Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, August 20, 1909, Image 2

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fieralt! and fldwriiser. NEWNAN, FRIDAY, AUG. 80. UUF.H1 <i 1 (ItAN 1 Kill 1 IN KIM Ki ll <JIIX<IHK< lOUNTKV Ol It* ' R A TION IHIOSAL DIRT It I' T. Official Organ of Coweta County. JUa K. Brown, Tiioh. S. Parrott, IIROWN & PAR ROTT, Editor* and PUBM8HRR8. he left at home. THE CITY'S WATER SHEER Y. Referring to various rumors that have been current concerning the pu rity of the water supplied by the city, The Herald and Advertiser is author ized to state that samples of the water *re now in the hands of competent chemists and bacteriologists for exami nation and analysis, and as soon as the reports of these tests are received they will he published. The Water and j the State’s unfortunates. Men of this Light Commission have no doubts what- ! calibre are not competent to make laws . r for the people of Georgia, and should ever regarding the wholesomeness of the water furnished by the city, but in order to allay any apprehensions that, may exist, have thought best to submit samples of the water for cx- aminution and analysis. It is proper to state in this connec tion that every precaution has been taken to safeguard the purity of the city’s water supply. The water-shed, comprising about four hundred acres, is under constant police surveillance, and is patrolled at least twice a week. Only a few days ago the reservoir was thoroughly drained and scoured, and all the city hydrants were flushed. A force of hands is now at work clearing the water-shed of all rubbish in the shape of decaying timber and vegeta ble matter, and this rubbish will be burned. The public may rest assured that the Water and Light Commission will spare no effort to make Newnan’s water supply equal to the best in the State, regardless of what it may cost. Vy the way, it is worthy of note that in cwry case of fever reported since canty sowing it lias been found, upon investigation, that the families thus nfllicted were users of well water. It has been shown further that, during the PUIIp. lyeriod, ny case of fever devel oped in households that used city water. The Girls’ Normal and Industrial Col- some judgment and discretion, and to lego at Milledgeville- a school that is observe the amenities of the public ,tL mmcuK highway, or else build themselves a doing a grander work and accomplish- p r j V atu speedway, where they may ing more real good than any institution puncture the atmosphere at any old of learning in Georgia was not allowed rate they see fit. Tax-payer, one dollar above the stingy sum annual- _ R , g ^ ^ u fap ~ r South ly act apart for actual maintenance, Q eor gj at while in a generous frame of yet this school was forced to turn mind, gave his daughter a hen and away five hundred girls last session be- rooster and bade her run away and be »f -a** iSf fit JRSSS.’K wij f 4d and lack of dormitory room. the j ncrea se for four years. The girl This discrimination in favor of the ; accepted the proposition, and the re state University and the common suit, according to the farmer’s report, i i ,u„ is astonishing. He says she has $75 in schools, at the expense of the State s fche , )ank> and has a | R0 2 00 chickens, charitable institutions, is shameful. which de had to feed last winter. Ac- Those Frowsy Sages from the Back cording to the farmer’s best calcuia- Uistricts who merrily vote two and a tions, his daughter will own the farm half millions each year to the common ! thc end of the ^ schools, and another quarter of a mil-: Thieves raided the cash drawer of lion to the State University, draw the Haverstraw Times Monday night, the purse-strings tight when the State | They secured 18 cents in pennies Sanatariurn, the School for the Deaf or the Academy for the Blind beg a few thousand dollars with which to better provide for the health and comfort of The last Legislature passed an Act permitting policemen and firemen while on duty to ride free on street car lines, this privilege having been forbidden to them by a ruling of the Railroad Com mission about a year ago. Now the sheriffs of the State have united in a petition to the Railroad Commission to tie allowed free transportation on the railroads while conveying prisoners to and from different points, and while serving official papers. It is pointed out that a useless expense is caused the counties where transportation is paid out of the county treasury. In some cases the counties refuse to pay the railroad fare, and this works a hardship on the sheriffs. The petition of the sheriffs will be heard next Fri day. Coweta’s representatives in the Gen eral Assembly made a record for punc tuality in attendance that was proba bly not equaled by that of any delega tion from any other county. Senator McCollum and Representatives Kirby and Couch were present at every roll- call during the session, and voted on every measure of importance that came up. The interests both of the county and State were faithfully looked after by these gentlemen, and they are able to give a very good ac count of their stewardship. pair of plaid socks belonging to Editor Cabe. a half pint of corn whiskey, the property of a tramp printer, and some meat that had been intended for the of fice cat’s luncheon on the following day. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there ia at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraterni ty. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv ing the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of tes timonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists. Toe. Take Hall’s Family I’ills for constipation. SIX El 7, DISCRIMINATION. The State Sanatariurn at Milledge- ville ia being severely criticized by the State press for a general bad condi tion, caused by lack of funds to do bet ter. It would be more just to place thjo blame where it belongs on the Legqslnture for not appropriating enough money to run the institution. The number of patients at the sanato rium increases at a startling rate an nually, increasing expenses out of pro- poJtttiVMt to the increase in appropria tion. Middle Georgia Farmer. This is a fair and truthful answer to the many criticisms aimed at the State Sanatariurn by paroled lunatics and ig norant legislators. The General Assem bly appropriates millions of dollars an nually for common schools, for the State University and its various branches, ijnd for many other objects not half so Reserving of aid as the State Sanuta- ■jiuni, the School for the Deaf and the Academy for the Blind ; yet when these worthy institutions ask for one dollar more than is required for actual sub sistence a great howl is raised about retrenchment and “refawm,” and if they get even a small part of what they beg for they are lucky. There was a disgusting manifestation of this niggardly policy when the appropriation bill was before the Legislature a few days ago. The School for the Deaf asked for enough money to build a new dorini- Cedartown Standard "Gov. Brown has re-appointed two of his former po litical opponents as trustees of the State University, and another as Solic itor of the City Court of Nswnan. All three were re-appointed on their excellent records—but it isn’t every Governor who is big enough to waive partisan considerations in making ap pointments.” New Advertisements. Petition to Amend Charter. GEORGIA—Coweta County: To the Superior Court of said County: The pe tition of the K irby-Bohannon Hardware Company respectfully shows: 1. That petitioner is a corporation heretofore incorporated and chartered by judgment of said court on Feb. 12, 1007. 2. Petitioner shows that it desires to amend its said charter by c hanging its corporate name from Kirby-Bohannon Hardware Company to B. H. KIRBY HARDWARE COMPANY. 3- Wherefore petitioner prays that, after pub lication of this petition as required by law, a judgment be granted amending said charter as prayed. KIRBY-BOHANNON HARDWARE CO., By its President. B. H. KfRBY. A. H. Freeman, Atttorney-at-Law. Filed in office this Aug. 19, 1909. L. Turner, Clerk S. C. C. C. GEORGIA—Coweta (Iounty: I, L. Turner. Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the above is a true and exact copy of the original petition of KlRBY- Bohannon Hardware Company for amend ment to charter, as appears of file in my office. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this Aug. 19, 1909. L. Turner, Clerk S. C. C. C. With only six counties to hear from, ! the total returns made to the Comp- troller-General for State taxes show 11 an increase of $19,780,007, as compared with last year. The total returns, j from all sources, approximate $7u0,-| 000,000. Communicated. Reckless Automobiling. Pease permit space for a mild pro- ] test against the recklessness of some of our local automobilists. It is not in a spirit of narrowness that this card is written. The automobile has a mis sion which the writer appreciates, but a very exciting and impressive experi ence with one of our local machines only recently suggests the thought that, unless the operators of these ma chines learn to regard more seriously the rights of others, we shall in the near future reap our harvest of acci dents, with attendant injuries to per sons and property, and consequent grief and remorse. The incident re ferred to occurred on one of our broad thoroughfares, just outside the city limits, where not a scintilla of excuse existed. The writer took the precau tion to entirely clear the road, yet the TO THE CITIZENS OF NEWNAN Reese Drug Co. have in their possession vhat can be honestly termed a godsend to humanity, and they will prove it if given the opportunity. Go to their store rf you are troubled with Rheumatism, in any form. Eczema or Salt Rfoeum. Buy a bot tle of Irish Liniment, follow directions a« found on page three of the little book thnt goes with the bottle, give ft a fair trial and then if Irish Liniment does<itx>t relieve you, to your entire satisfaction, go back to »ae Drug Co., tell them so. and they will, on your word, pay back the amount of money you paid them. Besides the ail ments mentioned, please see the little* book about a burn or sprain. ft will re move soreness and stop Neuralgia pain instantly. This leaves the matter entirely in your hands. SOLOMONS & CO., Savannah, State Distributors. G. E. PARKS REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE iory, the building now used for thisj machine was driven past him on a i ,, , . , i„,.n„ «o down grade at a terrific rate, the dri- purpose being so badly overcrowded as ^ a p % r ently making no effort to to endanger the health ot the inmates, j R i acken speed or turn aside to avoid striking my vehicle, and it was missed by the narrowest of margins. A dozen The trustees asked for $40,000, this sum even being barely sufficient for the object named. After much sense less palaver and haggling about re trenchment. etc., the assembled so- lons finally voted the sum of $7,500— in amount hardly sufficient to purchase furniture and equipment for such a building as is needed. The trustees of the State Sanatariurn asked for an increased appropriation of $20,000 or $80,000 with which to per fect the sanitary equipment of the in stitution, and received, we believe, about $10,000. The Academy for the Blind, doubt less having a painful recollection of mortifying rebuffs at the hands of the Legislature in former years, wisely re frained from asking more than the jsual subsistence fund. Vet the same Legislature cheerfully ■added a quarter of a million dollars to the common school fund, increased the appropriations to the State University, to the School of Technology, to the State Normal School at Athens, m- rreased salaries by many thousands of dollars—and, crowning folly of all, glee fully voted $60,000 to the State College of Agriculture at Athens, an institution that has fewer matriculates, perhaps, than any school in the State, and never will have a graduate, if it .stands a hun dred years. things might have occurred at the in stant to have involved all concerned in a serious accident. The writer wishes to insist that these reckless drivers learn to use FOR SALE. House and lotL Greenville street--100x300. House and lot„ Second avenue—200x300. To trade for farm. 5-room house and lot on Jefferson street. 10-room house and lot on College street. Several nice vacant lota on Jefferson street. 56 acres, just outside city limits: new 5-mom house, ideal place for dairy and truck farm- 100 acres, 1V« miles from Newnan. 100 acres, ‘2 miles from Sharpsburg. 202' j acres, 2 miles from Sharpsburg:. 100 acres. 1 mile from Raymond. 75 acres. Vm miles from Raymond. GOO acres, 5 miles from Newnan. ‘200 acres, 10 miletv from Newnan. 2(H) acres, 8 miles from Newnan. 6 acres 3 miles southeast of Newnan, with nice new 4-room home, ceiled and painted; one 2> room tenant house, painted. ; acres about 2 miles west of Newnan, with gooi. 4-room house. >0 acres 2 miles north of Newnan, with good tn- provements. ) acres mile northeast of Raymond. can give you easy payments on most of the above property. Ollice over Barnell, St. John & Cas. TELEPHONE 325. FOR SALE AT PUBLIC OUTCRY ON Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1909, The Property of the Newnan Market & lee Co. Consisting of lot on which ice plant is located, at junc tion of Atlanta A West Point and Central of Ga. R. R., containing about one acre; one 5-ton and one 15-ton ice machine, Columbus Iron Works Co. make; one 125-h. p. boiler, Cole make, practically new; and all other accesso ries. Abundant water supply. Sold for the purpose of liquidation. Owners reserve the right to make private sale of property. For further particulars write Secretary NEWNAN MARKET ft ICE CO., Newnan. Attractive Showing OF New Fall Skirts We have ju^t received and are showing an unusually handsome lot of LADIES’ SKIRTS for fall wear. These garments are stylishly made, and represent all the new shades and fabrics that will be popular the com ing season. Ladies of ta^fe will en joy looking them over, and it will be a pleasure to show them. We are also showing a very se lect line of SILK PETTICOATS that will interest our lady friends. These are the newest things in town, and you should see them. H. C. Glover Co.