Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, January 15, 1915, Image 1

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hclKAl ct 50th YEAR NEWNAN, G A., FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1915. NO. 16 Farmers 5 Supply Store We have now entered fully into the new year, and, as usual, are well prepared to take care of the trade of the friends and customers who have taken care of us. Those who did not sow oats in the fall should do so now, using an early variety of seed, because all feedstuff's will be high. We have for sale the famous 90-DAY BURT OATS—a variety that we can recommend highly. GEORGIA CANE SYRUP in 5-gallon and 10-gallon kegs, half barrels and barrels. The PEACOCK BRAND is the best syrup made, and we can sell it at jobbers’ prices. A full line of PLOW TOOLS, STOCKS, TRACES, IIAMES, BACKBANDS, and BRI DLES. Ccn dress up your mule with a com plete outfit for the plow. HUTCHESON POPE for plow-lines. Will say, in a general way, that we carry in our store everything needed on a well- regulatsd farm. We buy for cash, in car load lots, and you will find our prices as low proportionately as cash discounts in buying can make them. Come to see us. You are always welcome. W A L K S O P T 1, Y. FRIEND. Lot us walk PofM>. ft iond: For strung*' tuiiha he before us. sill un; rod; The Now Year. Hpotlest from tins hand of God, Is mine and thine, O friend. Let us walk stmiffhtly, friend; Forget the cricked piths behind us now, Press on with steadier purpose on our brow. To better deeds, O (Timid. Let us walk Kindly, friend; Perelmnoit some grout* r wood thin \v Imvt* known In waiting for* us, or :«'*iue fair hope down Shall yet return, O friend. Let us walk* humbly, friend; Slight nut the heurt'a-uusu blooming round our feet; The laurel blossoms nre not half bo nwoot. Or lightly gathered, friend. Let us walk kindly, friend: Wo oannol toll how long this life shall last. How soon those precious years tr* overpast; Let lovo walk with us, friend. Let us walk quickly, friend; Work with our might while lasts our little stny, And help some huhing comrade on the way; And may God guide us, iriond. ‘Peace on Earth, Good Men.” Will to T. G. S I Clea ning, Dyeing, Kepe PRESSING i liring, Call us up and we will send for and deliver your clothes promptly. Try us and see. JjOLBR TELEPHONE 294 00K TAILORING AND fLEANI m ro. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE NEWNAN, GA. 9 1 S. PARROTT Insurance—All Branches Fire Association, of Philadelphia Fidelity and Casualty Co., of New York American Surety Co., of New York Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., of Newark, N. J. 74 1-2 Greenuille st., Ouer H. C. GlouerCo. Foley's okinolaxauve foley kidney pills fob Stomach Tbouble and Constipation -orrheumatism K‘dmetsamd bladder Clarence Poe In The Progrroasivo Parmer. The writer has lived both in town and country, and we fear sometimes that country people are less forgiving and more inclined to cherish grudges or sus picions than townspeople. This does not mean that townspeople are any but ter than country people, for in many re spects they are worse. It does seem, however, as if the more isolated lives of our country people make for suspi cion, distrust and prejudice against one’s neighbors, it was a wise saying of some philosopher, “Know one an other and you will love one another.” Let people meet together frequently so they can talk over dilferences and each get the other’s viewpoint, and each will have more respect for the other. Where each man dwells and works to himself it is easier to distrust the other man. At any rate, we fear there are few things to-day that are doing more to hinder happiness and progress in coun try communities than Iho absence of just this hearty good will, among neigh bors. Search your own heart, there fore, kind reader, as if before the Master you profess to serve, and purge it of all bitterness and malice; and have the courage, too, to go and bo recon ciled to the man with whom you have disagreed. Nor shf uld you be content merely not to bear i11 will toward any neighbor. You I should have positive good will instead. | Most of all, guard yourself against that meanest of sins—the sin of envy. When i you see a man getting ahead, doing something well—doing something bet- | ter perhaps than you would have done it—for heaven’s sake join the generous, broad-minded group who praise him, and not the little, narrow, peevish brood of do-nothing fault-finders who, envi ous of the good name he has won, pre fer to drag him down rather than pull themselves up. There are thousands and thousands of neighborhoods in the South to-day that are virtually famish ing for lack of leadership; and yet too often when a young man or an older man attempts to lead a forward move ment, he is not supported. Oliver Wen dell Holmes said that there are just two classes of men—those who go ahead and do something, and those who sit still and siy, "Why wasn’t it done the other way?” God pity a neighborhood in which practically everybody is in the latter class—though even if that be the case the true leader will neverthe less keep on fighting. Good will, good will—it is indeed one of the crying needs of our times. As a rule a man reveals his own character by his estimate of others. The man who loves other men is likely to be a man himself worth loving. The man who distrusts other men is usually a man who is himBelf to be distrusted. Ab a rule it may be said that we may trust the man who trusts, and doubt the man who doubts. And in order to promote good will get your neighbors together—in churches, Sunday-schools, farmers’ clubs, co-op erative societies, and get them together as often as possible as visitors from one family to another. Finally, as a practical exercise in good will, let us suggest just this New Year resolution: That during 1915 you will seize every opportunity to speak a word of praise for every neighbor you have, and try to help everyone who has done a worthy thing — beginning, of course, by making friends with any man from whom you may have been heretofore estranged. Let’s live good will as well as profess it! There’B no other way to keep the Christmas Bpirit always in our hearts! Dangers of a Cold. Do you know that of all the minor ailments colds are by far the most dan gerous? It iH not the colds themselves that you need to fear, hut the serious diseases that they so often lead to. For that reason every cold should he gotten rid of with the least possible delay. To accomplish this you will find Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy of great help to you. It loosens a cold, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration and enables the system to throw off the colds. For sale by all dealers. There isn't much hope for the bride who can’t learn to Bew by the time her hubby’s wedding garments need patch ing. Get Ready For It. Tho Prnsrtmalvn Farmer. Wlmt about your plans for next your, Mr. Progressive Farmer? Are they made? Have you a definite, elear-cut system already outlined to which yoo mean to adhere? Above all, have you agreed with yourself that next year your cotton acreage will be reduced and that you will give yourself, your fam ily, your stock, and your land a chance by planting liberally of food, feed and soil-building crops? We want to make this an urgent in dividual appeal to you, for we believe that it is only as the individual grower realizes that all cotton another year means ruin that we can hope to achieve any real results in acreage reduction. Let’s see what the facts in the case are and then look them squarely in the face : 1. Cotton is now selling at 7 cents, or from throe to three undone-half cents a pound below the cost of production. It is, of course, always unsafe to attempt to prophesy, hut we are only stating a truth when we say that to base our 1915 operations on any higher price is to court financial disaster. 2. Undoubtedly the coming Benson will see the almost entire withdrawal of credit usually extended to the cot ton-grower. This is merely good busi ness on the part of the merchant and hanker, for they will see that utlvane ing money on a crop for which there may be nb market is too dangerous a risk to take. 3. Corn, oats, hay, meat, butter and eggs—in faet, food and feedstuff a of every kind, because of the vast destruc Lion wrought in Europe, will he in enor mous demand and at higher averago prices than for years. With these facts before us, it is noth ing more than sound business senso to plant less cotton another year. And let us not forget we are not cutting the cotton acreage to get a higher price for cotton, but simply because we can’t af ford to grow it at present prices— prices that in all likelihood will prevail next year. Let’s not expect the “other fellow” to do it, for experience has shown that hi: can't be depended on. Rather we, you and I, rr.y friend, must do this thing and prepare for it now. Otherwise the hard times we are now experiencing will be doubly, trebly severe a year from now. For the all-cotton farmer the handwriting is on the wall. What One Word or Deed Will Do. LchIi'g'h Weekly. One mischievous hoy will break up a school. One false alarm will create a panic. One hasty word will lead to a divorce. One false step will cost a life or ruin a character. One broken wheel will ditch a train. One quarrelsome worker will create a strike of ten thousand men. One undiplomatic word will provoke a war involving thousands of lives and the destruction of millions of property. One hasty act of legislation will en tail untold hardships. One match will cause a conflagration. One wayward daughter will break a mother’s heart. One lie will destroy a woman’s char acter. One false witness will send an inno cent man to jail. One demagogue will turn factories into soup-houses. One silver-tongued politician will undo tho work of many statesmen. “But the tongue can no man tame; it is un unruly evil, full of deadly poison.” One muckraker will bankrupt many a big business. One vote will decide an election. Tho world is familiar with the fact that one pistol shot, fired by a Servian youth, has precipitated the greatest war mankind has ever known. No one dreamed at the time what terrible con sequences would ensue from this single act; yet, because of it, though not en tirely on account of it, the world is plunged in grief, mourning and misery. “Hum, ho!” sighed the New Hamp shire farmer as he came from down town. “Deacon Jones wants me to be pallbearer again to his wife’s funeral. ” “Wal, you're goin’ to be, ain’t ye?” asked the farmer’s better half. “I dunno. Y’ know, when Deacon Jones’ fust wife died he asked me to be a pallbearer, an’ I did; and then his second wife died, an’ I was the same again. An' then he married that Per kins gal, and she died, and I was a pallbearer to that funeral. An’ now — wal, I don’t like to he all the time ac ceptin’ favors without bein’ able to re turn ’em.” Five Cents Proves It. A Generous Offer. Cut out this ad. and enclose with 5 cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., arid receive a free trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Ear Compound for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial and la grippe coughs; —Foley’s Kidney Pills and Foley’s Cathartic Tab lets. For sale in your town by all deal ers. “A Still Tongue.” Ml'in phi;’ Commercial-A-iuii-al. Keep a still tongue; do that, and tho rewarder of promises will give a clean bill of moral health when the year ends. For a still tongue moans no quarrels, no unkind words, no gossip that kills character. If we do not permit our selves to speak evil, we cease to think it or to harbor it in our hearts. It is the desire to tell something startling that, leads us to repeat rumors that dis honor our neighbors. If we determine not to talk gossip, we will find our selves growing loss interested in hearing it. if we refrain from giving a sharp answer or an unkind cut we will soon liscover that we have no inclination to criticize or find fault. Verily, it is the wrong words that omu out of our mouths that out into tho culture and Christianity of our hearts. Indulgence in these sharp words increases our appetite for them, until we find ourselves dissatisfied with only pleasant things to talk about and conversation that, do not contain ver bal thrusts; or else gossip and scandal are so lacking in “spico” that thoy are tiresome. Did you ever stop to think that tho “uninteresting” man or wo man in the neighborhood is the one who never Inis anything "racy” to tell of their neighbors? Tho desire to say "something smart” iH the tripping-stone for many talkers. They must keep up their reputation for wit, even if some innocent person’s character pays tho price of it. Is not a still tongue better than a brilliant one tipped with venom? Had you not rather be uninteresting, even tiresome, than to lie the spreader of an evil tale? — the murderer of a good name? Let your resolution for this year ho to keep a still tongue, and give your charitable judgment a chance to de velop. Remember the words of tho old Governor of Kansas, who said: "Thurn is ho much brul in tho boat of uh, And ho much good in tin* wnrut of uh, Thai it. hardly hclmovca any of uh To talk about tho rent of uh.” Rural Routes in Danger Unless More Patronage. Washington, Dec. 31.—Tho time is approaching when the rural count is to be made, and considerable apprehen sion is felt among members of Con gress that there may be some reduction in the number or rural routes. Indeed, it is reported that a decrease in the volume of mail pieces carried on a very large number of those routes jeopardizes their continuance. It is with tho view of ascertaining just what volume of business the car riers are now handling, as compared with this period a year ago, that the Postoflice Department is making a very careful investigation with the view of ascertaining just what routes will jus tify continuance, and what routes may probably be abandoned. Inspectors’ reports, as far as made, indicate that quite a number of routes are not car rying enough mail to justify tho ex pense of a carrier, and tho policy of the Fostoffice Department iB to discon tinue thoBo routes that do not handle a sufficient volume of mail to indicate the interest of the people living along them. In other words, the department will not try to force a route upon a com munity which does not taka enough in terest in tho service to patronize it. This policy is applied throughout the entire country; hut, strange to Bay, some of the rural communites of the South seem to be less interested in the service than in any other part of the country. At any rate, tho Postoflice Depart ment is looking into the matter, and it can bo stated with certainty that where a rural route is not patronized it will not be continued. It is With Regret The Vindicator Chan ges Its Dress. Meriwether Vimliealor. Next week The Vindicator changes its dress. Owing to the reduction of our adver tising patronage and tho failure of our subscribers to pay up, we are forced to the extremity of cutting down ex penses by reducing the size of the pa per from eight columns to the page to six. One of two things had to be done. Either the price of subscription had to lie raised or the size cut, and, as we wore unable to collect the present sub scription price from all the subscribers, tho only thing to be done is to lop off a few columns. There will be just as much home reading ns formerly, as only the space heretofore occupied by advertising mat ter is to be loft off. Hard times is tho prime cause, and it is up to the homo merchants and our subscribers to say how long we shall re main a smaller paper. It is with deep regret, akin to sorrow, that we make tho change. Thirty odd years ago its lamented founder increased tho columns of the paper to its present size, and it has so remained until the present time. There is a sentiment, sacred to us, which rebels against the reduction. But sentiment must yield to cold ne cessity. Wo have labored hard for the good of Meriwether, and we shall continue to strive for the welfare of tho county. One printer lias already been laid off, and wo have just one man to do all the work. As soon as we get what belongs to us in dollars, we will swell up again. Do you appreciate our efforts? Then pay up if you owe us, and if you are not a subscriber, become one. Irrepressible. A little girl traveling in a sleeping car with her parents greatly objected to being put in an upper berth. She was assured that papa, mamma and God would watch over her. She was set tled in the berth at last and the passen gers were getting quiet for the night, when a small voice piped: “Mamma!” “Yes, dour.” “You there?” “Yes, I’in here. Now go to sleep.” "I’upa, you there?" "Yes, I’m here. Go to sleep, like a good girl.” This continued at intervals for some time, until a fellow-passenger lost pa tience and called: “We’re all here! Your father mother and brothers and sisters uncleH and aunts and first cousins! hero! Now go to sleep!” There was a brief pause after this explosion. Then the tiny voice piped up again, but vo-y softly: “Mamma!” "Well?” “Wus that God?" If the old year haB brought sorrow and desolation, and hung crepe on our doors, the new year will bring us the leaves and healing, and we are glad to part with the one and welcome the other. If, on the contrary, the old year has brought us only joy and com fort, we part from him sorrowfully, hut meet his successor with the ardent hope that he, too, comes with blessing. The sober jollity of New year’s day is like standing for one brief moment on the threshold between time and eter nity. Here is the world we know—yon der the world that is new and untried. Excellent for Stomach Trouble. “Chamberlain’s Tablets are just fine for stomach trouble,” writes Mrs. G. C. Dunn, Arnold, Pa. “I was bothered with this complaint for some time and frequently had bilious attacks. Cham berlain’s Tablets afforded me great relief from the first, and since tailing one bottle of them I feel like a differ ent person.” For sale by all dealers. It iB a good thing to know when we are right, and it is important, also, to know when we are left. Invigorating to the Pule and Sickly The Old Standard general alreujfthrrilna tonic, GROVK’S TASTKI.KSS chill TONIC, drives out Malar la.enriches the blood,and build a up the ay a- tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c and and All Little Marjorie was telling about her number work st the family dinner table and papa wanted to test her mildly. “Can you add small sums, girlie?” “Yes, papa.” “And can you subtract, too?” “Take one number from another? Yes, papa.” “That’s nice, dear. Now let me hear you do it. Supposing there were four fiieb on a table and l killed one, how many would be left?” “One," was the proud and sparkling answer. “The dead one. ” What She Wanted. “I want to stop my baby’s cough,” said a young mother the other day, “but I won’t give him any harmful drugs.” She bought Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. It loosens the cough quick ly, stimulates the mucous membranes and helps throw off tho choking secre tions, eases pain and gives the child normal rest. Sold by all dealers. The only way to get along with some people is carefully to conceal your opin ion of them. NEWNAN PhCCF Should Convince Eveiy Nawnan Reader. The frank statement of a neighbor, telling the merits of a remedy, Bids you pause and believe The same indorsement By some stranger far away Commands no belief at all. Here’s a Newnan case. A Newnan citizen testifies. Read and be convinced. H. W. Jennings, 7H Murray St., New- nan, Ga., says: "For several year-- wassubjeettoattaeksof kidney trouo e, coming on after I caught cold or ex erted myself. At such times the Kid ney secretions were irregular in passage and I had such acute pains that it was hard for me to douny work that obliged me to stoop. Since I learned of Doan’s Kidney Fills, I have procured them at the Lee Drug Co. I have never failed to get relief through their use.” Price 50c. ut all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Jennings had. Foster - Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.