Newspaper Page Text
The Herald and Advertiser
I.AUmI •• I IMA It AN I irr. I* tun M II \ Ml III I I A I IIIM
•ft Kuril I II < , tlN<tHK*N|ilft A I. nil TH*I •
Official Organ of Coweta County.
Jn». R. Urmvn. Kill* M. (’ nrfiontur.
KiurniiH and wm.lullin'.
Ni'gotinlitria which Imvo born pend
ing f»r ncvornl weeks between tin 1 New
nan Publishing Co. mu] the News Pub
lishing Co. culminated on Monday, 1 sth
inst., in a niuliuil agreement by the
terms of which The Newnun News,
(owned by the News Publishing Co.,1
will he merged with The Hernlil and
Advertiser, (owned by the Nownnn
Publishing Co.) With its issue of Jim
U1 The Newnun News suspended publi
cation nnd its good will lias been trans
ferred to Thu Nkwnan IIkuai.ii, by
which name (In* canaolidated newnpa-
per will hereafter be known. All ar
rearages on subscription nnd advertis
ing uccounts due the Newnun News
belong to and will be collected by P J.
Orr, former lessee and publisher of the
Newunn News. Till: Nkwnan Hkrai.P
will continue under the management of
Jas. K. Drown, editor, and 10. M. Car
penter, business manager.
Nkwnan Pkiii.isiiini; Co.
urowtii of riioHinrnox
two i me AUKS.
Twenty years ago sixteen million per
sons were living in "dry" territory in
the United Stales, and State wide pro
hibition was in elfect in three States.
Elsewhere it was regarded as a doubt
ful experiment. Nation wide prohibi
tion was unthought of then.
To day To per cent, of the square
miles of area of the Unittd States is
"dry.” More than forty nine million
persons are living in "dry" territory,
nnd State-wide prohibition has been es
tablished in fourteen of our forts eight
States Elsewhere the people of many
townships and counties have decided to !
dispense with the traffic in alcoholic
beverages, under local option The
movement for nntion-wido prohibition!
has attained such strength that it is
recounted us one of the greatest issues i
before the country For the first time i
in history the question lias been voted 1
en in Congress, n majority of members
el the House going ell record in favor
of the now famous Hobson resolution
for an amendment to the Federal
Crnstitution prohibiting the manu
facture, importation and sale of all
intoxicating beverages. The resolu-!
lion failed of adoption for lack of a
two-thirds vote, but already it is be
ing predicted that prohibition will be
come a live issue in the !“residential
campaign next year.
I he Alabama Legislature passed a
State wide prohibition bill tins week,
both House and Senate favoring the
treasure by decisive majorities.
and the haystacks must lie moved home.
This is an important 'moving.'and all
(ieorgia will rejoice when it takes place.
Times are hard now, and it is u good
time to start this‘moving.' The pro
gressive' farmer will lie found in front."
Speaking of game laws, a North
(ieorgia editor recommends the follow
ing additional legislation upon the null-
"Hook agents may be shot between
Oct, I and Sept. 1; spring poets from
March I to June 1; automobile speed
demons from Jan. 1 to Jaw. 1; rond hogs
from April 15 to April 15; amateur
hunters from Sept. I to Feb. I; war
talkers no closed season. Any man
who accepts a paper for two years and
then, when the lull is presented, says 'I
never ordered it,' may be killed on sight
and shall lie buried face downward in
quick lime, so as to destroy the germ and
prevent the spread of the infection."
Will Coweta Support Demonstration
Work Again?
Mr. It. 1). Cole, president of the
County Chamber of Commerce, has in
formed me that Coweta will not likely
carry on demonstration work in 1915.
His authority for making the statement
was that the people bail not responded
satisfactorily to the r,quest for funds
with which to support too work. Upon
the strength of tins statement I was
transferred by the Department to my
home county, Stephens, to serve ss
agent this year. I am perfectly willing
to leave the work in this county, but
am not willing to see it stop with only
this short trial. Ten months is not long
enough to gel filial results. It would lie
unwise for a man to have his life in
sured, pay the initial premium, and
when the next came due to drop the
policy. Coweta lias only paid the initial
1 believe Coweta is unwilling to let
seventy odd counties forge ahead of her
this year. Her great band of Corn Club
hoys nei ds looking after; her splendid
Central Four-crop Club needs attention;
her Canning Club girls are as worthy
and ambitious as those of any other
county. Her adult farmers undertaking
to grow alfalfa and other new crops
should be encouraged, and those begin
ning to raise hogs on u more extensive
scale should have assistance when they
want it. Hut who will do tins? "Every
body's business is nobody’s business;"
so h man should be employed to do the
work. If the people want such a man
prompt action should bo taken. Whit
field, Sti phens, Wilkts, Wayne. Codec,
l.owndes. and many other counties in
the State, are supportin'- both a Can
ning Club Agent and a Demonstration
Agent, and have bei n doing so for some
time. Surely Cowot a cannot afford to
sit still and he outstripped in this groat
work. Yorv respectfully.
H. Ci. Wiley.
County News Items
Interesting Facts Gathered During tin Week by Our
Ucgulur Correspondents.
The writer attended the funeral nf
Mrs. Elizabeth Wortham on Thursduy
lust, complying with a request made by
this good woman many years ago. Dur
ing the lifetime of the late Dr. J. H.
Hall, who was then her pastor, she ex
pressed the wish that he and the writer
would officiate at her funeral when she
died. The lamented Dr. Hall preceded
her to the grave several years ago, and
it was left to the writer to perform the
sad office requested by deceased. We
formed acquaintance with Mrs. Worthum
forty-seven years ago, nnd the pleasant
relationship thus established continued
until her death. During the long pe
riod that we served Bethlehem church
as pastor we frequently enjoyed her
hospitality. It was her custom always
to usk visiting ministers to otrer a
prayer before leaving her home, and
ahe seemed to derive much spiritual com
fort from this simple service. Now this
consecrated Christian woman, who had
been faithful to her church and to nil
other duties laid upon ho - through life,
lias gone to enjoy the inheritance re
served to those who love the Lord. The
bereaved relatives have our sincere
We met with the good people of
Pleasant. Hill church Saturday, but ow
ing to the disagreeable weather did not
The farmers of this section are get
ting impatient about the weather. Hut
little plowing has been done up to date,
on account of the continued rains.
Many of them arc anxious to begin
preparations for another 7c. cotton
Mr. Joel Patterson, of Opelika, Ala.,
was the guest of Miss Lucile Coggin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wortham, of New-
nan, spent Sunday with iho latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Whitte-
more, near this place.
Mr. arid Mrs. C. F. Wood spent
Saturday in Newnun.
Mr. C. T. Heavers spent a few days
this week with his parents near Mt.
Mrs. J. F. Cook visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Hayes, of Liber
ty community, Tuesday.
Mrs. Lula Cates was in Newnan on
business Monday.
Messrs. Hugh and Lewie Houston, of
the Third district, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wood.
We are pleased to have Miss M> A.
Cites hack in school, nfter being out a
few days on account of her eyes. Miss
Cates will go up to Atlanta this week
and have her eyes examined, and treat-
Great Treat For Newnan At
The fia#iCF©#f
“AMERICA,” the same as seen at the New York
Hippodrome, and the Most Stupendous, Novel,
Interesting and Educational Film Ever
Put on the Screen.
, _ , , . ed if necessary,
uttemlon.Sunday. During our stay in A good deal of cotton was picked in
this vicinity last week, and the familia r
a Grantl-
President Wilnon Now
\v l ihirmtun. Jan. 1> '.’resident Wil
proud grandfather A
the community we were pleasantly en
tertuined in the homo of Mr. John Ad
There has boon much moving nnd
shifting of homes in this part of the
county — more from habit, perhaps,
than necessity. A spirit of restless
ness seems to have taken possession of
many people, and so they move from
place to place—all hoping to improve
their condition, we presume.
With the increase of criminals in
Coweta county we do not see the neces
sity of employing the convicts of other
counties at t x rbit it prices to work
lour roads, not to speak of the addition-
j nl cost for board, guard hire, etc. No
road-working going on in this part of
son i> to-dav a proud grandfather A k * u ’ LVUn '. v that has improved the con-,
mi.- j It', hov, the son of Mr. and Mrs. I dttion of the roads—but the tax goes 1
Francis H S \ i n, has made its appear- on all the samel
mice at tin- White House. It was the
Ftesidt ill's first grand.-hild, anti lie was
overjoyed In cause it was a boy, having
had no I oys of lus own
The h i. arrived a? I J" o’clock y s-
tenlay afternoon, although formal an
nouncement ot tin> tact was not made
until t< o'clock The youngster made I
kno-n advent into the world by a I
s. ric> of lusty cries. spent several day
Doth mother and bnby were reported 1 mis week.
The eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. II.
"hum" of the steam gin sounded more
like fall than nlmost spring-time.
Messrs. Floyd and Albert Ferrell and
Mr. Johnnie Wliittemore attended Sun
day-school at McCollum Sunday after
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cook went down
to Newnan Saturday.
Despite the inclement weather our
school continues to grow, many of the
pupils walking 3 to 3k miles through
rain and mud.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore, who re
cently married at West Point, are now
at home to their friends in this neigh
borhood. \Vo bid this young eouple a
hearty welcome, nnd wish for them
much happiness and prosperity through
Mr. E M. Yeager is suffering from
an attack of rheumatism. Trust he
Carmical is quite ill with pneumonia wj „ 900n ;, 0 hu .. jollv old self - in
Mrs. T. M. Eziard and bnby. of'
Roswell, are spending a few days with
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. '
B. Shell, sr.
Mr. Amaxiah Moses, of Atlanta,
with relatives here
Jan. 2cl,h.
Mr. T. H. Powell tins entered a busi
ness college in Atlanta.
We regret to lose Mr. W. C Russel!
ami family from our town. They have
moved to their farm about 5 miles from
Jan. 20th.
Are You Just at Odds With Your
self? Do You Regulate Living?
Are you sometimes at odds with your
self and with the world? Do you won
der what ails you? True, you may he
eating regularly and sleeping well.
Yet something is the matter! Consti
pation. headache, nervousness and bil
ious sp> 's indicate a sluggish liver.
The tr remedy is Dr. King's New
LifeT.. Only 25c. at your druggists’.
Ruck’, i s Arnica Salve for skin
At The Halcyon, Tuesday, Jan. 26
The Halcyon procured, at great expense, this feature
from the World Film Co., and trusts that you will consider
the opportunity by coming early and seeing this most won
derful picture.
Remember the Date--Nexf Tuesday
Remember the Hour-9:30 a. m. to lt:30 p. m.
Special Music arranged for the picture.
More Big Ones Coming—"On Belgium Battlefields,”
“The Pit,” and others. Watch for dates.
Mr. L. B. Banks, from near More
land. is visiting friends and relatives
Every farmer and business man in
Coweta should read in this issue the
communication of Mr. H. iJ. Wiley,
who served the count;/ so capably the
past year as farm demonstration agent,
'ihat a great county like Coweta, with
over three thousand white voters, (a
to-day to be doing fine
Ten other children, six girls and four
hoys- have been t orn at the White i
House, most of them grandsons and
granddaughters of Presidents.
James Madison Randolph, son of Mar
tha Jefferson Randolph, the daughter
of President Jefferson, was born during ; —
a visit ot Mrs Randolph to the W hite i children's Coughs; Children's Colds
House m the winter of iM'o-lMk'. Pur a™
mg the term of John Quincy Adams a i ~ Bo h Are , Se y lous '
Krnnriiiniighter. Mnrv Louise Adam*. * non one of your little ones shows
was born there in" February. Im’S j fyn'J'tonis of an approaching cold, give
While Andrew Jackson was President 1* * r> Hell s l mo-1 ar-Honev at once. Rev F
four children were born there, the sons 11 a '' ls quickly, and prevents the cold pomtment at Providence on Saturdav
' and daughters of Mater Andrew J Don- 1 growing worse. \ <-y heafing-soothes , 3
aids,m, Gen. Jackson s protege and pri- the lungs. loosens th mucous, strength- an J bunda > last - preaching two spten-
atc secretary, and Mrs. Donaldson, the i ^? s tll ° svstem - lt s guaranteed. Only did sermons.
dtuggistsk Buy a hot- Welcome High School is flourishing ten couples at a dancing party Wedne.
eruptn :.s.
Mt. Carmel school is flourishing under
’.he efficient management of Miss Maud
Cavender, about fifty pupils being in
Miss Minnie Phillips, of Riverdale, I regular attendance,
is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jake J Miss Leila Burks, who has been
' Vin K°- . visiting her mother. Mrs. W. W.
The oyster supper given Wednesday Cavender, returned Sunday to her
night at the school-house was both en- home near Newnan.
joyab'.e and successful. The amount of Miss Cora Male Rigsby was the guest
money raised was $30, of Mrs. J. V\. Turner cn Wednesday
Miss Eieia Glass visited homefolks last,
near Newnan Saturday and Sunday-. Miss Ruby Burks, from near Newnan,
Mr. Bill West spent Saturday in New- is visiting her aunt. Miss Maude Caven-
nan. l der.
Mr. J. C. Garner, from near Fayette- Mr . and Mrs. G. L. Cavender enter-
ville, was in our community Saturday. , tained a number of young people Fri-
Mrs. A. F. M ost and daughter. Kate. day night in honor of Mrg C avender's
J. Amis filled his regular ap-
.. ntiu
President's tlieciX
During the Pylor administration l.eti-
sptnt Tuesday in Newnan. the guests
of Mrs. Lewis Ellis.
Miss Ada Mae Banks returned home
Thursday, after a pleasant visit to her
brother, Mr. Edgar Banks, at Fair
Mrs. Emma Prince entertained about
big ms oi it.v of whom are engaged in, ti.i l\ lei. granddaughter of the’Presi-
farming, 1 will not raise the paltry sun
of $500 required for continuing this im
portant work is ridiculous preposter
ous' A contribution of 15 cents from
each of those white voters would fur
nish the means for earning on the
work another year. Mr. Wiley is r.ot
making an appeal for reappointment,
as he has atrva.yv been assigned by the
Government to another county. He is
only interested in *ho crusade lor crop
diversifioatiin and improved methods
so promisingly initiated in v'owota un-
supervision. at
ti» see it aha
this stage. \\ <
quite i
o. would regret
particularly at
gree with him.
This nation as a whole
every State in it — this one
•suff. rs from too much
Senator Root told
Assoc alien recently
from 1AM to 1$13.
»ni the State l.egw
thousands of
1AM. hut the
many ef those prvv
amended marv men
, and almost
not excepted
dent, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Koht. Tyler, and Koht. Jones, son of
Mrs. Mary Jem s, daughter of the Pres
ident, were horn in the White House.
During the term of President Grant a
daughter Julia was born to Mrs
Frederick D Grant, the wife of a son
of the President, on June 7. 1 $76 She
is now Princess Cantacuxene-Sperran-
skev, ot Russ.
Bather Cleveland was the only child
of a President ever born in the White
Genuine Merit Required to Win the
People’s Confidence,
American Far
at in five years,
ic.sive. Congress
ires passed 62,-
ows how many
laws were in force before
tkLOU new ones repealed
us!y in force, ami
with no en,:of re-
Have you
i over stoy
'iH-et to tv a sor win-
it is that
> many pixV.Ucts that ate ex-
tonsively a
c. v c r t i swi.
all at once drop
out of sis
ht k ro. ar*
■ soon forgotten?
l>c rx’ssc:*
is plain -
the article did not
fulfill tlwj>
ro:r*i?ee of
the manufacturer,
particularly to a
This spph
os more
nu^iiciue. .
-:1 preparation that
nJlJ* ft alt CU
rstivt v^n
- - -
Relatively few- of
sulisrg con f us kin.
the laws are' v.ei, us t... ugh to work
revt harm, but hundreds of them
harmfui indirectiy, for they are
e'ssary, inconsistent, and :rupees;
hie' tO
Sere s Enterprise Gs. ette The far
mew aw changing homes anei moving
around considerably this year, trying to
better their condition, but the most lm
pvertant 'moving' that we know evf, and
one which will be most beneficial to
them, hes not yes taken pace. The big
move is y. t to co ne. Their s moke
bouses in the West must be moves
h. me. ’. sir com cribs »r\l wheat gran
ones c. us; be c , ed to their own farms
sell, as. like ar ccdless chair system,
remedy is n
» !■. have bee- u rested, to those who
are in need of it,
A prominent c.ruggnt rays "Take t< r
example Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
prv; s ration 1 have sold for many years
ar.d never hesitate to recommeiai, for
: a.mot every esse :t shows excel.t ,-t
results. as :- a y ot my eusteners tes
tify v . .
know of has so large a sale."
Aecv'rc.. g to sworn statements stvt
v er.fievt testimony of thousands w tio •
have used the preparation. the success
of Dr Kilaaar's Swamp-Root is d.
the fact that it fuin s almost every
> in overcoming kidney, fiver and
h ac'.r - -easts, corrects urinary trv'.:-
r es and neutral > uric acid, which
ca ia« s rhe mat s •
You may receive a san-.cle bottle of
$ t Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer ,k Co.. Binghamton. N. Y..
ierel,-v ten cents mention th.
New a Herald a^d Advertiser.
Joe. at your
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve for sores.
Miss Mary Lou Culpepper and Mrs.
D. O. Phillips, of Greenville, spent last
Friday with the family of their brother,
Mr. E. 0. Culpepper.
Mrs. J. F. Nall and daughter. Miss
Mary, of Newnan. came down Friday
afternoon, and were welcome week-end
guests of Lone Oak relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur C. Culpepper,
of Greenville, spent Sunday in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Culpepper.
Messrs. H. L. Culpepper and A. O.
Lee are serving this week on the City-
Court jury in Greenville.
The condition of the roads renders
hugev traveling tediously slow, while
for the past few wtvksautomobiles are
rarely seen. Oak Auxiliary of the Mission
ary Society net last Saturday after
noon. : was r.'-vst kind y entertained
at the h'rr.e of Mrs. W. R. S, well The
meeting for February wil v th Mrs.
J. M Turner.
Jan. 2v*’h.
Try This for Neuralgia.
Thousands of people keep on suffer
ing with neuralgia because they do rot
know what to do for Neuralgia is s
rain in the nerves. What you vva-.t to
oo is to s,vvthe the rerve itself. Apply
Sloan's Liniment to the surface ever
the painful part—do not rub it in.
Iv to the sore, irritated nerve arc. al
lays the inflammation. Get a bottle of
S - for!
druggist and have it m ’h, hc.tse —
under the management of Prof. D. L. day evening. The party was given in
Standard and his capable assistant. Miss honor of Misses Minnie ar.d Ethyl
Jane Amis. | Phillips, of Riverdale.
After spending some time with rela- ' A. Hines spent Tuesday in
tives ajid friends in this community. Palmetto.
Mrs. C. T. Brown returned Saturday to 1 ^ r - and Mrs. W. J. Brimer. from
her borne in Atlanta. near Roscoe, spent Tuesday with the
A goodly number from this cotnmu- latter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. B.
nity attended the entertainment given Bradley.
by Mr. Pierce Chappell on Saturday "-J- Coggin was in Newnan
Mrs. I.. B. Jer.kins has returned to
her home its Newnan, after spendirg
two weeks witn relat.ves here.
The many friends of Mr. C. T.
Witcher will learr. with pleasure that
he is rapidly recovering from the oper
ation he underwent at the Newnan
Sanatarium several days ago.
It is with deep regret that we chron
icle the death of Mrs. R. Q Davis,
which occurred at her home near Dres
den cn Saturday teight last from an at
tar.-, of pneutr.. r.ia. She leaves a hus
band and
the heartfelt sympathy of everyone in
their bereavement.
Jan. 21st.
niece, Miss Hyacinth Cook, of Madras.
Some excellent graphophone music was
furnished by Miss Maude Cavender.
Needless to say, the occasion was much
It gives us pleasure to report that
Mrs. \\. \\ . Cavender, who has been
quite ill. is somewhat better to-day.
Mrs. J. W. Turner, Madison Turner
and Miss Olive Rigsby were guests of
Mrs. T. B. Austin, near
Mr. C. T. Beavers, whose home is
now at Madras, visited homefolks here
Rev. S. D. Cremean and wife, of
Newnan. were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Turner on Friday last.
Air. and Mrs. J. N. Rig^bv a"d Mr
Mrs W D. Barks and little daugh- Land Rigsby went to Tiftou! Ga“ Tue's-
ters Lethaand Florence, are visiting ' day. where they will make their home
relatives at Fayetteville and Fife this 1 j n future
week. .... ‘ ,
Dr. Paul Jean Peniston, of Newnan. ‘ ,l!SS *' ewe - '' >?g:ns :s the charmiag
was called this week to see Mrs. R. B. j n u,?st of her sister. Mrs. J. B. Beavers.
'l u ' te ifl with pleurisy. , Miss Lillie Story entertained a num-
Mr' ’'and Mre^rady' Cog^n spent I ^ ^ Pe ° P ‘ e 3t her h ° me Satur '
Sunday with the Misses Banks. ] • r, ’ght.
Jan20:h. • Miss Cora Maie Rigsby will leave in
— — a few days for Athens, where she will
kiRCFVT 1 ent ? r the State Normal School.
* ! . hnve had an epidemic of mumps
Mrs. J. S. Csrrcicai bad .is her guest j 1 scme time, but there are only 3
the past week Misses L ; :: ; c Ware and te i v oases 10 toport at present.’
Jan. ‘A’ih.
The average Iwarding-house chicken
is a ertat help to the dentist
acai-st ev.c.s, sore arc sw.'.len
.'.mtvagw, sciatica and ice ailments.
Your money Pack if rot satisfied; but
it doe* give almost inst-r.t re ef.
small children, who have Thelma Daniel of Palmetto. Misses I
Florine Carmical. Ida Sue Sewell ar.d
Mira Sewell of Roscoe. Mrs Carmical
entertained for her guests Saturday
evening, those present being Messrs.
Hugh Bridges, Ralph Warren. Ray
Warren and Miss Lizzie Warren.
Mrs. AY. M. Ox more, who visited the
family of Mr. Sim Ozmore last week. 1
returned to Newnan Friday.
Mr. A. A. Copeland, of Whitesburg.
visited relatives here last week.
Mrs. Lloyd Nix. of Lowell, who visited
:he family of Mr. R. C. Shugar; last 1
*eek, returned home Frida .-.
Mrs. L R. Copeland, of Newnan.
spent Sunday and Monday w::n her
•sters. Mrs. G. L. Warren and Mrs. J.
w '-man r
ever kr >ws what sfi
th. she reads sfie can’t get it.
ft-«;.»i W:r*t C:t
C : Srrts. S
• ottei. n
i - • use.
c letsj. -c.
I: re-ifitj
Uic. act. jU.U
A - ur own iron crap-, always sounds
better than your neighbor’s.
Take Liv-Yer-Lax and
feel Well.
Dor.*t suiTer from the ill effects of an
inactive liver, such ^s headache irdi-
Cr>t;or.. ustij.Niv*t>r. iack of ererny
Ard low soints, when tor a little rr.ou-
ey you can >rei a remedy of proved
will gvt your :ver right and let you
enjoy better health and brighter spir-
its. 1 1Y-YEK-LAX acts ratural.y ar.d S. Bridge*,
effectively. Has r.-e of the dangers Mrs Etta Carmirsl rsturaed home
and bad afrer-euects of calomel. Sold Saturday, after spending some time !r
under an abso.ute r ey refu: a guar- Paur.etto. the guest of Mrs. T. t.
a: tee at S.v. ar>c $'. a bottle. Each Daniel.
bottle is protected i.eress ef Mr. Paul Sowell, of Roscoe. was
L K i,rcsr>. For sale by Jon.n R. * our community Sunday afternuon.
Cates Drug Co. j Jin. 29th.
How s This ?
" •fix One Hundred Dollars Reward tor oru
of catarrh that ,-anr.,,: ho e-ured r. Hi ’«
catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO..
, W,- the urdereUmed. have h - over r. 'j.Yhmr
■' - 'r. last 1., ,ewrs. aril he'iev* hirr. r—rfecriy
howrih.0 tna.; husr-o-s trar.*ac:i r.s --aY-
ciails ah;e to ,-arr, out ary ,.h.«atr.-jd« hy
nt$ orm.
Hail s latr.rrh Cure is tale- irt«‘«^a
tTOH.u»ti,v hhwd ar.i r-.ur.vr* aurtaow of
Sn<* $>’SDnv Tr#',itixvi5».$ <0-1 rvx 1
PsrtwtlV. So'dhy a...truss.»’•'». *
Take H.U > Far . Pi ( w > r
If You Are Losing Weight
and your nerves are in bad conditio
we recommend
Olive Oil
s food and nerve tcuic prescription.
John R. Cates Drug Co.