Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, November 19, 1909, Image 4

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Herald and Advertiser. NEWNAN, FRIDAY, NOV. 19. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. LIFE. Let me but live my life from year to year. With forward face ami unreluctant soul. Not huntnning to nor turning from the goal; Not mourning for the things that disappear In the dim past nor holding hack In fear From what the future veils, hut with a whole And happy heart that pays its toll To Youth and Age. and travels on with cheer. So let the way wind up the hill or down, Through rough or smooth, the journey will b< Still's* I Bought when hut n lx>y i last turn will hr* the; best, —f Henry Van Dyke. Booker Washington’s Negro Colony. Savannah News. The purchase of the plantations of Gov. Comer, of Alabama, containing 18,000 acres, by a person believed to be acting for Booker Washington, is worth more than a passing notice. The pur chase price was $162,000, and it is the understanding that it is Booker Wash ington’s purpose to put colonies of ne groes on the land, which is already in a high state of cultivation. Nothing iB said in the dispatch which carried the account of the purchase as to what Washington’s plans are, but it is a reasonable presumption that he in tends to turn the whole trace into mod el negro farms, which shall serve to in spire other negroes to turn their atten tion to farming, and to point out to them how to become good farmers. It is of course very well known that there are thousands of negro farmers in the South who own their own land, and there are many more negro farmers who rent land. The most of these far mers are inclined to be shiftless—that is, they spend their money as fast as they can get it. If Washington can teach the negroes to be thrifty, and create in them a desire for land, we shall have here in the South a great many land-owning negro farmers with in the next quarter of a century. All over the South land is cheap, and it is as productive as land in any other sec tion of the country. Witli cotton worth anywhere from 10 to 15 cents a pound it is doubtful if in either the East or the West can as much money be made in farming as in the South. The theory is held that the negro will gradually be forced out of the South by the incoming whites, but if Booker Washington’s experiment suc ceeds the negroes will not be pushed out so promptly as predicted. On the contrary, they are likely to get a foot hold that will become firmer and broad er ns the years go by. Washington is building for the future. He knows that with ownership of land the importance of the negro as a citizen will be great ly increased. Witli such ownership will come a stronger desire for education and for wealth in all its forms. The Farmers’ Union has taken a stand against white immigration. Its position is that the land should be held for the natural increase of the native ponulation. If Washington can make his scheme a success and fasten the ne gro to the soil as a land-owner, the probability that he will be pushed out of the South is not very great. As the negro race is a prolific one a pretty big share of the lands may pass into its Iiossession in the course of the next half century. It is evident that Wash ington is looking ahead for his race. Evils of Sunday “Rest.” Npw York Press. “Monday is the busiest day of the week for me,’’said the physician to the man who had been waiting half an hour to see him. “I won’t try to put up a bluff and tell you that my ofiice is so crowded every day in the week, for it isn't; but 1 get n grist of office pa tients nearly every Monday. Every physician of any reputation has the same experience. Why? All on account of Sunday. People do all sorts of fool ish things on that day. because they have time to. and they pay for it. In the first place, people eat indigestible, rich food on Sunday that they would not think of eating on any other day. They cat too much also; in fact, some people nibble away all day, and in con sequence they have indigestion—for no one lias indigestion so quickly or so acutely as the person who is used to regular, wholesome living, and once in a long while tries the unwholesome food—and a trip to the doctor’s is al ways in order Monday. Then again, Sunday gives a person more time to think of his ills. A man who will sto ically bear pain on working days and drive it away by his very snubbing of it will get frightened at the slightest ache on Sunday. He gets to thinking about it and comes to the conclusion that it is a serious symptom. So he goes in to see a physician Monday.” A Card. This is to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley’s Honey andTarfails toeureyour cough or cold. 11 stops the cough, heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold, prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no opiates. Tiie genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. Sold by all drug gists. “We had known each other slightly,” saiil Miss Evvy Waite, "hut never to speak to until one day while out skat ing, 1 fell down quite near him. and—” “Ah! yes,” replied Miss Peppery, “that broke the ice, of course.” The One-Newspaper Proposition. Forayth Advertiser. This is collecting time with the Georgia newspapers. In Forsyth, the merchant pays just half the advertis ing bills as those of some other towns of the same class in Georgia, and yet the enterprises of the city are adver tised just a- s we ll as 'f there were two papers here. It is the progressive business men that support newspapers, churches i*md public enterprises, and one newspaper is a big saving to both the town and county. A good many towns in the State are coming to the one newspaper proposi tion. Sandersviile and Tennille have just consolidated three papers into one new paper. Dublin has united two into one, and Hawkinsville and Cartersville and other good towns are supporting the one-newspaper proposition. The Forsyth newspaper man is more than pleased with The Advertiser as a business proposition, and intends to keep the old paper pure and clean as it has always been, but, if at any time, the good citizens of this city want an other paper in Forsyth they can buy The Advertiser, for we certainly don’t want any more of this two-newspaper business in towns of Forsyth’s class. All such towns as Newnan, Carroll ton, Griffin, Jackson and Gainesville ought to do like Dublin, Hawkinsville, Forsyth, Sandersviile, Monticello, Barnesville, Jefferson, Elberton and Cartersville, and get on to the one- newspaper proposition. Pleasures of the Penitentiary. “I gave such a talk to a client of mine not long ago on the pleasant fea tures of prison life,” said a lawyer, “that I actually got to thinking for a little while it woijld be a great lark to spend a few weekEjin a good penitenti ary. ‘You see, the fellow was guilty, and I knew it. I didn't. see how it would be possible to clear hum, and I knew he would get a lighter sentence by pleading guilty. But I had a job trying to talk him into changing his plea to guilty. He said he didn’t think he would ever get reconciled to life in the penitentiary. “I told him that, of course, there was a certain amount of ,prejudice against living in a penitentiary, but it always struck me that it wouldn’t be half as bad if a man made up his mind to like it. 1 ‘The regular hours ought to be a great thing for a man,’ I told him, ‘and if you are at all slick you can fix up some scheme to get out of hard work. Then you are clear out of prosaic busi ness affairs of the outer world. You go to bed at night knowing just what you are to do the next day, and no one can get to you to molest you. You won’t get moro than a couple of years, and that will just give you time to learn some good trade. ’ “When I got through he decided to plead guilty, and I believe he was real ly looking forward with pleasure to a year or two in the pen.” The old, old story, told times without number, and repeated over and over again for the las-; 36 years, but it is always a welcome story to those in search of health. There is nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds as quickly as Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Sold by all dealers. Mistook Towel for Crepe. A New York man was talking about Opie Read, the brilliant author and journalist. “Read, you know,” he said, “found ed the ‘Arkansas Traveler.’ He edited that excellent paper for ten years or more. He made a great success of it. "They say that in the spring of 1885 a reporter for the ‘Traveler’ died. He was a fine young chap. A '.visitor to the office, the day after thd)f uneral, found the editor and his stall' 1 ' 1 talking about their loss disconsolately'!? “ ‘It has been a sad los» ;9 (|-iends, the visitor said, ‘A sad loss.endeed. ’ He sighed and looked about tl\ 6 p room. ‘And I am pleased to see,’ he \ Jnt on, ‘that you commemorate the me\ jicholy event by hanging up crepe.’ “Opie Read frowned. “ ’Crepe?’ he said. ‘Where h<3> you see any crepe?’ “ ‘Over there,’ said the visitor, pointing. “ ‘Crepe be durned,’ said Read. ‘That isn’t crepe. It’s the office tow el.’ ” qdi TRUTHFUL REPORTS. Newnan Reads Them With Uncom mon Interest. A Newnan citizen tells his experience in the following statement. No hotter evidence than this can he had. The truthful reports of friends and neigh bors is the best proof in the world. Read and be convinced: Mrs. A. M. Askew, 25 Willcoxon St., Newnan, Ga., says: “i cannot hesi.ate to recommend so valuable a remedy as Doan's Kidney Pills. For a long time my daughter, eleven years of age, was annoyed by the imperfect action of the kidneys. The secretions were much too frequent and at times caused a burning sensation during passage. One box of Doan's Kidney Pills, which were pro cured at Lee Bros’, drug store, entirely corrected the difficulty and there his been no return of it since.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unitec States. Remember' the name—Doan’s—anc take no other. The deeper a man could fall in love with a girl the deeper she would want it to he. Dawn of the Age of Cement. C. H. Cochran*? in Moody’s Magazine for July. While neither iron nor steel is going out of use, yet it is certain that the world is now verging into an age of ce ment, which is to be the chief construc tive material of the future. When a single mammoth skyscraper contains enough concrete work to pave Broad way fron; curb to curb, a foot deep for a length of over two miles; when the anchorages and approaches of the new Manhattan bridge requires 65,000 tons of Portland cement to make the concrete; when one manfacturer of cement ad vertised an output of 30,000 barrels a day—when such conditions surround us, it is time to pause and consider what there is about cement-made concrete that has brought it into such general demand within a few years. Because wood, which has been grow ing scarce, has increased in price, and because the world has learned that con crete made with cement is the best and cheapest building material. Concrete is an artificial stone made of sand and broken rock, bound together with ce ment. Almost any sort of sand and stone will do, and when properly mixed with water and about a sixth to an eighth part of cement, the whole har dens into a solid mass of strength, and this strength actually increases with age and exposure to weather. Instead of deteriorating under water, cement grows harder, and its resistance to fire is superior to any other known cheap material. A Useful Interview. Youth’s Companion. Mrs. Newton had been married near ly a year, but she still felt that any question of importance should be an swered with Mr. Newton’s aid, at least, if not by him in person. One day she rang up his out-of-town office, and her voice had an anxions tone when she replied to his cheerful “Hello.” “It’s like this, de'ar,” said this trust ing young person. “I’m way down town, for I’ve been shopping, and I’ve carried Mary’s letter, that I meant to post when I started out, all around town with me!” “Yes,” said Mr. Newton as she pausd for breath. “And now I have come in here to this public telephone,” went on the ea ger voice, “for I had just 10 cents left, to ask you whether you thought I ought to get a special delivery stamp tor Mary’s letter and walk home, or whether I could ride home and let— “What? Oh—why—of course ! I for got I had to drop the dime in this hate ful old slot, and now I can’t get that stamp, nor can I ride home, either. Well, good-bye!” Let us take time for a good-bye kiss. We shall go to the day’s work with a sweeter spirit for it. Let us take time to speak kind words to those we love. By and by, when they can no longer hear us, our foolishness will seem more wise than our best wisdom. Let us take time to be pleasant. The small courte sies which we often omit because they are small will some day look larger to us than the fame for which we have strug gled. Let us take time to get acquaint ed with our families. The wealth you are accumulating may be a doubtful blessing to the son who is a stranger to you. Yourbeautifully kept house, busy mother, can never be a home to the daughter whom you have no time to caress. In Memory of Little Sarah Pate. Realizing that nothing that human hearts or human hands can offer will soothe the grief-stricken loved ones or heal their broken hearts, we point them to Him who doeth all things well. In the death of little Sarah earth loses a fair, sweet flower. In the touch of the clinging hands and in the depth of the beautiful eyes, her parents had dreamed of a future fair and cloudless —a future they find full of tears;—hut the dream vanished, when above the gathering shadows and the rose-tinted dawn the little spirit winged its way heavenward—home to the God who gave it. Her place in the home is empty, and the loved voice is hushed, but beyond the stars, beyond all earth ly pain and sorrow, she is waiting—not dead, but gone before. “Like a star of the morning 1 His bright crown adorning. She shall shine in her beauty, A bright gem in her crown.” Whereas, Death has invaded the home and plucked therefrom one of its fairest and sweetest flowers. Sarah, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Pate; and. Whereas, This visitation, so unex pected, has brought darkness into the hearts of these fond parents beyond the measure of language to express; there fore, be it resolved— 1. That the Sundav-school of the First Baptist church hereby extend to Mr. and Mrs. Fate and Miss Sallie Py lon its most sincere sympathy in this dark hour of their lives. 2. That we cannot do more than point them to a God of love and mercy for comfort, and hid them be of good cheer and delight in the knowledge that this dear one is free form ail pain and sorrow, safe in the arms of Jesus, and, the battle won, the family will be reunited in heaven. 8. That a copy of these resolutions be furnished the family, and that the Newnan papers be requested to pub lish same. Cora Hornshy, Chairman of Committee. Lame hack comes on suddenly and is extremely painful. It is caused by rheu matism of the muscles. Quick relief is afforded by applying Chamberlain’s Liniment. Sold by all dealers. Sketch of Mrs. J. D. Arnold. On sabbath evening, Oct. 24, Mrs. J. D. Arnold died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. P. Bowers. Mrs. Arnold (once Miss Nancy C. Owens), was a native of Monroe coun ty, where she was born in 1840; hence, at the time of her death, she had al most reached the promised three-score and ten years. Moving to this county in 1857, (which date marks the time of her marriage,) Mrs. Arnold brought with her her church letter, which she placed with her husband’s in the Ebe- nezer Baptist church. Of this church, she remained an active, zealous, consis tent member until death. Then, as we believe, was transferred from the church militant to the church trium phant. Mrs. Arnold’s death was as she wish ed it. A few hours before she was tak en sick, in conversation with her daugh ter, she expressed the desire that she might not outlive her husband, and also that she might not live to be helpless and thus a constant care to loved ones. Owing to ill health, the last thirty- five or more years of Mrs. Arnold’s life were spent at home. Here she accom plished a great and good work. Here she exerted a strong influence upon her children and grandchildren. Being de lirious during the last day of her sick ness, her mind returned to her own home and household duties. Of these things she talked almost constantly with those who waited at her bedside. For more than twelve hours, in her delirium she toyed with the bed covering, mov ing her hands as if sewing. She talked of being anxious to finish a piece of work. Occasionally her daughter could persuade her to res't, as continual sew ing was tiring her arms. But she would rest only a short while, then be gin again, insisting that she must finish that work. Thus she continued, hour after honr. Finally, a little more than an hour before her death, she moved the quilt as if folding it up, saying as she did so, “Now I have finished my work.” Then, lying back peacefully, as a little child in its mother’s arms, she was soon asleep,—asleep to wake on a brighter and fairer shore. May the bereaved find comfort in the thought that hers was a finished work. Leaving it thus completed, she has passed to her reward, to hear the “well done, good and faithful servant.” A P'riend. OWES HER LIFE TO Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Vienna, W. Va. — “I feel that I owe the last ten years of my life to Lydia 1 E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound. Eleven years ago I was a walking shadow. I had been under the doctor’s carebutgot no relief. My husband per suaded me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound and it worked like a charm. It re lieved all my pains .ted misery. I advise all suffering #omen to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.” —Mrs. Emma Wheaton, Vienna, W. Va. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotics or harm ful drags, and to-day holds the record for the largest numtier of actual cures of female aiseasesof any similar medi cine in the country, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., from women who have been cured from almost every form of female complaints, inflammation, ul ceration.displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion and nervous prostration. Every such suffering woman owes it to herself to give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial. If you would like special advice about your ease write a confiden tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free, and always helpful. Professional Cards. THOS. J. JONES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office on Hancock street, near public square, Residence next door to Virginia House. T. B. DAVIS, PHYSIC1A N A N D S U R G EON. §«S.S< CUES HI iuh) mums Contagious Blood Poison is at the bottom of a great many old blood troubles. The disease may have been contracted j’ears ago and some treatment used that re moved the outward symptoms and shut the virus up in the system to slumber in the blood, but it only awaited a favorable opportunity to break out in some form again. Certain forms of catarrhal troubles, especially where the bones are affected, scrofulous affections, non-healing sores, ulcerated membranes, etc., are due to this specific poison. Perhaps many who are afflicted in this wny are ignorant of the fact that the seeds of this mighty poison are still hidden in the blood. Like the deadly serpent, which is dangerous as long as the faintest spark of life is left to enable it to sink its poisonous fangs, this powerful disease will corrupt and defile while the least particle of its insidious virus remains in the blood. I iie best time to get rid of Contagious Blood Poison is when the disease is first contracted, and before its virus so penetrates the blood as to cause ulcerated mouth and throat, copper- colored spots, falling hair, etc. Then of course the victim is saved much humiliation and suffering; but even after the poison has become established in the system it can be removed and a, cure effected if the blood be thoroughly purified with S. S. S. S. S. vS. is tiie greatest of all blood purifiers. It possesses penetrating- powers that enable it to go down into the blood, and remove the last trace of blood poison. It cures all blood troubles simply and solely because it removes the cause from the circulation. Not only does S. S. S. cure cure Conta gious Blood Poison when first contracted, but reaches it in any of its stages, even where the trouble has been inherited. S. S. S. is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and does not contain the slightest trace of mineral in any form. You canget rid of your old blood trouble if you will take S. S. S. and allow it to purify the blood. Book on the blood and any medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. A PERFECT CURE. Some oigrht years ago I was in- oculatod with poison by a nurse who infected my babe with blood taint. I was covered with sores and ulcers from head to foot. No language can express my feeling-R of woo during- these long yeai*s. I was advised by friends who had seen wonderful cures made by it, to try S.S.S. We tfot some and I improved from the start, and a complete and borfect cure was the result. S. S. S. is the only blood remedy which reaches desperate cases of old blood troubles. MRS. T. W. LEE. Isle of of Hope, Savannah, Ga. Good News TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE TO BUY THEIR SUPPLY OF FLOUR S00 Barrels of Flour, bought before the last rise in wheat. To. move this amount of flour we have decided to divide our profits with all buyers of flour. SEED OATS.—Texas Rust-Proof Oats, Home-Raised Rust-Proof Appier Oats. SEED WHEAT.—Purple-Straw Seed Wheat. TOBACCO.—“Merry Widow,’’the rich man’s chew at the poor man’s price. SHOES.—Make your feet comfortable during the coming winter by buying a pair of “Stronger Than the Law” Shoes for yourself and your boys. And for mother and sister buy our “Virginia Creeper,” “Dixie Girl,” and “High Point.” We have for children the famous Walton Shoes at popular prices. Car-load Shorts just received. T. G. farmer & Sons Co- 19 Court Square : : 6 and 8 W. Washington Telephone 147 W. A. TURNER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Special attention given to surgery and diseases I of women. Office 19G Spring street. ‘Phone 230 | F. I. WELCH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. PITTSBURG PERFECT ELECTRIC WELDED T. E. SHEFFIELD, M. D.,j RAYMOND, G A. General practitioner. Calls attended promptly i day or night. K. W. STARR, DENTIST. All kinds of dental work. Patronage of the pnh- j I !lc Rolicited. Office over IT. C. Arnall Mdse. Co.’s j store. Residence ’phone 142. , ,, rf-T-i-L fcfcdafcE 5f y©y intend to build a fence, why not build a good one? 'Ion can buy the Pittsburg Perfect Were Fence for the same price the other fellow will ask yon for the “just as good” kind. JOHNSON HARDWARE CO. THOS. Ci. FARMER, JR., A TTORNEY AT LA W. Will jrive careful anil nrompt attention to all legal business entrusted to me. Collections a specialty. Office over H. C. Arnall Mdse. Co.’s. New Advertisements PARKER’S KAir< BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promote* a lnxuriant ETuwt)L N-wor Fails to Hentore Gray Ilair to its Youthful Color. Cure* scalp k hair Iilling.