Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, April 23, 1909, Image 1

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SUPPLEMENT. Newnan Herald and Advertiser. VOL. XI.ix. m:\vnan, <;a.. Friday, ai’kil 1000. no. :to. The pictures that you want framed— the art panels, sketches, etc., you will find us best able to frame to your sat isfaction* Our stock of mouldings means suiting you to a "T"* Stop in to-day and let us help you select. Yours truly, Scroggin Furniture Co. "THE Emm PRINCESS" An Operetta in Two Acts, for Women's Voices Auditorium, Friday Night April 30, at 8:30 O’clock Presented by St. Cecilia Chorus LIBRETTO BY MADAME J. QUINTEN ROSSE MUSIC BY CHAS. VINCENT, MUS. DOC. ARGUMENT. 3. Duet and chorus, “All, Daughter Mine”... Queen and Rrincoss 4. Patter souk, “Now, Isn’t it Really Extra ordinary” Tabubu 5. Duet, “Were I a Prince” Princess and Alva ti. Scene, “Whither Away so Fast, I Pray” Chorus and Herub 7. Recitative and recitation, “My Dearest Wish” Alva 8. Chorus, “Bring Me Flowers” Priestesses 9. March of Worship to Ilathor. 10. Chorus to Hathor. ACT II. 11. Solo dance Slave Girl 12. Duet, “Now, Phila Darling” Nyssa and Phila 13. Chorus and solo, “Long Live the Queen” Queen and Chorus 14. Solo, “With Joy My Thankful Heart” Princess and Chorus 15. Chorus “Slow Advancing. ” 16. Recitation and song, “Take Back the Gifts” Queen Crania 17. Chorus, “Hail! Hail! Joyously Hail.” 18. Song, “Dear Me! This is a Surprise” Tabubu 19. Burlesque incantation scene. .Nyssa, Phila, Tabubn 20. Solo, “Ah, Strange Indeed the Web of Fate”. .Alva 21. Trumpet Chorus, “Ta-ra, Ta-ra. ” 22. Cymbal Dance. 23. Final Chorus, “We Now Repair to Greet the King.” CHARACTERS. reco o CENTURY For twenty-six years I have been selling Groceries, Fresh Fish and Oysters to the people of Newnan and vicinity. My business has grown from a few hundred dollars a month to where it amounts now to thousands of dollars a month. While I may be reported by some as being a “back num ber,” I wish to inform the public that I am “still on deck when the bell rings,” both morning and night, doing business at the same old stand where 1 began twenty-two years ago. My motto is to treat every man as I would have him treat me. This is the Golden Rule which will bring the success it deserves. So if you want a “square deal” when buying your Groceries, call phone 54, give Swint the order, and you will be satisfied with the rest. Roe Shad this week at 50c. Buck Shad, 30c. Spanish Mackerel, 12Jc. pound. J. T. SWINT Oldest Grocery House in Newnan. We Ask Yon to take Cardui, for your female troubles, because we are sure It will help you. Remember that this great female remedy— “CARS II ^ has brought reKef to thousands of ra other sick women, so why not to ife you ? For headache, backache, periodical pains, female weak* ness, many have said it Is "the U best medicine to take.” Try It 1 y Sold in This City E-Jectri :@rs Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. All kinds of job work done with neatness and dispatch at this office. DR.KING’S MEWDBSCOVERY Will Surely Slop Thai Cough. The opening of the first act discloses a number of girls busily engaged in embroidering banners for a festival to be held in honor of the return of the King and his victorious army from a three years war. Alva is an Irish Princess, stolen from her home by Pirates when a child and sold as a slave in Gaul. She was purchased by the King of Egypt as a companion for his only child, Aida. Tabubu, the old maid sister of the Queen, is always too late for everything. In this act Herub, a soothsayer, is compelled by a lot of girls to tell their fortunes. She predicts freedom for Alva. Act II. —Opens with Nyssa and Phila, two merry maids, watching the performance of a dancing girl, after which they conspire to play a practical joke on Tabubu. This is carried out during this act. The King sends on in advance certain prisoners, among whom is a captive Queen, Grania. Grania recognizes in Alva, her lost sister. A message is received from the Prince of Tunis, asking Princess Aida in marriage. In honor of the return of the King and in anticipation of Aida’s marriage, the King restores Grania and Alva to liberty. PROGRAMME. Queen of Egypt Mrs. Z. Greene Princess Aida (Queen’s daughter) Miss Mary Goodrum Princess Tabubu, (Old maid sister of Queen).. ....Mib H. A. Goolsby. Nyssa | ( Misses ■ Companions to Princess Aida... Nell Pinson Phila t | Kate Snead Alva, (A Favorite Slave..Miss Annie Lizzie Widener Queen Grania, (Captive Queen).. Miss Ysabel Salbide Herub, (The Witch) Mrs. Alonzo Norris Chorus of Priestesses to Hathor, Egyptian Goddess of Love and Beauty—Mrs. Elisha Sims, Mrs. T. F. Rawls, Mrs. J. V. Thomson, Mrs. Mike Powell, Mrs. T. B. Parks, Misses Bailey, Burpee and Hornsby. Egyptian Girls—Misses Gibson, Simril, Kersey, Al- bertine Snead, Mesdames Barrett, Gearreld, Brower, Perry, Wilkinson, Goodrum. Queen’s Attendants-Misses Strickland, Moncrief, P’armer and Kirby. Slave Children—Janie Lee Johnson, Elizabeth North, Elwyn Powell, George Kinnard. Cymbal Dances—Misses Martin, Bigham, Nellie Brown, Lida Brown, Gearreld, Simms, Mesdames J. S. Gibson and Garland Jones. Solo dance by Miss Louise Gearreld. Pianist—Miss Evelyn Martin. Selections before performance and between acts by the Perry Orchestra. SCENE.—Throne Room of the Egyptian Court. XUMIIKKS. ACT I. 1. Instrumental introduction and chorus. 2. Song, “There’s a Beautiful Isle in the Far, Far West” Alva Orchestra will play at 8 o’clock; curtain rises promptly at 8:30. Tickets on sale at Reese Drug Co.’s after Wednes day, April 28. General admission, 50c.; reserved seats 25c. extra. The proceeds of the entertainment will be donated to the Daughters of the Confederacy. A wild-eyed man clutched the police man’s arm. "Come with me,” he said, “and 1 will show you a bucket shop in action —right under the nose of the authori ties, too.” “Lead me to it,” the policeman com manded. The wild-eyed man led the policeman around the corner and halted him in front of a milliner’s shoo. “Look!” he cried. The policeman looked. “Why, thim ain’t buckets,” he said. “Thim’s the latest styles in hats foi gurls. ” But when he looked around the wild eyed man had slipped away. Before marriage woman is a queen; after marriage a subject. The new minister in a Georgia church was delivering his first sermon. The darky janitor was a critical lis tener from a back corner of the church. 1 he minister’s sermon was eloquent, and his prayers seemed to cover the whole category of human wants. After the services one of the deacons asked the old darky what he thought of the new minister. “Don’t you think he offers up a good prayer, Joe?” I mos’ sartinly does, boss. Why. dat man axed de good Lo’d fo’ things flat de odder preacher didn’t even know He had !” Many an honest man might be other wise if an opnortunity worth while knocked at his door. \ m The American people don’t “love to be fooled.” lhey want to be “shown.” A filthy fellow applied for a position as porter with a large concern where help was badly needed. The manager looked him over doubtfully. Finally he handed him half a dollar. "Go uptown and take a bath,” he told him. “Then come back and maybe I’ll be able to take you on.” The fellow started for the door. “And, oh, by the way,” the manager called after him, “if there’s any change left take another bath.” The more friends a man has, the more they think he ought to feel hon ored to rob his family in spending his money on them. The gushing woman likes to listen to all sorts of extravagant talk, while the timid girl is happy to sit and blush when her beau grins.