that the festival of the resurrection falls together with the springing of the year and the re birth of the earth. The strange fitting ness of ties and events only stiikes us now and then when we stop to reflect: but this side ot life, the beautiful, un dulating order of the universe, is what gives man his sense of security ; it is the root of all the gayety and the bouy- ancy with which we tread the appoint ed paths. What! shall the orbit of the star be mapped out, and the hip-joint of the locust's leg he set so that he can make music through the hot and sultry nights, and the blows that fall upon the yearring soul of man be meaningless and haphazard? Only when we are too tired to think do we feel the necessity of the existent order of the universe. It is not to detract from the value of a symbol, therefore, to realize that it is in its essence of the instrinsic nature of the human heart, the result of that, inevitable preoccupation of man, and that in all ages, all climes, he has re acted in some way or other against the numbing conclusion of a possible end ing. In the lowest tribes and the farthest days some care was taken to provide the dead with solace on the long journey, dark and mysterious, upon which they were supposed to go. Who can look unmoved to-day upon this relic of a past age, in a negro cemetery, and see the toys laid about a little child’s grave, the photographs and fa vorite possessions about thoseof the oili er human child, without being touched by this groping of the mind into the darkness beyond which it cannot yet see clear In its own way this is a reaffirming of the unity of all life; it, too, is a realization that it is the same universal life showing a new face. Man himself, myriad-minded, confused by feeling one thing at one time and a wholly new one at another, yet holds ever in some dark chamber of his thought the conviction that all things are one and that multiformity is but a way of looking, by turns, at the par celled kingdom of the universe. It is as in the child’s song of a new poet “ Whut tlooH it take* to mitko u roBG, Mothor mine?” “The God that died to make it known It lakoH the world’s eternal wars, It takes the moon anti all the stars, It takes tht* mitfht of heaven and hell. And the everlasting Love as well. Little child.” No atom of dust, no star-burst nor trailing comet, must fail to the making of the whole perfection which is the thinking body of divinity. All the snows and the storms, the short, cold winter days, go to the making of the sweet and wasteful hours of the long twilights. It is just this faint taste and premonition in the air of what is to come makes spring the season of deep gladness ; it is a foretaste of des ultory wanderings through a warm breathing earth when the unexpected visitations of the best thoughts full, such thoughts as can only deign to come in blessed idleness and renewal of all life, could reckussly hazard a | doubt of lasting blight. How often, in looking upon Greek vases, wo see the flower-like wilted figure of Persephone falling lax in the arms of the fiery charioteer Aidoneus, And who can for get.—who, at any rate, that has ever looked upon the keen-eyed, pitiless sor row of the wandering Demeter of Cni dus, in the British Museum, can forget the grief of the desolate mother and the resultant sterility of the earth, the sad news handed on by Hecate, who heard the ravished maiden’s cry, and by Helios, who saw the theft. Then Zeus, taking pity upon the earth, sent Iris with a message to Hades ordering the redeliverance of Persephone to her mother, that the grief of death might not be devastating and overpowering. So it has always been in the mind of man, this strange anguish and despair at the glowing human life which seemed to suffer sudden eclipse in death, and its reaction, till, from the annual reassuring himself that even as the seed falls into the earth and dark ness, only to come forth in due sea son in more glorified aspect, so the soul of man suffers momentary and partial eclipse, to be born more gloriously ; but alas! not within the scope of our vision. The festivals of Demeter were held in the spring and autumn. The 7th of April was the day set apart for the games of Ceres. Demeter corresponds to Beltus in Bactrian and to Armaitl in ZorouHtrian mythology. Armaiti, too, wanders in sorrow from place to place. She caused all growth and pervaded the whole material world, even being said to dwell in the hearts of men, and fruc tify there into fair activities and noble pursuits. How intimate and familiar, how strangely modern and near, seems the last great fact of resurrection, as we turn to it from the more ancient as pects! How sonorous and living are the words of the medieval ritual: Die nobis, Maria, quid vidiati in via? And the detailed verification of the antiphonal chant: Sepulchrum Christi viventis et glor- iam vide resurgentis. To know One risen from the dead, to feel the life once reaching only a hand ful of folk on a strip ot land by the Mediterranean, now filling the world and leading men everywhere, is to know that as surely as the spring fol lows winter, so surely does life follow leath, and how little it matters what the forms of that life be, since at least we know that nothing is lost. An Easter Rose for Every Person. An interesting story comes from Gainesville, the thriving and prosper ous county seat of Hall county, involv ing the churches of that place. Rev. T. M. Elliott, of St. Paul's Methodist church, Gainesville, in pur suance of a plan of campaign which he has been conducting, has announced that he proposes to give every person in his congregation on Easter Sunday a ported, blooming rose. The plants have been purchased, and some of them will be placed on exhibition in a Gainesville show-window. It is said he will have a congregation of at least 1,500 persons. When Mr. Elliott first went to Gainesville by direction of the North Georgia Conference, he began an ad vertising campaign whose success, it is siiid, has aroused jealousies. He bought space in the newspapers, scat tered hand-hills, and finally got out a weekly paper of his own. As a result his congregations grew from the usual fifty or sixty, until standing-room in the church is now at a premium, and he is planning to have a gallery built to accommodate the crowds. Rev. Mr. Elliott is much distressed, however, over the fact that he now has to send to Atlanta to have his printing done and to publish his paper. He as serts that a conspiracy has been formed against him, as a result of which the four printing offices in Gainesville have refused to do any work for him. The newspapers, it is stated, have shut him off, and the cor respondents of out-of-town newspa pers appear to have been silenced. Notwithstanding the alleged conspir acy, the Rev. Mr. Elliott has not devi ated from his policy and the result is Gainesville, religiously, is all split up. The indications point to a public “church war” which may prove highly interesting. An Easter Myth. One of the most ancient and interest ing of myths is that which connects the hare with Easter. The relation is much clearer than would seem possible at first impression. It all comes through the moon. Easter, as is well known, is a movable feast dependent on the phases of the moon. The dato of the full moon following the vernal equinox fixes the date of Easter. The frisky hare, it seems, has also its con nection with the moon. The moon ap pears only at night; so does the hare,' which is a nocturnal animal and come” out after dark to feed. Each little Ger man child is taught that If his deport ment has been satisfactory a white hare will come quietly and hide colored eggs in the house for him to hunt on Easter morning. The practice of pre senting eggs, now so universal, was brought down to us from the ancient Magians or Persians. It springs from the old fable of the mundane egg, for which Armuzd, the Persian spirit of good, and Ahriman, the evil spirit, were to contend until the end of the world. WELL DESERVED. The Praiflo That Comes From Thank ful Newnan People. One kidney feffiedy never fails. Newnan people rely upon it. That remedy is Doan’s Kidney Pills. Newnan testimony proves it always reliable. A. G. W. Foster, living near North Jackson street, Newnan, Ga., says: “I would not take one hundred dollars for the good Doan’s Kidney Pills afforded me; in fact, I can say that they have made a new man out of me. Probably uue to advanced age, my kidneys were badly out of order and caused such in tense pain through my loins that I could hardly get about. At night I was restless and unable to sleep and would arise in the morning tired and worn out. My general health was being gradually undermined and I was at a loss to know what to do. The kidney secretions were very scanty and quite frequent in action. When 1 procured Doan’s Kidney Pills at Lee Bros’, drug store, I hardly thought that they would help me, as 1 had used so many reme dies without any benefit. I soon changed my opinion of them, however, as 1 had taken them only a short time when every symptom of my trouble was banished. I am now in the best of health, considering my age, and only wish I could let every sufferer from kidney trouble know of the great value of Doan’s Kidney Pills.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other.