Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, October 01, 1909, Image 7

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tallinas % V s - iC sv Time’s up on that summer suit. You had best come in and let. us show you some of the new fall models. We certainly have a handsome line this season. The latest ideas in material, tailored in the most approved fashions. Clothing for the school boy and his younger brother. You'll find our clothing right—correct in style, well-made, and reasonably priced. Shoes We have a new shoe for boys that we are introducing in New- nan this season for the first time. If you are looking for a shoe that will stand hard service you’ll find it here. It is called the “Amer ican Boy’’—a little higher than some you’ll see elsewhere, but the service is there. In fact, we have never seen one quite so good before. Our shoe stock is complete throughout, for men, women and children. Hats Straw hats have seen better days. They received their death blow last Monday. Why not treat your head to a new headpiece? A "Hawes” will fill che bill. The /ifew models are here in the latest colors. A “Hawes” hat at three dollars will outwear most five- ddllar hats. Hosiery If your children do not wear “Cadet” stockings, they should. They are the most practical hose for wear on the market, made of good stout yam, with linen heels, knees and toes to stand the strain where most needed, and every pair absolutely guaranteed. 25c. a pair, or no more than you pay for the ordinary kind. “Interwoven” socks for men are the same class with the “Ca det” for children. A double thickness of yarn is “interwo ven” in heel and toe, thus mak ing them hole-proof. They cost only 25c. a pair. We sell “Onyx” hose for wo men, and have some exceptional values in this line. Of course, you know the tariff has advanced the price on all foreign hosiery. We supplied our needs at old prices, and hence at 25c. to 50c. a pair we can give you the same old numbers. Neckwear for Women We’ve gathered together quite the prettiest line of neckwear for women you’ve seen in a long while. There are jabots and stocks, lace collars and jet col lars, necklaces of jet, dog collars of jet. A bewildering variety of new styles in neckwear. Fancy Notions The latest ideas in all sorts of fancy articles—hair combs, bar rettes, collar-pins, hand-bags, belts and beltings. Dress Trimmings We honestly believe we have the most complete line of dress trimmings ever shown here. There are jet trimmings, gold and silver trimmings, colored laces, spangled trimmings, orna ments and buttons, buttons, all kinds of buttons, in the newest styles. Corsets To insure a perfect fit to your dress wear only “W. B.” corsets. The newest ideas are embodied in their fall models. We carry a complete stock of the popular styles in “W. B.” corsets. Local Happenings Told in ^ SHort Paragraphs NEWS AND PERSONAL ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST TO OUR LOCAL READERS. Cotton is selling to-day at lSe. Next Tuesday is sale-day. The goldenrod is in bloom. Ordinary’s Court next Monday. Huyler’s candies at Brown Sr. Brooks’. Dominoes and flinch at Holt & Cates Co.’s. Silk Sale.—Monday, Oct. 4, at Potts & Parks’. Gloss starch 3Jc. a package at Holt & Cates Co. ’s. Carroll Superior Court will meet next Monday. sample hats at Boone- Bargains i Stripling Co. Get a “Kleanweir Brown & Brooks’. Skeeter Skoot, for Holt & Cates Co.’s. Dr. F. M. Ridley, of LaGrange, was in the city Monday. toothbrush at mosquitoes, at Capt. Habersham King, of Atlanta, is in the city to-day. The Bank of Raymond opened business this morning. for Hon. Chas. L. Moses spent a day or so in the city this week. Always a complete line of fruits and vegetables at Mitcham’s. Mr. Fred McSwain, of Atlanta, spent Sunday in the city. Regular monthly meeting of County Commissioners next Wednesday. Miss Lutie Powell is spending a few days with friends in Carrollton. Let Benson press that suit of yours. You will find him on the square. Born, on the 25th ult., to Mr. and Mrs. Milner Ilooten—a daughter. Evaporated peaches and sun dried apples, 10c. pound, at Mitcham’s. Miss Stella Tate, of Tate, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. M. Cole. Highest market price paid for hides, G. 0. Carmichael. For Sale.- mules. -One wagon, harness and E. C. Goodwyn. Silks. — Moire, guard silks. benpaline and jac- Potts & Parks, We only ask 15c. per pound for nuts, anil they are new crop. ’Phone 1. Benson cleans clothes cleaner than any cleaner that cleans. ’Phone 294. Money to loan on improved farm property. Apply to L. M. Farmer. The best styles in millinery at the most popular prices. Boone-Stripling Co. Full line new post-cards, all kinds and subjects, 10c. dozen. Holt & Cates Co. Ten distinct styles “Kleanwell,” the common sense toothbrush. Brown & Brooks. We sell ladies’ suits, and they fit and satisfy. Call and see them. Potts & Parks. “Rex” fountain syringes and water bottles; guaranteed one year. Holt & Cates Co. Every “Kleanwell” toothbrush that loses a bristle will be replaced Brown & Brooks. “Kleanwelll,” the brush that holds its bristles. Sold in a sealed box. Brown & Brooks. Good clothes at the most reasonable prices you have seen. See ours before you buy. Boone-Stripling Co. Ten different shapes of “Kleanwell” toothbrushes. All guaranteed not to lose a bristle. Brown & Brooks. If you use a “Kleanwell” brush, there will be no more trouble with loose bristles. Brown Brooks. Linens.—All weights, weaves and widths, from the sheerest lawn to the heaviest sheeting. Potts & Parks. R. A. Farmer has a quantity of choice sweet potatoes for sale. Orders may be left at M. C. Farmer & Co.’s. Miss Lizzie Shackleford hai returned from an extended visit to her brother, Mr. Geo. Shackleford, at Chattanooga. Wanted. —To buy a good double-bar reled shotgun, cheap. Parker gun pre ferred. Quick ! Address P. O. box 381. Hon. S. T. Blalock, of Fayetteville, was in the city yesterday and gave The Herald and Advertiser a pleasant call. Mrs. Dollie Parks and daughter, Miss Susie Parks, of Atlanta, are with the family of Col. W. G. Post this week. For headache and neuralgia take Bowman’s Headache and Neuralgia Tablets. They cure. For sale at drug stores. If you like h gooil cigar try a “New- nan Club Smoker” or “E. H. Jr.” All Havana. Made in Newnan ; 5c. at ci gar stands. Mrs. Daniel Walker and Mrs. T. B. Davis left yesterday for Ahniston, Ala., where they will spend a we«k or so with friends. Full assortment of lunch baskets from 20c. to $1 at Holt & Cates Co.’s. Miss Julia Veach, of Adairsville, is the attractive guest of Miss Ruth Cole. Newnan Club filler, made in dealer. Smoker, Newnan. 5c. Long Ask your Lace Collars.— Irish lace collars are the latest. Now on sale at Potts Si Parks’. Ginghams. — New lot gingha ms- great variety just opened at Potts & Parks’. Mr. J. A. Kinnard. of Copper Hill, Tenn., spent Sunday with Newnan rel atives. If you want a long Havana filler ci gar try “E. H. Jr;” 5c. at cigar stands. Our goods are as good as the best, and our delivery service is unexcelled. ’Phone 1. Mr. Will Hugh Pinson, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. A. C. North. Mr. G. R. Black is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Frank Murph, at Mar- shallville. Those who have tried “Uncle Sam” bread like it. Fresh every day at Mitcham’s. Miss Gamaliel Dixon, of Birming ham, Ala., i3 visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jack Powell. Bowman’s Carbolated Salve for cuts, bruises, burns and old sores, 25c. box. At drug stores. Highest market price paid for beef cattle and hides by T. A. Manning, 17 E. Broad street. G. E. Parks, real estate and insur ance. Office over Barnett, St. John & Co. ’s. ’Phone 325. Mr. Harry Lundie, who has been out West for several months, is expected home in a few days. Beginning Oct. 1 and continuing un til April 1, Newnan Council, No. 22, Jr. O. 11. A, M., will meet at 7:15 in stead of 8 p. m. Mr. L. P. Glass left Monday for Louisville, Ky., where he will take course fn the Southern Baptist Theo logical Seminary. Col. H. P. Lumpkin, a leading law- ver of LaFa.vette, Ga., spent several favs this week with Ins brother-in-law, vfr. G. R. Black. For Herd. — Good 6-horse farm, 4 niles from Newnan, near school and in "id community. Apply to T. B., New- • , Sargent, Ga. Messrs. Earl Wynn and Theo Davis, of this city, and Mr. Stewart Colley, of Grantville, have matriculated at the Slate School of Technology. The Young Ladies’ Bible Circle of the Cent,rid Baptist church will meet next Friday afternoon with Mrs. Joe A mall, at half-past 3 o’clock. Lost. — Either on Jackson street, or elsewhere in the city, a ladies’ gold bracelet, handsomely engraved. Finder will please leave at this office. Mrs. Amelia Powers and Miss Ger trude Powers, of Montgomery, Ala., who have been visiting Mrs. Wm. By ram, returned home this week. Let me write you an insurance poli cy. It’s never too early, but some times too late. R. F. Herring, General Insurance. Wool Dress Goods.—New shades— burgundy, mauve, green, wistaria and gray. “We sell dress goods.” Potts & Parks. Huyler’s chocoate bon bons. soul kisses, old-fashioned chocolate creams and a full line of small packages. Brown & Brooks. Mrs. C. F. Burgdorf, of Hogansville, j is the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. D. S. Summers. Children like to take Bowman’s Tasteless Castor Oil. Get a bottle from your druggist; 25c. Rev. R. F. Hodnett, of Franklin, Shoes.—Button or lace, plain or pat ent kid, wide or narrow last, high or low instep. We fit the hard to fit. Potts & Parks Conkey’s Laying ’I onic produces eggs when they are bringing a long price. We are agents for these remedies. Holt & Cates Co. It is time to plant bulbs, for early hlooming. We can supply you with sacred lilies, narcissus and hyacinths. Holt & Cates Co. price. We close them out at the close of each season. Potts & Parks. Corsets.—“American Lady” corsets, in long, oxtrn long, medium or short designs; high or low bust; a model for every figure. Potts & Parks. Silk Sale. — Monday we put on sale one hundred pieces of silk, one to twelve yards each, at less than half- price. (Monday.) Potts & Parks. Prof. C. B. Quillian and wife have gone to Bainbridge, the former having been elected principal of the high school department of the public schools of that city. Prof. H. S. Bowden, who has been holding a position with a wholesale drug house of Atlanta for several months past, moved his family to that city a few days ago. Loans.— Six percent, money to lend i well-improved farm lands. For full information call on or write Gar land M. Jones, Newnan, Ga., or Frank Harwell, LaGrange, Ga. A Correction. —The Woman’s Mis sionary Union holds its meeting at Elim on Wednesday, Oct. 13, and Thursday, Oct. 14. Mrs. Roy Cole, Supt. Wanted. — Houses to rent. I have quite a number of applicants for houses. List your property with me; I can rent it. ’Phone 325, G. E. Parks. Our coat suits are attracting a great deal of attention. The largest and most complete line in town. Prices $5 to $35. We save you money. Boone-Stripling Co. Mr. J, F. Hendrix, of Newnan, was the guest of Mr A. S. Murray yester day, on his way to Milledgeville, near which place he will conduct a big sing ing.—Griffin News and Sun, 1st inst. Mr. J. N. Neill, of the First district, writes The Herald and Advertiser that a belled buzzard passed over his place last Friday afternoon. It was going eastward when last seen, Mr. Neill says. Prof. J. E. Lovvorn, former princi pal of Farmers’ High School at Sar gent, moved with his family Monday to Sunny Side. He will have charge of the school at that place the coming year. _ The lands belonging to the Henry Dominick estate will be sold at public outcry next Tuesday. These are among the most valuable farming lands in the county, and the sale will attract a large crowd. Mr. J. H. Pendergrast. who has beell acting as assistant cashier of the Greenville Banking Co. during the ab sence of Mr. R. J. Atkinson in Eu rope, has returned to Newnan.—Meri wether Vindicator. Newnan received 390 hales of cotton Saturday. Most of it was sold on the spot, there being little inducement to hold the staple with the market ruling above 13c. Receipts up to last night were about 1,300 bales. spending the summer in Newnan, will return next week to Atlanta. It will please their many friends to know that Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sharpe will again occupy the Hill home during the winter months. Must lie Closed Out in One Week.— We have twenty-three 2-horse Mitchell wagons that must be sold at once. They are now stored in a warehouse, and we must get them out of the way. Fifteen buggies and surreys in the same lot, and all must go. See us without delay. Bradley-Banks Co. Mr. C. M. Morcock, former editor of the Newnan News, has leased the Law- renceville News-Herald, and is again in the newspaper business. We cordially welcome him back into the fold, and wish him much success. He is a good newspaper man, and deserves well at the hands of the community which he is serving so capably. I now have mv office on the ground floor,- next to Newnan Banking Co., formerly occupied by the insurance firm of’ H. C, Fisher & Bons. K. F. Herring, general insurance and real estate “on the square.” Automobile Notice. —I have purchased a “White Steamer” automobile, live- passenger type, and will rent or char ter same to the public at reasonable rates, A competent chauireur will be supplied, and parties desiring the ma chine for business purposes or pleusure trips may secure it on application. C. L, Baker. Elder E. T. Carter, pastor of the Christian church at Antioch, Heard county, had an experience recently that falls to the lot of few ministers of the gospel. On Sunday, 19th ult., he administered the ordinance of baptism to dill’erent members ot a family that represented three generations, the ages of the candidates ranging from 18 to 76. _____ Oysters are grown in salt water. Fresh water wilts them, fades them, and washes out the salt tang of the sea, which is the oyster’s chief charm. Ours are packed with the ice on the outside of the containers, free from impure ice and the odor of wood. A trial will convince you of their superi ority. Forty cents a quart at Mitch am’s. There was a lively session of the Mayor’s Court on Monday last, and fines aggregating $247 were assessed against the various malefactors ar raigned before His Honor. A majori ty of the offenders were members of rival colored baseball teams, who un dertook to play a match game about two weeks ago and broke up in a free- for-all fight. Mr. P. G. Stanley, who went to Chi cago a couple of weeks ago to attend the annual meeting ot the stockholders qf the United Drug Co., gives a glow ing nccount of his trip. He was re galed at R banquet that cost $15 a plate, saw all the sights of the “Windy City'' worth seeing, and visited numer ous points of Interest outside the city. He says Chicago is a great town. Here Is Your Chance,. —We have fif teen buggies and surreys and two dozen 2-horse Mitchell wagons that necessity compels us to close out at once. The vehicles are now stored in a warehouse, and the room is needed for other pur poses. A great bargain for anyone needing a buggy, surrey or wagon. See us to-day, as they may he gone to morrow. Bradley-Banks Co. A fire, in most cases, is an unwel come guest,' and a very destructive one. You need insurance. See me. I can place you in the best and most re liable copmanies. R. F. Herring, General Insurance. Napkins, paper cups, (for serving creams and salads,) score-cards, pen cils, decorated candles, and many other accessories for entertaining. Crystal- ized fruits, special candies, creams and ices. Holt & Cates <!o. Please Be, Prompt.. — Prompt payment of your note or account will be highly appreciated. We need the money. Mr. T. A. Hutchens haB charge of these collections. His office is over Holt & Gates Co. ’s. 1). W. Boone Co. Mr. J. J. Keith is erecting a neat 6- room cottage on his Spring street lot, the old residence having been torn away to make a place for the new building. When completed it will be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fischer. Tax Collector Hubbard has opened the tax books at his office in the court house, and parties desiring to pay their State and countv taxes will find him ready to accommodate them. And, while paying your taxes, don’t forget to register. For Sale.— One of the best small farms in the county; lies 7 miles east of Newnan and 2 miles west of Sharpsburg; contains 144 acres, is well improved, and in a splendid communi ty. Terms easy. Apply to J. W. Ow ens, Newnan, Ga. For Rent.—Good 4-horse farm, 3£ miles northeast of Sharpsburg; good dwelling arid three tenant houses; well watered; good pastures. Will rent all or part; terms reasonable. Apply to G. E. Smith, Turin, Ga., or Geo. T. Smith, College Park. Mr. E. B. Lovern sold his home on Jefferson street this week to Mrs. John Rigsbv, the trade being made through Mr. G. E. Parks, the real estate agent. Mrs. Rigsby will move in from the country during the coming week and make her home in Newrmn. Mrs. R. L. Seymour, the new lessee of the Newnan Hotel, on Perry street, arrived last week, and has been busy since overhauling the rooms and in stalling additional furniture. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and to-day it will be thrown open to the public. Mrs. Seymour has had sev eral years’ experience in the business, and is well-equipped in every way to run a first-class hotel. Carroll county .will hold its first county fair next week, to be under the direction of the Fourth District Agri cultural and Mechanical College. Among the prominent Georgians who will speak during the fair are Gov. Brown, ex-Gov. Terrell, and Hon. M. V. Calvin, Director of the State Ex periment Station. The display of ex hibits will he both elaborate and at tractive, and the fair promises to ho a brilliant success. During fair week the Central road will soil tickets at re duced rates. The total enrollment in the city pub lic schools this week foots up 808— 043 white and 225 colored -distributed as follows; Temple avenue school, 304; Atkinson grammar school, 204; Murray street school, (East Newnan,) 75; ML Vernon school, (colored,) 225. A teacher for the fourth grade of the Mt. Vernon school was elected last Sat urday, and another lady teacher for the high school department of the Temple avenue school will be chosen in a few days also. Applicants for the last- named position will ho examined at 9 a. m. on Saturday. Oct. 9, at the Tem ple avenue school building. The showing of fall and winter mil linery bv Newnan establishments last week, and again this week, brought out the usual throngs of women shop pers interested in the new styles, and all did a ru.-hing business. Mrs. Lola Adams and Miss Ella Turner had their openings on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, and the Boone-Stripling Co. put on their display Wednesday and yesterday. The showing of hats was most artistic, rnariv exclusive models being exhibited for the first time in Newnan. Many ladies from out of town attended the openings, and it is needless to sav that those in charge of the displays were kept busy. A home is not a home without _ I father, and a father is not a father un- | less he amply provides with life insur- I | ance to protect his loved ones in case j I of death. See me. I have th ' “ After little more than a week's can- vass the committee appointed to solicit funds with which to enlarge and re model the First Methodist church building have succeeded in raising $10.- 000. Believing that this sum will be best! sufficient to complete the work the Full assortment of doll heads in china, bisque, brass and celluloid. You can make that old one last until Christ- j will preach at Mt. Carmel come, next Sunday night. near Wei- mas. Holt & Cates Co. Mrs. G. E. Croft, who has been seri ously ill for the past two weeks, was reported better yesterday. Mr. S. F. Summers and family have moved to Vienna, Ga., where they will make their home in future. I shall be forced to move my coal yard, to make room for the new rail road; so buy your coal now and save money. E. C. Goodwyn. For Sale Quick.—House; large lot; water, electric lights, and all conven iences. Address P. O. box 465. The Western Baptist Association will meet with Elim church, in the Fourth district, on Wednesday, 13th inst. Onion sets, lawr, grass seed, seven- top turnip seed, seed and bulbs for house blooming. Now is the time to plant them. Holt & Cates Co. We have over one hundred and fifty overcoats that are priced about one- third off regular price. Get one before they are gone. Boone-Stripling Co. Silk Sale. — Monday. Come, sure, and get a waist, skirt or dreBs at half- contract on the market. R. F. Herring, General Insurance. subscription list was closed yesterday, and a building committee was ap pointed as follows: Garland Jones, Harness and Shoe Shop.-I can please I president, II. H. North, treasurer, L. you iri buggy, surrey, wagon or gout I H* Hill, secretary, Dr. R. J^ Bigham, harness. Repair your harness and Williams and M. G. Keith. shoes. Rubber heels and blacksmith aprons always on hand. I guarantee satisfaction. Opposite postoffice. A. Jay Billings. Mrs. Martha Wright and Mrs. E. J. King, two of Newrian’s venerable and most lovable women, were guests of honor at a dining given by Mrs. E. F. Sims Wednesday, the occasion being the 75th birthday of Mrs. King. Mrs. Wright celebrated her 79th birthday not long ago. Mrs. Sue C. Hill and Mrs. Colquitt Carter and little son, who have been Plans for the projected improvements have been ac opted bv the committee, and it is hoped to have ihe work com pleted by the end of the year. WINTER LAWNS c Wo have just rceoived a supply of winter grass seed, which you can sow on your Bermuda beds, or elsewhere, and have a beauti ful green lawn all winter. I f you want to plant on Bermu da bods all you have to do is to broadcast just before or after a rain, or wet with garden hose. It comes thick and beautiful, will grow all winter, and die down in the early summer, when Bermu da comes out, doing no damage to the Bermuda sod. If you want to plant in an un planted lot have the ground thor oughly prepared by plowing and harrowing, broadcast the seed, and rake in with a common rake. If you keep stock, this grass will make a fine winter pasture, and will materially increase the milk and butter yield, if you keep a cow. It is time to plant now! Call and talk the matter over with us, or ’phone us. We will be glad to give further information. HOLT & CATES CO. NEWNAN, GA. ^BANTA^ Solis the famous “Indian” Motorcycle Card of Thanks. We desire through the columns of your valuable paper to thank our neighbors for their kindness to us dur ing the short illness of mV wife and our mother, as well as for their expres sions of sympathy in our sad bereave ment. May God’s richest blessings at tend them through life is our prayer. J. F. Hindsman and Children. St. Charles, Ga., Sept. 28th. Sample on exhibition at his store, i Come and try it. j V J Be Sure of the Clothing You Buy Don’t Take Chances. Haekett, Carhart & Co. Suits, $15 to $25. Hart Sehafrner & Marx Suits, $16.50 to $30. Sonneborn & Co. Suits, $10 to $18. Walk-Over Shoes, $3.50 to $5. Stetson Hats, $3 to $5. Come to see us. We handle goods that have a reputation be hind them. Barnett, St. John & Co.