Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, October 01, 1909, Image 4

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fierald and Advertiser. NEWNAN, FRIDAY, OCT. 1. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Ain’t It a Shame ? Wiwhlnfrton Herald. And now that man Brown, the pres ent Governor of Georgia, has done an other euriouH thing. In fact, he threat ens to berome more or less famous throughout the Union for doing odd, not to say eccentric, things. He has declined to pardon an embez zler—and over the recommendation of the Pardon Board, moreover—in spite of the fact that the man wants to be turned loose, is willing to promise to be good in the future, has a host of “influential” political and social hack ers, and is not thought to be in very good health, anyway. What is the Governor thinking about? Did he moan it when he said that there should not he in Georgia one law for the rich and another for the poor, one for the classes and another for the masses, when he declined to commute the sentence of that Mitchell party a few days ago? Mitchell is a white man of “immaculate” past and high connec tions. But he was convicted of kidnap ping and attempting criminal assault upon the person of a well-known young woman of the State, nevertheless and notwithstandii g. Says this peculiar Governor in con sidering the embezzler’s ple.i for clem ency : “The applicant in this case has served a less time than that which the law lixes as the maximum upon which a parole can be granted. A lull pardon to him now, therefore, would possibly set the seal of the State upon a temp tation working wreck to fortune, repu tations and happiness. It might do worse. It might be construed as indi cating that the executive power is set ting itself in opposition to, and, in fact, overruling, the courts; in other words, making itself practically the court of last resort. We should not even admit this thought. Our organic law irrevo cably commands the contrary. Re sped for the law and the consequent determination to uphold and obey it, is inculcated by the certainty of its en forcement, and even mercy must be so discerningly extended as to suggest the constant presence of justice. This should be our unchanging practice.” Far be it from us to throw cold wa- er on the Governor’s promulagtion; but enn it be possible that he means just that? Has he no overshadowing desire to be re-elected, or to go to the United Stnles Sen tu? Docs he actual ly mean that he considers hiH pardon ing power a solemn trust, given him to be exercised purely in the cause of impartial and impersonal justice arid right, and not a thing to be UHed for political or personal ends? As impossi ble as the suggestion may seem, we positively believe Governor Brown means just exactly that I It is all somewhat startling, to be sure and most engagingly refreshing and encouraging, we suspect, in the minds of not a few people. Dread of Darkness a Natural Feeling. There is a natural fear in the dark ness that everyone has. A man going to his home late at night sees the fig ure of a human being lurking near the porch. He reasons the person is there for no good purpose, and consequently must feel timidity before entering into the dark. The dread a well balanced person feels sometimes in the night is the un seen things the darkness hides. So is explained the dread a child has of entering a dark room alone. He knows mt what exists beyond the cir cle of light, and of unseen things lie is j afraid. Going into a dark room, or j walking alone in a wood, or even in 1 the open, the child's imagination will * picture strange shapes and forms j around about, and when he reaches the j light in his mind he hH.s seen tunny I things. The child's fear may grow un til the very darkness itself frightens him. It is the same with a fancied dread, held by an older person. Fears found ed on reality arc as natural as pleas ure, surprise, or courage. But when fear is an evidence of weakness mental ly that is. aggravated nervousness— and grows until it becomes an halluci nation, it is dangerous, for from ex aggerated hallucinations a person may become insane. A peculiar instance of connubial af fection occurred some time ago in Ver mont. A11 aged couple, who through half a century of married life had wrangled with each other, were in all probability soon to be separated. The husband was taken sick, and was be lieved to be near the end. The old wife came to his bedside, and, after careful ly examining and taking stock of his condition, exclaimed: “Why, daddy, your feet are cold, .vour hands me cold, and your nose is cold!” “Wa’al, let ’em he cold.” "W’y. daddy, you’re going to die.” “Wa’al, I guess I know what I’m ’bout. ” Daily, w’at’s to become o’ mo if you die?” “I dunno, and I don’t care. What I ''■ar* to know is what’u to become of me. ” Is Great Wealth a Blessing ? E. 8. Martin In Harper’s Weekly. Imperfectly as wealth still performs its proper functions, is it not better geared to them than it has been in 1 the season in which the greatest amount Trade at Home. Athens Banner. The fall season is at hand, and as it is the busiest season of the year, times past.? Of course, a lot of it is wastefully used; but not, even now, so great a proportion of the total wealth as appears, because the wasteful use is apt to be far more conspicuous than the fruitful use. Besides the very large share of the total wealth that goes to maintain life in more than reasona ble comfort, and to enlarge the oppor tunities and better the lives of those who have it, there is constant expendi ture of slices and shares of the in comes of the greater fortunes in works of studied and tested benevolence, and, above all, in promoting education and the discovery of truth. So common is this use of superfluous money by indi viduals as fairly to give ground for the suspicion that the limitations of the profitable use of money for personal of trading is done, we again call the at tention of the people ot the necessity of trading at home. Our people are interested in the growth of their city, and are willing to do what they can to make it prosperous. Well, the first and most important thing to be done is for the people to do all their trading at home. For, say what you may, the city that does not possess a people who do their trading at home cannot reach the high est degree of prosperity. There is something wrong in that city whose people are all the while sending to other places to make their purchases. Our merchants have brought out as elegant stocks of goods as are to be found anywhere. They are prepared to sell these goods at as low prices as obtain advantage are being better apprecia- j elsewhere. They carry as great a va riety as the merchants of any other city. There is, therefore, no reason for the purchasing of goods away from home. These remarks apply 11 the women as well as to the men, for the ladies do a great of the trading; in fact, they do most of the trading. They do not think of it when they send off from home for different articles how bad it is for the Those of us that have learned a lit- I tie, really want, not money, but life— jlhe “more abundant life,” that is j worth having. We want money in so ! far as it promises increased ilfe; but, looking about at the various people I who have money abundantly and super- ; abundantly, it is > asy to see that, bo- I yond a certain point which many at tain, t.he mere command of money does not give the coveted increase of life, j city in which they live, and how bad it Excessive fortunes seem as apt to blight life as to expand it; and when they do blight it—breeding selfishness and laziness, narrowing association, re laxing fidelity, and paralzving effort— they bring, not envy, but contempt on their possessors. To see the rising generation of male heirs of a great fortune is to the ordinary looker-on as disenchanting a spectacle as tenement- house congestion. When superabundant money works such disaster as that, is it any affectation to say it is dreaded to say that it is despised? Now, we can endure to he despised in good cause, but when we begin to suspect that we are justly contemptible, or in danger of being so, it is apt to bother us, be we ever so callous. That may he one reason why we see minds bent on the wise distribution of accumulated money with an intensity almost comparable with that wnich marked its accumulation. There seems to be nothing protflable to do with the enormous fortunes, the rolling up of which has made many observers anx ious, but by hook or by crook to de vote the bulk of them to securing the welfare of the people from whom they are deprived. The Old Book-keeper’s Final Balance. In silence he walked up and down the old office where the click, click, of the typewriters almost made him crazy; but every head bobbed up from its work as lie passed, with a pleasant smile or friendly nod. He must now take leave of the belov ed volumes over which he had pored days, months, years—yea, more than a quar ter of a century; they were his com rades, his inspiration, his soul. Inani mate things occasionally become such a major part of a human being until it seems almost brutal to eliminate one from tlie other. He was of the past, but the volumes must be handed down to the present—the future. Silently he caressed the huge worn covers; with un shed tears he pored over the figures as if they were human and knew of his grief. lie leaned forward and laid his tired head, with its thin gray locks, on one of the open books, and with one emaciated, bloodless hand clasped the cover of another. He closed his eyes wearily and heaved a sigh like the soft sough of the wind through some deserted garden. The noise in the main office had ceased; the typewriter girls had gone; one by one the men had taken their departure. The man who swept and dusted and saw to turning out the lights was making a hasty tour of the different offices, and opened the door of the aged accountant’s room. It was nothing unusual to see him at his desk at this late hour. “Hello there, uncle! still at work?” The whitehead never moved from the table. There was an ominous silence. Awe-struck, the attendant moved closer to the desk and gently shook his shoul der. The old man was cold and rigid. He had balanced all earthly accounts. "The late Ira D. Sankey,” said a veteran Pittsburg editor, “once dined with me in Philadelphia. During the dinner he looked about the restaurant, every table was covered with glasses of white or red wine, and ho said: “There is a man drinking a whole quart of champagne. It is amazing what a capacity for liquor some men possess. And the man with a large capacity for liquor is actually proud of it. Could anything be more foolish, more sinful?” Then, with a chuckle, Mr. Sankey told me about a beggar he had once helped. The beggar had a red nose, and Mr. Sankey gave him 20 cents, say ing at the same time: “ ‘Mind you, now, don’t get drunk on this. ’ “The beggar lauirhed. ‘Drunk on 20 cents! Why, boss,’ he said proudly, ‘it u’d take the best part of a dollar to get me drunk. ’ ” Amonsr our heaviest afflictions must be counted gifts vve do not want. is for themselves as well. A man in search of a lawyer to represent him would be just as much justified in pass ing a good lawyer here in order to hire one in Atlanta or some other city. And this illustration might be applied to every profession and occupation. Every dollar spent at home becomes a part of the circulating medium, goes toward the paying of debts and comes back in the due course of time to the man who first paid it out. Not so with the dollars sent away. They do not pay debts at home, they do not go into the circulating medium of the city, and they do not come back to the man who first pays them out. Our merchants can give you just as stylish goods, just as durable goods, just as great a variety of goods, and just as cheap goods as the merchants of any other city. There is no reason why you should send your money out of town to make purchases. And we do not believe this practice is to continue much longer. Year by year the people of this city are learning this lesson more and more thoroughly, and in due course of time the practice of trad ing away from home will entirely cease. Harold and His Hat. Harold is a fragile, uptown young man with no chin to speak of and a re ceding forehead, says the Philadelphia Times. But his father is so rich that Harold has never had to look for a job, and he gets along quite as happy as if he had brains instead of noodles under his sparse but naturally curly hair. Harold’s father is a level-headed, self- made man, and although he knows it pains Harold exceedingly when he speaks roughly to him, such a course becomes at times imperative. One of these occasions came yester day. Harold had gone to the bank to change a $50 bill and returned with small change to the aggregate of $27. “Harold,” his father told him, “you are impossible. I really believe you would get along just as well without a head as with one. ” “Why, fawther, ” answered Harold, with an injured air, “what would 1 put my hat on, y’know?” He had finished his dinner in a grouch and then buried himself in the evening paper. “Hum! I wish they’d invent a new expression occasionally,” he commented as he read the account of a wedding’ “Its always the ‘blushing bride’ nowa days.” “Well,” came the quick retort from the other side of the table, “when you consider what sort of husbands most girls have to marry, why you can’t much wonder at their blushing.” A HARD STRUGGLE* Many a Newnan Citizen Finds the Struggle Hard. With a back constantly aching, With distressing urinary disorders, Daily existence is but a struggle. No need to keep it up. Doan’s Kidney Pills will cure you. Newman people indorse this claim: Mrs. M. E. Smith, 12 First street, Newman, Ga., says; “Doan’s Kidney Pills are certainly a fine remedy, and I willingly indorse them. For eight years kidney trouble distressed me. It began with a weakness and occasional pain in my back, and steadily grew more severe until it developed into a constant dull aching through this re gion. I could not rest comfortably at night and would awake in the morning tired and depressed. Dizzy spells always annoyed me; in fact, I felt very badly. A friend recently advised me I to take Doan’s Kidney Pills, and pro- | curing a box at Lee Bros’, drug store | 1 began their use. They helped me at j once, and I fully believe that a contin ued use will permanently remove every symptom of my complaint.’’ For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. _ Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and take no other. It is hard to tell whether a man is suffering from a broken heart or a spoiled digestion. The symptoms are the same. Gov. Brown’s Appointments. Americus Times Recorder. Gov. Brown has been criticized in some quarters for having appointed a few Smith men to office. It appears that up to date he has made thirty-four appointments, twenty-nine of the num ber being supporters of himself and five being Smith men. The Governor is quoted as saying in explanation of his course: “I regard the offices as being not my private property, nor my busi ness asset, but as belonging to the peo ple of Georgia. Hence, I consider it my duty to safeguard their interest; not to attempt to use the power of con ferring the offices for the purpose of advancing any aims personal to me.” Commenting on the matter ths Macon Evening News, an extreme partisan of Mr. Smith in the last campaign, sees much in Gov. Brown’s course to com mend, and with good judgement and much reason says: “We regard Gov. Brown’s conduct as admirable. The large proportion of the appointments made from the nnmber of his political friends abundantly manifests his fidelity to his faction, while the few exceptions were doubtless influenced by considera tions superior to partisan interests, and it is refreshing to know that Gov. Brown proved equal to the demands of patriot ism, even though it should be at the ex pense of some factional dissatisfaction. “It takes a woman to outwit a law yer,” declared a woman to a lawyer. The lawyer looked incredulous, and the woman went on: “I know it sounds incredible, still there are occasions when a lawyer is not the chief beneficiary of a suit, “A friend of mine in the West sued a railroad company fordamages and se cured a verdict of $25,000, which was paid. Her counsel didn’t get a penny of it. “She married him,” the woman con cluded, with a triumphant smile. CORES RHEUMATISM Every case of Rheumatism has its origin and its development in th» b ood. It is not a disease which is contracted like a cold, but it is in tl,« blood and system before a pain is felt, and the changes in the weather or any physical irregularities, such as a spell of indigestion, bowel disturbance etc., are merely the exciting causes producing the pains and aches which are natural symptoms of the disease. Rheumatism is caused bv ar excess of uric acid and other corrosive, irritating poisons in the blood- which are carried through the circulation to every part of the system. JI'jEverv muscle, nerve, membrane, tissue and joint becomes saturated with these acrid, irritating impurities, or coated with fine, insoluble caustic matter and the sharp, piercing pains or the dull, constant aches are felt with even.- physical movement. When the blood is filled with uric acid poison perma nent relief cannot be expected from liniments, plasters, or other externa' treatment. Such measures give temporary relief, but in order to conciuer Rheumatism and bring about a 1 complete cure, the uric acid and other inflammatory matter must be expelled, and this cannot be clone with external treatment. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism because it is a perfect and entirely vegetable blood purifier. It goes down into the circulation, neutralizes the acids, oml dissolves the irritating depos its which are pressing on the sensi tive nerves and tissues and produc ing pain, enriches the weak, sour blood, and removes every atom of impurity from the circulation. So instead of being a weak, sour stream, distributing uric acid tothe different parts of the system, the blood is strong and healthy and Sometime «ko, I hail Rheumatism ami had to i quit work. The pain in my back and between my shoulders was so intense I could not rest or steep. I tried everyihinn, but nothing did me any good till I heard of and took S. S. S. Thi3 med icine cured me sound and well. It purified my blood and made me feel like a new man. CONRAD LOUR, Anderson, led. 122 E. 19th St. I was severely troubled with Rheumatism. I had it in my knees, legs and ankles, and any one who has ever had Rheumatism knows how excru- f dating the pain is and how it interferes with one I at work. I was truly in bad shape—having been bothc-ed with it for ten years, off and on. A local physician advised me to use S. S. S. I did so. After taking two bottles I noticed the sore ness and puin were greatly reduced. I continued the medicine and was thoroughly cured; all pain, soreness and inflammation gone. I recommend S. S. S. to all Rheumatic sufferers. J. L. AGNEW, 8.13 E. Greenbrier St., Mt. Vernon, Ohio. therefore able to supply every intis- cle, nerve, bone and tissue with nourishment and strength. Then the infiaiti illation and swelling subside, the pains and aches cease, and not only i: Rheumatism permanently cured, but under the fine tonic effects of S. 8. s', the entire general health is benefitted and built up. In all forms of Rheuma tism, whether acute or chronic, V S. S. S. will be found a safe and reliable treat ment. Special book on Rheumatism and any medical advice you desire will be furnished free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Furniture Needs Sunday School Teacher—“Now, Dan ny, what do you understand by ‘right eous indignation?’ ” Danny —“Gettin’ rnad without sayin’ any cuss words. ’ ’ DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION other furniture. Just note our prices, w] The very latest of appropri ate designs in high-class fur niture. Now is the time to consider the buying of the necessary parlor, dining room,, or bed room suites—an ex cellent offering of odd pieces and a handsome display of h we gladly furnish on appli cation. Scroggin Furniture Company Newnan Hardware Co. Long-handled Strapped Ferruled rianure Forks 4- tine Forks, 50c. 5- tine Forks, 60c. 6- tine Forks, 75c. Long-handled round-point Shovels, 50c., 75c. and $1. Disston’s Hand Saws, $1.65 and up. Lanterns, 50c. and up—the best made. Hunting Coats, $1.50 and up. Our line of Cooking Stoves and Ranges can’t be bt*at anywhere. We guarantee every stove we sell. All we want is a trial order. We carry Heating Stoves from $2 25 up to as high as you want them. Our line of Pocket and Table Cutlery is complete. Come to see us. Newnan Hardware Co., GREENVILLE STREET, Telephone 148. Cured by Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Paw Paw, Mich.—“I suffered terri bly from female ills, including inflam mation and conges tion, for several years. My doctor said there was no hope for me but an operation. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta ble Compound, and I can now say I am a well woman.” Emma Draper. Another Operation Avoided. Chicago, Ill.— “I want women to know what that wonderful medicine, Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. lias done for me. Two of the nest doctors in Chicago said I would die if I did not have an operation, and I never thought of seeing a well day again. I had a small tumor and female troubles so that I suffered (lav and night. A friend recommended Lvdia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and it made me a well woman.”—Mrs. A even a Sperling, 11 Langdon St.. Chicago, Ill. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, has proved to be the most successful remedy for curing the worst, forms of female ills, including displacements, inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu larities, periodic pains, backache, bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it, and the result has been worth millions to many suffering women. Professional Cards. THOS. J. JONES, P 11 Y S IC 1 A N AND S U R G K O N . Office on Hancock street. near public square, Residence next door to Virginia House. T. B. DAVIS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office— Sanatorium building. Office’phone 5 1 call; residence ’phone 6—2 calls. W. A. TURNER, P H Y S IC 1 A N A N I) S U R G E O N . Speciul attention given to surgery and diseases of women. Office 19Mi Spring street. 'Phone 280 F. I. WELCH, PHYSICI A N A N D S V R G E O N . Office No. 9 Temple avenue, opposite public school buildincr. 'Phone 234. T. E. SHEFFIELD, M. D., RA VMOND, GA . General practitioner. Calls attended promptly day or niftht. M. S. ARCHER, M. D., L U T H E R S Y 11, L E , G A. All calls promptly tilled, day or night. Diseases of children a specialty. K. W. STARR, DENT I ST. Al! kinds of dental work. Patronage of the pub lic solicited. Office over H. C. Arnal! Mdse. Co.'s store. Residence ‘phone 142. THOS. G. FARMER, JR., A T T O R N K 'i A T 1. A W. Wiil give careful and prompt attention to all legal business entrusted to me. Collections a specialty. Office over H. C. Arnall Mdse. Co.'s. Public Sale of Lands Belonging to Estate of Henry Dominick. By agreement among the heirs-at-law of Henry Dominick, late of Coweta county. Ga., deceased, will be sold for distribution, before the court house door in Newnan, Ga., on the first Tuesday in October next, all that tract or parcel of land owned by the said Henry Dominick at the time of his death. Each parcel or lot will be sold sepa rately. as follows: Lot No. 161, in the original Second district of said county, containing 207 acres, more or less, and bounded as follows: On the east by lands of H. G. Bailey, on the south by lands of A. P. Bow ers. on the west by lands of A. A. Young, and on the north by land lot No. 160. Also, parts of lots Nos. 160 and 129. beginning at a stump in the middle of an old road 18.60 chains south of Little White Oak creek and running north 70 chains, thence west 22.62 chains, thence south 70 chains, thence east to beginning point, containing 158 34-100 acres, more or less, the same being the east portion of lots Nos. 160 and 129. Also. 1 he west portion of same lots, (Nos. 160 and 129.) beginning at a point 22.62 chains west of district land line and running south across lots Nos. 129 and 160 to dividing line of lots Nos. 160 and 161, containing 160 1-16 acres, more or less. Also, a portion of lot Nc. 130, beginning on line dividing lands of Henry Dominick and H. G. Bailey, at a branch, and running east 3.50 chains to original land line, thence south 26 chains, thence west 5.50 chains to branch, thence wester ly with the meanderings of the branch to the be ginning point, and containing 5 acres, more or less. Also, part of lot No. 10, in the original First land district, lying east of White Oak creek, contain ing 57M* acres, more or less, and bounded as fol lows: On the north by public road, on the east by H. G. Bailey, and on the south by H. G. Bailey, beginning at a point on Dominick bridge and run ning east 10 chains as the road runs, thence south 46 chains, and thence west 15 chains to creek. ' Also, the west portion of same lot, (No. 10,' con taining 166 1-5 acres, more or less, beginning at a I hickory tree in the southwest corner of said lot 1 and running north 46 chains to public road, thence east along public road to creek, then following meanderings of the creek to east and west lines on south side of said lot No. 10, thence west 48.7D chains to beginning comer. Sold for the purpose of distribution among the heirs-at-law of Henry Dominick, deceased. Terms -cash. This Sept 1. 1909. MRS. SALL1E DOMINICK, MRS. ROSA E. LESTER. MRS. LILLIE D. WATSON, EDGAR DOMINICK, PAUL DOMINICK. Heirs-at-law of Henry Dominick, deceased. For Sale—South Georgia Farm, One hundred and twentj-six acres, all fenced. Eighty acres in cultivation: balance easily cleared. Three houses, four wells water, barn and outbuildings. On railroad sidetrack north of Tifton. near Agricultural School. Best land in Tift county. Price—$3,400; half cash, balance on long time. Address C. D. FISH, Tifton, Ga. Give us a trial order on job printing.