Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, January 22, 1915, Image 6

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:ilill=lllll=lilH=lllM= 111 MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ||=il||g=illli=illli=illli: STRIPLING’S GREAT MID-WINTER SALE lo Out-of-Town Customers Mail orders received and promptly filled for goods listed on this page. Postage requested on smaller pur chases than $5, as we cannot prepay charges on orders less than this amount. Or ders for any of the extra spe cials should reach us by Monday night. Starts Saturday, Jan. 23; Continuing 15 Days Our buyers have just returned from New York, having spent the past ten days attending Manufacturers’ and Jobbers’ Clearance Sales. Thousands of dollars’ worth of new goods are now pouring in; we are therefore completely ready to start our Great Mid-Winter Sale, offering the public a magnificent stock of new mid-winter and early spring merchandise at prices that will leave a lasting impression through the entire season. There are many, many bargains not mentioned in this ad., as we haven’t space to tell of them all. They are all over the house, plainly marked, so all may see and examine them. Read on, and come early to this great money-saving event. Biggest Offerings in WHITE GOODS Ever Placed on Special Sale Madras Shirting, 36 inches wide.—1,000 yards finest quality silk-finish madras in a beautiful assort ment of pretty stripes; 25c grade on sale at 15c White Shirting Madras.—One lot of fine quality madras in stripes and checks; 36 inches wide; on sale at only . 12£c Checked Dimity—27 inches wide; fine quality; !2Jc grade at 10c Checked and striped dimity of finest quality; 27 inches wide; 15c grade, on sale at_. . 121c 3repe Madras.— A beautiful quality in stripes, figures and checks; 27 inches wide; 15c grade; on sale at only 10c Silk-finish Gingham.—One lot of this beautiful fabric in the prettiest of plaids, checks and stripes, 32 inches wide, worth 25c yard, on sale at 15c One lot of good quality 32-inch dress ginghams, on sale at only 10c One lot fin,e quality 32-inch French madras, in a beautiful assortment of checks, plaids and stripes; 15c value, on sale at 10c Forty-inch White Voile.—Four lots of this beautiful fabric; all forty inches wide, worth 25c to 35c a yard, on sale at only 19c Forty-inch Plain Flaxon.—Two lots of this beauti ful linen-finish cloth in three or four different weights; full pieces, not remnants, at only 15c One lot of dotted crepe swiss, 27 inches wide, on sale at 12Jc One lot of fine quality striped rice cloth, 27 inches wide 15c An extra fine quality pajama checks, 36 inches wide, at only 10c [jSp©cf«$f Saturday Morning at 9 0 clock, l’ s isortment of pretty plaids, checks and stripes; a beautiful on sale at 5c Special T Bleached Domestic Saie 14 vards of the finest grade 10c bleached domestic; entirely free from starch or dressing; 36 inches w ide, for . _ . _ . ..... 81 20 vards of good quality vard-widc blcac ted domes- tic, wortlt 7Ac per yard; 20 yards lor__ 81 2,000 vards good quality longcloth, put up 12 yards in a bolt; 12 yards for. . 81 1,500 yards of fine quality English nainsook; a good one at the regular price of 15c; on sale while it lasts at 12fc Wlid-winter Sale of Bemnants Always after every inventory we find ourselves with a large accumulation of remnants. These are small pieces from lit to 7 yards. Many are rem nants left from the prettiest patterns and best sell ing goods, of which all have been sold except just a few yards. Four big tables of these remnants—ginghams, percales, madras, cheviots, poplins, outings, cotton flannels, silks and woolens, and suiting of all kinds. They are pinned up and sell by the piece, at 10 to 50 per cent under value Newest Things in Dress Goods We’ve just received over 75 pieces of new dress goods; an assortment worth going miles to see; on sale at the yard 25c 15 yards best grade AAA sheeting, 36 inches wide, for only $1 15 yards finest quality 36-inch sea island, for $1 Don’t forget our big notions department; hundreds of bargains here which we haven’t space to mention. See our big pencil bargain at lc. Special SGQ Men’s fine sample shirts, in a beautiful assortment of almost every kind and style made; 50c, 75c and SI values, at 3 Be Special J New Spring Ginghams Truly new spring ginghams, but there are many beautiful dark checks, plaids and stripes that are ready for wear right now. V c want you to see this beautiful selection of new fast-color ginghams, so offer them during this 15-day sale at 9c. Six dozen men’s 50c four-in-hand ties; assortment of patterns, on sale at— a beautiful .... 25c 2.000 yards standard quality apron g grade at inghams; 7c _ 5c 1,500 yards Simpson’s best calicoes; beautiful assort ment of pretty styles; yard 5c Stripling’s Satisfactory Shoes Our shoe department is our pet line. We spare no pains or expense to keep together at all times the best lines of good solid leather shoes that money can buy. Godman’s shoes for women’s everyday and Sun day wear at 81.50 to 82.50. Dorothy Dodd (none better) for dress or Sunday wear at 82.50 to 8375. Godman’s shoes for children are the best that money can buy at 81 up to 82. Bostonian’s famous shoes for men at 83.50. 84. Endicott’o dress shoes for men at 82.50 and 83. Our famous green bottom Kromelk shoes for hard service at S3 i pair are the best wearers in the United States at the price. A 812.000 .hoe stock. All sizes, kinds and prices. Bargains in Men’s Suits One small lot of men’s all-wool suits in brown mix- tures only; a great value; while they' last 85 Two small lots of men’s all-wool suits; a good value at $10, on sale at. ____ 86.50 And 8.00 Men’s fine all-w-ool serge and worsted suits, the greatest values in Newnan at 810.00 And ... 12.50 400 pairs men’s khaki pants. Save 50c on everv pair you buv; w r e sell them for Si 385 pairs of boys’ knee pants; great values at__ 50c 75c, and 81 SPECIAL NOTICE \ Yisitors'as well as buyers, strangersjas well as friends, are always welcome when visiting our store. Make it your headquarters when in Newnan. SPECIAL NOTICE Prices on this page are guaranteed by us from Jan. 23 to Feb. 6—15 days. Come early and get the pick. NEWNAN'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE. NORTH SIDE COURT S0UARE