Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, July 09, 1909, Image 5

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B«ra!d and flctwrfiser. | the river seine. "Tne Horuld an I Advertiser er the Newnan Banking Co. COMMON SENSE Lead? most intelligent people to use only mccndlncs of Known composition. There fore {l Is thai Dr. Pierce’s medicines, the makeheW which print every ingredient enteringls^othem upon the bottle wrap pers and attest its correctness under oa>th, are daily growing in favor. The com position of pY jPieroe’s medicines is open to evervbodvyDr. Pierce being desirous < i navi'iz uit - Li: '1 turned ft:!!; u arcii lignt oi iLive^uga• y upon his formula;, being confident j in [letter the com tiosi lion 01 lip-re n;ir.: .lies 1* known the more "Lyrjji.'jum'/'r;is b< 7 re.: g- nudicinal principles extracted from na tive forest roots, by exact processes original with Dr. Pierce, and without the use of a drop of alcohol, triple-refined and chemically pure glycerine being used in stead In extracting and preserving the curative virtues residing in the roots employed, these medicines are entirely j Seine and Its image free from the objection of doing harm by creating an appetite for either al coholic beverages nr habit - forming drugs. Examine the formula on their bottle wrappers—the same as sworn to by Dr. Pierce, and you will find that his "Golden Medical Discovery,” the great, blood-purifier, stomach tonic and bowel j regulator—the medicine which, while not recommended to cure consumption in its advanced stages (no medicine will do that) yet Oven cure all those catarrhal condi tions of head and throat, weak stomach, torpid liver and bronchial troubles, weak lungs and hang-on-coughs, which, if neg lected or biuliy treated lead up to and finally terminate in consumption. Take the "Golden Medical Discovery" in time and it i* not likely to disappoint you if only you'give it & thorough and fair trial. Don’t expect miracles. It won’t do supernatural things. You must exercise your patience and persevere in its use for a reasonable length of time to get its full benefits. The ingredients of which Dr. Pierce’s medicines are composed have the unqualified endorsement pf scores of medical leaders—better than any amount of lay. or non-professional, testimonials. They are not given awav to fie experi mented witli hut are sold hv all dealers in medicines, at reasonable prices. bPALDING S Base Ball Goods. New Shipment list in. It Is the Mcst Picturesque of the Highways of Peris. We have beard almost too much of the streets of Paris and not enough of that street most distinctive of all the river Seine. Plowing through the city for six miles, it Is a highway, with its bateaux mom-lies, its bridges and its quays. Of it dark night tin* Seine may seem to lugubrious fancy the symbol uf death in tile city’s life abounding— murky dentil and inky crime, oozy and silent wickedness. Vet normally, even perhaps to suicides, the Seine Is but the mirror of a city's mood. There are lights everywhere—lights lengthened In the water. The Louvre and the Coneiergoric shown in the stream are things fairer than their originals, it is better to look upon the eddying re- flectloiiR of tln> bridges here than to stand iti the Place do la Concorde, bright with its orange lamps in honor of an auto show. The lights on tile more alluring, more innately of fairyland and Paris, than the glided boulevards. Nor is it only in the moonlight that the Seine lias charms. The holiday sculler finds it a paradise for miles above the city, and there are ever such fishermen us Maupassant's Menard. Line fishing is more than it mild sport at Paris. Even to watcli its devotees seems to amuse your true Parisian. A legend tells us that in the commune days, when the Hotel de Ville was fired on and a dark page written In the city’s history, the Seine fishermen put- sued their pastime, imperturbable. And the taie seems likely enough as the saunterer watches the fisher folk, whose leisure may be envied more than their occupation and who art- found not on the city quays alone, but in tlie banllPU. whore the Seine's green bank is dabbed with villages in brown and red and gray and where one stops to watch the peasants bathe their horses in the stream itself, rubbing them down sodn afterward by the riv er’s brink. Within the city there are the men who clip poodles on the quays and higher book and picture stalls with their merchants and shifting groups of bargain hunters—the Odeon arcade for new books, the riverside for old.—Scribner’s Magazine. Business Sense. Home Tribune*Herald. Dublin, the prosperous capital of Laurens county, is in future to have but one newspaper. For a long time it has had two excellent semi-weekly papers, but the Courier-Dispatch has now ab sorbed The Times. The reasons dictat ing this move were business ones. The advertising patronage was not sufficient to make The Times a paying venture. Here is another illustration of an oft- proved proposition, that two papers will not pay in a one-paper town. The Times was not a poor paper. It was established in 1903, and had always been well-edited, well-printed, and was bright, newsy and had a good equipment. If it had been less ably handled its demise would have come sooner. There was simply not enough business to justify it. The same thing has happened scores of times in Georgia. It has happened in Rome, in Amerieus, in Albany, in Waycross, in Cordele, in Fitzgerald, in Brunswick, and dozens of other places. Where the extra paper has been entered into as a business enterprise, backed by large capital and determination, it has sometimes lived several years. Where it has been a “.spite-paper,” or a politi cal sheet, it has died in a few mofiths. But all have met the same end, and will continue to meet the same end, until those cities reach a population of about 30,000. Then a second paper will be justified. A milliner who works in a large city says that one day a woman came into the store very much excited and wanted thejgrocer is a cash grocer only. If trimming on her new hat changed. She ask him fur credit he says: said it had been trimmed on the wrong “ ‘No, sir; no, siree. 1 wouldn’t even J Write or call for Spalding’s 1909 Catalog. MURRAY’S HOOK S T O R E ASTRONOMY. j Its Exactness Illustrated by the Dis covery of Neptune. There is perhaps no more striking illustration of the power of scientific method than that relating to the dis covery of Neptune in 1840. The planet Uranus, until then the outermost known member of our solar system, refused to follow the path computed for it by mathematical astronomers. With the progress of time the diserep ancios between its predicted a:.d ob- A Maker of Governors. Tlionmsville Enterprise. Hoke Smith said, when his firing of Joe Brown resulted in the election of Little Joe to the Governor’s chair, thathehadquit making Governors but he hasn’t. Now, because Commissioner McLendon followed the dictates of his own mind instead of following blindly the desire of Hoke Smith, he exercises his prerogative once more and fires McLendon, as he did his illustrious predecessor. We hail our fellow-townsman as our next Governor. Those who know him best know his capabilities in this direc tion his mental attainments, his acu men, and the grace and dignity with which he would till this high position. We predict that S. G. McLendon will succeed Jos. M. Brown as Governor of Georgia, and that his term of office will be marked by the rule, “equal justice to all." "Gov. McLendon” sounds good to us. Alderman-Frank L. Do\vning, of New York, was talking about his widely prais ed ordinance to make it a crime for chauffeurs to take out their masters’ motor cars without leave. “So many accidents have accompa nied these stolen rides,” said Alderman Downing, “that the chauffeur has come to be regarded very skeptically. Of course, the great majority of chauf feurs are all right’, but there is among them a small minority, a small working minority, which we must trust as a Hoboken grocer treats his trade. This you side. “But,” said the saleswoman, “the trimming is on the left side. That is where it ought to be.” “It doesn’t make any difference whether it ought to be in front or back, or right or left, it’s got to be on the chur.-h s'de.” “Church side!” gasped the astonished girl. “Yes, church side. 1 sit right next to the wall in church, and I’m not go ing to have ail that trimming next the wall. I want it on the other side so the whole congregation can see it.” The trimming was promptly placed on the “church side” of the hat. “Fountain pens,” snapped the nag ging wife, “remind me of some hus bands.” “What is the resemblance?" ven tured the meek little man. f l“Expensive, can’t be depended up on, won’t work, and half the time they are broke.” “That’s pretty rough, Marie, but you served positions grew constantly larger ] couldn’t compare a fountain pen with some women?” “I guess not.” “No; a fountain pen will dry up, and some wives won’t.” And then he made for the suburban trolley and struck a bee line for town. Atlanta and West Point RAILROAD COMPANY ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF TRAINS AT NEWNAN.GA. 7:.iT» a. 0:08 a. 10:40 a. . 8:25 p. 0:40 p. Ji:*« P- . fl:88 a. 12:2* p. 5:12 p. 7:Htp. G:2Hp. 10:40 p tSunday only. “Daily except Sun day. All other trains daily. Odd numbers, southbound; even num bers, northbound. CREME ELCAYA A TOILET CREAM FOR THE COMPLEXION Preserving It against the harsh effocts of wind nnd dust. “Always ready.” F-F.iCF. CO CENTS For sale by Hoi.t & Cates Co New Advertisements PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Clear mb and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant ftrowth. Krvcr Fail* *o Restore Gray to its Toutlif« 1 Color. Cur< * o'f'Cp • H. . ■ ' r f:>.lil<£. £ c. u:id 11 11 At l'-m-SMl until in the early eighteen-forties the discordance amounted to fully seven ty-five seconds of arc. This is a small angle, not more than one-twenty-flflh the angular diameter of our moon, yel a very large angle to refined astron omy, for a discrepancy of two seconds would have been detected with ease. The opinion gradually developed that Uranus was drawn from its natural course by the attractions of an undis covered planet still farther from the sun than itself. Adams in 1843 and Le Yerrier in 1845 independently and each without knowledge of l lie other’s plans attacked the then extremely dif ficult problem of determining the ap proximate orbit, mass and position of an undiscovered body whose attrac tions should produce the perturbations observed. Regrettable and avoidable delays occurred in searching for the planet after Adams’ results were com municated to the astronomer royal in October. 1845. Le Verrier’s results were communicated to the Berlin servntory in September, 134G. with tin- request that a search be made. The disturbing planet, later named Nep tune, was found on the first evening that it was looked for less than out degree of arc from the position as signed by Le Yerrier. If an energet! search had been made in England the year before the planet would have been discovered within two degrees of the position assigned by Adams.—-Pro fessor tV. \V. Campbell in Popular Sci ence Monthly. Ths Smuggled Box. A joker hail some fun with the eus- | toms officials at New York some years | ago. A servant had gone ashore from | n German liner with n basket and was about to leave the pier when a passen ger whispered to a customs ofiV-or Hint he had better see what the basket con tained. Following tiie tip. the basket bearer was detained, and a wooden box was found among a lot of s died linen. The box contained another and tills still another box. tlie third secure ly fastened with screws. When those were removed n card was discovered on which was written In three lan guages. ‘‘This is the 1st of April. Many happy returns of the day.” A Diplomat. Possible Client—And is the district at all malarial? M.v husband asked me to be careful to inquire about that. Agent—Er—what Is your husband’s | j business, madam? Possible Client—Ho j is n physician. Agent—Hm-m—well— | j er—truth compels me to admit, madam, j that there has been a good deal of It ! about here of late years.—Life. Cautious. I Cook (angrily)—See here, you little ! Imp, did you take that cake off the ■ shelf? Small Boy (son of an attorney) —I decline to answer any questions j until I have conferred with my lnw- i yer.—Chicago News. Summer Excursion Rates to Tybee. Central of Georgia Railway will sell ten-day tickets Newnan to Tybee and return, every Saturday, May 37 to August 21, 1909, inclusive, at rate of $10. Summer excursion tickets will also be on sale to principal resorts in the United States and Canada. For further information call on G. T. Stocks, ticket agent, or address J. C. Haile, genera! passenger agent, Savan nah, Ga. When the large and healthy looking individual who had asked at the door fora “little something to eat.” was told that he might have it if he would work awhile on the woodpile, he shook his head mournfully. “I’ve got the ague,” he explained, “and my hand is that unstiddy 1 couldn’t hit. inore’n one stick in seven.” “All right,” exclaimed the mistress of the house. “Goout in the back yard and shake those ashes for me.” trust my own feelings. ’ ’ ’ Good intentions are seldom negotiable for cash. Ask the lazy schoolboy why he doesn't study and advance with his class. He will tell you that he intends to—some time —hut he never does. Ask any improvident man or woman why they don’t save and lay up something for a rainy day. They will tell you that they intend to—some time—but they never do. Ask any slow, unprogressive businessman why he doesn’t discard his old antiquated ways of doing business and adopt new, up-to-date, progressive methods of sales and advertising. All such will tell you that they intend to, next week, or next month, or next year hut they never do.—Cover Chat. WESTON, Ocean-to-Gcean Walker, Said recentlv: “When you feel down and out. feel there is no use living, just take your had thoughts with you and walk them off. Before you have walked a mile things will look rosier. Just try it.” Have you noticed the in crease in walking of late in every com munity? Many attribute it to the com fort which Allen’s Fool-Ease, the anti septic powder to be shaken into the shoes, gives to the millions now using it. As Weston has said, “It. has rea merit.” “Drat the cat!” “What’s the matter, girl?" “Oh, the cat went to sleep on my new hat and I wore her down town and hack. ” When a man munches tobacco all the time, he musn’t. wonder if his wife chews the rag. From the Cradle to the Grave, people in all walks of life suffer from Eczema and Rheumatism. IRISH LINIMENT \\ Will cure the afflictions, also any skin '■ ailment, Burn, Bruise or Ncurahna. Go to Reerr Drug Company's and get a bottle, if it does not help you they will nay hack the 50c on your word. Express prepaid 60c v to your home. For sakt by one druggist in all large cities. GILLH00LEY IRISH LINIMENT CO. St. Paul, Minn. Is Isolation a Burden to You? .TX—-',—wjpff “ ;—; : : ~ Who is rich? He who Is satisfied Give us a trial order on job wjth his loc-Taimud. printing. I Then Remove It! The telephone makes the community one large family for business and social purposes. It aids in church work and summons friends and neighbors to social gatherings. Connection with the Bell System enables you to reach anybody al most anywhere without leaving your home. Write to nearest Bell Telephone Manager,or address Farmers’ I.tne Department SOUTHERN CEI L TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. SOUTH ;>RYOH STREET. ATLANTA tA. Silky flair — No More Dandruff if you art* only particular enough to use water which has been suitened by the addition of a little Lava dura “It Softens the Water” You never knew a more delightfully refreshing, beautifying shampoo than Lavadura gives. Thoroughly cleanses the scalp, removes dandruff and rejuvenates the hair, making it soft and fluffy. Ask far it at Grocers and Druggists. In Sc and IOc packages. Washing the clothes and dishes is far easier work with Lavadura to help. Hurls neither clothes nor hands— nothing fades, nothing shrinks. Try it. Lavadura Chemical Company Nervous Women For nervous, tired women, we recommend Car* j dui. Cardui is a woman’s medicine. It acts specifi- j cally on the female organs and has a tonic, building' effect on the whole system. It contains no harmful ingredients, being a pure vegetable extract. If you; suffer from some form of female trouble, get Cardui■ at once and give it a fair trial. TAKE It Will Help You J 33 j Mre. W. W. Gardner, of Paducah, Ky., tried Cardui and writes: “I think Cardui is just grand. I have boon using it for eleven years. I am 48 years old and feel like a different woman, since i Have been taking it. I used to suffer from bearing down ain.% nervousness| and sleeplessness, but now the pains are all gone and I sleep good. I highly recommend Cardui for young and old.” Tiy it. AT ALL DRUG STORES Georgia School of Technology ATLANTA, GA. A TECHNICAL INSTITUTE of the highest JrV. rank, whose graduates occupy prominent and lucrative positions in engineering and commercial life. Located in the most pro gressive city of the South, with the abound, ing opportunities offered its graduates in the South s present remarkable development. Advanced courses in Mechanical, Electrical, Textile and Civil Engineering, Engineering Chemistry, Chemistry and Architecture. Extensive and new equipment of Shop, Mill, Laboratories, etc. New Library and new Chemical Laboratory. Cost reasonable. Lac-li county in Georgia entitled tnlCfrecBchoJarshipa. Students received any time during t:HJ Station. E #r H u».trated catalog, addreup K. G. MATMESON, A. M., LL. D. f Pres. ATLANTA. GEORGIA WHEN IN NEED OK LUMBER AND PLANING MILL STUFF Of all kinds—Brackets. Mouldings, Columns, etc.—you will find it to your interest to give us a call. HOI'S E B I L L S A S P E C I A L T Y Vulcanite Roofing R. D.CoIe ManufacturingCo 49-54 E. Broad St., NEWNAN, GA. : ’Phone 14.