Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, April 30, 1909, Image 7

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J E* Special Longcloth Just received a case of long- cloth manufactured especially for us, full yard-wide, soft fin ish, spring water bleached— by the bolt only, (10 yards,) one dollar. Ask for Cuttino’s Special Dollar Longcloth. White Waists We have just opened a fresh shipment of shirt-waists for , women—the celebrated “Der- | by” waist, known all over the t country where waists are sold. ''The newest designs in these waists, and a large assortment to select from. Prices from $1.25 upward. Wash Suits The style and make-up of our suits is their distinguish ing quality. Our suits have the “tailor-made look” that is unmistakable, and that every woman likes in a ready made garment and that so few garment-makers know how to produce. Notice the careful workmanship on all our gar ments—even the $1.50 wash skirts. It is different from the others you see. We take special orders on wash suits, when not in stock. Smart Footwear for Men and Women The Ziegler line for women and children. The J. & K. line for young women. The Edwin Clapp line for men. . The French line for men. The Douglas line for men and boys. Shirts “Eclipse” shirts are the old reliables. Other brands come and go, but “Eclipse” still holds in popular favor. New spring patterns in “Eclipse” ■ negligees now ready. Laces and Embroideries Our stock of laces and em broideries is complete through out. Val. and Irish crochet laces are shown in many new patterns. Clunies and torchons in great variety. Embroider ies in all weights and in a large variety of patterns. White Goods Don’t forget our white goods and linen stock. Weareshow- ingthe greatest values in these goods ever seen. Ask to see our leader linen cambric—very fine count and softfinish, yard wide, at 50c. per yard. The best we’ve ever sold for the price. We have others just as good. Our 10 4 linen sheeting at one dollar a yard is a world- beater. Local Happenings Told in SP SHort Paragraphs >J* NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF GENERAL TO OUR LOCAL READERS. INTEREST Cotton selling to-day at 10 1-8c Next Tuesday is sale-day. Ordinary’s Court next Monday. See “The Egyptian Princess” to night. Furnished rooms for rent at 24 Jack- son street. Fish globes, 75c. to $2, at Holt & Cates Co.’s. “W. B.” corsets in new models at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. J. 13. Ashley keeps fresh meats at all times. ’Phone 163. Gasoline in 5-gallon lots 20c. a gallon at Holt & Cates Co.’s. Dutch Collars.—See the latest de signs at Potts & Parks’. Summer union suits for ladies. Get them at Potts & Parks’. Gauze hosiery for women in all col ors at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. “Swell” line of art-squares at Mar- bury’s. Prices cut way down. W. J. Brazil paints buggies and makes tops, backs and cushions. Let Benson press that suit of yours. You will find him on the square. Regular monthly meeting of County Commissioners next Wednesday. Mr. Homer Lewis, of Atlanta, spent a few days in the city this week. Mrs. R. J. Bigham is in Atlanta vis iting Mrs. Candler, her daugnter. New lot of hall .and library lamps, $1.50 to $5, at Holt & Cates Co.’s. Del tax rugs, 9 x 12, for porch and hall, at Marbury’s furniture store. Handsomest dining-room furniture in town at Marbury’s furniture store. Miss Frankie McCrory, of College Park, is visiting her grandparents, Capt. and Mrs. J. J. Goodrum. Messrs. Hunter Hardaway and Carey Hardaway are taking a course at one of the Atlanta business colleges. For Rout. — A seven-room house cor ner Carmichael and Elm streets. Ap ply to A. B. Cates or John R. Cates. The Ladies’ Bible Circle of the First Baptist church will meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Texas Gearreld. Highest market price paid for hides. G. O. Carmichael. Wash suits in our Annex in great va riety. P. F. Cuttino & Co. For Sale. — Sceond-hand typewriter. Cheap. R. O. Jon6s. Muslin underwear for women in our Annex. P. F. Cuttino & Co. New line of shirt-waists just opened in our Annex. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Rug, mattings, curtains, linoleums, in our Annex. P. F. Cuttino & Co. Bowman’s Bedbug Poison kills and prevents bed bugs. Reese Drug Co. Hackett, Carhart & Co.ds clothes sold only by Barnett, St. John & Co. Benson cleans clothes cleaner than any cleaner that cleans. ’Phone 294. Mrs. L. T. Wilkins, of College Park, was with Newnan friends yesterday. The “Hawes” hat, best made—all new shapes at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. Black Dress Goods.—“Gold Medal” black goods sold only by Potts & Paiks. All kinds buggy repairing done at Brazil’s shop, in rear Gearreld’s sta bles. Miss Lutie Powell, of Agnes Scott College, will spend the coming week at home. Cut-flowers and plants for sale. Ap ply to Mrs. W. D. Palmer, 93 Jefferson street. Oxfords.—Ladies’, misses’ and chi - dren’s. Special sale now on at Potts & Parks’. Tan Oxfords. — Special at $3, $2.50 and $2 per pair next week at Potts & Parks’. Hosiery. — Beautiful silk lisle hose 50c., 35c. and 25c. the pair at Potts & Parks’. Mrs. J. M. Milner, of Savannah, is spending a few days with Mrs. Ida J. Milner. Lot of canopy buggy umbrellas, all sorts, at Jack Powell’s buggy and wag on emporium. Mr. Bradley Davis is at home from the State University for a short visit to his parents. Mrs. C. K. Henderson is visiting her parents at Carrollton, and will spend some time there. “Cadet” hosiery for children, “In terwoven” socks for men, at P. F. Cuttino & Co.’s. Mrs. F. H. Kite, who has been visit ing relatives in Fairburn and Atlanta, is at home again. Alabastine and other wall finishes, floor stains, paints and wax at John R. Cates Drug Co.’s. Good mule for sale ; weight about 800 lbs. ; price $50. Apply to R. H. Ware, 32 Jackson street. We sell fibre rush and Malica porch and library furniture. Marbury’s, 9 Greenville street. Ice cream sent out on short notice. Fine cream, well packed. John R. Cates Drug Co. Shoe polish black, tan, white, blue and pink, and all colors. Reese Drug Co. Ribbons.—Sash ribbons, hair ribbons, Persian ribbons. We sell ribbons. Potts & Parks. Two thousand yards pure linen laces and insertings at 5c. the yard. Potts & Parks. Linens.—Linen sheeting, art linens, linen lawns and colored dress linens. We sell linens. Potts & Parks. Colored embroidery waist fronts and insertings to match—new designs just received. Potts & Parks. Chocolate milk in individual bottles, 5c. An old drink served in a new and better way. John R. Cates Drug Co. Chocolate milk in individual bottles, 5c. Your part of the cream in every glass. John R. Cates Drug Co. One thousand fine tomato plants now ready for delivery;—15c. dozen, or two dozen for 25c. T. L. Camp Try Conkey’s Lice Powder for lice and mites on your chickens. Holt & Cates Co. Corsets. — For slender, medium or stout figures. “American Lady” cor sets fit and satisfy. We lead in sale of corsets. Potts & Parks. Ice Cream, "the Good Kind.” — Vie furnish parties, picnics and families. No order too small or too large for us to supply. Reese Drug Co. Jim Baxley’s millinery display in the window of the Newnan Hardware Co. is the talk of the town. It must be seen to be thoroughly appreciated. Mrs. H. C. Fisher, of Atlanta, and Mrs. H. M. Fisher, of Newnan, are spending the week-end in Macon with Mrs. Ward F. Holt. Macon Telegraph. Mrs. S. W. Murray and daughters. Misses Annie, Ruth and Rachel, who went to Washington, D. C., last fall to reside temporarily, returned home Fri day afternoon. President H. H. North, of the Manu facturers National Bank, and Cashier T. M. Goodrum, of the Newnan Bank ing Co., attended the bankers’ meeting in Carrollton this week. Mr. J. W. Stripling and family, who moved to Atlanta something over a year ago, have taken the Askew resi dence, on Salbide avenue, and are again residents of our city. Rev. A. E. Sansburn and Mr. W. S. Copeland went to Macon the first of the week to attend the annual convoca tions of the Grand Council, R. S. M., and the Grand Chapter, R. A. M. “Killarney” linen suiting. Look for the name in green letters on the sel vage. The best goods ever made to sell for the price—15c. P. F. Cqttino & Co. Ice cream for receptions and des serts. Special shapes, Neapolitan and bulk. Considerably better than the pure food requirements. Holt & Cates Co. Saturday Candy, 60c. quality, 29c. pound. Nunnally’s candy fresh every week. Holt & Cates Co. Paris green, London purple, sticky fly paper, red cedar flakes, for moths. Holt & Cates Co. Tomato plants 15c. dozen; “Chinese Giant” pepper plants 25c. dozen. Holt & Cates Co. Choice meats and prompt service may be secured by calling ’phone 163. J. B. Ashley. Early English diners, rockers and arm chairs, covered in genuine Spanish leather, at Marbury’s furniture store. Mrs. A. E. Sansburn left this morn ing for Thomasville to be at the bed side of her mother, who is seriously ill. Manicure implements, powders, bleaches, etc. ; also full line of toilet specialities, at John R. Cates Drug Co.’s. For Rent.— The residence at 58 Col lege street; contains eleven rooms, with water and lights. Apply to M. G. Keith. Dr. Thos. Cole has been in Atlanta this week attending a meeting of the State Dental Board, of which he is chairman. Mr. Warner Camp’s 20-h. p. two- seated Ford is the latest accession to the automobile brigade. It is a hand some machine. Miss Martha Scroggin, of Spring Garden, Ala., is here on a visit to her brother, Mr. N. P. Scroggin, and will spend the summer. Mr. John S. Hollinshead. assistant State Bank Examiner, was in the city Monday on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Frank Hughes. Pure barred Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn eggs for sale—75c. for fifteen. Apply to Paul Dominick, R. F. D. No. 6, Newnan, Ga. Miss Nelle Beavers is spending a month with her aunt, Mrs. Claude I Register, in Atlanta. ! Miss Evelyn Emmons, of Atlanta, j was the guest of Mrs. Roy Cole last I Saturday and Sunday. Car-load of Tennessee stall-fed sheep just received at Carmichael’s meat market. ’Phone 28. New high-grade stationery at John R. Cates Drug Co.’s. Fine boxed pa pers at 25c., 35c. and 50c. White Wyandotte eggs — Fischel strain best winter layers—$1.50 for fif teen. Apply to Mrs. L. M. Farmer, 32 W. Washington street. After a short visit. to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Sponcler, Mrs. Harry Garrett and little daughter re turned Friday to Augusta. Mr. J. H. Cotter, who is in the Gov ernment service on the Isthmus of Panama, arrived thi% week on a visit to his father, Rev. W. J. Cotter. S. C. Rhode Island Red Eyys For Sale.— Pure and select strain,' '$] and $1.50 for fifteen. Apply to Mrs. W. P. Holmes, 78 Temple Ave., Newnan. Miss Louise Atkinson went to At lanta Wednesday to be present at the marriage of her friend, Miss Estelle Nance, to Mr. Frederick H. Houser. Our soda fount is now fully stocked with all flavors. Everything made right and served right. Reese Drug Co. Lmen Batons. —Sheer linen lawns 25c. to $1 the yard—36 to 45-inch widths. We lead in sale of linens. Potts & Parks. Your Girl. —And her commencement dress. We have the white goods, and laces especially ordered for it. Potts & Parks. Art Materials. — D. M. C.. Mont Mel- lick, Peri-luster and Sylvia flosses; “Royal Society” colored flosses. Poets & Parks. Great Oxford Sole. — Tan oxfords $2, $2.50 and $3. Patent vici oxfords, $2.50, $3 and $3.50. We sell oxfords. Potts & Parks. Messrs. C. J. Barron and W. D. Surles went over to Carrollton Wednes day to attend the district meeting of Odd Fellows. It was a splendid gath ering of the craft, they say, and all were royally entertained. Miss Bennetca Orr has as her guests this week Misses Lucile Oslin and Bes sie Jackson of Atlanta, Miss Annie At wood Hill of Mooresville. Ala., and Misses Manelle Brewster and Eugenia Richardson of College Park. trimmed hats of the season. We will open and put them on sale Saturday, May 1. Be sure to see them before buying elsewhere. Dominick Mercantile Co., Turin, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Atkinson, of Greenville, will sail May 2u for Eu rope, and will' be accompanied on the trip by Miss Louise Atkinson of this city, Miss Mary Ellis of Oakland, and Miss Susie Parks, of Atlanta. The party will make an extended tour of the Old World, and will remain abroad about three months. Miss Neila Lou Walton, of Newnan, is the guest of Miss Katherine Woot- ten for a week at ner home on West Peachtree street. Miss Walton will be among the admired guests at the tea at which Mss Wootten will entertain to morrow afternoon in honor of Miss Elizabeth Breen, of Nashville, Tenn.— Atlanta Journal, 27th inst. At an election held Tuesday in Grif fin to determine the question of issuing bonds for various municipal improve ments, viz; $30,000 for city schools, $30,000 for a city hall, and $25,000 for streets—all these issues carried. There was but one negative vote, out of a to tal of nearly 350. This is a splendid showing for our sister town, and New nan congratulates her. At the meeting of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masons this week in Macon Rev. A. E. Sansburn was elected Grand Marshal. Judge John R. Wil kinson, of Atlanta, (formerly of New nan,) was chosen Grand Master. Rev. Mr. Sansburn was also elected Grand Chaplain of the Grand Chapter of Roy al Masons, whose annual session fol lowed that of the Grand Council. Thanks. —We desire to thank the la dies of Turin and vicinity for the way they have shown their appreciation and loyalty to us with their liberal patron age. thus helping us to build up a high- class trade in our millinery and dress goods department. We hope, with their continued help, to go on from good to better. Dominick Mercantile Co., Turin, Ga. “See the Ifweet Spring $t.vle$ in In dies’ hat$. $martne$$ i$ their charac teristic. The baSket Variety i$ Swell, etc., and the eo$t i$ reasonable,” is the way a country editor describes this sea son’s cute creations in millinery. Our millinery department is creating a wide reputation. People are coining to us irom all parts of the country to buy their hats. Dominick Mercantile Co., Turin, Ga. Billings’ For Rubber Heels. 1 have a first-class shoemaker, and am now pre pared to do all kinds of shoe and har ness repairing in short order, and my prices are right. At A. R. Burdett’sold office. A. Jay Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Smith of College Park, Dr. C. D. Smith of Atlanta, Mr. Welcome Parks of Whitesburg, and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mobley of Roscoe, were here yesterday to attend the fu neral of their relative, Mrs. S. C. Bow en. Mr. H. S. Banta has about recovered from his recent illness, and is at his place of business as usual. He was se riously ill for several days, but his re covery was so rapid that only a few of his friends had a chance to sit up with him. Mrs. J. A. Royeton, Miss Mattie Wilkinson, Miss Lillian Wilkinson, Messrs. T. J. Wilkinson, Bertus Hun ter, Roy Mayfield, Alton Addy and W. M. Thomas were guests at the Hurder- Wilkinson wedding in Turin on Wed nesday evening last. Mrs. P. F. Cuttino went down to West Point Tuesday morning to attend the funeral of her brother, Mr. Frank L. Adams, whose death occurred in that city Monday. Mr. Frank L. Ste vens, a nephew of deceased, was also present at the obsequies. Owing to the inclement weather Tuesday Hon. M. V. Calvin, of Griffin, was asked to postpone his address on “New and Wider Markets for Cotton Goods” until next Tuesday night. The address will be given in the court house, and everybody is invited. We will put on sale Saturday a lot of soiled negligee shirts, regular dollar sellers, for fifty cents each—sizes 14 to 18. “Eclipse,” “Gold” and “Sil ver,” “Lion Brand,” and “Eiseman & Weil Special,” are brands of above shirts. I. N. Orr Co. Some of the new drinks we are serv ing at our fount: Orange mint, Mint Coca Cola, Hinkadee Sundae. Try them. Holt & Cates Co. We have already won a reputation in our millinery and dress goods depart ment that any business house might justly be proud of. We have the right goods at right prices. Dominick Mercantile Co., Turin, Ga. Mr. G. W. Sewell, who moved from this county to Alabama a number of years ago, died on the 16th inst. at his home near Center, in that State. Deceased was a brother-in-law of Mrs. W. H. Kersey and Mr. B. C. Sanders, of this city, and had numerous other relatives in the county. Dr. Jas. W. Taylor, Past Grand Mas ter of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Georgia, came up Saturday to attend Judge ThoS. Swint’s funeral, and con- du ;ted the burial rites of the order at the interment. He had been a lifelong friend of Judge Swint, and seemed much affected b.v his death. Hon. L. C. Mandeville. of Carrollton, passed through the city Saturday after noon en route from New York, where he spent a couple of v/eeks on business tor the Mandeville Mills and the com pany’s allied enterprises. He was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. C. K. Henderson, while in the city. Attention, Red Men!—At the regular seven-suns powwow of Wahoo Tribe. No. 46, I. O. R. M.. on next Wednes day's sleep business of importance is to be transacted, and every member is urged to be present. J. N. Jones, Acting Sachem. C. C. Pitts, C. of R. We have this week received the big gest, prettiest and cheapest lot of At a meetiing of the stockholders of the Coweta Creamery on Saturday last the directors were authorized to sell the company’s property at public out cry, the building and lot to be sold sep arately from the machinery. The sale will occur at such time as the directors may think best, after due advertise ment has been made both in the coun ty papers and in one or more Atlanta papers. During the protracted services which begin next Sunday morning at the First Methodist church, Rev. J. O. A. Grogan, pastor of Grace Methodist church, Atlanta, will preach the first week, and Mrs. Walter Armor will as sist during the second week. Mrs. L'unyus, of Cartersville, a distin guished singer, will assist the choir during both weeks. All Christian workers and the general public are cor dially invited to attend these meetings. At a meeting of the City Board of Education on Monday last Prof. C. K. Henderson was unanimously elected su perintendent of schools for another year—a deserved compliment to a good man. Prof. Claude Quillian, teacher of the seventh grade, notified the board that he would not be an applicant for re-election. Another meeting of the board will be held next Monday after noon, when teachers will be chosen for all the schools. Mr. J. J. Keith sold to Mr. G. O. Carmichael this week the finest and fattest drove of steers that has been seen in Newnan in many a day, the av erage weight of the animals being 1,200 lbs. These cattle were fattened on Mr. Keith’s farm near town, and at the price received for them -4c. gross —yielded a nice profit. This merely shows what any farmer may accom plish by giving more attention to cat tle-raising. Mr. Bowen Reese will leave in a few days for LaGrange, where he has ac cepted the foremanship of the Roper Grocery Co.’s cigar factory. Mr. Reese has been engaged in the cigar manufac turing business for the past 15 years, and is an expert in his line. For some time he was in charge of the D. T. Manget & Co.’s factory in this city, but latterly has been manufacturing on his own hook. His family will re main in Newnan for the present. At the meeting of the City Board of Education or. Monday last the selection of a name for the new school in South Newnan was one of the questions taken up, and after various suggestions had been made it was finally decided to call it the “Atkinson Grammar School,” in compliment to the able and popular president of the board, Mr. T. E. At kinson. The action of the board in adopting this name was unanimous, (the president himself not voting, of course). Capt. Bob Stamps, of Cedar Creek district, attended Memorial Day ex ercises Monday arrayed in a uniform of Confederate gray, and was the cyno sure of all eyes as he proudly paraded the streets. Capt. Stamps lost a leg in the war, and carries many other memories of that unhappy conflict which he does not like to dwell upon— but he will go miles out of the way any day to attend a meeting of old vet erans. always being one of the first to and the last to leave. The Baraca Bible Class of the First Baptist church, together with the Sun day-school, will have a barbecue to morrow at Kay Park for the pleasure of their members, and for the members of the church. The families are requested to bring cakes, sweetmeats, and other delicacies. Dinner will be sreved at 1 o’clock. The Baraca Class was or ganized last September with ten or twelve members. Its present enroll ment is over one hundred and twenty members. The people are expected to gather about 10 a. m., and have a day’s picnic pleasure. Card of Thanks. The children of John M. Brown wish to return their sincere and heartfelt thanks to the friends and general pub lic for kindnesses shown them in their recent bereavement, occasioned by the loss of their futher. These tender ministrations have softened the heart aches caused by his sudden death, and makes each of us feel nearer and dear er to all those who so sympathetically rendered aid in our affliction. April ;28th. GOOD SODA fW% Good Soda is deservedly the most popular of beverages, for nothing is more refreshing, more cooling or inexpensive. Good Soda is not so common as it should be, and the reason is not difficult to learn. Good Soda means knowledge, application to details, and some considerable trouble. Good Soda depends on many things—small details which are often overlooked. Good Soda depends on good ma terials, (the best,) liberal use of best fruits and flavorings, and a willingness t,o expend both the proper amount of labor and ener gy to make the drink ‘ ‘just right. ’ ’ Good Soda depends on cleanli ness clean apparatus, clean sinks, clean towels, clean glasses the kind which insists on the hidden parts being kept clean as well as the parts in sight. Good Soda depends on knowl edge of what constitutes a good drink, and a willingness to fur nish it, no matter how short the profit. Lastly, we think good Soda depends on proper service, and facilities for enjoying it. All of the necessary conditions are met in our store. Make our store your drinking place. HOLT & CATES CO. NEWNAN, GA. Motor Cycles The finest motor made. “INDIANS” t \ \ - \ 1 / “RACYCLES’l | Everybody knows they j / are fine. j j Also, a line of cheap wheels. I } V i { It A N T A 1 J The Newnan Jeweler. To Get the Greatest Value lor Your Money IN clothing is your aim. You will miss it, if you don’t visit this store and look at the excep tional values and styles we are offering. C.N'ew model sack suits from $10 to $25. Call and see them. Barnett, St. John & Co. V