Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, November 06, 1914, Image 1

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NEWNAN HERALD & ADVERTISER 50th YEAR NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1914. NO. 6 Habit, Trade at BOO Yor Get Your Money’s Worth Always The verdict of right in style, quality and price has been rendered by the trading public. Last Satur day’s business was the best of the year &nd excelled our cash receipts of same Saturday last year over $100. This is the kind of evidence we want of the approval of the trading public. Over $30,000 worth of clean merchandise to select from. No store sells it for less. Your money has as great a purchasing power at Boone’s as anywhere. Everybody does not trade here, but a great many people do. Watch our regular and local advertisements. They are worth reading. Weekly bargain days Saturday and Monday. We have the goods and deliver the goods. YOUR DOLLARS DO EXTRA DUTY ON BARGAIN DAYS. For Next Saturday and Monday Only We Name the Following Specials: All fancy calicoes, per yard 4c All 124c Bates’ and Toil Du Nord dress gingham 10c All best 10c bleached domestic . 7c All 36-inch 6.\c bleached domestic. Standard A. C. A. feather ticking Fancy table oil cloth 5c 11c 10c Fine first quality 7c apron ginghams, fast colors. 5c Fine, large, heavy $1.30 wool Anished blankets, $1.25 Ostrich plumes, regular price $2.50 to $7.50, at hall price Items at 10c Goods You Buy for 25c The Value of 50c The Purchasing Power of $1 2,000 dress pins. Good winter cap with ear protectors. 2 children’s union suits. One pair men’s work pants. 288 agate buttons. Two pairs Arrow Head hose. Nice dress shirt. 4 yards mercerized table damask. 24 spools colored sowlnp thread. One pair all-wool gloves. 10 yards fast-color calicoes. 1 man’s suit line underwear. One pair dress gloves. Pair bovs’ school pants. * 20 yards good calico. One-pound jar vaseline. 25 children’s school handkerchiefs. 2 boys’ wash waists. 20 yards line fast-color staple gingham. Box good stationery, 24 sheets paper 3 pairs heavy grey hose or sox. Pair heavy leather work gloves. 2 Big Buck work shirts. and envelopes. Ladies’ good ribbed vests or pants. Fine dress caps. Nice large bedspread. One unbreakable dressing comb. 1 pair carpet slippers. Knit Dutch and aviation caps. Ladies’ line shirt-waist. One pair fast-black hose. 1 good window shade. Pair felt house slippers. Pair fine kid gloves. One pair good child’s supporters. Good silk tic. Men’s or ladies’ fine all-wool gloves. Ladies’ house dress. Two dozen fine pearl buttons. Fine lace collar. Two 6-feet linen window shades. Pair children’s shoes. Three cakes fine toilet soap. Very fine hats for little boys. Chamberlain & Johnson's perfection Pair good house slippers. One pair good suspenders. Good link cuff buttons. wax oil polish. Fine No-fade shirt. Men’s silk ties. Fine ruching. Good rain umbrellas. Good hat. Five ribbon holders for children’s hair. Large can extra fine Air-float talcum. 7-feet linen window shade, guaranteed Pair celebrated Duck Head overalls. Tie clasps. 1 box fine correspondence cards and roller. Pair fine cotton blankets. Air-float and pound can talcum. envelopes. One pair best “Littleone’’. rompers. 16 yards yard-wide bleached domestic Good toothbrushes. 1 good hair or clothes brush. Pair line silk boot hose. 2 yards all-linen table damask. Large bottle machine oil. '1'wo large-size extension curtain poles. Good corset, made by Warner Bros. 18 line table napkins. Brass curtain poles. Leatherette hand-bag. 2 extra large Turkish bath towels. 18 good buck or Turkish towels. One safety key-ring and holder. One pair fibre silk boot hose. Pair good shoes for baby. Good heavy sweater. To The Farmers We have in stock just two hundred bush els of purple straw wheat. This wheat is se lect seed, and we would like to get this wheat started in Coweta county. We also have Hasting's 100-bushel seed oats, Appier feed oats and Georgia rust-proof oats. A few bushels of Georgia rye and barley. If we are going to change our way of farm ing, now is the time to start. You can’t wait until next April to make up your mind that you are not going to plant the world in cot ton. If you are going to plant oats, rye, bar ley and wheat it is time to make a start. PHONE 58. PHONE 342 Price Co-operates With the’ Far mers. Atlanta, Oct. 31.—J. D. Price, Com missioner of Agriculture, announced yesterday that Georgia farmers can save seven-eighths of what they are now paying for nitrogen-setting bacte ria by ordering direct from the Depart ment of Agriculture. “The commercial price for these bac teria is $2 for enough to inoculate an here of land; the department’s price is 25 cents for this quantity,” said Com missioner Price. “The department is now ready to furnish, on an extensive scale, bacteria at 25 cents an acre for the following legumes: Hairy vetch, crimson clover, burr clover, alfalfa and alaike. These bacteria are very neces sary for such crops, when grown on soil in which they are not already pres ent. They form nodules on the roots of these plants from which the plants gather nitrogen from the air. “I am very anxious for the people of Georgia to know what this department is doing for their benefit to encourage top crops, and I urge farmers to plant such crops on a large scale. Seed should be inoculated with bacteria immediate ly, before the season is too late; far mers should take advantage of this at once. “At the last session of the Legisla ture $2,000 was appropriated to estab lish and equip a laboratory in the Agri cultural Department for furnishing ni trogen-setting bacteria at cost to Geor gia farmers. The department since then has supplied farmers with enough to inoculate 012 acres, at the cost of 25 cents an acre, instead of the com mercial price of $2, thui saving far mers already over $1,000-more than half of the Legislature’s appropriation. “Georgia farmers can get bacteria for the crops named above by writing to the department, enclosing 25c. for each acre. The department will send with each order directions for inocula tion.” Hack! Hack! Hack ! With raw, tickling throat, tight chest, sore lungs, you need Poley’a Honey and Tar Compound, and quickly. The first dose helps; it leaves a soothing, healing coating as it glides down vour throat; you feel better at once. Every user is frioml Vr»r on If. hv »»)1 HaoIohj Gay Life in the City. It’s about time to put the kibosh on all this talk about keeping the boys on the farm. Why should a boy or young man want to stay on a farm when he can go to the city, and, after tramping through the heat, or cold, or rain, or snow for five or six weeks, land a fine, fat, easy, soft snap of a job as a mo- torman? Then all he will have to do will be to get up at about 5 a. m. winter and summer, swallow a hoarding house breakfast that a hog on his fath er’s farm would spurn, dash merrily to the car-barn, take the abuse of a slave- driving car-starter, and go gaily to work. Ah, what pleasure to stand all day in' a street car that id perfumed with the smells of the unwashed bodies of just-over immigrant laborers, on their way to work in a sewer! Think of the fragrance of all grades of tobacco in cigarettes, in cigars, and in pipes of many degrees of strength! It is simply great to breathe this spicy air all day. In the meanwhile one hears the sweet compliments of the ladies and gentle men who do not happen to think of sig naling when they want to get off, but who rightfully feel that the motorman should have known, if he was not such a fat-headed lob, and who do not hesi tate to tell him so. Oh yes, its great. Every farmer boy ought to leave home at once and dash to the city. Think of the wages he’ll get! Why, at the end of a month, after paying for board, room, laundry, clothes and uniform, un ion dues and assessments, he’ll have al most enough left to go to a movie show. But he probably won’t go, because he’ll he so all in and so full of the poisonous reek that he inhaled all day, that he will tumble into bed to forget it until the alarm clock calls him to begin all over again. Best Cough Medicine for Children. ‘ Three years ago when I was living in Pit shurg one of my children had a hard cold and coughed dreadfully. Upon the advice of a druggist 1 purchased a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and it benefited him at once. 1 find it the beat cough medicine for children because it is pleasant to take. They do not object to taking it,” writes Mrs. LaFayc tte Tuck, Homer City, Pa. Tfciu remedy co tains no opium or other nar cotic, and may. be given to a child as confidently as to an adult. Sold by all Cotton Soon to Advance. lCtlwurd Low Ilanlott in Atlanta CJi*orKlun. New York, Oct. 30.—The price of cot ton should advance from present levels. Quotations from the South yesterday at the low value of 5Jc. per pound in the interior should prove the bottom of the market for thus season’s crop. Already unpicked farm supplies are beginning to show a turn downward in volume, and the ginning returns, if made up on Monday next, Nov. 2, would, the writer estimates, total approximately 10,000,000 bales, or nearly two-thirds of the total yield. From this time for ward the daily outcome from the gins will show a decrease, and the weight of supplies on the market v/ill obviously grow less. The movement to foreign countries will be largely accelerated by the de cision not to have cotton on the contra band list. This will bring into the mar ket the imperative need in Europe for replenishment of supplies of raw mate rial. Decreasing supplies and increasing demands therefore must, from this time forward, converge as an inlluonce in shaping a higher market for cotton. American and Canadian mills are ac tually consuming cotton now at the rate of over 5,000,000 bales per annum Wheat-Growing in South Geor gia. Tlfton Gazette. The Gazette does not believe wheat should be grown as a money crop, ex cept on a very small scale. Other sec tions ure better prepared to supply the outside world with wheat than the South. But Georgia ought to feed her own people. She should not send away from home for any corn, oats, hay, Hour, meat, lard, butter, chickens, eggs, or kindred products. If the farmers of Georgia feed the people of their State with its many varied industries, they will be doing well and will be making the State rich at the same time they are accumulating wealth for them selves. Wheat is almost as easy to raise as oats, requiring just a little mere care. To grow it successfully demands a lit tle more practical experience than the majority of our farmers have had. But they can get information from those who have grown wheat in other sec tions, and within a few years have the practical experience necessary for suc cess. The fi.iur made from Georgia wheat is much sweeter and more wholesome than the Tennessee or Western product, which hus the life taken out of it in the Europe, it is now estimated, will take process of manufacture. If the far- 4,500,000 bales, including 2,000,000 bales recently suggested as acceptable to En glish financiers. Japan and China are estimated to need 750,000 bales, and the bankers’ pool stand ready to absorb and hold another 5,000,000 a sufficient time to stabilize the price and give confidence to the* world spinners in buying their needs without fear of a further decline. The total of the above would mean absorption of 15,250,000 bales during the remainder of the season. Uncle Eph had long boasted that he had never needed the services of a doc tor, but now he was ill and his neigh bor felt that the time had come when a physician should be called. “Come, now, Uncle Eph,” she said, “we will call whomever you wish—you know tnere’s a good alleopath and a good homeopath. Now, whicV will you have?” “Wa-a-al,” drawled Uncle Eph, “I dunno as it matters—they say all paths mere of Tift county will raise wheat to supply their own flour and enough for Buie to supply the Tifton market, they will find a ready sale for it and create a demand that will make steady custo mers for them. Women Suffer Terribly From Kidney Trouble. Around on her feet all day —no won der a woman has backache, headache, stiff, swollen joints, weariness, |>oor sleep and kidney trouble. Foley’s Kid ney Pills give quick relief for these troubles. They strengthen the kidneys — take away the aches, pain and weari ness. Make life worth living again. Try Foley’s Kidney Pills and see how much better you feel. For sale by all dealers. To eliminate waste and inefficiency in marketing, the farmer should keep in close touch with market conditions. Invigorating to the Pale antii Sickly The Old Standard jr^m-ral strengtlieinnar tonic. GKOVU S TASTKLKSS chill TONIC, drives oat Mftluria.enricheti the blood .and buildftupthesyv