Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, July 16, 1909, Image 1

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NEWNAN HERALD & ADVERTISER VOL. X L I V NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1909. NO. 42. TAKE WARNING! If All stock feed is high, and going higher. Everybody should sow Sorghum and Peas. In Sorghum seed we have “EARLY AMBER,” “ORANGE” and “RED TOP.” •[Try some of our Alfalfa ground feed, and better than Corn or Oats. It is cheaper 11 We have a fresh stock of International Stock and Poultry Powders. H Medicated Sait Brick—the best physic for rundown stock. Takes the place of salt, and is always ready, as you only have to place the brick in your horse-trough. If Chicken Feed—we have it, and CORNO is the best. 11 Cotton Seed Meal, Shorts and Bran. 11 Four thousand pounds best Compound ALard at best price. T. G. FARMER & SONS GO * IT WILL PAY YOU # '*0* To get our prices before making your pur chases. While we do not quote prices, if you need anything in our stock we can make it to your interest to come to see us. We have no special sales days, but every day in the year we have bargains, and if you want to spend your cash where your money will go a long way, we can prove to you that this is the best place to spend it. We make very attractive prices on all summer goods—Shoes, Lawns, Laces, Straw Hats, etc. Just received 25 dozen Finck’s union- made overalls, in every size. Mason’s Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses. A full stock of Grocerfes on hand .all the time. Summer rates on all goods. Come and trade with us. ❖ YE ABBREVYATEDDE COURTSHYPPE. Dan Cupid sholte atte my swetehert’s herte, Butte* shoo dodgod nnd ye nrrowe Mr.. Soe I took nyme atte hyr swete red do lippea And, in apyte of hyr dodffeyner, 1 Kr. Ye dere lytJe soul waa quyte dyrmayd; Butte, expluyninrf 1 waa ye Dr., I quyek applyde more two-lippc salve And in my armes* craydel Hr. Shee whyapord that shee'd a syster bee, And “Woldont 1 hee juste a Bro.?" "Not muehe, pette!” I aayd: "trie thya, inated"— Here I jentlie ffayve hyr Ano. "My trewe luve, canst thou notte bee my bryde?’ I queatyoned*— and pressed for ye Ana,; A softe voice behynde myne eare replyde: "You’re soe pressyinjj, perhappee I Cans.” Now, "Fnynte herte never vvonne laydie fayr” — Noe, nor ever ehaynered Mi s to Mrs. And ye luve a ma.vde, bee notte nfrayrie, Butte when arrowes flie wyde trie Krs. -LW. E. P. French. A Complication in the Smiih-McLen- don Ca*e. Savannah News. If the Legislature should approve the action of ex-Gov. Smith in suspending Railroad Commissioner McLendon be cause he refused to be guided in bis official action by the port rates declara tion of the Macon platform, what action would it feel like taking in respect to Railroad Commissioner Hillyer? Com missioner Hillyer was elected on the Atlanta platform. It was well under stood that that platform was against port rates. The men who shaped it were against it, and so was the candidate for Governor who stood upon it. Mr. Brown was the candidate for Governor on that platform, and in the previous campaign he had written strong letters against the declaration for port rates in the Macon platform. If, therefore, the Legislature thinks that Mr. McLendon should be removed from the Railroad Commission because he failed to stand up to the declaration of the platform on which he was elected, it ought, in order to be consistent, take steps for the re moval of Commissioner Hillyer, who voted for port rates. And what about ex-Gov. Smith’s at titude? If for consistency’s sake he removed Mr. McLendon, shouldn’t he also have removed Commissioner Hill yer? If he insisted that Mr. McLendon should vote for port rates because they were called for by the Macon plat form, shouldn’t he also have suspended Judge Hillyer for not obeying the At lanta platform, the platform on which he was elected? It looks a little that way. But Mr. Smith may say that he had no.interesj; in the Atlanta platform— that his whole interest was in having the Macon platform carried into effect. But, as Governor, isn’t it his duty to respect the will of the people in pref erence to making a political record for himself? It would seem so. In the Atlanta platform the people reversed themselves in respect to port rates. Shouldn’t the Governor have taken notice of the fact? And, if so, should he not have called Judge Hillyer to account for not complying with the platform on which he was elected? As we see it, however, Railroad Com missioners are to be controlled by the whims of politicians, or the policies of political factions. Like judges of the courts, they are expected to settle the questions arising between the public utility corporations and the people, and also between these corporations and their patrons, in accordance with justice and the laws. They ought to be big enough men to do that. If they are not, they ought to be removed for lack of ability. If they are made the creatures of polit ical factions the public utility corpora tions will be drawn into politics. But the people don’t want corporations to be active in politics. One of the com plaints against them has been that they tried to control the politics of the State. And now we are confronted by a condi tion of affairs wherein the Railroad Commissioners-the judges who hold the very lives of these corporations in their hands—are in danger of being made the creatures of a political faction. H. C. ARNALL MDSE. CO. O <g» Paradox of Perspiration. New York Mail. People who perspire freely consider themselves uncomfortable, and the sight of their dripping countenances may suf fice to render the bystander uncomfort able, through involuntary sympathy. Yet perspiration is nature’s way of making a man feel comfortable in hot weather. The process of surface evapo ration to reduce temperature, which it involves, has been imitated by man throughout the torrid regions in cooling water for drinking. Through perspira tion alone he is enabled to live in a daily temperature considerably in excess of a hundred degrees. Through perspira tion the surface of the body is kept at two degrees cooler than the temper ature of the blood and internal organs. Nature evidently sets great store by the sweating processes. To this end she has equipped the skin of the body with some 2,300,000 glands; and on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, where they are most numerous, they run as high as 2,700 to the inch. Time may be money, but somehow we don’t find even silver dollars hang ing heavily on our hands. Raising Corn as Well as Cotton in the South. Baltimore Sun. Cotton is still king down South, and there is no reason to suppose that it will be dethroned in our time. The cotton that is exported represents a sum large enough to pay our enormous balances in Europe, for the expenses and pur chases of tourists, for goods imported, for transportation by sea, and for inter est on foreign money invested in the United States. But down South King Cotton has occupied the field too exclu sively. Ithasbeen too much the policy to devote the entire energies of the planters to that one crop, and then have to use the money received for cotton to buy things that ought to have been raised at home, The South is getting away from this unwise policy, and is paying more attention to raising corn and other food. In the ten years ending with 1906 the production of corn in the South was nearly 700,000,000 bushels greater than in the previous decade. The corn crop of South Carolina alone increased by over a million bushels a year. In order to still further increase the crop of that State the Legislature has offered a series of prizes to be awarded to those who can raise the largest number of bushels on one or five acres. There are separate prizes for boys. This is a practical way to interest farmers in corn growing and to secure the use of the best seed and the best methods of fer tilizing and cultivating. The contests held in former years, the State Commis sioner of Agriculture says, “have been of immense value to the State in dollars and cents, as has been demonstrated by their influence upon the remarkable advance made in the value of the corn crop in South Carolina in the last two years.’’ The production of corn natur ally suggests the production of bacon, and when that is done the people will have bread and meat, even if the boll weevil eats up the cotton crop. Long Service as Senate Doorkeeper. Atlanta Constitution. I. J. Stephens, of Newnan, Doorkeep er of the present State Senate, first li lied that position in 1S90-91 under the Presi dency of R. G. Mitchell, of Thomas county, and since then has served half a dozen Senates in the same capacity. He was elected Doorkeeper of the present Senate over H. H. Stephens, of Hall county, by a vote of 27 to 16. His long service with previous Senates has given him a familiarity with the duties of the position that enables him to meet promptly its every demand. Mr. Stephens was born in Heard county, where he owns a splendid farm, which he still operates, although about four years ago he moved to Newnan, and has since made his home in that city. He served three years as a soldier in the Confederate army, enlisting with the 59th Georgia, of which C. P. Wat kins was colonel, and attached to Gen. Cumming’s brigade. He was in all the fighting from Perryville, Ky., to Jones boro, Ga., surrendering finally at Greens boro, N. C. As first lieutenant he com manded his company a large part of the time during the war, and was several times slightly wounded — at Resaca, Peachtree Creek, and in other fights. Mr. Stephens has reared nine children, eight of whom are now living. Mrs. Stephens and their youngest daughter live with him in their home at New nan. He is a high-toned, Christian gentleman, a law-abiding and law-loving citizen, and has sincere and devoted friends wherever he is known. Tit for Tat. In the smoke-room of the “Kaiser'n Auguste,” Victoria Robert Harborough Sherard, grandson of the poet Words worth, was telling literary anecdotes. Mr. Sherard is a writer well known in England and France, and his acquaint ance among the literary men is large. “The poet Tennyson,” he said, “was often rude. Tennyson was so widely loved it turned his head a little. At any rate, he was often guilty of rudeness. “Once he more than met his match. He made a rude and scornful remark about the dress of a certain dandy. Now, dandies can generally take care of themselves, and this one was no ex ception to the rule. “The dandy, when, in the presence of a crowd of people, the remark was repeated to him by a mutual friend, screwed his glass into his eye and drawl ed calmly: “ ‘Oh, really! Which Tennyson was it? The dirty one?’ “Everybody smiled, for of the Ten nyson brothers Alfred was undoubted ly the more careless.” Every Woman Will be Interested. There has recently been discovered an aromatic, pleasant herb cure for woman’s ills, called Mother Gray’s Australian-Leaf. It is the only certain regulator. Cures female weaknesses and Backache. Kidney, Bladder and Urinary troubles. At all Druggists or by mail 50c. Sample FREE. Address The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. Justice to the Farmers. Atlanta Constitutors. Editor Constitution: The farmers of Georgia are now, and have been for a good many years, suffering damage from several diseases that have attacked theircrops, viz: “Black root” in cotton, and “wilt” in a good many of the vine crops. There are other diseases, but 1 mention these because they are the most common and destructive. All kinds of fruit are being almost entirely de stroyed in some sections. These diseases are attacking the crops from the upper middle belt of Georgia to t lie extreme southern limits of the State. Knowing the vast amount of damage done to the farming interests of the State by these troubles, I sought an interview with one of the State’s entomologists, and asked him why they were not pressing these crop maladies more vigorously, and he replied to me by saying that the State hud refused to furnish them with money enough to carry on the investigations, and that they were handicapped for this reason only. I have talked with some of the legislators on this subject, and they said to me that the State had no money to spend in that way. Now if the farmers of Georgia don’t pay taxes enough to have a few thousand dollars used in their interest when it is neces sary, the Legislature can put a special tax on them for this purpose, and they will pay it, and not complain. 1 know tlie State Board of Entomology is doing a grand work for the State, because I have had some experience with some of them, and if the Legislature will furnish them with means sufficient to press their investigations, they wilt soon save enough to the farmers of the .State to pay the entire expenses of the Georgia Legislature. J. P. Jones. Newnan, Ga., June 30, 1909. Fifteen-Cent Cotton. Snvannult Press. They are talking about fifteen-cent cotton on the floor of the Savannah cotton exchange. Predictions are freely made there that before December 15 cents a pound will he paid for the staple. A farmer who will spend an hour or more talking to the cotton men of Savan nah will go home convinced that he is going to get enough for his crop this year to pay off all his back debts and reduce the size of the mortgage on his farm. Those who are looking for extra high prices for the staple are basing their assertions upon the crop reports and the great demand for actual cotton that is already being felt. The Government’s cotton report of June 15 showed a general average of hut 74.6. This was very poor. The usual average condition on June 15 is about 86. With the Government forecasting poor cotton crop, with heavy rains throughout the cotton belt at a critical time, and with the stock from last year’s crop considerably reduced as compared to former years, there seems nothing for the price to do but advance. If it does not advance there is going to be much disappointment, from the planter straight through to the exporter. 1 f the South can get 15 cents a pound for cotton this season it will help some to meet the high prices for necessities which the Government tariff barons seem determined Americans shall pay. Georgia’s New Governor. Balimoro Sun. It was not to be assumed that Hon. Hoke Smith, on retiring from the office of Governor of Georgia, Would display an effusive cordiality when his successor took the reins of government and qual ified as the chief executive of the Em pire State of the South. The meeting between these gentlemen in the State Capitol at Atlanta, Ga., was distinctly frosty. The words of the Hon. Hoke Smith were few and curt. The bearing of the Hon. Hoke Smith was haughty; his mien that of an irreconcilable. But the new Governor, “Little Joe Brown,” didn’t quake or quiver in that awful presence. His bearing was that of a man who attaches no importance to either the smiles or the frowns, the blessings or the maledictions, of Hon. Hoke Smith. It was an act of extra ordinary audacity on the part of Jos. M. Brown, after being removed from the office of Railroad Commissioner be cause he would not carry out the ex treme policies of his chief, to go into the Democratic primary and beat Hon. Hoke Smith to a standstill for the nomination for Governor. For that he will never be forgiven by Mr. Smith. But if he proves to be as good a Governor as the majority of Georgians expect him to be, the dis pleasure of Hon. Hoke Smith can be treated as a negligible quantity. According to interesting statistics just made public by the bureau of the census in co-operation with the United States forestry service, during the year 1908 the steam and electric railroads of the United States purchased more than 112,000,000 crossties, costing, at the point of purchase, over $56,000,000, an average of 50 cents per tie, The Day of Cheap Food. Now York World. If the day of cheap food has passed, as we are now informed with great frequency, there will soon be proof of it in a visible movement from the cities to the farms. Good wages in America have added greatly to our artisan popu lation. High prices for food, if main tained and justly distributed, cannot fail to carry many thousands hack to the land. The fact that no such shift ing of population and industry is in evidence proves that food is high only in spots and that manipulation, rather than scarcity is to be charged with the soaring prices. In Manhattan a measure of potatoes or beans or onions or berries is to many people a luxury. One hundred miles distant it may be almost worthless. In one place the man who would buy finds prices high. In the other place the man who would sell meets an indifferent demand and nominal prices. It is not true, therefore, that the day of cheap food has passed. There has been no important change except in the congested markets. Transportation charges, the profits to middlemen, the exactions of combinations and the other costs of distribution and delivery have increased in spite of improved methods, but. the enhanced prices rest upon pro ducts which in the first instance barely paid for their growth. If our farmers re ceived a fairer proportion of the money paid by consumers for their commodities they would be the richest class of work ingmen in the world. The Governor and His Gourd. Mobile UcKlater. Gov. Joseph M. Brown, of Georgia, who was inaugurated the other day, is a student of the simple life. One of his first official acts was to banish the drink ing cup or glass of modern design which has been in use at the water cooler in the Governor’s reception-room and to install in its place a long-handled gourd. Whether the installation was with or without ceremony the dispatches fail to say, though it is probable that the gourd, like the Governor, was installed with Jeffersonian simplicity. In this age, when that which is taken in a fluid form is subject to regulation and the manner of taking drinks is under close scrutiny and supervision, it is meet, right and our bounden duty to criticize the Governor qf Georgia for his choice of a drinking device. The gourd, in its natural environment, is a joy and a delight, bringing more gladness to the tired and thirsty youth of the farming regions than all the moss- covered oaken buckets that ever hung in all of the wells. The vision of the gourd—the long-handled, crooked-neck ed gourd— that hung on a nail on the back porch above the brass-hooped cedar bucket, has remained a blessed memory with many a country-raised hoy throughout a long life, and the charm of the vision never diminishes with age or varying environment; but for a semi-public drinking place the gourd is neither appropriate nor hy gienic. Think of drawing ice water from a patent water cooler into a gourd! An editor approached St. Peter at the Golden Gate, and handing him a long list of delinquent subscribers said : “Look this list over carefully and see if any of these fellows have sneaked through the puurly gates ” “No,” said St. Peter, “there are none of them inside, but a fellow slipped through here the other day who took the paper a year without paying for it and had the postmaster mark it ‘refused,’ hut we are after him, and when caught he will be consigned to the place where he properly belongs. He is meaner even than the delinquent sub scriber, and heaven is not his home.” KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL. Health is Worth Saving, and Some Newnan People Know How to Save It. Many Newnan people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kidneys when they know these organs need help. Sick kidneys are responsible for a vast amount of suffering and ill health, but there is no need to suffer nor to remain in danger when all diseases and aches and pains due to weak kidneys can he quickly and permanently cured by the use of Doan^s Kidney Pills. Here is a Newnan citizen’s recommendation: William T. Lazenby, 64 Wesley street, Newnan, Ga., says: “I think very highly of Doan’s Kidney Pills, and consider them an excellent remedy for kidney camplaint. Before using them, 1 had suffered from kidney trouble for several years, during which time I tried many remedies without receiving any benefit. My back ached a great aad I was always annoyed by too fre quent passages of the kidney secre tions. The contents of one box of Doane’s Kidney Pills, procured at Lee Bros.’s drug store, gave me wonderful relief.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other.