Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, January 22, 1915, Image 4

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v < The Herald and Advertiser NEWNAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 22. ONE DOLLAR A IN ADVANCR. YEAR What is the Matter With the Uni ted States ? Herbert N, Cannon. "What is thejmatter with the United States ?" As I have been residing in London Bince the beginning of the war I have been hearing this question asked on all sides. I have never heard a satisfac tory answer. No one seems to know. Why‘are 1 the American factories not running night Hnd day? Why are the raiirnadn'not opening up new territories and gettingjready for the millions of immigrants who have already made up their minds to leave Europe us soon as the war is,over? Whyi'are there not fifty American drummerB in London right now, trying to Helll$20d,000,000 worth of American goods that were bought [last year;,from Germany and Austria? Why havo'Iadvertisera become quit ters, just at the'time when their adver tisements were most needed and most efTectivoJin] cheering on the business forces[of thellJnitedJStates? I' rom the European point of view the United Statesjm a haven of peace and security [andli|prosperity. It has no trouhles^that it dare mention to Bel gium or Austria or France or Germany or Serviu or Great'Brittain or Russia. Every tenth Briton [ has enlisted. Every tenth Frenchman islat the front. Every [tenth i Belgian is dead. What does theJIInited StateH know [of trou ble? If I could afford it, I wouldllchiirter the "Mauretania" and "Lusitania” and convey a party [of 5,000 Americun ad vertisers to Europe for a trip of educa tion. 1 would] give them [a week in London, a week in]Paris, and a week in Antwerp. 1 would let them look at the United Slatos from the seenejof war. I would give them a look] of real trouble. I wouldjllet (them see trains, ten at a time, (lve]]minutes apart, packed with the maimed and the dying. I would let [them hear, from frag mentary survivors, the incredible story of battlefields [ 15()J{ miles] wide, and armies that aroj greater thun the en- tiro population ofjTexas. I would let them,[see]' graves 100 yurds long, and full and)'.Belgium, the country that was, nothing now hut 12,- 000 squure miles of wreckage. Then, when]!theyjbegan to under stand, to some slight extent, the mag nitude and uwfulneBS of this war, I would say]to them: "Now go",hack ami appreciate the United Slates. Realize your oppor tunities. I>on’t]Htart [digging trenches when nobody is][flring ut,jyou. D>n’t fall down when you have not been hit. Don’t, he blind to the most glorious chance you have ever had in your life. Go back and; advertise. Get ready for the most tremendouslboom that any na tion over Shad. Build your factories bigger. Trajn]more salesmen. Borrow more money.Go ahead, and thank God that youjaro alive, and that your family is alive,land that you are living in a land that is nt peace, st a time when nearly the whole world i* at war, ” Five Conts Proves It. A Gknkkous Offer. Cut out this ad. and enclose with 5 cents to Foley & Co., Chicago, III., and receive a free trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial and la grippe coughs; Foley's Kidney Fills and Foley's Cathartic Tab lets. For sale in your town by all deal ers. For the Would-Be Engaged Girl. I'liilndt'lphin Lediror. Do not let thoughts of love and marriage fill your mind so that no other tupies can interest you. Do not think that any husband is better thun none, and so accept an of fer merely for the sake of being married. Do not forget that the girls who are most successful in marrying happily are those who try their beBt to prepare themselves to ho good wives before they are murried. Do not play at courtship; this dan gerous habit has spoiled many a girl’s chance of marrying happily. Do not imagine that because your parents do not at once give their con sent they are monsters of hard-hearted ness; they are older and wiser than you, and it is right that thev should use their experience in your behalf. Per haps one day you may be thankful that they were cautious in the matter. Demand for the Efficient. Alert, keen, cleur-headed, healthy men and women are in demand al ways. Modern business cannot -use in Office, factory or on the road persons who uro dull, lifeless, inert, h df-sick or tired. Keep in trim. Be in a condition * that wards otT disease. Foley's Cathar tic Tablets clean the system, keep the stomach sweet, liver active and the bowels regular. For sale by all dealers. jfoxoRg, Pick headache, biliousness, pilot juid | bad breath are usually caused by inar- 1 live bowels. Get a box of Roxull Orderlies. They act gently and itTcc- - tivcly. Fold only by us at 10 cents. John R. Cates Drug Co. Pay Up! J. It. Ncvln. in Atlanta Georgian. It is a satisfaction to read the op timistic statements of Bradstreet and commercial agencies generally with re- speet to the future. Careful investigation upon the part of these great authorities fails to de velop anything whatever that is funda mentally wrong with the business situ ation. They say crop outlooks are fine, man ufacturing industries are resuming op erations, and everywhere men are be ing put to work. Everything rests upon a firm and substantial foundation. Notwithstanding this, however, it is still true that there is much depression in the hearts of the people. Business men are none too happy, as they contemplate the days to come. Merchants shake their heads doubtfully when told that times are growing bet ter and that the skies are brightening up. What is the trouble, then, notwith standing the reassuring words of the big commercial agencies? I am not a financial bigwig, and I know very little of markets, trade balances, etc. I have an idea about this business situation, however, that I believe em bodies the only Berious difficulty now confronting our people. I believe the one and only thing that clouds the financial horizon now is the The Nimble Dollar. Wilmington Star. A contributor to the Rockingham (N. C. I Post, in a recent issue, gives some sound, sensible advice anent the pres ent unusual conditions existing in the country, anti the advice given would go a long way toward relieving conditions, if acted upon promptly. The Post wri ter presents what he terms an absolute ly accurate statement of six days’ work of $100; Here it is, in paragraphs: "Jan. 1, borrowed from bank by the planter and paid to his merchant, who mails it to his wholesaler. "Jan. 3, received by wholesaler and mailed to manufacturer. "Jan, 6, received and mailed by man ufacturer to parties he owes for raw material. "Jan. 6, received by seller of raw material and paid to his hank for bor rowed money. "The original hank made a loan of $100, the planter a payment of $100, the retail merchant, a payment of $100, the wholesaler a payment of $100, the man ufacturer a payment of $100, and the raw material man a payment of $100.” Thus it is shown that in six days that $100 has done the work of $600; has paid $500 of indebtedness and is as good as it ever was, ready and willing to do the same work every other six days. What a world of relief would come if the people would only do their duty to themselves and to each other and keep Tale of Two Cities. App***) to Reason. Dickens wrote "A Tale of Two Cit ies.” Here is another, in this case the two cities are Boston and St. I.ouis. The time was the same, A. D. in the glad Christmas season. In St. Louis a Pomeranian dog, be longing to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thomp son, died after an illness that was at tended by several physicians. In Boston a f rail German woman of 30, leading her child of 3, wandered the streets, seeking work. Every day for more than a week she applied for work at the municipal employment bureau. In St. I.ouis the dead dog was giver, a $600 funeral. It was "laid to rest in a white brocaded casket, its head on a pillow of roses and a blanket of narcis sus covering its tiny form.” In Boston the despairing mother, when told there was no work for her, collapsed into a chair and broke into sobs. "Have you had any breakfast?” asked the matron. "No,” was the re ply; "my little boy was so hungry I gave it all to him.” "Did you have any supper last night?" "No; my man walked the streets all day looking for work, and he was so tired and hungry when he came home that I gave it all to him.” In St. Louis flowers were piled high around the casket of the little Pomera nian. “He was the darlingest dog in all the world,” wept his mistress over the CALOMEL DYNAMITES YOUR LIVER! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "Dodson's Liver Tone" Starts Your Liver Better Than Calomel and You Don't Lose a Day's Work Liven up rour sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure: he vigorous ami full of ambi tion. But take no nasty, dangerous calomel because it makes you sick and you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis .of the bones. Calomel erashes into sour bile 1 ik-* dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If - on want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight, Your druggist or dealer pells you a 50 rent bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone under my personal money- back guarantee that each spoonful will clenn your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won’t make you sick. Dodson’s Liver Tone is rcnl liver medicine. You’ll know it next morning lieeause you will wake up feeling line, your liver will he working: headache, and dizziness gone: stomach will bo sweet and bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone is entirely vogc- lablc, therefore harmless ami can not salivate. Give it to your chil Iren. Millions of people uru using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calomel now. Your druggist will tell you Hint the sale of Calomel is almost Mo-qi e ,j entirely here. Our Finely Ground, Standard Whitestone-Limestone stagnation of collections. If people would pay what they owe, there would be no trouble in any quar ter. If a farmer owes a merchant, and the merchant owes a jobber, and the jobber owes a wholesaler, and the wholesaler owes a manufacturer, and the manufacturer owes a bank, I don’t see how things are going to move un less somebody starts a liquidation. It is all very well to talk about holding cottdn, cutting down the acreage, di versifying crops, and doing a lot of things like that, hut none of that is re lieving the present, situation. There are small merchants and large merchants all over the South to-day whose business affairs are ull hut par alyzed for no reason in the world but because of their inability to collect what is due them. And this is true, notwithstanding the fact that a g' eat many people who owe are perfectly able to pay, but simply are not paying. I believe that if every man in the State of Georgia to-day who owes money would come squarely to the scratch, making some sacrifices if necessary, and pay what he owes, the next day would see every particle of the present depression removed, and there would be no possible trouble about the future. -• Life Insurance Refused. Ever notice how closely life insurance examiners look for symptoms of kidney diseases? They do so because weakened kidneys lead to many forms of dreadful, life-shortening afflictions. If you have any symptoms like pain in the hack, fre quent, scanty nr painful action, tired feeling, aches and pains, get Foley’s Kidney Pills to-day. For sale by all dealers. Circumstantial Evidence. AutfiiRtii Chronlclo. The citizen had for a long while, along about Christinas time, been buying tur keys from a negro who lived in the swamp country. Recently he gave a special order. “Jim, bring me in a turkey Saturday — but a tame one; I do not wunt a wild one this time." "Yes, sir; all light, boss.” The turkey arrived all right. Served at dinner Sunday, shot were found in the poultry. The purchaser went in search of the negro the next day and found him. “Jim, you black rascal, didn’t I tell you that 1 wanted a tame turkey for dinner Sunday?” “Dat’s what I fetched you, boss.” "You are lying, nigger; when we were eating that turkey we found shot m its flesh.” “Boss, dat's all right. Dent shot wasn't meant for dat turkey; den shot was meant for me, boss.” Jim's version will be nccepted. The circumstantial evidence was misleading. "Lifted” the bird; did not shoot him. How To Give Quinine To Children. FEBRII.INKl* the trade-mark name given to an improved Quinine. It in a Ta*lelrss Syrup, pleas- nut to li\ke and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Al*o especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor cause nervousness uor ringing iu the head. Try it the next time you need Quinine (or any pur pose. Ask (or 2 ounce original package. The name F.LiDRlUNE is blown iu bottle. 25 cents the money moving. One dollar in the liquidation of an honest obligation will perform the functions of six perfectly good dollars, if used promptly and wise ly. ' Biliousness and Constipation Cured. If you are ever troubled with bilious ness or constipation you will he inter ested in the statement of It. F. Erwin, Peru, Ind. "A year ago last winter I had an attack of indigestion, followed by biliousness and constipation. Seeing Chamberlain's Tablets so highly recom mended, I bought a bottle of them and they helped me right away.” For sale by all dealers. A Man’s Recreation Creed. The Front Rank. First, I will never patronize an en tertainment that brutalizes man or shames a woman. Second, I will always do some part of my playing in the open air. Third, 1 will not he merely a lazy spectator of sport; I will taste for my self its zest and thrill. Fourth, 1 will avoid over amuse ment as 1 pray that 1 may be saved from overwork. Fifth, 1 will choose the amusements that my wife can share. Sixth, I will not spend Sunday in caring for my bodily pleasures so much that I forget, my soul and its relation to God's kingdom. Seventh, 1 will never spend on pleas! ure money that belongs to other as pects of my life. Eighth, I will remember to enjoy a boy’s sports again when my boy needs me bs a chum. Ninth, 1 will recollect that play should be for the sake of my mind as well as for my body; hence 1 shall not shun those forms of entertainment that deal with ideas. Tenth, 1 will never let play serve as the end of existence, but always it shall be used to make me a better workman and a richer soul. Cough Medicine for Children. Never give a child a cough medicine that contains opium in any form. When opium is given other ami more serious diseases may follow. Long experience has demonstrated that there is no bet ter and safer medicine for coughs, colds and croup in children than Cham- berlain’s Cough Remedy. It is equally valuable for adults. Try it. It con tains no opium or other harmlful drug. For sale by all dealers. Bill Nye hpd the truth well told when he said: “A man may use a wart on the back of his neck for a collar-button; ride in the back coach of a rail-oad train to save interest on his money till the conductor gets around; stop his watch at night to save wear and tear; leave his ”i” or “t” without a dot or cross to save ink; pasture a mule on his mother’s grave to save corn;—but a man of this sort is a gentleman and a scholar compared to the fellow who will take a newspaper two or three years and, when asked to settle up, put it back in the postoffice and has it marked ‘refused. ’ ” The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because o( its tonic ami laxative effect. I.A.YA- T1VK IIROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor rinsing in head Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. casket in which lay the body of a lucky dog. In Boston the matron turned from the fainting mother with a sigh: “I am B0 8orry, but there is no work for you,” she said. Trade-Mark The Finest Ground and Highest Grade on the Market $1.75 Per Ton Dangers of a Cold, Do you know that of all the minor ailments colds are by far the most dan gerous? It is not the colds themselves that you need to fear, but the serious diseases that they so often lead to. For that reason every cold should be gotten rid of with the least possible delay. To accomplish this you will find Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy of great help to you. It loosens u cold, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration and enahles the system to throw off the colds. For sale by all dealers. "You are a nice member of the Young Men’s Christian Association, to make me call a dozen times for this bill!" said an irate collector. “Young Men’s Christian!" responded the impecunious one. "I ain't any Young Men’s Christian!” "What do you have Y. M. C. A. stuck up there for, then?” asked the collector, pointing to a paper posted over the desk, “Oh, haven’t you seen that before?” replied the debtor. "I got tired dis appointing so many of you fellows. Most of ’em know when they see that sign that it means ‘You May Call Again.’ ” Love sometimes induces a woman to be miserable with the wrong man rath er than be happy with the right one. Rheumatic Throat is Common Trouble Should Be Treated in Blood To Prevent Recurrence. » Timm nro successful gargles that stop soreness In the throat, but to prevent their incessant return, the blood must be put in order. The best remedy is S. S. S., ns it Influences nil the functions of the body to neutralize the irritants or waste products and to stimulate their excretion through, the proper channels. Itucumntic sore throat Is n dangerous Indication, ns it means that the blood Is loaded with more uric add than the kid neys can excrete, and may thus load to serious general disturbance. The action of 8. S. S. stimulates cellular activity. It prevents the accumulation of irritants In local spots. It enables the arteries to supply quickly the new red blood to replace worn-out tissue. For this reason uric acid that finds the thmat an easy prey to its breaking-down Influence, Is scattered nnd eliminated. In other words. S. S. S. prevents chronic con ditions by enabling all the mucous linings of the body to secrete healthy mucus. Its Influence is shown in a marked improve ment of tiie bronchial tubes, whereby the liusklness of voice with thick, grayish ex pectorations Is overcome. S. S. S., well diluted with water, means a hi nod bath, since it is welcome to any stomach and at once gets Into the blood. S. S. S. is free of all minerals and con tains ingredients wonderfully conducive to well-balanced health. You can get it nt nnv drug store, but do not accept anything else. There is danger In substitutes. S. S. S. is prepared onlv by The Swift Specific Co.. r»2S Swift Itldg.\ Atlanta, fin. Our Medical Dept, will give you free instruction bv mall on any subject of blood disorders. Write today. WHITESTONE MARBLE CO- ATLANTA. GA. J Reduction of Fords Buyers to Share in Profits Lower prices on Ford cars effective from Aug. 1, 1914, to Aug. 1, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time; Touring-Car $490 Runabout 440 Town Car 690 F. O. B. Detroit, all cars fully equipped. (In the United States of America only.) Further, we will be able to obtain the maximum efficiency in our factory production, and the minimum cost in our pur chasing and sales departments if we can reach an output of 300,000 cars between the above dates. And should we reach this production, we agree to pay as the buyer’s share from S40 to $60 per car (on or about Aug. 1, 1915, ) to every retail buyer who purchases a new Ford car between Aug. 1, 1914. and Aug. 1, 1915. For further particulars regarding these low prices and profit- sharing plan, see the NLWNAN GARAQE, The above picture represents a PROSPERITY’ COLLAR MOULDER, which uses an entirely new principle in collar-finishing. When finished on this machine those popular turn-down collars can have no rough edges, and they also have extra tie space. The collars last much longer, too. Let us show you. NEWNAN STEAM LAUNDRY