Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, January 01, 1915, Image 1

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NEWNAN HERALD & ADVERTISER 50th YEAR NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1915. NO. 14 19 15 With sincere thanks for the patronage and good will enjoyed during 1914, we extend to our friends and customers best wishes for a happy and prosperous New Year. Come to see us. You will always receive a cordial welcome. 1. G. HER 5 THANKS I To My Friends and Customers: I appreciate the generous patronage extended me the past year, and hope to merit a continuance of the same during the coming year. I wish all my customers and friends a prosperous and happy New Year. J. T. S W I N T Telephone 54 T. S. PARROTT Insurance—All Branches Representing Fire Association, of Philadelphia Fidelity and Casualty Co., of New Yorh American Surety Co., of New York Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., of Newark, N. J. MOTHER KNOWS. Nobody knows of tho work it takes To k**ep the home together; Nobody knows of tho steps it takes. Nobody knows but mother: Nobtxiy listens to childish woes Which kisses only smother; Nobody's pained by the mighty blow, Nobody—only mother! Nobody knows of the sloeploRH care Restowed on baby brother! Nobody knows of the dreamless nights. Nobody knows but mother. Nobody knowH of the lessons taught Of loving one another; Nobody knows of the patience sought, Nobody—only mother! Nobody knows of the anxious fears Lest darlings may not weather Storms of this life in the coming years, Nobody knows but mother. Nobody knows of the tearfvthat start, The grief she’d glndly smother; Nobody knows of the breaking heart— Nobody—only mother! Nobody clings to tho wayward child, Though scorned by every other, Leads it. so gently from pathways wild. Nobody can but mother. NoWxly knows of the hourly prayers For him, our erring brother; Pride of her heart, once so pure and fair. Nobody—only mother! — [Ellon J. Pappo. 74 1-2 Greenville st., Over H. C. Glover Co. The Indispensable Weekly. Macon Telegraph. The weekly press of the State is com menting to no little extent on ^he an nouncement of the Washington Repor ter and the Early County News—two of the best of Georgia’s country papers— that, beginning with the first of the year, the subscription rates of the pa pers in question will be increased from $1.00 to $1.00. Many express admira tion for their “courage,” tinged with a touch of envy, possibly. There should be no fear of the result. It has long been a marvel to the pub lishers of daily newspapers how it was that the country weekly could sell for 2 cents a copy under the most favorable circumstances and the most careful business management. That more of them haven’t raised their subscription price long before this is the mystery about it. The weekly paper is absolutely indis pensable. It fills its own field, a field that the dailies, even in these days of rural free delivery, cannot, and should not, hope to fill. The personal comings and goings of its subscribers, the edi tor’s intimate comments on the life and occurrences of the community from week to week, the condensed news of the State and the world are eagerly read by all its constituency. Relieving that the daily paper has no right to enter this field, The Telegraph several years ago discontinued its cum bersome weekly department. The fact that The Telegraph did not lose a sub scriber traceable to this departure proved conclusively that its State cir culation depended on the home papers for this class of news, and that the dai ly paper which devotes spdee to it is wasting its white paper and money. It is to be hoped that every weekly of merit in the State will follow the lead of the Washington Reporter and Early County NewB. The weekly paper costs more than a dollar a year for white pa per and distribution, and the circulation department should be self-sustaining by all means. There can be no doubt of the success of this experiment. The local weekly is indispensable to its community and the State. It reflects its own views and those of its local people, and these views go to make up the sentiment of the State. Georgia weeklies compare favorably with those of any other sec tion of the United States, and they de serve rhe loyal support of their com munities. “Work Like H—1 and Economize” LaGrange Reporter. The European war, with its resultant disorganization of cotton values, has brought forth a multitude of counsel for the farmer. Of course, some of the “plans” advanced are good and helpful. One of the best and cleverest that has come to The Reporter’s knowledge was that given by Mr. George M. Boddie, who is himself a progressive and suc cessful farmer of the Mountville dis trict. Mr. Boddie received a letter from a Mr. J. J. Hodges, of Blaekshear, Ga., stating that, the writer had seen Mr. Boddie's photo in the Atlanta Journal, and asked him for his advice on farm ing. He stated that he would he much obliged for any suggestions, and that he would do whatever Mr. Boddie ad vised. Mr. Boddie promptly replied, stating that as he did not know the character of the soil he could not advise specifically as to what to plant or the mode of cul tivation. Concluding, he said: “1 note, however, that you state you are willing to do just as I advise. In view of this fact, I will give you a tip as to how I made my start: '* 'Early to bed, early to rise; Work like h—1 and economize.’ ” It strikes The Reporter that Mr. Bod die has expressed a whole sermon in a few words. Sick Two Years With Indigestion. “Two years ago I was greatly bene fited through using two or three bot tles of Chamberlain’s Tablets,” writes Mrs. S. A. Keller, Eldia, Ohio. “Be fore taking them I was sick for two years with indigestion.” Sold by all dealers. Predicts Prosperity for Georgia Farms. Atlnntn Gcorginn. Hon. J. D. Price, State Commissioner of Agriculture, reads in the heavens the signs of prosperity for Georgia farmers in 1915. Fanners have learned things this past year, he said in a statement ..he other day, among them being the necessity for diversification. There will be less cotton next year. For one thing, a great many farmers have sold their mules, through force of necessity, and thus lack the stock nec essary to work a cotton crop. Natural ly, he said, they will turn to other things. “The Ceorgia farmer is changing his methods, and changing them fast,” he said. “There is a revolution going on in the State. Men traveling through South and Middle Georgia have told me of more newly-killed hogs swinging from poles on every farm than ever before. There are plans afoot to organize Hour mills, to operate produce exchanges and to give credit on grain warehouse cer tificates. . “I have observed, and also have been told, of a great lack of mules on farms all over the State. Farmers, needing the money, have sold thousands of mules for low prices. J am sorry to see this, but it is significant; it means two things —it means that cotton will be reduced on many farms by necessity, if for no other reuson, for mules are needed to work a cotton crop. “It means also that many farmers, already starred on diversification, have sold their mules because they don’t want to plant cotton and know they won’t feel their loss. In place of cot ton, they will sow grain crops, which don’t need so much mule power; they will plant peas; they will raise bogs and cattle; and they can work corn and truck with what mules they have left.” The Commissioner enumerated a few of the reports which have come to him of significant efforts at diversification, including the supplanting of cotton plantations near Middleton, Fortsonia, Pearle and Bainbridge by cattle farms. In Hart county, at and at La- vonia, car-loads of thoroughbred cattle have been bought for the establishment of stock n,i ,. s enterprises. Packing plants at various centers, (lour mills at Vidftlbi, , V/nshingtnn and in Sumter county, a corn and grain market and a grain elevator in Columbus, are among other indications he cited of the new order of things. Listen, Daughter. Listen, daughter. Don’t go moping around with your eyes all puffed up nnd red from tears, simply because you can’t have clothes that wouldn’t look good anywhere except on one of (hose freak magazine-cover girls. I know it's a pretty tough old world, from your range of vision, because your ma and I have forbidden you to wear skirts that are too high and waists that are too low. 1 know, child, that some of the other girls are chasing around the streets in costumes that would shame a burlesque troupe, and attracting lots of attention; but did you ever notice just what kind of attention they attract? Of course you haven't. You don’t happen to he within earshot when Borne of the boys say what they really think about the “other girls.” Thank God, you don't. You’re too young to know those things yet awhile. You sny the other girls laugh nt your simple, pretty little frocks and at your freckles. Let ’em laugh! That shows they are the other kind of girls. Your mother and 1 met each other long, long ago. 1 loved her enough to ask her to marry me, and she cared enough to answer “yes.” We’ve been happy ever since, haven’t wo, ma? Our marriage took. It didn’t take any split skirt or silhouette gown to make me fall in love with your mother. She never hud such contraptions on in her life. And I didn’t go prancing up and down the street with a monkey hat on the back of my head and a cigar ette poked out in front of my face. Let the other girls smile, but just wait for the finish. You won’t find the decent young chaps marrying any of the “other girls.” That’s right;—have a good cry if you want to; but remember, Dad knows bust. So put on that pretty dress and we’ll all go lo the moving pictures. Hurry up! It’s getting late. That’s right—smile! Religion and War. TuHcalooRn (Ain.) Gazotto. A great many of the papers are com menting on the fact that there is a great religious wave sweeping over Europe, caused by the war. This is natural. When a man or a nation is brought face to face with things that ho cannot control he naturally looks to a higher power for guidance and help. When thousands and thousands of men leave their homes and go to the front to face implements of war that they know mean death, they become still for the once nnd their thoughts go back to the time when they knelt at their mothers’ knees and think of the childish prayers that they were accustomed to lisp. It is a time for serious thought, with these poor soldiers lying out on the field with nothing but the stars for a entropy and listening to the roar of the cunnon a few miles away. They cannot tell but that a shell will come whistling their way any minute and they be swept into eternity. And think of the mothers, wives, sisters, sweethearts at home! They are lying awake praying to the Giver of all gifts to spare their loved ones, if it be His will. Is this condition nor, enough to cause men to pray, to have a religious conviction that nothing else could have produced? As long as men are pros perous and out of danger a large num ber of them never think of religion. But let affliction come to their homes, let death stalk among their loved ones, it is then that they realize for the first time their utter helplessness and their thoughts turn to God. Would it not be better for all mankind to live pure, holy lives without being brought to an awakening by some family or national calamity? It is always best to be pre pared, “for you know not the day nor the hour when the summons will come.” There is nothing like being ready. Marketing Foodstuffs. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 19.— In response to the suggestion that a. plan of mar keting foodstuffs grown in Georgia in place of cotton should be provided so that the farmers may be given some assurance of finding a sale for such products, the State Department of Agriculture has taken hold of the mat ter and a co-operating marketing or ganization is about to materialize. Commissioner of Agriculture J. D. Price and Assistant Dan G. Hughes have given the matter careful consider ation, and while it will not be organized in connection with the department, the organizations will work together in har mony. Several prominent Georgians have been interested in the matter and the plans are now about complete for a co operating concern whose business will be to bring the consumer and producer into touch with each other and place the surplus food crops where they are most needed. No details of the plan have yet been given out and probably will not bo for several days, but it is known that the organization will be on the line of the Georgia Fruit Growers’ Association, which has had splendid success in hand ling Georgia peaches and other fruit in Northern and Eastern markets. In all the agitation for a reduction of cotton acreage and the urgent sugges tion of more food crops, the farmer has come back with the reply: “Where will I sell food after I raise it?” It is this marketing organization that pro poses to supply the answer, also tho means of disposing of surplus food crops wherever they are grown in the State. So important was the matter consid ered in South Carolina that it was dis cussed at length by the Legislature of that State in an extra session a short, time ago. And it is a matter which may even receive some attention from the Georgia Legislature when it rpeets next, summer. However, it is expected that the organization now about to be formed will successfully solve the problem. Best for Kidneys—Says Doctor. Dr. J. T. R. Neal, Greenville, S. C., says that in his 30 years of experience he has found no preparation for (lie kid neys equal to Foley’s Kidney Bills. In 50c. and $1 sizes. BeHt you can buy for backache, rheumatism, kidney and blad der ailments. For sale by all dealers. The more we talk we tire. the more people Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard cvneral strengtheulnir tonic, CKOVK'8 TA8TE1.KSS chill TONIC, drive* out Malaria, enriches the blood.undbullda up the iv>- tcm. A true tonic. For adults nnd children. SOc P. A. Morgan, Gore, Ga., had occa sion recently In use a liver medicine and says of Foley’s Cathartic Tablets: “They thoroughly cleansed my system and 1 felt like a new man—light and free. They are the best medicine I have ever taken for constipation. They keep the stomach sweet, liver active, bow els regular.” For sale by all dealers. One Result of the War. Savnnmili News. “As a direct result of tho European war,” Haiti Commissioner I’rico of the State Department of Agriculture, “Georgia will show a year from now greater progress in diversified crops and stock-raising than in any previous twenty years. ” Good! It is an ill war that does no body good, and if this war has the ef fect the Commissioner expects one good thing may be said about it. When Georgia becomes a State of di versified crops, when not one crop but two crops will represent the greater part of the results of its agriculture, no war cun put it in the dumps, tho failure of no one crop can cause its people to feel depression—can make its Thanksgiving Days any Icsb happy. Along with the growing of a groat variety of crops on a largo Beale iB go ing a systematic search for tho best markets for them, and for ttio best methods of marketing. That is at it should be. No better work could be un dertaken by the various diversifications of farmers and business men through out Georgia than that of preparing the way for tho rupid movement of diver sified crops to the best markets. Mrs. McClains Experience With Croup. “When my boy, Ray, was small he was subject to croup, and i was al ways alarmed at such times. Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy proved far better than any other for this trouble. It al ways relieved him quickly. I am never without it in the house, for I know it is a positive cure for croup,” writes Mrs. W. It. McClain, Blairsville, Ba. For sale by all dealers. People who talk about their neighbors so freely should be sure they do not live in glass houses. Many a girl is a gem, in spite of fact that she refuses to lie cut. the Checks Croup Instantly. You know croup is dangerous. And you ought to know, too, the sense nf security that conies from having Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound in the house. It cuts the thick mucus and clears away the phlegm, stops trio strangling cough and gives easy breathing and quiet sleep. Every user is a friend. Sold by all dealers. A Simple Prayer. Ilomor MeKeu. Teach mo that sixty minutes make an hour, sixteen ounces ono pound, and one hundred cents one dollar. Help me to live so that I can lie down nt night with a clear conscience, with out u gun under my pillow, and un haunted by the faces of those to whom I have brought pain. Grant, I beseech Thee, that I may earn my meal ticket on the square, and in doing thereof that I may not stick the gall' where it does not belong. Deafen me to the jingle of tainted money and the ruBtle of unholy skirts. Blind me to the faults of the other fellow, but reveal to me mine own. Guide me so that each night when I look across the dinner table at my wife, who has been a blessing to me, I will have nothing to conceal. Keep me young enough to laugh with my children and to lose myself in their play. And then when comes the smell of (lowers, and the tread of soft stops, and the crushing of tho hearse’s wheels in the gravel out in front of my place, make the ceremony short and the epi taph simply: “HERE LIES A MAN.” This—And Five Conts ! Don’t Miss This. Cut out (his slip, enclose five centH to Foley & Co., Chi cago, III., writing your name and ad dress clearly. You will receive in re turn a free trin! package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley’s Kidney Bills, and Foley’s Cathartic Tablets. For sale in your town by all druggists. The total amount of revenue received from the liquor traffic, including duties ori imports, iH less (ban $350,000,000 an nually. The cost, of the traffic to tho nation is $5,000,000,000, or over $11 for every revenue dollar received. The raw material of the saloon is the boy. Its finished product is the drunkard. A £f1 T777IJF.TJ tho food roaches the rtomarh it is subjected to n peculiar^. mil ” churning movement hy t.ho rmiHculur walls of tho stomach”—(See s Hum BiTo Merced Golden Medical IMscovery is a stomach, liver and kidney tonic—by assisting 1 the stomach to assimilate, the liver to filter, the kidneys to act—the poisons are removed, tho red blood corpuscles are increased arid ono feels light, fresh and active instead of logy, dull and heavy. The “Discovery” stimu lates tho stomach, increases action of heart and arter ies and is a most satisfactory alterative in blood-taint of any character. The refreshing influence of this extract of native medicinal plants has been favorably known for over forty years. Everywhere some neighbor cun tell you of the good it has done. Sold by all medicine dealers in liquid or tablet form; or send SO one-cent stamps to Dr. V. M. PUiRCB, Duttalo, N. K, a trial box will be mailed you.