Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, December 24, 1909, Image 2

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fieraM and JMoerfiser, NEWNAN, FRIDAY, DEC. 24. than 10 cents a pound, note of thepe things. Mr. Better take Farmer. ” Official Organ of Coweta County. Jap. K. Hrown, it no w N F.DITORH Trios. H. I’AHROTT. A PARROTT.> PtniwaiiBKH. INCREASED COST OF LI VINO. Market! advances in the last year have taken place in breadstuff's, pro visions, live stock, leather and textiles. One of the noticeable effects of the in creased cost of living has been the demand of labor for higher wages. Wages, however, have not advanced in proportion to the cost of living. The natural conclusion, and the only conclu sion to he reached, is that the working men and their families have been forced to a trifle lower standard of living. Commenting upon these conditions in its monthly review of trade fluctuations and prices, Bradstreet’s shows that on Dec. 1 the average wholesale price for ninety-six commodities stood at 0.1262, against 8.2133 on the same date last year, being an advance of a little over 11 per cent, in one year. Illustrating the effect of this price advance Bradstreet’s says: "Theoretically, a man going to the wholesale market place to purchase a pound of each of ninety-six articles would have had to pay for the same on Dec. 1 this year about $0.12. On March 1 last, like goods might have been purchased for nearly 91 cents less; while on Dec. 1, 1908, they were cheaper by 91.35 cents. At the low level in June, 1908, similar goods •ould have been obtained for $1.40 un der the present level.’’ The increases above dealt with re fer to the upward tendency in prices during the last yoar. To appreciate what a 11 per cent, increase in the cost ■of living during the last year really means, it is necessary to recall that the cost of living in 1907 averaged 47.4 per cent, more than in 1897. While protectionists deny thst the high Ding- ley rates have more than a nominal ■connection with the increased cost of Diving, a comparison of food prices here and in England shows that while prices have advanced 11 per cent, un der high protection in the United States, in one year, food prices in free 'trade Great Britain advanced hut 7 per -ent. in the ten years between 1896 . tnd 1906. In view of this showing—with meat selling in the Newnan market to-day at 16 cents, corn at 90 cents, and mules at 9200 to $300 a head—the farmer who fails to plant corn and raise meat next /ear is doomed to bankruptcy. Not even n bumper crop of cotton at 10 cents will save him. The money circulation statement, is sued Monday by the Treasury Depart ment, shows that the general stock erf money in the United StateH on Dec. I was $3,284,602,046, an increase of $712,935 sincu a month ngo. Of this total there .was in circulation $3,113,- : 310,934, an increaseof $6,631,877 over a t month ago, and of $13,749,901 a year ago. The Treasury held assets of the Government on Dec. 1 of $29,291,114, ■which does not inciludc $35,952,787 of ■ deposits of public money in national hank depositories to the credit of the United States Treasury. Of the gen eral stock of money at present, gold coins, (including bullion in the Treas ury,) aggregate $1,644,906,223 ; stand ard silver dollars, $664,294,719; subsid iary silver, $61,302,633; Treasury noteB of 1890. $39,828,000; United States notes. $364,681,016, and national bank notes, $707,433,547. Fitzgerald Leader: ‘‘Hoke Smith would reflect honor upon our State in the United States Senate, and we would he glad to see him there, hut for the peace and welfare of the State Joe Brown ought to he re-electad Governor without opposition." Washington Herald: "The Hon. Wil liam Charles Adamson, of Georgia, says no man who dines habitually on ‘corn- bread, potlieker and greens’ need fear the pestiferous hookworm.” Wheat and Colton Acreage. Albany Herald, The fluctations of the market have very much the same effect upon the wheat-growing farmers of the North west that they have upon the cotton growing farmers of the South. The market prices for both wheat and cotton have been good this year, and the result will he an increase in the acre age given to the two crops for the next year. The winter wheat has already been planted, and it was expected, in view of the present, [trices of the grain, that the farmers would sow an increased area We ace, too, that the Department of Agriculture estimates that the area of wheat is nearly 8 per cent, higher than the revised estimate of the winter wheat seeding of a year ago. This makes the increased area about two and a half million acres. In about ten weeks from now the es timates of the cotton acreage of next year will be taken up by the Govern ment statisticians and by the cotton ex changes and speculators as well. That the first estimates and reports will show an increase in the acreage given to cot ton-growing States now appears to be almost a foregone conclusion. Here in Southwest Georgia all the indications point to preparations for increasing the cotton acreage. Neither the wheat-growers of the Northwest nor the cotton, growers of the South appear to learn anything from experience. Be Fair io the Newspaper. Albany Herald. j If the public will call at it newspaper office and see what a mass of work the editor has to do in the time at his dis posal, they will not feel like finding fault when an error is made. Practically every man in the business loves his profession, or ho would not stay in it. There isn’t much in the way of emoluments for him. There are very few newspaper men who cannot make more money in almost any line of busi ness. The editor is as jealous of his reputa tion as other men are of theirs, and he does not want to make an error or to make a misstatement. He cannot help it sometimes, because he is human, like the rest of people. When you see an error in a newspa per, pass it by. If it directly affects you, call at the office and in a kindly tone ask that it be corrected. The editor will appreciate this, and you will go away after making some in vestigations wondering why more errors are not made. Card of Thanlu. We desire to express our thanks and 1 appreciation of the many acta of kind ness shown us in the great sorrow that recently came into our home in the death of a loving wife and mother. These gentle ministrations of love were as rift* in the dark clouds, and will ever abide in sweetest memory. May God’s richest blessings vest upon each raid everyone, is our prayur. J. A. Buckie and.Children. Sargent, Ga., Dec. 22d. St is just being realized' that the Trans-Siberian railroad was a poor job from an engineering standpoint. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, nn they rannot ri arh the si'at of the riiaeaae. Catarrh is u hlirxl or ronatit utional dfacnae, oral in order to euro it you min t take internal remedies. Ilall'a Catarrh Cure iri taken internally, and acta directly on the blood and mucouu surfaces. Ilall’a Catarrh Cure iH not a quark medicine. It wos prescribed by one of the Ix-d physicians in thiH country for years, and is a roaular prescription. It is compoHod of thn beat tonics known, combined with the best blood puri fiers acting dirertly on thn mucoua surfaces. The perfect combination of the twoingredlents Ik « hat produces such wodorful results in curinft Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHUNKY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by nil Druggiats. 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. Amusements. AUDITORIUM (Under the management of C. I- Baker.) Wednesday, Dec. 29 The great New England play JOSHUA SIMPKINS Big fun and musical show. Special scenery and mechanical effects. See the great saw-mill scene. Hear the JoBhua Simpkins orchestra. Best singing and dancing specialties. Watch for the BURLESQUE BAND PARADE. Popular prices, 75c., 50c. and 25c. Thursday Night, Dec, 30, BELCHER £r WRIGHT Prcttrnt the Clover Actress, Miss Clara Belcher, In the Great Fraternity Play, “The Heart of an Indian” A production Of merit. Special scenery and effect. Prices, 25c., 35c. and 50c, New Advertisements. Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Bridge*, Ingram & Co., componcd of the uruloraiKTxul, Hoy Bridges anti .T. R. Intfi'um, haa t his day been dissolved by mutual consent, J. R. Ingram having sold his interest toKujf Bridges. tv ho has assumed all indebted ness of the firm, and who will continue the business, J. R. INGRAM. ROY It. BRIDGES. Starpsburff, Ga.. Pec. 22. 1909. AN ORDINANCE. ~'Be it wdained by the Mayor and Alderrwen of the City of Newnan, That from and after tho passage cf this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person*' firm or corporation to keep, /nitiatein or run a slaughter-pen or place where cattle* or hogs are prepared for market, within three- fourths 3*) ■frf a mile in every direction from the center of the court-house, in the city of Newnart, Be it further ordained by the authority afore- raid, That no person, firm or corporation shall' keep any hog or pig within three-fourths of xttile in every c/frection from the center of the conrrt-houso, in said city of Newnan, Be it further omlained. That any person, firm or corporation violating the terms'of this ordi nance shall, on conviction, be punished ns pre scribed in Section 256 of the City Cede, and that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance-be and the same- are hereby repealed. Adopted in open CSmncil: QL D. FOUSE. <S*r Clerk, I.ynchings in 1909 up to Dee. 1 have -numbered 70, the highest number re corded since 1904. Tho victims inclu ded 11 whites and 59 negroes. The lynchings occurred in twelve States and one territory—New Mexico. As in previous years, crimes against white women and murders caused most of these summary executions. One case, occurring in Cairo, 111., combined both causes, and resulted in the placing of the city under military control for sev eral days. Georgia heuds the list with 11 lynchings, and the record for other States is ns follows: Texas 10, Flori da 8, Louisiana 7. Mississippi 7, Ala- bnnm 6. Oklahoma 5. Kentucky 4, South Carolina 3, Arkansas 3, Illinois! 2, New Mexico 2. Missouri 1, West Virginia 1. The U. S. Census report, issued Monday, shows 9,362,222 hales (count ing round laics as half bales) ginned from the growth of 1909 to Dec. 13. compared with 11,900.565 for 1908, 9,- 284.070 for 1907, and 11,112,789 for 1906. The proportion of the last three crops ginned to Dec. 13 is 9.09 for 1908, 84 for 1907, and 85.6 for 1906. The statistics for 1909 are subject to slight correction when checked against the individual returns of the ginners being transmitted by mail. The corrected total of cotton ginned this season to Dec. 1 is 8,876,886 hales. AUTOMOBILES THE CAR OF SERVICE. 1910 MODEL 4- CYLM8ER “RE0”-30-35M»;;5O MILES AN HOUR—$1,230. The equal of lie most costly cars. rv * >> The quality car—the oar that SaB made best I Termer score in the famous Glidden tosrs of 1907-8-9; it W. OUR BOOK, TELLS FACTS EXACTLY. P. GEARRELD, NEWNAN, GA. and Happy Albany Herald : "If the farmers all over the country go wild on cotton again the staple will be selling for less than 7 cents next autumn, and it will be mighty hard to pay for mules, gu aim Htid meat at the prevailing pricee with cotton that brings anything ies- We Have Made Money Enough this Year And propose to work the balance of the year for nothing. To show our customers that we are not stingy, we are going to com mence Saturday, Dec. IS, selling everything at cost, and continue to do so until Jan. 1, 1910. We do this to show our appreciation of the iberal patronage the public has given us the past 12 months. Below we name a few prices— English Walnuts, 10c. lb. Brazil Nuts, 10c. lb. Pecans, 15c. lb. Almonds, 15c. lb. Imported Grenoble Walnuts, per lb. 15c. Cluster Raisins, 8c lb. Cluster Raisins in l ib. pkg. 10c. Seeded Raisins in 1- b pkg. 8c Currants in 1 lb. package 8c. Stick Candy. 7c. lb. Fancy Candy, 7c lb. Oranges, any size, 20c dozen. Apples, 10c to 20c dozen. The above are prices on a few articles only; but everything in this store is offered at cost until Jan. 1, 1910. J. T. SYVINT TELEPHONE 54. W I T H G II A T E F U L APPRECI ATI O N O F THE LIBERAL PAT RON A G E G I V E N U S DURING THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS, WE WISH OUR PAT RONS AND FRIENDS, ONE AND ALL, A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. H. C. SCOMPANY This Store Will Positively be Closed all Day To-morrow, (Christmas Day.)