Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, July 16, 1909, Image 6

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”8 County News Items Interesting Facts Gathered During the Week by Our Regular Correspondents. MORELAND. (Brought over from last week.) We are called upon this week to chronicle the death of Mr. Andrew | I Young, which occurred Thursday S ! at the twilight hour, while sitting in 0 GRANTVILLE. Rev. F. J. Amis filled his regular appointment at the Baptist church Sun day, both morning and evening. Mrs. Chas. Culpepper and Miss Ruth Nall, of Lone Oak, spent Sunday with Mrs. I. C. Lester. Mrs. Brakefield and children, of Se- noia, are visiting Mrs. J. H. Gilbert this week. Miss Estelle Zellers has returned home, after spending several days in Atlanta. Mrs. Homer Hood and children, of Louise, are visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Charlie Stevens and little daughter, Emmie Kate, spent Sunday and Monday with Miss Love Stevens. Mr. Slaughter Lambert was in New- nan Tuesday. Mrs. Harry Baxter spent Tuesday in LaGrange. I)r. and Mrs. T. Z. Clower, of Atlan ta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Camp. Miss Johnnie I’ark has returned to Greenville, after spending a few days very pleasantly with Miss Annie Park. Mrs. L. P. Bryant and little (laugh ter, Annie, spent Monday in LaGrange. M iss Annie Lester is on an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. A. B. McKoy, at Welcome. Miss'Annie Park and her guest, Miss Johnnie Park, of Greenville, spent Thursday at Coweta. Miss Marie Sewell, of Lone Oak, is visiting her cousin. Miss Lura Sewell. Mrs. Harry Hill, of Palmetto, spent several days last week will) Mrs. Lou Dean. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Albright spent Sunday in Moreland. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whatley spent Sun day in Lutherville. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Andrews spent several days last week with relatives in Greenville. Miss Sunie Maude Hopson is visiting relatives in Atlanta this week. M essrs. Ed Nall and Ewell Hopson spent Sunday in Lone Oak. Mr. Emmett Nall spent Saturday nigln in Newnan. Mrs. E. B. Cotton spent several days last week at Palmetto visiting her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Culbreath. Mr. and Mrs. John Brasoh spent the week-end in West Point. Mr. and Mrs. Shack Hunter and Mr. TURIN. The school laws of Georgia require that “the nature of alcoholic drinks and narcotics shall be studied and taught thoroughly in the common and public schools in the same manner as other required branches are taught in said schools.” Now. it will require a competent chemist to explain the na ture of alcohol or the meaning of nar cotics; yet young girls engaged in teaching, who know nothing about chemistry, are required to teach “thor oughly” these branches! Doctors pre scribe both alcohol and narcotics for their remedial ejects in certain cases, and yet all children must be “taught thoroughly” that their use is injurious. Just the other day President Taft was quoted as asking, "What is whiskey?” It' the President of these United States doesn’t know what whiskey is, how can the average country school teacher be expected to know? The fact stands out that Georgia’s school laws are de fective. They should either he wiped out or reconstructed along new and dif ferent lines. Another query: If “near-beer” is one-fourth alcohol, (as is claimed), and the State licenses its sale, is not the State guilty of violating the prohibi tion law? Again: Does it look well for a prohibition State to pay her leg islators and teachers with money de rived from taxes levied on alcoholic drinks? Verily, it seems hard for the legs of the lame to keep even. The automobile craze seems to have taken complete possession of the At lanta newspapers. The idea of having the roads of Georgia macadamized or asphalted for the pleasure of “joy ri ders” who come out from the cities is too preposterous for anything. If there were no machines to be sold we daresay the craze would soon die out, and coun try folk could then venture upon the highways without danger to life or limb. There may he wisdom in the theory of compulsory education, hut we fail to see it in that light. The majority of parents will, from simple love of their children, send them to school as long as they can without being compelled to do so by law. Rev. Mr. Russell filled his appoint ment at the Presbyterian church last Sunday. At his next appointment the services will he protracted for severa' and Mrs. Dick Hunter, of Turin, spent days, and it is announced that Rev. Saturday ami Sunday with Mrs. O. E. Smith. Mrs. W. (!. Sadler, Mrs. J. 1). More land and Lowndes Sadler leave to-mor row for Virginia, where they will spend some time. Miss Willie Jeter has returned from a few days’ visit to friends in Hogans- ville. 1 Misses Love Stevens and Tommie Lou Lester spent Sunday with Misses Ethel and Lizzie Bean, at St. Charles. Miss Lucile Sewell is visiting friends and relatives in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. H. Abner Camp, of Moreland, are visiting relatives here. Mr. Will Post was in Newnan Friday afternoon. Messrs. Bunion Matthews ami Roy Mayfield, of Newnan, were in Grant- ville Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy White, of Savan nah, will spend next week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. White. Mrs. C. P. Clower spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Miss Mary Love Stevens is spending several days in Atlanta and Fayette- lle. Miss Johnnie Lester and Miss Bessie Humphries spent Wednesday afternoon in Newnar. Rev. R. M. Dixon and family, of Monticello, spent several days last week at the home of Mr. J. O. Sewell. Miss Janie Nall is on an extended visit to friends and relatives in Gaines ville, Elberton and other points. , July 1th. Life 100,000 Years Ago. Scientists have found in a cave in Switzerland bones of men who lived 1(H),000 years ago, when life was in con- stunt dunger from wild beasts. To-day the danger, as shown by A. W. Brown of Alexander, Me., is largely from dead ly disease. “If it had not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery, which cured me, 1 could not have lived,” he writes, “suf fering as I did from a severe lung trouble and stubborn cough.” To cure Sore Lungs, Colds, obstinate Coughs, and prevent Pneumonia, it’s the best med icine on earth. 50c and $1.00. Guaran teed by all druggists. Trial bottle free. Summer Excursion Rates to Tybee. Central of Georgia Railway will sell ten-day tickets Newnan to Tybee and return, every Saturday, May 27 to August 21, 1900, inclusive, at rate of $10. Summer excursmn tickets will also he on sale to principal resorts in the United States a»»d Canada. hor further information call on G. T. Stocks, ticket agent, or address J. C. Haile, general passenger agent, Savan nah, Ga. Called to account—the collector. Mr. Dozier, of Carrollton, will assist in the meeting. Mr. Gary Summers is our champion producer of Irish potatoes. He raised on one acre this season 120 bushels, which can be sold readily at $1 per bushel. This beats cotton to death. From present indications crops will be “laid by” in the grass this year, tor the rains continue “without ceas ing, ” so to speak. Cotton for October delivery is selling in Turin at 12c. July 15th. WELCOME. Our school opened Monday, with for ty on the roll. Rev. F. J. Amis filled his appoint ment at Grantville last Sunday. Mr. Green Lovelady. of Newnan, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dial Sunday. Misses Morn McKoy and Stella Wads worth, of Newnan, visited Miss Nan nie Sue McKoy Sunday. ? Miss Annie Lester, of Grantville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. B. McKoy. Master Tom Ragland, of Newnan, is visiting his uncle, Mr. J. W. Summers. Mr. Frank Amis, with Misses Janie Amis and Hattie Hutchens, made a trip to Enon Grove Monday. Miss Lillian Summers is teaching a school in the Third district. Mrs. Tom Brazil, of Hogansville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Fred Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hutchens visited Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Cavender, at Sar gent, Sunday. Mr. C. T. Witcher has the finest field of upland corn in this section. We are still having rain. The ground has been too wet to plow for a week. Some of us will have to “lay ~y” in the grass this year. Mr. and Mrs. Cord Story are rejoic ing over the arrival of a fine boy. Mrs. Clyde Byram and Mrs. Bird Parks, of Newnan, visited Mrs. F. J. Amis Tuesday. July 14th. Sees Mother Grow Young. “It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use Electric Bitters,” writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick of Dan- forth, Me. “Although past 70 she seems really to be growing young again. She suffered untold misery from dys pepsia for 20 years. At last she could neither eat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bitters worked such wonders for her health." They invigorate all vital organs, cure Liver and Kidney troubles, induce sleep, impart strength and appetite. Only 50o. at all druggists. his chair. He had been sick about ten days, but seemed to be improving. Twice that day he walked out to where his hands were at work in the field, and remarked to'his sister, Mrs. Mary Jane Carmical, “I feel better than usual to-day.” All who knew him esteemed him as a high-toned Christian gentle man. He was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church at White Oak, and will be sadly missed in the com munity. Ilis funeral was preached Friday by his pastor, Rev. J. P. I’ress- ey. Mrs. Sallio Humphries and daugh ter, Miss Bessie, and Miss Johnnie Les ter, of Grantville, were recent visitors here. 5j Mrs. Jim Askew visited her parents in Turin last Sunday, and her mother, Mrs. J. H. Bailey, returned with her. The friends of Mr. Luther Moore hear with pleasure that he is succeed ing splendidly in Texas. Little Emmie Sue North, of West Newnan, is visiting relatives here. Mrs. John R. Banks, who has been juite ill with rheumatism, is slowly im proving, although not yet able to walk. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Drake visited relatives near Senoia Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson and Miss Sallie Thompson visited Mr. Wm. Evans and family Saturday. Mr. J. A. Camp is remodeling his residence, and when completed it will be one of our prettiest homes. Our crops are in a very grassy condi tion, and it continues to rain. Mr. W. J. Scott, section master on the A. & W. I’. R. R., is able to be out again, after a severe case of fever. The marriage of Mr. Bartow Evans and Miss Susie Rivers on the first Sun day in June was a pleasant surprise to their many friends. They were mar ried by Judge John D. McGahee, of Lutherville. Miss Mary Emma Hardaway is quite ill with typhoid fever. The yield of fall-sown oats has been very good in this section, some land yielding as much as sixty bushels to the acre. July 7th. A Night Rider’s Raid. The worst night riders are calomel, croton oil or aloes pills. They raid your bed to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They never dis tress or inconvenience, but always cleanse the system, curing Colds, Head ache, Constipation, Malaria. 25c. at all drug stores. LONE OAK. Miss Cora Field, of Arkansas, is spending some weeks with Lone Uak relatives. At present she is the guest of her cousin. Miss Lucile Barrow. Miss Marie Sewell is visiting friends in Bullochville. Miss Mae Prickett left Saturday to fill her engagement at Hickory Grove, Troup county, where she will teach for two months. Miss Mae Culpepper, of Fayetteville, is the guest of Lone Oak relatives. Mrs. John Burdett returned last week from visits to her daughters, Mrs. Anna Jeter and Forrest Rosser. After a pleasant trip to Tybee and a visit to his son, Mr. Weyman Prickett, at Savannah, Mr. J. L. Prickett re turned home last Sunday. A large congegation assembled at Prospect Sunday, and were favored with an edifying sermon from the pas tor, Rev. A. H. S. Bugg. Mr. Owen Ponder conducted the evening service. Before announcing his text for the 11 o’clock sermon, the pastor granted Frof. H. L. Culpepper an opportunity co present briefly the claims of Rein hardt Normal College, in which Prof. C. had become much interested during his attendance on the recent district conference in Grantville. So success ful was he in interesting his auditors that the response in dollars and dimes more than fulfilled his hopes and his pledge for I,one Oak’s contribution. We regret to report a number of cases of illness in our community. Lit tle 'R. E., the 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wise, who was alarm ingly ill for several days last week, is now safely on the road to recovery. The anxieties and sympathies of the community are aroused to the utmost in the case of little Margaret, the in fant dauhgter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Willingham, whose life has for three days been hanging as by a thread from that dread disease of infancy—diph theria. May her devoted parents he spared the sore trial that threatens them. Mr. Lovick Ponder is suffering from a painful carbuncle. News came yesterday morning of the death of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Weyman Prickett, of Savannah. The bereaved parents have the sympa thy of many Lone Oak friends in their sad affliction. July 14th. Tortured on a Horse. “For ten years I couldn’t ride a horse without being in torture from piles,” writes L. S. Napier, of Rugless, Ky. "When all doctors and other remedies failed, Bucklen's Arnica Save cured mp." Infallible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Boils, Fever-Sores, Eczema, Salt Rheum. Corns, 25c. Guaranteed by all druggists. aturday Shoes 1 We shall place on sale every Saturday every pair of odds and ends of small lots of shoes, regard less of their value or cost, for SI. Between 300 and 400 pairs go in this sale, and not a pair worth less than $1.50 and over. One hundred pairs worth $3 to $5. None charged or exchanged. i. /v. mm sompany i ) MR. SHIRT-BUYER, AND READ THIS j Shirts hold a high place among the articles of dress, and is a very important line with us—especially at this j season of the year, when we have so much coatless weath er. We are prepared to show you a very attractive assort ment. Safer & McKoy iwwm i ii'MiwipjWMrmswTOacw Klrby-Bohannon Hardware Ca. ran —For- The best Window and Door Screens, with correct prices. Hammocks at actual cost. Fresh Turnip Seed just received. Tin Cans for canning tomatoes and all kinds of fruit. Mason and “Light ning” Fruit Jars for all fruits. Jelly Glasses in two sizes. Kirby-Bohannon Hardware Ca. TELEPHONE 201. J. H. MCKOY. real estate and rent ing AGENT. FOR SALE. New 5-room cottage, Second avenue; price $1,500. 7-room house, Second avenue; rents for $10. Price $1,250. 4- room house, Fourth street; rents for $5. Price 400. Two 3-room houses, Sixth street; rents for $6.50. Price $750- $100 cash and $10 per month. 5- room cottage. Spring street, all conveniences. Price $1,500—$100 cash and $20 per month. 5-room house, Jefferson street. 100 acres fine farm land, with two settlements, near new railroad survey. 150 acres land, close to good school and church. The new railroad will have a station near this place. These farms will bring more money when railroad is completed. See me if you want to buy a house and lot or farm, or rent a house. J. H. McKOY 'Phone 260. All kinds of job work done with neatness and dispatch at this office. J . T . S W I NT You are Never Disappoint ed at This Store We keep in stock all kinds of country produce, fresh from the farm-Chickens, Butter and Eggs. Six good farmer friends have been bringing us butter regularly for the past five years. All of them own fine Jersey cows, and the butter produced is the finest in Coweta county. Since the recent decline we are prepared to sell Patent Flour at rock bottom prices. Just received a fresh barrel of Cooking Oil, one barrel of the finest White Wine Vinegar, one barrel of pure double-distilled Apple Vinegar, and one barrel of pure Ribbon Cane Syrup. In fact, you can get anything in the grocery line by ’phoning 54. Telephone Fifty-four Letters of Dismission. GEORGIA—Co wbt a County: Mrs. Lilia H. Bridges. guardian of Verna M. Bridges Ingram, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county fur letters of dismission from her said trust, all persons concerned are re quired to show canse in said Court by the first Monday in August next, if any they can, why said application should not b« granted. This July 15, 1909. Prs. fee. $3. L. A. PERDUE. Ordinary. If yen 9W9 for this paper settle up Twelve Months’ Support. GEORGIA—Coweta County : The return of the appraisers setting apart twel\ e months’ support to the family of J. M. Brown, deceased, having been filed in my office, all per sons concerned are cited to show cause by the first Monday in August, 1909. why said application for twelve months' support should not be granted. This July 5. 1909. Prs. fee, Si. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary. ewilvA W fPVl a TT