Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, October 30, 1914, Image 1

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, v NEWNAN HERALD & ADVERTISER 50th YEAR NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1914. NO. 5 SATURDAY BARGAIN DAY BOONE’S MONDAY BARGAIN DAY Special Bargain Days every Saturday and Monday. It’s one thing to make a statement in an advertisement and it’s another thing to de liver the goods. We have the goods and the price. NO ONE SELLS THEM FOR LESS. For next Saturday and Monday all 10c g inghams at 8c, all 12 l-2c ginghams 10c, all 10c outing 8c, all 12 l-2c percale 10c; 18 yards fine bleached domestic $1; 14 yards good leached 10c domestic $1; 20 yards 7c apron ginghams $1; very fine bleached table damask, 50c value, 39c; best $1 blankets 89c; finest $1.50 blankets $1.25; good union wool $3.50 blankets $2.75; special wool mixed $3 blankets $2.25. The above prices good only on Saturday. Oct. 31 and Monday, Nov. 2. Mention this advertisement. GOOD CLOTHES FOR MEN The Largest Department in Newnan They arc right in style, fit, quality and ptice. Your style, your price and your color is here. In fact, we have never carried such a selection of good ■ clothes as we have now. Our second floor is devoted to men's and boys’ ready- to-wear. You will be repaid for a look. Come on and buy that suit you have so long promised yourself. You will be surprised at the values you will find. Hand-tailored all-wool serge; fancy worsted and cheviot suits in the neat stripes, checks and desirable shades of blue and brown. They fit right, look right when you buy them and stay right after you wear them. Gold Bond and Michael Stern & Co.’s make; priced, 815, 819.50, 818 and $20. Men’s and voung men’s serge suits, 87.50. Dickey’s famous kersey fruits, best made at price, 87.50. We sell them any way you want them; coat 84, pants 82, vest 8L50. Special ail-wool serge and cassimere suits; well-made, good-fitting, 810. All-wool cheviots, plain and fancy worsteds and screes, good values at 812. Boys’ Clothing Not a larger, more complete, or bet ter line in this section than you will find here. Over three hundred suits uow in stock to select from. The Norfolk suit is the correct style now. Many pretty designs. Sixes 3 to 18; prices, 81.50 to 87.50. Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats Boys’ overcoats, $3.50 to 85. Men’s fine coats, 85 to 815. Special black cravenette cloth rain coats, at 86, 10 and 815. LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR The new coats, suits and dresses have real distinction. The long coat suits have the preference; the medium suits are very good and will be worn a great deal. You will find here the style, color and price that you want. Our custo mers are admiring and buying the new fall ready-to-wear. Values are here that you will seldom sec and will appreciate. Many have looked and bought. If you arc to consider rcady-to-wcar this fall you should come early and secure a choice selection. Garments may be selected now and delivered later if vou wish. All-wool suits, long coats satin lined to waist. The new designs, well-made, neatlv trimmed, in a price range of 810. $12, 813.50, 815, 816.50,818, 820. Sixty-five suits, medium length, ex ceptional values, most of them worth 50 per cent, more, 85, 87.50, 810, 812. All-wool silk poplin and mcssaline dresses. New creations are herein a va riety of styles; 85, 86, 87.50, 88.50, 89 New Fall Skirts A more varied selection will not be seen in Newnan. You will be interest ed it vou look. All-wool skirts, 83 to 86.50! Cloaks Ladies’ long black cloth coats, well- made, neatly trimmed; 83.50, 84, 85, 86, 87.50, 810 and 812. Long black Teddy Bear and caraculc coats. Special values at 85, 86, 87.50. Fancy plaids, mixture and novelty coats, many designs, 85 to 815. Children’s and Misses’ Coats The style, quality and price t:o suit. Children’s coats, 2* to 6, 81 to 83. Misses’ and girls’ fancy coats, 8 to 14, at 82 to 85. Black Teddy Bear coats, 2 to 14; 82.50 to 85. -—L Cotton Holding Otter To accommodate our customers who want to hold their cotton we will take 500 bales of cotton at market value as collateral for That is, if you want to hold cotton for six months or longer, bring us your cotton tickets and trade out the value of your cotton. We will hold the cotton tickets six months without interest, warehouse or storage charges. 'I'llis offer is better than to borrow money on your cotton, as you will save in terest and storage charges. If you want to sell your cotton and buy goods we will pay We do not advise auyone'to sell or to hold cotton, because no one knows what is best, but if you want to hold it we will help you. per pound above market price. LEI US CLEAN YOUR CLOTHES C. We can make that last winter suit look like a new one if you will let us CLEAN and DY r E it. c. We do all our own dyeing our selves, here at home. And we do it RIGHT. Try us and see. C. Satisfaction guaranteed or dirt refunded : HOLBROOK TAILORING AND [LEANING [0. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE TELEPHONE 294 IQ BUGGIES! BUGGIES! * & A full line of the best makes. Best value foi $ the money. Light running, and built to stand the wear. At Jack Powell’s old stand. J. T. CARPENTER Coal Dealers, Attention Trade 10c Cotton For Coal We will sell you our WILTON JELLICO COAL or PIONEER STRAIGHT CREEK 5-INCH BLOCK at our current market prices. Both are high-gradt- coals. We will take your COTTON in payment at TEN CENTS PER POUND or will Kan you money on Cotton Warehouse Receipts at seven cents per pound. T hU shows our interest in Southern trade and faith in the South's great staple. WRITE OUR OFFICE FOR DETAILED OFFER NORTH JELLICO COAL GO. 82 Peachtree Street Atlanta, Ga. THE COTTON BLOOM. The Rose haa a thousand lovors because Of her dnlicuto grace ami perfume; But lovers forsturdier reasons givo Their hearts to the Colton Bloom. It in n dazr.ling ample land Of ruoaHurelt as breadth and room— And the wealth of a splendid tropical sun Dowers this Cotton Bloom. And Capita! keeps his eyes on the field While he hears the hum of the loom. And his anxious visage glows and pales At the nod of the Cotton Bloom. — [Howard Weeden. “War.” •James Logan Mesby. I was conceived, in passion, hatred, envy, and greed, born in the morning of antiquity, and have a genealogy whose every page drips with the red blood of murdered innocence. I respect neither the feebleness of gray hairs, the helplessness of infancy, nor the sacredness of virtue, and walk, iron shod, ruthlessly and impartially over tie form of the weakling or the form of the giant. I paint the midnight skieB a lurid glow from the burning homes I have ravaged, and I turn peaceful scenes of rural beauty, where God’s own crea tures dwell together in amity, into a raging hell. I set neighbor against neighbor in deadly combat, and I incite brother to slay his brother. I make puppets of kings, princes of paupers, courtiers of courtesans, and thieves of respected subjects; and em pires melt before my breath as does mist before the morning sunlight. I make of religion fanaticism, the heathen a fiend incarnate, and of all men I make playthings devoid of rea son and justice. Through intrigue I make the intelligent powerful, the un scrupulous wax fat on the spoils of blood-won victories gained by others, and the less learned suffer for their own ignorance. Famine, want and misery follow in my path; I lay waste green fields, and still the hand of industry. I pillage the land of its resources, but contribute nothing to the benefit of mankind, leaving pestilence to stalk ghostlike in my wake and complete the work of de struction. I lay heavy tribute upon my most loyal subjects for the main tenance of my establishment; I squan der the vitality and lives of those who serve me faithfully, yet return to the world nothing but. ruin and ashes. The baubles of fame I confer on Borne are empty shells of false standards wherein the license to commit murder and ra pine is held to be the insignia of glory by a mistaken civilization. I can offer no excuse for mv having come into existence, nor can I give one plausible reason why I should not cease to be, other than that so long as men who wield influence ore permitted to gratify their selfish desires and am bitions at the expense of the many who mu9t carry the burdens and endure the sufferings, that long will I continue to exact my toll of sorrow, devastation and death. For I am pitiless—devoid of all feeling; I fear neither man nor God; I am amenable to no law, and I am in myself the law and the last re sort. I AM WAR! At Planting Time Next Spring. Albany Herald. If the war in Europe should still be in progress next spring, when seed- dropping time comes in the South, it is probable that there will be little need of legislation to limit the acreage to be planted in cotton. For there will still remain undisposed of approximately half, and possibly a good deal more than half, the crop of 1014. Some of this cotton will be stored in warehouses, a good deal v/ill still be on the farms where it was raised, and a not inconsiderable part will be in the hands of those who have made purchases either from philan thropic or selfish motives. The mills in the Uuited States may have also ac cumulated a considerable stock, taking advantage of the low prices prevailing. Knowing these things to be true, the farmer who deliberately plants any thing like the average annual acreage of the last ten yearn courts not only disaster, but destruction. It will be the wildest sort of folly for the South to plant more cotton than can be con veniently carried through the winter of 1915-16 and the succeeding spring. Prudence and safety demand that the farmer produce at home everything his family, his laborers and his beasts re quire, for the problem of the South is but the aggregate of the individual problems of the cotton-growers. The farmers have been accused of many follies, and they have often been guilty, but we believe they are too H»ne to plant more than half a crop of cotton in 1915. It Always DoeB the Work. “I like Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy better than any other,” writes R. E. Roberts, Homer City, Pa. “I have taken it off and on for years and it has never failed to give the desired re- eults.” For sale by all dealers. An Editor’s Appeal. Meriwether Vindicator. If some of our delinquents do not come to our aid The Vindicator will be compelled to suspend publication be fore long. It costs at least $150 per month to run the paper. We have over one thousand sub scribers who owe us each from one to three dollars for subscription. We recently mailed a statement to each debtor and have received to date less than $100 us returns. In many instances the failure to re spond is mere thoughtlessness. We want to ask you to think. It’s only a dollar that you owe each year for subscription, and it is a trifle to each individual. In the aggregate it is a large sum to us. Wo cannot continue to run the paper if all debtors continue to owe us. We have done the best we could to give you a readable and newsy paper. We have cheered you in trouble and comforted you in sorrow. We have praised the newly weds and sent the dead to glory. We have been the opti mist amid hard times, but may join the rank of the pessimists unless our de linquents save us from that doom. Even in hard times you will have to read something. Type refuse to print without ink, and ink and paper won’t come without pay. No joke about it. Quit forgetting, and think. Every time you see the editor it is a reminder, and, if you are notj think ing, he is. He remembers that you owe, and trieH by mental power of sug gestion to lead your mind in the chan nel of payment. We had rattier write an obituary than a dun. Tilings are Bqually at The Vindicator office. if you owed a great big amount we wouldn’t expect it now; but you can come across with the price of sub scription. Positively Masters Croup. Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound cuts the thick, choking mucous, and clears away the phlegm. Opens up the air passages and stops the hoarse cough. The gasping, strangling fight for breath gives way to quiet breathing and peace ful sleep. Harold Berg, Mass, Mich., writes: "We give Foley's Honey and Tar to our children for croup and it al ways acts quickly.” For sale by all dealers. A Contrast. Reno Laidlaw, in JiippincoLL’tt. A contrast- and its chief cause-is shown by the cases of Preston, Pa., and Wellsville, Kan. The Pennsylvania town h said to be the "wickedest in America.” Four hundred and twenty five of its five hundred inhabitants drink whiskey, and 415 of the 425 are said to get drunk regularly. Wellsville, the Kansas town, 48 miles from Kan sas City, is 44 years old, has a popu lation of 750, and has never had a saloon in its history. It has never had a case of rape or murder; a pauper, a thief, or a lawyer. Of course, its in habitants are not all saints, but they have no pool rooms and Ho bawdy houses. There is a $2,500 school-houS?/ sot down on a 60-acre playground. There are brick and cement Bidewalks, and brilliant street lights at all cross ings. Everbody in town workB hard except the town marshal. Once an agent for a mail order liquor house visited Wellsville, but before he had booked any orders fifteen feminists, armed with horsewhips, marched to his hotel —and the salesman departed minus his sample case. Would you rather buy real estate ia Preston, i'a., or in Wellsville? Would you rather bring up a family in the “wickedest town in America,” or in the Kansas community? Mrs. Benton tasted the savory mor sel she had carefully compounded ia the chaffing dish and looked at her hus band somewhat apprehensively. Then she said: “Somehow it don’t taste just as Mrs. Mink’s did the other night. Yet I thought I remembered the recipe all right. I suppose I must have left something out. ” Mr. Benton tasted reflectively. “I don’t think so.” he remarked. Mrs. Benton’s face brightened vis ibly. Then her husband continued: “There’s nothing you could leave out,” he said, “that would make ft tu«te |ii- e this. It’s something you've putin!” Keep Your Stomach and Liver Healthy. A vigorous stomacn, perfect working liver and regular acting bowels are guaranteed if you will use Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They insure guod Di gestion, correct constipation and have an excellent tonic effect on the whole system. Purify your blood and rid you of all body poisons through the bowel-. Only 25c. at your druggist’s. !