Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, April 30, 1909, Image 5

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& fr■* 4 I ’ fierald and fldwtiser. ^VWWvWA^VVWvAWWVW!® “The Herald and Advertiser” oflice is upstairs over the Newnan Banking Co. ’Phone 6. "The Blood is The Life” Science has never gone beyond tha above simple statement of scripture. Hut it has illuminated that statement and given it a meaning ever broadening with the increasing breadtli of knowledge. When the blood is "bad" or impure it is not alone the body which suffers through disease. The brain is also clouded, Him mind and judgement are acted, amrumuy an evil deed or impure tboiigluvi^^o>k^ect!y traced to tho impumy of the bhxjJ^ Foul, impure blood can be made nun- by the use of Hr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery , IT. mricTies and nurilies the blond t)i..r..h Y curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions and other cutaneous affections, as eczema, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives and other manifestations of impure blood. ® ® ® ® ® ® In the cure of scrofulous swellings, en larged glands, open eating ulcers, or old sores, tho "Golden Medical Discovery "has performed the most marvelous cures. In cases of old sores, or open eating ulcers, it is well to apply to the open sores Dr. Pierce’s All-Healing Salve, which pos sesses wonderful healing potency when used as an application to the sores in con junction with tho use of "Golden Medical Discovery ” as a blood cleansing consti tutional treatment. If your druggist don't happen to have the "All-Healing Salve” in stock, you cun easily procure it by inclosing fifty-four cents in postage stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, C63 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y., and it will come to you by return post. Most druggists keep it as well as the "Golden Medical Discovery." ® ® ® ® ® ® Yon can’t afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discovery,” which is a medicine of known composition, having a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bottle-wrapper, the namo being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. Spalding ’ s Base Ball Goods. New Shipment Just in. Write or call for Spalding’s 1909 Catalog, MURRAY’S Atlanta and West Point RAILROAD COMPANY ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS AT NEWNAN, GA. No. 'M. No. *42 No. 144. No. 38 . (J :45 a. m. . 7:35 a. m. . 9:03 a. m. .10:40 a. m. . 3;25p. m. . 6:40 p.m. . 5:32p.m. 6:45 a. m. . 8:27 a. m. . 9:33 a. m. .12:28 ]». m. . 5 :12 p. m. 7 :10 p. m. 6 :23 p. m. .10:40 p. m. tSunday only. *Daily except Sun day. All other trains daily. Odd numbers, southbound; even num bers, northbound. DR. M. S. ARCHER, Luthersville, Ga. Bv W. F. BRYAN. Copyrighted, lies, by Associated Literary Press. All calls promptly filled, day or night. Diseases of children a specialty. THOS. J. JONES, Physician and Surgeon. Office on Hancock street, near public square, Residence next door to Virginia House. DR. F. I. WELCH, Physician. Office No. 9 Temple avenue, opposite public school building. ’Phone 234. DR. T. B. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon. Office—Sanatorium building. Office ’phone £ call; residence ’phone 5—2 calls. W. A. TURNER, Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to surgery and diseases of women. Office lyl-i* Spring street. ’Phone 230 K. W. STARR, Dentist. All kinds of dental work. Patronage of the pub lic solicited. Office over Newnan Banking Co. All kinds of job work done with neatness and dispatch at this office. No thunder rolled, no lightning Hash ed, when .Tames Henry Holden got ids job, but the proceedings were not alto gether without excitement. .Tames Henry entered the office with a de- i an nil for the position offered in t lie morning paper. “We've got a boy,” declared Itoyce, the gray haired manager. “You’re too late.” “I was to ten other places before I could get here,” explained James Henry. "Which is the kid you put on?" Itoyce nodded in tlie direction of a small boy who was regarding his nice ly polished boots with embarrassed in terest. James rendered hoarse thanks for the information and slipped, out. He was back again in an hour or so to lay a package and some change on ltoyee's desk. “Them’s the pencils you sent for,” he announced. “Where’ll I put my hat?” “I told you we had n boy,” said Royee crossly. “And 'had' ain't ‘is,’ ” explained James. “He's gone home to get ids rye fixed, and l told him I’d take the job, su s lie needn't worry.” For a moment Itoyce hesitated. It was bad policy to employ a boy who had taken another’s job, but Itoyce was very tired of boys who lacked spirit, so at last lie nodded his head in the direction of the bench where the boys sat waiting for their turn to be called. “No more fighting or out you go,” he warned, with a frown, and James grinned ns lie crossed over to the bench. In two days lie was “JImsey” to ev ery one in the office with the exception of Benson, the senior partner, and even Benson thought of him as JImsey on those infrequent occasions when he gave the lad any thought at nil. He was alert, intelligent and always ready to perform services not strictly in His line. More than once JImsey was sent up town to Benson's home with some message, and in those commissions he delighted. Usually lie carried a mes sage to Mrs. Benson, and Jiuisey grew adoringly, fond of tHo sweet faced girl who was the broker’s second wife. Marion Cliesuey had married Benson because her parents had given her no pence until she had consented to make tHo sacrifice that should re-establish the Cliesuey fortunes even at the price of her own unhappiness, and like a brave little woman she was trying hard to make 1 lie best of it. though she found it very difficult at times. Benson had sought a mistress of his home rather than of His heart. lie de lighted in seeing his wife at the head of ills table when he gave dinners to Ills business associates. Bike the plate and the wines, she did credit to his taste. Beyond that lie gave her little thought. lie was careful (o provide flowers and candy, but merely lie- cause lie felt that tills was expected, and JImsey took far more delight in the trip than did Benson in tHe send ing or Marion in tlie receiving. Once it had slipped out at home that tiie head clerk Had a standing order to remind His employer to send flowers and tilings, lin'd after that they were Cowers or candy to Marion— nothing more. .Timsey’s frank admiration and lively ways meant far more to her because liis boyish adoration was sincere and his friendliness genuine. She came to wateli for ills appearance, and to JIm sey the quarter or half dollar that she gave him meant far less than the friendly pressure of the slim, cool fin gers ns she laid Hie coin in ids palm. So matters stood when Jimsey, mak ing a short cut through tiie park on the way to tiie street car line, came face to face with Marion and a man as lie turned a curve in the path. There was no mistaking the man’s at titude. lie was making determined love to her, and she seemed at least tolerant if not receptive. For an instant Jimsey paused and then half turned to retrace ids steps and made a detour. When he caught a better glimpse of the man’s face he sauntered forward. He came to a slop before tiie couple, and ids Hut was whisked off as he made a sweeping bow to Marion. Then he turned to the man with a look of infinite disgust. , “Get on a new lay, Skinny,” lie de manded. “You’re off your beat and in over your head. You’d better beat it or I’ll tell the cops where the lead pipe from Ilennessy’s new tenements went to. It’s too bad you can’t stay no long er, but you get tTl outen here.” To Marion’s surprise the man rose and without a word took a hurried de parture. Jimsey turned to her with mild reproach in His eyes. “I know how you feel,” lie said soothingly as he watched tiie tears come unbidden to her eyes. “You want to have a steady, and tiie old man ain’t no good for the mushy stuff, you can't get a flirtation with no one what knows your push, but you don’t want to get mixed up witli no lead pipe thief.” “I am interested in charities,” she explained, not realizing that she was making a defense to a fifteen-year-old boy. “He spoke so interestingly of the conditions he had studied. This was the first time that he presumed to be come personal.” “He thought he had you cinched,” remarked Jimsey, forbearing to add that he thought she was "easy.” “You want to put the old man wise, be cause Skinny may try to hold you up— blackmail, you know.” “1 couldn’t, 1 couldn't!” cried the girl with a sob. "But you must,” insisted Jimsey firmly, “if you don't tell, he’ll make up all kinds of stories, and you'll have to put up or stand for ’em." “But you can’t understand,” she be gan, and Jimsey sagely nodded Ills bead. He was wise far beyond his years. “I know,” lie conceded. “You two ain’t never had a good fight so’s you could know each other, <“n 1 put him wise?” Tiie girl shook her head, but Jimsey shook ids, too, and, though he said no more to her, lie was waiting for lien- son when tho latter left the office, it was Benson’s lmbit to walk uptown eacli evening until lie felt tired, and tonight Jimsey emerged from tho shad ows of tiie corner and fell into step. “I want to chew the rag, boss,” he explained. “See the cashier if you want more salary,” was the short response. “1 cannot be bothered witli office details.” “This ain't office,” denied Jimsey. "It's about the lady, i didn't promise not to tell, and slio's afraid to.” “What do you know about my wife tHat she Is afraid to tell me?” demand ed Henson sharply. “It’s this way,” explained Jimsey hurriedly. “She ain't got nothin’ to do but to be good to folks, and she gets in with the charily people. There's a chap Unit trails with the bunch for what lie can get outen it, and—and—lie was mailin' love to her today. There ain't nothin’ wrong, and you can't blame her. I seen Him soil in’ soap for twenty-fi' cents a cake, and there ain’t another faker I know e’n get more’ll ton. lie's a swell talker, and she fell for to listen—just to listen, you under stand. N But lie t liinks that he e’n threaten to tell you and—and get some money from her, and I want to plug the game.” “And get the money yourself for tell ing?” demanded Benson. "It won’t work. I have implicit confidence in my wife.” To his shocked surprise Jimsey slapped him jubilantly on tiie back. “That’s tiie way to talk,” ho cried, with enthusiasm, “only toll it to her, boss. Don’t toll it to me. Just sort of get together. Good night.” Ho sped away into darkness, and in liis perturbation Benson walked all the way home. He could see Hie poor little girl fearful of wliat might happen and trying to greet him with a smile. He could recall many little tilings to which business had blinded him, and wlieu at last lie came into liis home lie took tiie trembling little woman in Ids arms and told her that lie understood. Even Jimsey could not realize to what good effect he laid “plugged the game.” He had made many crooked ways straight, and some vague thought of tliis made him happy as he stood in lino for a gallery ticket to the melo drama, where the stage villain would be knocked out and virtue would tri- unipli ns he had seen it tHat day in real life. Honesty is a good thing in connection with an insurance policy. DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION Cured by Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Paw Paw, Mich.—“ I suffered terri- H bly from female ills, ™ including inflam. inflam rnation and conges- PH tion, for several i: ' s | years, My doctor said there was no hope for me but an operation. J began taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta ble Compound, and I can now say I am a well woman.” Emma Dkaper. Another Operation Avoided. Chicago, Ill.— “I want women to know what that wonderful medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. has done for me. Two of the best doctors in Chicago said I would die if I did not have an operation, and 1 never thought of seeing a well day again. I had a small tumor and female troubles so that I suffered day and night. A friend recommended Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and it made me a well woman.”—Mrs. Alvena Sperling, 11 Langdon St., Chicago, Ill, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills, including displacements, inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu larities, periodic pains, baekaclie, bear ing-down feeling) flatulency, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. It crisis but a trifle to try it. and the result has been worth' millions to many suffering women. For Lame Back An aching back is instantly relieved by an application of Sloan’s Liniment. This liniment takes theplaceof massage and is better than sticky plasters. It penetrates— w ithout rubbing—through the skin and muscu lar tissue right to the bone, quickens the blood, relieves congestion, and gives permanent as well as temporary relief. Sloan’s Liniment has no equal as a remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or any pain or stiffness in the muscles or joints. Price 25c., 50o., and $1.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U- S. A. Sloan’s book on horses, cattles sheep and poultry sent free. Tax Sale. GEORGIA - Coweta County: Will hi* Hold before the Court-house door in New nan, Coweta county, (la., on the first Tuesday in «Iune next, between lie* legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder, the following described property, to-wit: One lot situate in the town of Senoia. 80x110 feet, on the west side of Main street, and known as lot No. 7, section 11. in the plan of said town of Senoia. Levied on to satisfy a tax (i. fa. issued by W. S. Hubbard. Tax Collector, for State and county taxes for the years 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905. 1906, 1907 and 1908, the same being now due and unpaid. The owner of said property is unknown. Levy made by Lewis McCullough. L. C., anti turned over to me. This March 4. 1909. Also, at the same time and place, one lot situate in tho town of Senoia, .30x110 feet, on west side of Main street, and known as lot No. 9, section 11, in the plan of said town. Levied on to satisfy a tax fi. fa. issued by VV. S. Hubbard, Tax Collector, for State and county taxes for the years 1902. 1903, 1904, 1905. 1900, 1907 and 1908, the same being now due and unpaid. The owner of said property is unknown. Levy made by Lewis McCullough. L. C., and turned over to me. This March 4. 1909. J. D. BREWSTER, Sheriff. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA Fulton County: By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of saiil county, granted at the April term, 1909, will bo sold before the court-house door in New nan, Coweta county, on the first Tuesday in May next, within the legal hours of sale, (between l ami 3 I*. M.,) the following property of the estate of JamcH T. Sullivan, deceased, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate. lying and being in the city of Newnan, county of Cow eta. and State of Georgia, known and described as follows: Beginning at the corner of Edward Moneghan’s lot, on tiie northwest corner of said lot, running east along the street between the lot of said Moneghan and Geo. W. Ramey 160 feet, thence south 100 feet, thence west 100feet, thence north 100 feet to the beginning corner- said lot being bounded as follows: On north and front by said street, between Moneghan and Rainey, on east by lot owned by Mrs. Anna Alexander, on south and woHt by the lot of said Edward Mon eghan- said described lot containing one-half acre, more or loss, and situated on the east side of said city of Newnan, as aforsaid. Also, all t hat, tract or parcel of land situate, ly ing and being in the city of Newnan, county of Coweta, and State <vf Georgia, known ami de scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake on the northwest corner of said lot, run east along tho street running between the lot of said Moneghan and Geo. W. Ramey 89 feet, thence south 130 feet, thence west 80 foot, thence north 130 feet to tiie beginning corner said lot being bounded as fol lows: On north and front by said street between Moneghan and Ramey, on cast by lot owned by Mrs. Anna Alexander, on south and west by lot of said Edward Moneghan—said described lot con taining one-quarter of an acre, more or less, and situated on t-ho oast side of said city of Newnan, ns aforesaid. Also, all that tract or parcel of land situate, ly ing and being in tin* town of Newnan, county of Coweta, containing 130 feet on each side, making a square piece of land-said land bounded as fol lows: On north by Thomas Corcoran and Anna Alexander, .said north lino running east, and west 135 feet,' on east by Lee, (said oast, line run ning north and south 135 feet,) on south by Sim- ril and Heard, (said south line running east and west. 135 feet,) and on west, by Moneghan. (said west, line running north and south 135 feet.) Sold as the property of tin* estate of James T. Sullivan, deceased, for the purpose of distribu tion among tho heirs of said deceased. This April 7, 1909. A. L. DEIHL. Administrator. Orange, Amber and Red Top Sorghum Seed WE HAVE RECEIVED LARGE MENTS OF EACH VARIETY. RECLEANED, WITHOUT TRASH. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. WE’LL SAVE YOU MONEY. SHIP- NICE, A large quantity of Unknown Peas for sale. M. C. Farmer & Company Sheriff's Sale for May. GEORGIA—Coweta County : Will be sold before the Court-ho me door ui New nan, Coweta county, Ga., on the first Tuesday iri May next, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best, bidder, the following de scribed property, to-wit: Lot of land No. 107. in Turin district, said coun ty, containing 202L- acres, more or R: . and boun ded as follows: On the north by lands of C. J. Harris estate, on the west by lands of W. B. Har ris, on the south by lands of J. W. Bowers, and on the east by lands of ./. R. Couch. Levied on as the property of Miss Mary Lou Harris and Mis* Julia Harris to satisfy a fi. fa. issued by W. S. Hubbard, Tax Collector, for tax due White Oak local school district for the year 1908, said Lax be ing now due and unpaid. Defendants in fi. fa. and tenants in possession notified in terms of the law. This April 7, 1909. Prs. fee. $5.16, J. D. BREWSTER, Sheriff. FIRE LIFE HEALTH H. C. FISHER & SONS INSURANCE OLDEST, STRONGEST AND MOST RELIABLE COMPANIES * ACCIDENT LIABILITY TORNADO Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA—Coweta County : By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordina ry of Coweta county wili be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in May. 1909, at the court house door in :-uid county, between the legal hours of sale, the following described property, to-wit: A lot of two aftres in the town of Turin, Ga., with a dwelling thereon, and known as the Davis place, said lot described as follows: Bounded on the east by . 20 foot street known as Jones street, which street separates the said Davis place from the lot of Houston H. Holloway; beginning at a corner where said street strikes the right-of-way of the Central railroad, and running back from railroad along said Jones street in a northeasterly I direction a distance of three chains, thence north- w< ;f on a line parallel with railroad a distance of 1 six umJ two-thirds chains, thence southwest a distance of three chains to the railroad, thence 1 southeast along line of railroad six and t wo-thirds chains to original corner; making a rectangle, and j containing t wo acres the same being the lot con veyed by Mr.:. Mary A. Moses to Thos. M. Jones on Oct. 13, 1891. Sold as tiie property of Ike Hill, late of said county, deceased. Terms of sale—cash. This April 6, 1909, T. F. RAWLS. Administrator. Give us a trial order on job printing. 1111111 lYSWWrTifll 1:11(711 VULCANITE ROOFING la fire-retarding, (taking the same insurance rate as metal or slate) tho most, powerful acids will not attack it, and the fiercest ravages of freezing weather will not crack it or make it brittle. It is cheap enough for tho most ordinary, temporary sort of structures, and is durable enough for tho finest perma nent buildings. Every roll is guaranteed under tho reputation it has made for GO years an tho beat Roofing in the world. If your dealer hasn't it, write uh direct. ^ Don't begin any building or repair work until you write for and read care fully our booklet, The Right Roofing and tho Ream tin Why.” It. I). COLE MFC. CO.,I Newnan, (ia. Tax Receiver’s Notice. SECOND ROUND. I will be at the following named places on the dates named for the purpose of receiving State and county tax returns for the year 1909, to-wit: Handy, Monday. April 20, 10 a. m. to 12 m. Sargent, Tuesday, April 27. 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. Roscoe, Wednesday. April 28, 9 a. rn. to 12 m. Happy Valley, Wednesday, April 28, 2 to 4 p. m. Palmetto, Thursday, April 29, 1 to 0 p. m. Madras, Friday, April 30, 8 a. m. to 12 m. McCollum, Friday, April 30, 2 to 0 p. m. Newnan, Saturday, May J. Moreland, Monday, May 3, H a. m. to 12 m. St. Charles, Monday, May 3, 2 to 4 p. rn. Grantville, Tuesday, May 4. Sharpsburg, Wednesday, May 5, 8 a. m. to 12 m. Turin, Wednesday, May 5, I to 0 p. m. Senoia, Thursday. May 0, 8 u. rn. to 12 m. Haralson, Friday, May 7. Newnan, Saturday, May 8. Returns made of farm lands must contain lot numbers, and city property must be designated by lot arid street numbers. The .‘list day of March, 1909, is the day fixed bylaw for estimat ing tax values. T. J. WILKINSON. Tax Receiver. CREME ELCAYA A TOILET CREAM FOR THE COMPLEXION Preserving It against the harsh effects of wind and dust. ‘‘Always ready.” PRICE 50 CENTS For sale by Hoi.t & Cates Co. Libel for Divorce. W. M. Whitmire? / t Libel for Divorce in Coweta Claudio Whitmire. I • Su " , ' rior Court - To Claudio Whitmire, defendant: You are here by required, in person or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term of tho Superior Court, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in September, 1909, then and there to answer the plaintiff in an action for total divorce, as, in default of such appearance, said Court will proceed thereon as to justice may appertain. Witness Hie Honorable? R. W. Freeman, Judge of said Court, this the 5th day .»f April, 1909. L. TURNER. Clerk. Court Calendar. COWETA ( IlflTIT. U. W. Freeman, Judge; J. Render Terrell. So lieitor-t leneral. Meriwether Third Mondays in February and August. Coweta- First Mondays in March andScptem her. Carroll- First Mondays in April and October Troup First Mandays in May and November. CITY COURT OF NEWNAN. Quarterly term meets third Mondays in Janu ary, April, July and October. If you are indebted to ,The Herald and Advertiser for subscription settle up. — - / | - v 'V&V ■