Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, April 30, 1909, Image 1

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t NEWNAN HERALD & ADVERTISER VOL. XLIV. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1909. NO. 31. Buy the Garment That Wears Construction is as important as style or fabric. You get the best in our “CURLEE” Pants. Each gar ment has the correct style, high quality, perfect fit and big value that have made the “Curlee” a “repeater” wherever shown We also carry a full line of the cele brated “Clansman,” “Americas” and “Jefferson” brands of oxfords. Remember, we are always prepared to supply your wants in heavy gro ceries, either for cash or on time. T. G. FARMER & SONS CO. A SPRING DAY. Soft! the day awakes! Its blushing face now peeps From o’er the eastern hills and makes All Nature smile, and birds their carols sing. Lo! it lives its life— The sand falls through twelve times; The busy work! goes on in strife, And sees no beauty in the perfect day. Click! the wheel of time Has passed another cog; And, lo! the evening song-birds chime The passing of a bright and huppy day. Hush! the day is dead! Upon its azure mound Myriad daisies have been spread. Which bob and twinkle in the breath of God. — [Chns. Raymond Crane. Newnan, Ga.. April 27, 1909. HISTORY OF 14TH AMENDMENT. •» Come, Let Us Show You Through ♦ 4 C OME, let us show you through our new building and see what an immense stock of goods we have. On the first floor, as you enter from Court Square, we have our dry goods depart ment, where we carry at all seasons one of the largest stocks of goods in the city, consisting of Shoes, Slippers, Hats, Caps, Dress Goods of all kinds, Clothing, Overalls, Crockery, Shirts, Hosiery, Underwear, etc. C,After showing you through this department, we go into the Buggy Emporium, where we sell two of the best- known buggies—and both made in Georgia, These are the “White Star,’’ made by the Atlahta Buggy Co., and the Jackson G. Smith Barnesville Buggy. We keep from twenty-five to thirty-five bug gies on hand all the time, and are glad to show them. In this de partment we also have harness of all kinds, at prices to suit every one. CLNext, we carry you to the Grocery Department, where you will see the largest stock of heavy groceries to be found in a retail store. Here we can supply you at all times with Oats, Hay, Bran, Lard, Meat, Flour, Salt, Sugar, Coffee, Corn, and everything in Groceries. C.Come to see us and let us show you through. We will be glad for you to visit us. «& Some Facts Recalled Are of Interest to Everyone The Amendment Was Illegal, and Force Was Used to Secure its Passage, Now Orleans Picayune. Representative Bennett, Republican, of the Seventeenth New York district in Congress, has introduced a bill to re duce representation in Congress and in Presidential elections of the Southern States, under the authority of the Four teenth Amendment to the Federal Con stitution in proportion to negroes, who, he alleges, have been deprived of their votes in these States. His bill would decrease thp represen tation as follows: Alabama, from 9 to 5; Florida, 3 to 2; Georgia, 11 to 6; Louisiana, 7 to 4; Mississippi, S to 3; North Carolina, 10 to 7; South Caroli na, 7 to 2; Tennessee, 10 to 8; Texas, 16 to 13; and Virginia, 10 to 7. This is an old gag which has been brought up against the South ever since the Fourteenth Amendment was declared to have been adopted July 23, 1368. That was during the enforcement of the infamous reconstruction laws that were imposed upon the Southern States after the Civil War, and when they ratified, or are alleged to have ratified, the war amendments, they were being ground under the heels of military des potism, and whatever these States did in the way of ratifying was done under intimidation and compulsion. Senator Money, of Mississippi, has just introduced in the body of which he is a member a resolution directing the Attorney-General of the Ignited States to submit to the United States Su preme Court all the information avail able relative to the adoption of the amendment, so that the court may de termine the legality of its adoption, as he proposes to have the matter tested if possible. According to the National Constitu tion, that great charter of the rights of the States and of the liberties of the people in their relation to the powers of the General Government, can be amended by having the desired amend ment proposed by a resolution of both Houses of Congress, and, after adop tion by them, ratified by three-fourths of the States of the Union. This re quirement is alleged to have been duly complied with, and the ratification by the several States is thus given out: Connecticut. June 30, 1866. New Hampshire, July 7, 1866. Tennessee, July 19, 1866. Oregon. Sept. 19, 1866. Vermont, Nov. 9. 1866. New York, Jan. 10, 1867. West Virginia, Jan. 16, 1867. Kansas, Jan. 18, 1867. Maine, Jan. 19, 1867. Nevada. Jan. 22, 1867. Missouri, Jan. 26, 1867. Indiana, Jan. 20, 1867. Minnesota, Feb. 1. 1867. Rhode Island. Feb. 7, 1867. Wisconsin, Feb. 13, 1867. Pennsylvania, Feb. 13, 1867. Michigan, Feb. 15, 1867. Massachusetts, March 20, 1867. Nebraska, June 15, 1867. Iowa, April 3, 1868. Arkansas, April 6, 1868. Florida, June 9, 1868. Louisiana, July 9, 1868. Alabama, .July 13, 1868. The following States ratified the amendment and subsequently rescinded the ratification: New Jersey, ratified Sept. 11, 1866, on sixteen years. She not only cooks and withdrew in April, 1868. ' [ the meals, but does all the marketing, Ohio, ratified Jan. 11, 1867, and with- looks after the grocer, the baker and drew in January, 1868. , the icer 'ian. She pays the bills, and The following States rejected the i never once has suggested giving no- Delaware, refused Feb. 8, 1867. Maryland, refused March 23, 1867. It is plain enough that the Southern States of Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia, after having rejected the amendment, were forced to withdraw their action and consent to ratification. If these five Southern States, which ratified under compulsion, and the two North ern States of New Jersey and Ohio, which ratified and subsequently re scinded their ratification, and the three loyal States of Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland, that never ratified the amendment, making in all ten, be subtracted from the then whole num ber of thirty-six States, it is seen that the Fourteenth Amendment was never legally ratified by three-fourths of the whole number, since only twenty-six would be left of the thirty-six, where as, three-fourths would require that twenty-seven had voted. Such are the facts from the official record recognized by Congress, but it is not likely that the despotic acts which were perpetrated to force the Fourteenth Amendment into the Con stitution, after standing and being made the basis of national legislation for forty years, more or less, will be disturbed by any court or tribunal or by Congress. It would be an official acknowledgment of a most infamous wickedness perpetrated to perpetuate the domination of the Republican par ty by fixing its will upon the American people by fastening it in the National Constitution. Lost Opportunity. How many, in all climes, in all ages, call sadly and regretfully to mind the thousand golden opportunities forever lost! The lesson is beautifully taught in the following Indian legend: “There was once a beautiful damsel upon whom one of the good genii wished to bestow a blessing. He led her to the edge of a large field of corn, where he said to her: “ ‘Daughter, in the field before us the ears of corn, in the hands of those who pluck them in faith, shall have talis- manic virtue, and the virtue shall be in proportion to the size and beauty of the ear gathered. Thou shalt pass through the field once and pluck one ear. It must ne taken as thou goest forward, and thou shalt not stop in thy path, nor shalt thou retrace a single step in quest of thine object. Select an ear full and fair, and according to its size and beauty shall be its value to thee as a talisman. ’ “The maiden thanked the good genii, and then set forward upon her quest. As she advanced she saw many ears of corn, large, ripe and beautiful, such as calm judgment might have told her would possess virtues enough, but in her eagerness to grasp the very best she left these fair ears behind, hoping that she might find one still fairer. At length, as the day was closing, she reached a part of the field where the stalks were shorter and thinner and the ears were very small and shriveled. "She now regretted the grand ears she had left behind, and disdained to pick from the poor show around her, for here she found not an ear which bore perfect grain. She went on. hut alas! only to find the stalks more and more feeble and blighted, until in the end, as the day was closing and the night coming on, she found herself at the end of the field without having plucked an ear of any kind. No need that the genii should rebuke her for her folly. She saw it clearly when too late. ” The Paragon. Harper’s Weekly. “Oh, tut!” ejaculated Mr. Hollister when Binks had got through with his hard luck story about the difficulties of housekeeping in the suburbs. “That kind of talk makes me weary. The everlasting tommy-rot about not being able to keep a cook more than a week ought to be dropped. Why, the cook in my house has been with me for going Jean* for “Little Joe.” Washington Iiorald. Down in Georgia, where, since “Lit tle Joe’’ Brown’s election to the Gov ernorship, the wicked have ceased from troubling and the weary are at rest, they are getting ready for the in auguration. This interesting event is scheduled to take place during the gladsome June time, and it is going to be the most strenuously simple change in administration known to the history of that grand old State. “Little Joe’’ Brown is the gentleman, you know, who recently suppressed the biggest noise Crackerland ever heard. He gumshoed his way from modest in- conspieuousness to the executive man sion in Peachtree street, Atlanta—and that, too, long before the lease of the Hop. Hoke Smith thereon was sup posed to be marked for a finish. Mr. Brown is a veritable Hercules of shrinking self-effacement. If there is anything in this world be hates more than he hates ostentation and show, he has forgotten what it is, and does not want to remember. A silk hat invaria bly gives him the shivers, and a Prince Albert coat knows no abiding place in his sartorial philosophy. Mr. Brown is the champion unpretty man in all Dix ie, and glories in it—always and ever, however, with repressed emotion, and after his own quiet fashion. Wherefore, we marvel not to learn that “Little Joe’’ is tq, be sworn in iressed in a suit of Georgia jeans, made in a Georgia factory, owned and managed by a Georgian to the manner born. There is to be no tooting of horns or beating of tom-toms at this inauguration. The grand, glittering and gorgeous display of other days is to be conspicuous by its absence. No where is the demon of predatory wealth and plutocratic audacity to rear its horned head or display its cloven hoof. The Governor-elect proposes to ride to the capitol, not in an automo bile or behind prancing and caparisoned steeds, but on a plebian street car, and, we suspect, hanging to a strap. As to the ceremony of taking the oath of of fice, any handy Justice of the Peace will do that, just so he makes a quick job of it, and permits the new Governor to get busy governing without any fussing, fuming, fretting or strutting. What more fitting array for this se verely democratic occasion than a suit of “home-made’’ jeans? It is a mas terly idea, horn of a masterly mind—a conception such as is permitted only to those few rare souls of this world who are able to discriminate unerringly in respect of the eternal fitness of things. Oh, you “Little Joe!” No wonder you are Governor-elect of Georgia. You may not be weighted down with medals won in beauty contests, but you have a way with you ! Our hat is off to you, and into the Governorship you will carry our very best wishes, along with those of your immediate neighbors and friends. The Great Pyramids. The cost of the labor and material necessary to duplicate the great pyra mid of Gizeh at the present time would amount to considerably more than $50,- 000,000, according to a paper road be fore the Society of Engineers in New York City by E. S. Wheeler. The cost of the material alone is estimated at $4,000,000. This structure, one of the wonders of the world, is founded on solid rock at a depth of about 120 feet below the sur face level and rises to a height of 454 feet. Its base covers an area of almost fifteen acres. Mr. Wheeler’s scheme for the repro duction of this pyramid contemplates first the setting of a base of concrete. This would represent about 2,000,000 cubic yards of material and would cost at least $10,000,000. The estimate for the superstructure is about $3,000,000, and it would contain 3,313,000 cubic yards of backing stone and 140,000 cu bic yards of facing stone. Mr. Wheel er’s estimate of labor is 2,400,000 days. These figures are cited to show the great engineering ski 1 of the Egyp tians and the fact that no task in con struction appeared to be too large for a people whose extant monuments ratification and subsequently adopted ! tice ‘ What’s more, she looks after the showed their patience and ability to 4 H. C. ARNALL MDSE. CO. i it: i Georgia, rejected Nov. 13, 1867, and ratified July 21, 1868. j North Carolina, rejected Dec. 4, 1866, land ratified July 4, 1868. South Carolina, rejected Dee. 20, J1866, and ratified July 9, 1868. ! Georgia’s ratification, after having j first rejected, was not considered satis- children, darns their stockings, mends my shirts when they need it, keeps my buttons sewed on, and—” “I’ll bet you give her all sorts of privileges,” retorted Binks. “Yes,” said Hollister. “She enter tains company in the parlor, has the use of the piano whenever she wants it, takes a dav off whenever she 4 factory, and so Gerogia ratified again-* Dieases', wears my wife’s clothes, and Feb. 2, 1870. Texas, rejected Nov. 1, 1866, and ratified Feb. 18, 1870. Virginia, rejected Jan. 19, 1867, and ratified Oct. 8, 1868. The following States not only reject ed the amendment but absolutely re fused at any time to ratify it, and up to the present time have persisted in that refusal. They are : Kentucky, refused Jan. 10, 1867. every now and then I take her to the theatre with me.” “You do?” roared Binks. “Well, what does your wife say to that?” “Nothing,” said Hollister. “She is my wife.” “Are you related to Barney O’Brien?” Thomas O’Brien was once asked. “Very distantly,” replied Thomas. ”1 was me mother’s first child ; Barney was th’ sivinteenth.” overcome obstacles that would daunt even the modern engineer. There Has Recently Been Placed In all the drug stores an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for woman’s ills, called Mother Gray’s Australian leaf. It is the only certain regulator. Quick ly relieves female weakness and Back ache. Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. At all druggists or by mail 50c. Sarnnle FR EE. Address The Moth er Gray Go., LeRov, N. Y. An officer, at a State camp, decided to see for himself how his sentries were doing their duty. He was some what surprised at overhearing the fol lowing : “Halt! Who goes there?” “Friend—with a bottle.” “Pass, friend. Halt, bottle.” A cyclone is an il nobody good. wind that blows The Point of View. Harris Dickinson in Everybody’s. “Uncle Ransom,” said the planter, “you rode my best horse twenty miles to that mullet supper Saturday night: you kept him out all day Sunday, and nearly killed him Sunday night. How many times have I told you to let my horse rest on Sunday?” “Yes, suh, Marse Robert, dat’s so, but— ” “How many times have I told you if you didn’t quit that, you and I couldn’t get along together on this place?” “Dat sho’ is de trufe, Marse Robert. You p’intedly tole mo dat—but a nig ger jes’ naeherly forgits.” “Every negro on this place believes that he can do exactly as he pleases.” “Dar now, bless Gawd, you sho’ done spoke a parable—dese young niggers is gettin’ mighty triflin’.” “It has come to this, Ransom; tiiis plantation is not big enough for you and me. To-morrow morning we part; you go your way and 1 go mine.” “Yes, suh.” The old negro looked sorely troubled and bewildered. He glanced over his shoulder at the rippling lake, the open cotton, the perfectly level fields. Un cle Ransom had been born on the plan tation, and had never known any other home. His heart went out in supreme pity for the man who had to leave it. “Well, Marse Robert, ef we jes’ can’t git erlong together—ef we’s jes’ boun’ ter sep’rate, would you mind tollin’ me whar’bouts you ’spects ter go?” Shall I Be Spender or Saver ? Bank MoRsongcr. Ever since money was coined there have existed two factions ; one arguing that coin is round, therefore designed to roll; the other contending that coin is fiat, therefore it was made to lie piled up. An overwhelming proportion of young men have alfiliated them selves with the former class. * 9 The modern young man is a money maker, but not a money-saver. His merit lies in his power to create; his shortcoming is his inability to con serve. Money is spent with as much zest as it is earned. Saving money does not mean barring it from circulation in one’s own name. Penuriousness is as disgusting as lav ishness is disastrous. There is a happy medium. Frugality is the rational ground between spendthriftness and parsimony. Thrift must be cultivated. There is a great demand to-day for the prudent young man. He stands higher in the estimation of his employer than the improvident employee. The man who exercises good judgment in deal ing with himself is likely to use the same discretion in dealing with his em ployer’s interest. Russell Sage claimed that it is possi ble for every wage-earner to lay aside twenty-live per cent, of his salary, Economy teaches self-restraint. The way the consumer itj eared for in some of the tariff schedules reminds us of the story of the darky who ilStfUtia 3 ted a loan of $10. He needed it only for a month, and had no better security to offer than an old mule and cart. Accordingly it was explained to him that the loan would cost him $2.50, and it was further intimated that he was playing in luck to get such good terms. Afterwards he was discerned outside the loan office contemplating the $7.50 with a puzzled look, and doing some concentrated thinking. “What’s wrong?” asked a neighbor. “Dare ain’t nulfin de matter,” said the darky, “ 'cept if I had ’a ast fo’ dat loan fo’ foah months, ’stid der one, 1 wouldn't a got nothin.” DO IT NOW. Newnan People Should Not Wait Until It is Too Late. The appalling death-rate from kidney disease is due in most cases to the fact that the little kidney troubles are usu ally neglected until they become seri ous. The slight symptoms give place to chronic disorders, and the sufferer goes gradually into the grasp of diabetes, dropsy, Bright’s disease, gravel or some other serious form of kidney complaint. I f you suffer from backache, head aches, dizzy spells; if the kidney secre tions are_irregular of passage and un natural in appearance, do not delay. Help the kidneys at once. Doan’s Kidney Pills are especially for kidney disorders they cure where oth ers fail. Over one hundred thousand people have recommended them. Here’s a case at home: F. W. Brown, machinist, 18 Thomp son street, ewnan, Ga., says: “Some months ago I was troubled a great deal by pains in the small of my back. Pro curing a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills at Lee Bros.’ drug store, I used them ac cording to directions and was relieved in a few days. I have been in good health since. ” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. A visit to any so-called health resort will convince a man that the natives are not there for their healih.