Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, June 25, 1909, Image 4

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ft era id and flqpernser, NEWNAN, FRIDAY, JUN E 25. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Courage of the Losing Fighter. Thi' Cirri. Maffnzlne, "l know ii woman who writes,” said Lillian Bell. "She writes iraily, Blithely, hopefully. Thousands regard her as the apotheosis of easy success, and envy her position and the happi ness which must accompany her su premacy. Yet 1 happen to know that the one she loves best on earth is dying a lingering death of an illness which neither money nor human skill may even suhdue the pain thereof. “She is both nurse and breadwinner, ami doing the work of two is robbing her of health and strength, yet not one complaint ever passes her lips. With her back against, the wall she fights her losing light, which, though won each day, yet loses to her all that she loves best. Such courage as is in her little slender frame anti blazes from her dauntless eyes ' Yet her success even though she daily wins her losing fight — brings tears to my eyes. “The woman who scrubs for me, earning her dollar and a half a day on her knees, is kneeling, not only to her work, fait before an altar whereon lies the crippled child she adores, lie can never grow up she must know this in her heart, even though we talk of what he will do when he grows strong and well. He is failing daily, and her eyes know the truth, though her lips still speak brave lies. He will live, he is eating better, his lips have more color, his eyes are brighter Yet as she lifts him in her arms at night she feels that his little frame is daily growing lighter and his feeble clutch on life is nightly growing looser. She talks to me—this poor mother ! this brave, los ing fighter!—of the time when he will walk, knowing that the first step this poor little crippled feet will take will be in another world. 0, the poor souls on this earth who fight blindly against the ever - dancing, grimly stalking 1 )eath! ‘‘You who are successful, in that you are not fighting your battle of life against hopeless disease or a nearby approaching death: you whose wage is equal to your necessities; you who lay by a little each month for a rainy-day fund, or you who count your wealth by millions, will you not give the right, hand of fellowship, share your sympa thy or in some manner cheer the heart of some proud, courageous, silent lipped, losing fighter of your acquaint ance?—grip the hand of some unfortu nate who is struggling with increasing expense and dwindling wage?—write a note of gratitude to some one whose work has inspired you? ‘‘Best of all, won’t you pause long enough’each day to bestow a helpful thought on the great and noble army of losing lighters in tins world?” As It Happens. Young's MniriiY.Hr. They parted as gills; they met as women. ‘‘And what of all your sweethearts?” asked the old-time chum. “Gone the way of all good things,” answered the captivator. ‘‘That tall, lanky blonde, with the fierce mustache, for instance?” “Went insane.” ‘‘Gracious! Ami Jimmy Bowles— ‘the little muskrat.’ as you used to call him, who was so devoted?” “Killed in an auto accident trying to save my life.” ‘‘Dear me! And your needy artist swain, who found you the only custo mer for his wonderful paintings?” ‘‘Became a waiter and married an heiress. ” “Well, well! The Englishman—St. Glair, who stood so well on !us feet, never said anything hut 'yes’ and ‘no,’ and despised everything American?” “Married a Brooklyn girl and now lives at Sivamphurst, N. ,1.” “And the kinky-haired little French count?” “Ran awav with my maid.” “Worse and worse! And how about Reggie? You did profess to love him, you know?” “Now my brother-in-law.” “Never! Well, that Mr. Hardflint, who used to snub us all yourself in cluded? 1 hope he met his deserved finish.” “He did. Gome up to the house and I'll introduce you to him. He’s my husband!” Many people are embarrassed by un constrainable fits of sneezing in public places, which make them very conspic uous. It can be easily stopped. Just press firmly upon the middle,of the up per lip with tlie finger, and the tick ling sensation in the nose will disap pear. It rarely fails. The theory is that a nerve, which plays an important part in the sneezing, lavs under the lip. and is paralyzed by the pressure on the lip. Every Woman Will be Interested. There has recently been discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for woman’s ills cailed Mother Gray’s Australian-Leaf. It is the only certain regulator Cures female weaknesses and Backache. Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. At all Druggists or bv mail 60c. Samnie FREE. Address The Mother Gray Co.. LeRoy, N. Y. i Waiting for Some Man to Come Along. j Orinen S. Marnden in Sucrem Magazine. 1 Woman has been handicapped through ! the ages by being brought up to think I that there is not much worth while in life outside of marriage. How many precious years and oppor tunities for growth, for life ment, she has missed while waiting f marriage! Even to-day, in this progressive age, we see young women everywhere with splendid possibilities who seem to he just waiting, waiting, waiting for what they have been brought up to be lieve is the supreme event in their lives. Many of them might broaden their education and improve themselves wonderfully while they are waiting for the right man to come along. Did they hut know it. they are not half as likely to find the right man while waiting in actively as when they are vigorously preparing themselves for a large and useful life. It is most unfortunate that any girl should he brought, up to-day with the antiquated idea that marriage is every thing, and that other things do not count much. The traditions of the past, however, are rapidly falling away from the emancipated woman of the twentieth century. In this new era tens of thou sands of girls have found glorious open ings in all departments of life. Vast fields of usefulness are await ing women on every side. She is realiz ing that achievement is sexless; that she can he just as independent as man, and that there are just as many oppor tunities and fields of usefulness for her. Who can estimate what this era means to the plain girl the girl with splendid mental powers, hut who may lie physically unattractive, or who may prefer a single life? Grandma’s Destination. Woman’H Home Companion. Ethel is of the mature age of 5. Re cently her grandmother concluded that it devolved on her to instruct the child in religious matters. “You must be a good girl, Ethel,” she said. “Then you will go to heaven when you die.” Ethel seemd scarcely pleased with this reward for exceptional conduct. “Don’t you want to go to heaven?” asked grandma with a look of re proach. “Oh. I don’t know,” temporized Ethel. ”1 guess not.” “Why not?” demanded grandma se verely. “Because maybe 1 couldn’t get out, ” answered Ethel. “You wouldn’t want to get out,” re plied grandma. “Oh, yes, 1 would,” returned Ethel with conviction. “No,” argued grandma, “you would not. Why should you want to get out of heaven?” “Why,” answered Ethel, ”1 guess I’d want to go and see you once in a while, wouldn’t 1?” Excursion Fares via Central of Georgia Railway Company. To Albany, Ga., and return—Account District Grand Lodge No. 8, G. U. 0. O. F., to be held August 10-13, 1909. Tickets on sale from points in Georgia. To Black Mountain. N. C., and return Account Young Peoples’ Mission ary Movement to be held July 2-11, 1909. To Black Mountain, N. C., and return Account Montreat Chautauqua and Religious Assemblies, to be held July 16-August 31. 1909. To Denver, Colo., Pueblo. Colorado Springs, and return —Account Na tional Educational Association, to be held at Denver, Colo., July 3-9, 1909. To 1 os Angeles, Calif.. Portland. Ore.. Seattle, Wash.. San Francisco. Calif,. San Diego, Calif.—Account Alaska - Yukon - Pacific Exposition and various other special occasions. To St. Paul. Minn., and return—Ac count International Convention Uni ted Society of Christian Endeavor to be held July 7-12, 1909. To Thomasville, Ga., and return Ac count Grand Lodge K. of P. of Georgia (colored) to be held July 3-8. 1909. To Monteagle and Sewanee, Tenn . and return Account Mission Week (Willetsand Gilbert Lectures) to lie held Julv i-lti, 1909; Monteagle Bible School, to lie held July 17-29, 1909; Monteagle Sunday-school In stitute and Musical Festival, to he held Julv 30-August 15, 1909. To Nashville. Tenn., and return- Ac count Peabody College Summer School for Teachers and Vanderbilt Biblical Institute, to be held June 9-August 4. 1909. To Nashville, Tenn., and return—Ac count Peabody College Summer School tor Teachers and Vander bilt Biblical Institute, to be held June 9-August 4. 1909. To Asheville, N. C.. and return Ac count Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan. biennial meeting, to be held July 12-20. 1909. To Ahens. Ga.. and return.—Account summer school. University of Georgia, to he held June 20-July 17. 1909. To Knoxville, Tenn., and return. Ac count Summer School of the South, to be held June 22-July 30, 1909. To Tuscaloosa, Ala., and return.—Ac count Summer School, to be held June 8-Julv 6, 1909. For full information in regard to rates, dates of sale, limits, schedules, etc., apply to nearest ticket agent. “How old is your baby brother?” asked little Tommy of a playmate. “One year old,” replied Johnny. "Humph!” exclaimed Tommv, “I've got a dog a year old. and he can walk ! twice as well as that kid can.” 'Well, he ought to,” replied Johnny; I “he’s got twice as nmny legs.” Where Character Won. Walker County Me.iBRnger. In the life of Judge Price Edwards, who presided at LaFayette last week during the first week’s session of Walker Superior Court, there is a chapter which should be so full of in boys of the county who may be struggling for an educa- | tion, that we cannot keep from giving it, even at the risk of offending our friend, the Judge. Judge Edwards was a poor boy, but was determined to have an education and entered the old Bowdon College. At the completion of his sophomore year his funds were exhausted and it looked as if it would be necessary for him to give up his ambition of complet ing his college course. Flut he had been an industrious stu dent, and his sturdy character had not only impressed the members of the fac ulty, but the citizens of the town as well. A citizen of Bowdon boarded him the last two years, relying on the promise of the boy that he would pay him when he got out of school; his school expenses, we are told by a friend who knew the Judge in boyhood days, were arranged the same way. Two years after he graduated from Bowdon Judge Edwards had paid his debt to his benefactor and to the college, and to day is the presiding Judge of the Tal lapoosa circuit, with a future promis ing still greater service to the people and still greater honor to his alma ma ter. And what Price Edwards did in Har alson, boys in Walker can do, too, if they add to good character, industry and determination. We are told that we dig our graves with our teeth, and many a poor man finds that the butcher and the grocer get the biggest part of the family in come. Where one person is sorry be cause of having voluntarily eaten too little, there are thousands who every day suffer for having eaten too much, merely to satisfy the cravings of a de ranged Stomach that was only asking for rest. Plain, wholesome foods may not “tickle the palate” as do the fan cy, high-priced dishes, but the plain foods make better blood, brain and muscle, and leave a margin for the cultivation of the mental and spiritual. If too little has been taken at one meal, it is easier to satisfy the appetite than, having eaten too much, to do away with the sluggish feeling which always follows over-indulgence. The meal should cease before the appetite is en tirely satisfied, because a little time should elapse before the outlying or gans and tissues can feel the effects of the food already taken. Senator McLaurin, of Mississippi, tells a story to illustrate his conception of the difference between the treat ment of the colored brother up North and down South. A Mississippi darky went up to Kansas and shortly got stranded. He begged for food and shel ter from door to door and got neither. Finally he wandered back to Mississip pi and knocked. “What are you doing at my front door, you black rascal?” ”1 wants som’p’n to eat. missus.” “Well, go around to the back door and get it then, you rascal,” said the white lady. Then the old negro, remembering the polite way in which his requests had been refused in Kansas, threw up his hands and exclaimed : “Bless Gawd, l’s amongst my own people at last. ” Young Cassidy, who tries hard to forget that his father was once a hod carrier, was blowing about his father’s fine old' family. McGinnis, who knew the old man when he lived in a mud hut in the old country and wore a red shirt to church, was standing by with a look of disgust on his face. “Now, when I visited my father’s ancestral castle in Ireland,” he con tinued. ‘*Br - r - roomp, ” snorted McGinnis. “Yer father's ancistr - r - ral castle! Br-r-roomp! Well do 1 know tha-a-t same ancister-er-ral castle! Ye cu’d stand on th’ roof iv yer father’s ancis- ter-er-rul castle, an’ stick yer arm down th’ chimney iv yer father’s an- cister-er-rul castle, and open th’ front door iv yer father’s an-cis-ter-ru-ral castle.” Dorando Pietri, defending at an Ital ian banquet'his canny course in wear ing a cigarette advertisement in the race with Hayes, told an apposite story of an Italian grave-digger. ”1 must accumulate all I can while 1 am here.” he said, “for over there in Italy money is scarce. It is with me, in fact, as it was with the grave-dig ger. “This grave-digger, after digging a certain grave, put in a bill that was exorbitant. When complaint of the overcharge was made to him, he said : “ ‘Well, the corpse and 1 had a row five years ago over a cart 1 sold him, and 1 could never make him pay me what he owed. So seeing this was my last chance, 1 thought I'd better take it.’ ” Fourth of July Excursion via Cen tral of Georgia Railway. I Tickets account Fourth of July Cele- I bration will be on sale Julv 2, 3, 4, 5. | final return limit July 8, 1909. For to- j tal rates and further information apply to nearest ticket agent. Soend Fourth i of July visiting your friends. enlarge-1 spiration to worthy or Men Do Not “Nag.” Octave Thanet in Harper’s Bazar. Men as husbands are not so faithful as women; they are not so tender ; they do not forgive, as women do, conduct which disgraces them publicly; they are not so patient with physical pain. But they have one shining virtue; they do not nag! It is not like a man to thrash out an old injury after every grain of circum stance has been extracted and the Hail raises nothing but dust. Nor is it like a man to fumble into the traps of his own logic and rescue himself by a burst of temper or a flood of tears. Men fly into passion over trifles just about as much as women, and often more violently. Their language, for in stance, in regard to overdone beefsteak frequently is not fit for a lady’s ears. And it seems irrational to be upset, as men are, by the misbehaving of collar buttons. Still, it may be admitted that, while they fly into a passion, they do not fly into the same passion again and again. And when they forgive, they forgive ; they do not simply take the offense away and put it in cold storage. If you are a kicker and see the shad ow of failure in everything that is proposed to nelp the town, for heaven’s sake go into some secluded canyon and kick your own shadow on the clay- bank, and thus give men who are work ing to build up the town a chance. One long-faced, hollow-eyed, whining kick er can do more to keep away business and capital from a town than all drouths, short crops, chinch bugs, cy clones and blizzards combined. If there’s one thing a boy enjoys see ing more than a circus it is a dog fight. THIRD OPERATION PREVENTED By Lydia E. Pinkharn’s Veg= etabie Compound Chicago, 111. — “ I want to tell you what Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound did for me. I was so sick that t wo of the best doctors in Chicago said I would die if I did not have an operation. I had already had two operations, and they wanted me to go through a third one. I suffered day and night from in flammation and a small tumor, and never thought of seeing a well day again. A friend told me how Lydia E. Pinkharn’s Veg etable Compound had helped her, and I tried it. and after the third bottle was cured.” Mrs.Alvkna Si’kkllng, II Langdon Street, Chicago, 111. If you are ill do not drag along at home or in your place of employment until an operation is necessary, but build up the feminine system, and re move the cause of tho’se distressing aches and pains by taking Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs. For thirty years it lias been the stan dard remedy for female ills, and has positively restored the health of thou- sandsof women who have been t roubled with displacements, inflammation, ul ceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion, dizzi ness. or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it? ; \ Cover Old Shingles With VULCANITE It If specially suited to this purpose because of the extra weight and quality of the felt used in its manufacture, and it takes the same insurance as metal or slate. Further unanswerable proof of the general ull-rouiul nuperiority of Vulcanite Roofing, is the fact that it took first prize at the Georgia State Fair; at tne Alabama Agricultural Fair; at the Mississippi Agri cultural Fair, and the Alabama State Fair. Don’t ure any other roofing until you write us, investigating the economy and superiority of this roofing. R. D, COLE MFG, C0„ , . New nan, Ga. “From the Old World” IRISH LINIMENT Reese Drug Co., your own drug gist, has it for sale, and will give you back your money if it fails in any of the following ailments; Rheumatism and Eczema first, then Lumbago, Goitre or Neural gia. For burn or sprain it has no equal; it will take soreness out and reduce swelling over night. Pre scribed by Dr. DeCoursey, best- known man in all Ireland. a HEALS •d«OLD SORE'S No old sore exists merely because the flesh is diseased at that partic ular spot; if this were true simple cleanliness and local applications would heal them. Whenever a sore or nicer refuses to heal readily, the blood is at fauit; this vital fluid is filled with impurities and poisons which are being constantly discharged into the place, feeding it with noxious matter and irritating and inflaming the nerves and tissues so the sore cannot heal. These impurities in the blood may be the remains of some constitutional trouble, the effect of a debilitating spell of sickness, leaving disease germs in the system, or the absorption by the blood oi the fermented refuse matter which the bodily channels of waste have failed to remove. Again the cause may be hereditary, the diseased blood of ancestry being handed down to posterity ; but whatever the cause, the fact that the sore will not heal shows the necessity for the very best constitutional treatment. There is nothing that causes more worry and anxiety than an old sore which resists treatment. Every symptom suggests pollution and disease—the discharge, the red, angry looking flesh, the pain and in flammation, and the discoloration of surrounding parts, all show that deep down in the blood there are morbid and dangerous forces at work, con stantly creating poisons which may in the end lead to Cancer. Local applications are valuable only for their cleansing and antiseptic effects; they do not reach the blood, where the real cause is located, and can therefore have no real curative worth. S. S. S. heals old sores by going down to the fountain-head of the trouble and driving out the poison-producing germs and morbid matters which are keeping the ulcer open. It removes every particle of impurity from the cir culation and makes this life-stream pure, fresh and health-sustaining. Then as new, rich blood is carried to the place the healing begins, all discharge ceases, the inflammation leaves, new tissue and healthy flesh are formed, and soon the sore or ulcer is well. S. S. S. is the greatest of all blood puri fiers and finest of tonics, just what is needed in the treatment, and in addi tion to curing the sore will build up and strengthen every part of the system. Special book on Sores and Ulcers and anv medical advice desired furnished free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA Newnan Hardware Go. Seasonable Goods I want to recommend S. S. S. to any who are in need of a blood purifier, and especially as a remedy for sores and obstinate ulcers. In 1877 I had my leg badly cut on the sharp edge of a barrel, and having on a blue woolen stocking the place was badly poisoned from the dye. A great sore formed and for years no one knows what I suffered with the place. I tried, it seemed to me, everything I hud ever heard cf, but I got no relief and I thought I would have to go through life with an angry, discharging sore on ray leg. At last I began the use of S. S. S., and it was but a short time until I saw that the place was improving. I continued it until it removed all the poison from my blood and made a complete and permanent cure of the sore. JNO. ELLIS. 250 Navy Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Garden Hose Freezers, Lawn Mowers Screen Doors Screen Windows Fruit Jars Preserving Kettles Milk Coolers Jar Rubbers Jelly Glasses Tin Fruit Cans Blue, White and Gray Enameled Ware We are right here with the goods. ’Phone us your order. Newnan Hardware Co., GREENVILLE STREET, Telephone 148. Orange, Amber and Red Top Sorghum Seed WE HAVE RECEIVED LARGE SHIP MENTS OF EACH VARIETY. NICE, RECLEANED, WITHOUT TRASH. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. WE’LL SAVE YOU MONEY. A’large quantity of Unknown Peas for sale. M. C. Farmer & Company A Wheel Off E. R. Or any of the numberless mis haps that occur to the best of vehicles in consequence, of bad roads, or careless driving, can be repaired in the best manner, durably and efficient at E. R. Dent’s repair shops. Our work always gives thorough satisfaction, as the testimony of our former pat rons shows. We also make the I best buggy sold in Newnan . DENT