Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, June 11, 1909, Image 6

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ORANTVILLE. Kev. A. H. S. Bugg filled his regular appointment at the Methodist church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Orr, jr., of New- nan, spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Willie Jeter spent several days last week with friends and relatives near Hogansville. Mrs. J. H. Gilbert and Mrs. Henry Allen were in Lutherville last Friday evening. Misses Sallie Mae and Gleo Webb, of Moreland, spent Sunday with Miss Bes sie Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Smith spent Sun day with homefolks at White Oak. Miss Bessie Gilbert and Mr. Roy Mayfield, of Newnan, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. James Gilbert. Misses Sara Hopson and Bessie Humphries were in Newnan one after noon last week. Miss Ella Dean has returned from a delightful visit to friends and relatives at LaGrange. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks, of New nan, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. N. 0. Banks. Mrs. W. M. White and little grand daughter spent Tuesday with Mrs. John Wilkerson, at Hogansville. Mr. T. R. Fuller spent Sunday with homefolks at Lutherville. Mrs. Ernest Bryant and children, of LaGrange, are visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. J. E. Dean is visiting relatives at Balmetto this week. Mr. l’at Rhodes spent Thursday night last in Newnan. Mrs. R. I. Sewell has returned home, after spending some time with her son, Mr. C. E. Sewell, at Yatesville. Dr. F. H. Letson was in Newnan Monday. Mrs. Tom Lambert, of Louise, is vis iting her son, Mr. (His Lambert. Mrs. E. B. Cotton is visiting rela tives at Balmetto this week. M iss Clara Bryant has returned home, after a few days' stay in LaGrange. Miss Ada Taylor spent Sunday and Monday in Atlanta. Mr. Barks, of Greenville, visited his brother, Mr. A. J. Barks, Sunday. Miss Mary Andrews is visiting friends in Atlanta. Miss Lida Cleveland, who has been spending several months at the home of her uncle, Mr. W. G. Sadler, has re- I turned to her home in Virginia. Miss Estelle Zellurs spent Tuesday afternoon in Newnan. Miss Janie Nall, who has been tending school at M turned home. Mrs. Ethel Smith, of Appling, is vis iting relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. (). E. Smith were in Newnan Friday. Mr. Irvin Lambert, who has been attending the A. & M. School at Car- Rivertown, visitor to Balmetto, Hudson is quite sick at BALMETTO. Mrs. Eugene Camp, of was a recent Mrs. F. W this writing. Miss Virginia Edge will spend Chau tauqua week in Newnan, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Baul Beniston. Miss Bessie Bope has returned to her home in Atlanta, after a pleasant visit to Mrs. Arthur Reid. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Smith, of At lanta. were the guests Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. Hal L. Johnston. Miss Ida Cook, of LaGrange, is the guest of Miss Manon Steed. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Richardson en tertained a number of friends informal ly Saturday evening at an ice cream supper. Mrs. A. N. Brittain and little Miss es Alberta and Louise Brittain have returned home, after a visit to rela tives in Alabama. Miss Lucile Smith has returned from Macon. She was a member of the graduating class of Wesleyan Female College. Mrs. E. B. Cotton, of Grantville, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Culbreath. Mr. Fayette Morris, of Atlanta, spent Saturday and Sunday here. The marriage of Miss Margaret Hammond, of Talladega, Ala., and Mr. Edward Dean Stith. of Balmetto, which occurred Wednesday evening at the First Baptist church at Talladega, was of wide interest to the people of this community, the groom having re sided here the greater part of his life. On their return to Balmetto Mr. and Mrs. Stith will be tendered a reception at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stith. June 9th. TURIN. We visited Carrollton last, week and had the pleasure of meeting several old Coweta friends, among whom were Rev. W. W. Roop, Col. Wm. Berry and Capt. C. M. Speer. The latter is the wideawake correspondent of The Her ald and Advertiser, and his letters are always read with interest. Carrollton greatly needs another railroad, and it is a pity she can’t get it. The wheat and oat crops in Carroll are said to be fine. Farm work has been seriously re tarded here, and quick work will be necessary to prevent the crops from running to grass. Cotton-chopping is work LONE OAK. Mrs. Wilbur Petrie, of Atlanta, with her infant son, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Clyatt. Mrs. Richard Maxwell and children, of Talbot county, are spending some days with the family of Mr. W. I’. Sewell. Mrs. Feribie Culpepper returned home Saturday, after a visit of several days to the family of Mr. S. F. Culpep per, in Greenville. Mr. Wilbur Petrie came down from Atlanta last Sunday to spend the day with his family at the home of Mr. Bob Clyatt. Mr. Glenn Hopson, of Newnan, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hopson. Mr. Emmett Culpepper and Miss Miller, of Atlanta, were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Sewell. Messrs. J. B. Hopson and G. G. Cul pepper visited friends in St. Marks last Sunday. M iss Margaret Herring came in from Lutherville Saturday afternoon and spent Sunday with homefolks in Lone Oak. Mr. A. O. Lee, who is traveling in the interest of a valuable household in vention, spent Sunday at home. Brof. H. L. Culpepepr left home yes terday morning on a business trip to Greenville and other points in the county. Mrs. H. E. Latimer, now convales cing from a long and serious illness, is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Franklin Spence. Little Martha, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Atticus Sewell, who suf fered a stroke of paralysis about ten days since, we are glad to know shows some symptoms of improvement. Mrs. J. F. Nall and family spent the early part of the week with the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. White. The rains of last week caused a de lay of several days in farm work, and the fine weather of the present week is being duly appreciated and improved. Besides the regular work of plowing and hoeing, small grain is being cut and harvested. The oat crop is fine. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Sewell, ot Grant- vilie, spent Sunday with the family of Mr. and Mrs. Atticus Sewell. Dr. J. T. Latimer spent Saturday in Greenville. June 8th. Women Who Are E ivied. Those attractive women who are lovely in face, form and temper are the envy of many, who might be like them. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipation or kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. For all such Electric Bit ters work wonders. They regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood ; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion. Many charming women owe their health and beauty to them ; 50c. at all druggists. Ever notice what a lot of friends our enemies have? McCOLLUM. The farmers are making good use of this pretty weather, and are killing ! grass to beat the band. We have had so much rain the farmers have gotten badly behind with their work. Mr. Tom Smith and family spent Sunday with Mrs. B. C. Smith. Mr. John Bhiliips marie a business trip to Newnan Saturday. Mr. W. J. Hembree spent Sunday with relatives near Moreland. Messrs. Frank Eberhart and T. A. Ellis spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Eberhart. Quite a number of young people from McCollum attended services at Jones Chapel Sunday, and heard an excellent sermon from Rev. L. L. Landrum. Mr. B. C. Smith attended an all-day singing at The Rock, in Fayette coun ty, Sunday. Mr. Fierce Brown, of Balmetto, spent Saturday and Sunday with rela tives at this place. Mr. Clarence Garner entertained quite a number of his friends at an ice cream supper Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fosey and chil dren spent Saturday night with rela tives at this place. Mrs. Mollie Cochran, from near Pal metto, spent Sunday with her daugh ter, Mrs. Hill. There will be Children’s Day exer cises at Lee’s Chapel next Sunday. Everybody invited to come and bring well-filled baskets. June 9th. "How did you cure our daughter of being left-handed?’’ "I bought her a beautiful diamond ring and made her wear it on her right hand. So she got in |the habit of do ing everthing with that hand.’’ There is nothing in the language of the flowers so eloquent as a pair of pressed tulips. at-' progressing fairly well, but the edgeville, has re-1 is badly behind. j Tuesday morning Mr. R. J. Stew- nrt's residence near Sharpsburg was destroyed by fire. The fire originated in the kitchen, and was caused by a de fective flue. Much of the furniture and household goods were burned. The house alone was valued at about $2,000. Mr. Stewart has the sympathy of all rollton, is at home for his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sims, of Hogans-j his neighbors in his misfortune, ville, have announced the engagement j Mites are playing havoc with of their daughter, Etta, to Mr. Will ] young chickens these hot nights. Truitt, the marriage to take place the June 9th. latter part of this month. June 9th. the of WELCOME. The farmers are making good use this fine weather. of Atlanta, J. H^McKOY. REAL ESTATE AND RENT ING AGENT. FOR SALE. New 5-room cottage, Second avenue; price $1,500. 7-room house, Second avenue; rents for $10. Price $1,250. 4- room house, Fourth street; rents for $5. Price 400. Two 3-room houses, Sixth street; rents for $6.50. Price $750-$100 cash and $10 per month. 5- room cottage, Spring street, all conveniences. Price $1,500—$100 cash and $20 per month. 2-room house, Jackson street. 5-room house, Jefferson street. J. H. McKOY ’Phone 260. MORELAND. How rejoiced the farmers are to this open weather—fnrm-bells ring and plows clang before daybreak and every one is off to the fields. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boone, of Atlanta, I The friends of Mr. Bob Stewart, cf came down in their new automobile the Sixth district, regret to learn cf and spent Sunday with relatives here, the burning of his house recently, returning to Atlanta Monday. Mr. C larence Wilson, ol Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Boone, of New- Miss Nell McDaniel, of Carrollton, nan, spent Sunday with Mr. J. M. were recent visitors here. Boone and family. Mrs. Giles, of Atlanta, Mr. George Mrs. Will Strickland, of Whitesburg, Hendrix, of Oklahoma, and Miss Mary visited her father, Mr. J. M. Boone, re- Lou Hendrix, of Columbus, visited Mrs. cen t|v Joe McMichael Sunday. Miss Mary Amis is visiting friends Mr. Rogers, of East Point, visited at Long Cane this week. his mother-in-law, Mrs. Batman, re- Miss Essie Jackson, of Handy, is cently. visiting her sister, Mrs. Crane. I Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Drake visited in Miss Mary Mathews, of Newnan. is Grantville Sunday. N PEOPLE OF ALL SIZES visiting little Miss Fannie Hutchens this week. Mr. Frank Amis is at home from Locust Grove Institute for his vaca tion. Messrs. Clyde Mathews and Roy Fer rell, of Newnan, were in Welcome Sun day afternoon. Mr. J. S. Morton is attending the Confederate reunion at Memphis, Tenn.. this week. He will be absent about ten days. M iss Ruth Me Roy has returned from Athens, where she has been attending school. Little Miss Fannie Hutchens spend the week-end in Newnan, guest of Misses Mary Mathews Christine Ragland. June 9th. Will find our Porch Furniture the kind they can find com- J plete comfort and ^ rest in. All the different articles are superbly constructed —their durability guaranteed. Drop in to-dav and let us show you the article you need at the right price. Scroggin Furniture Co. will the and Trouble Makers Ousted. When a sufferer fijoin stomach trou ble takes Dr. King’s New Life Bills he’s miahty glad to see his dyspepsia and indigestion flv: but more, he's tickled over his new, tine appetite, stroi g nerves, healthy vigor, all be cause stomach, liver and kidneys now act right. Only 25c. at all druggists. Messrs. Abner York and Ralph Camp went to White Oak creek yesterday on a fishing expedition. They say the mosquitoes hit nicely. Mrs. Haines, of White Oak, visited her son, Mr. Roy Haines, this week. She also spent several days with Mrs. Fannie Kate Haines. Mr. O. B. Waltom and family, of Corinth, were in this community re cently. Mr. Waltom is traveling for one of the Atlanta oil mills. June 9th. A Thrilling Rescue. How Bert R. Lean, of Chen.v, Wash., was saved from a frightful death is a story to thrill the world. "A hard cold,” he writes, "brought on a des-J perate lung trouble that bathed an ex- \ pert doctor here. Then 1 naid $1ii to j $15 a visit to a lung specialist in Spo kane, who did not help me. Then 1 I went to California, but without bene-! tit. At last 1 used Dr. King’s New Discovery, which completely cured me and now 1 am as well as ever.” For ! lung trouble, bronchitis, coughs and j colds, asthma, croup and whooping! cough it is supreme, 50c. and $1. Trial . h-Htle free. Guaranteed by all drug-; gists. j It. F. HERRING G. EDWIN PARKS HERRING & PARKS INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND BONDS. We have this week the following: FOR SALE One desirable home on Greenville street to trade for farm. One nice house and lot on Greenville street; lot 100x370; close in. House and lot on West Washington street; close in. Four desirable homes on Greenville street. Two very desirable building lots on Greenville street. Two nice homes on Temple avenue, at a bargain. One nice home on LaGrange street. One nice home on corner of Fourth and Second avenues. One nice home on Second avenue. One nice home on First avenue, at a bargain. We have a nice home on Second avenue; easy terms. FOR RENT Three nice furnished rooms on Jackson street. Several nioe rooms on Greenville street. Four nice unfurnished rooms on Spring street. tine nice home on LaGrange street, eight rooms, close in. Now is the time to buy n home ami stop pay ins: rent. Property in Newnan is advancing: all the time. We can (five you some bargains, with easy terms. Buy tornado insurance ur.d In* protected. We can write you for the sum of 25c. per $100. For gin insurance see us;—we can save you money. OUR MOTTO: PROMPTNESS." ’PHONE 278. OFFICE OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ■aanHonn “Best of Everything in Hardware” C Something new, made of the best hard wood, and easily cleaned. These refrigera tors were bought direct from the factory in Michigan. For that reason we can give you the best at the price of the cheapest. Be sure to see our line before you buy. The "Frezo” Ice Cream Freezer is one of the best on the market. We have a full line. The "Frost King’’ Freezer is another of the best. It requires very little ice, and is very popular. A big line of Water Coolers, Ice Picks, Ice Shavers, Lemonade Glasses and Lemon Squeezers. The best line of Screen Doors and Win dows in the city. Kirby-Bohannon Hdw. Co. ssss w w I N N\t n N \ T N TTTTTTT1 s ssss w w w w w I 1 T 1 T s wwww I N \-N T ssss w w I N a N T NEWNAN’S BEST-KNOWN GROCER When You Want Any thing In the way of Fancy Groceries, at the very lowest prices, Tom Swint is the man you are looking for. Y^ou will find there also every va riety of fresh country vegetable, fresh green cauliflower, and fresh green celery, for flavoring. Anything in this line that we don’t hap pen to have in stock, we will get on short notice We keep every kind of cereal for breakfast. Fresh shipment of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, and full patent Flour iust in. Splendid lot of full cream Cheese at 20c. per pound. In fact, we are receiving new goods every day, and make de liveries more promptly than any dealer in the city. Telephone Fifty-four _ PRESER VING C Make Your Preserving a Pleas ure Rather Than a Task . ... . c Get one of our Oil Stoves and do your can ning under the shade trees. JELLY GLASSES FRUIT JARS WAX STRINGS SEALING WAX TIN FRUIT CANS FRUIT JAR RUBBERS PRESERVING KETTLES PORCELAIN LINED JAR CAPS Buy Them While the Stock is Complete. Johnson Hardware Co. Telephone 81. Newnan, Ga. Court Calendar. COWETA CIRCUIT. R W. Freeman Jud ge; J. Render Terrell, So leitnr-General. Meriwether—Third Mondays in February and Coweta—First Mondays in March and Septeio ! ' Heard Third Mondays in March and Septeiu | ^Carroll—First Mondays in April and October Troop—F'rsr Mandays ill May and > member.