Newspaper Page Text
Sensational Sale of the New Year
We know of no other way to dispose of winter goods at this season of the year but to dig down
deep into the heart of prices. Wish we did know of some other way than making this horrible
sacrifice. The people are posted—they know, and it would be folly to try to deceive them with
loud bargain talk or offering unknown goods. There is not a merchant (wholesale or retail) that
has seen prices to match those mentioned below on standard staple goods, such as every man and
woman in the country know, by reputation or use.
Store Opens at 9 O 9 clock, Wednesday, Jan• 27
find Lasts Only Ten Days
Store Will Be Closed Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 25 and 26, to Re-arrange and Remark Our Big Stock
To the First Ten Ladies
Entering our store each morningof sale after
9 o'clock, we will sell 10 yds. stand- o/“
ard calicoes for
Blankets Blankets
One lot nice cotton blankets 48c
One lot large size cotton blankets, pair 65c
Large size cotton blankets, white and grey 97c
10-4 cotton blankets, $2.50 value, slightly dam
aged on edge, for $1.39
Ladies’ Tailored Suits
Final clean-up sale and last call. None will be car
ried over at these prices.
$10.00 line tailored suits, small sizes 83.98
12.50 and $15 long military suits, all sizes 6.95
16.00 to $25 long and medium length coats .... 9.35
$1.50 messalinc and taffeta silk, 36 inches wide, Q O „
close out price \70C
White Goods Specials
Yard-wide pajama checks . 9c
Yard-wide chamois-finish longcloth 10c
10c check nainsook, to closeout 5c
15c white repps, to close out 8c
!5c sheer flaxons, to close out 10c
19c 40-inch sheer French lawn, to closeout 13c
23c 40-inch sheer Persian lawn, to close out 17c
15c stripe crepe waisting, to close out 9c
15c fine check dim' y.T 9c
25c best sheer check d imity 13c
25c brocaded silk-1 hiihl flaxon 14c
$1.00 45-inch embnidered crepe flouncings 49c
25c heavy galatea foi| middy blouses c
10-4 pure linen shectidj 98c
36-inch linene, 12 1 2c grade 9c
36-inch linene, 17 l-.c grade 13c
50c stripe crepe voi !e 25c
Overalls and Jumpers
Men’s best grade overalls and jumpers, Happs yQ
& Eagle make t vC
To the First Ten Men
Entering our store after 9 a. m. each morn
ing of sale, we will sell 2 pairs hose
worth I5e per pair, for
Infants’, Children’s, Misses’, Ladies’ Cloaks
Infants’ $1.50 long white emb’d pique cloaks. . 98c
Children’s 2.50 white corduroy coats. . . 81.48
Children’s 1.75 black bearskin coats 98c
Misses' 3.00 black chinchilla coats 1.78
Misses’ 3.50 blue and brown mixture coats. . 1.98
Misses’ 5.00 fur coats 2.49
Ladies’ 7.50 ocean wave fur coats 3.98
Ladies’ 10.00 caracul coats 3.98
Ladies’ 10.00 chinchilla coats 3.98
Ladies’ Petticoats
98c value mercerized petticoats
$1.50 grade brocaded petticoats
$1.75 grade Svlvy silk petticoats
$3.00 messatine taffeta petticoats
I paper wire hair pins
I paper full count pins
I doz. fresh water pearl buttons
I pair tubular shoe laces
I hcmstch’d ladies’ handk’fs. .
LadicH’ $1.50 gingham houBe
1,allies’ $1.50 one-piece house
Ladies’ $1.60 lino percale house
Ladies’ $1.60 white and black
We have reduced our stock of Clothing lower than any other season before,
and expect to make a clean sweep this time at these prices:
$8.50 suits, in small sizes, only 83.98 $10, $12.50, $15 suits, all sizes, 86.98
$18, $20, $22.50 suits, all sizes 89.35
Boys’ small overcoats, values up to $3.50
Youths’ and boys’ overcoats, sizes 12 to 18, values up to $10
75c fine gingham dresses .
$1.00 Shepherd plaid suiting
75c good percale dresses.
$1.00 brown linen dresses.
$1.50 French gingham dresses
1.50 large plaid percale “
1.50 dresses with overskirts.
1.50 stripe galatea dresses...
One double rack, eighty feet long, loaded down with good shoes, for all ages. You can find
shoes here for your entire family, which means a great saving for you these hard times.
Men’s and Boys’ Odd Coats
While invoicing our stock of clothing we find we have on hand 125 boys’
and men’s odd coats. Some of them are from
$12.50 and $15 suits, sizes 30 to 37, which we
are going to close out at a sacrifice. If you
want a knockabout coat, boys’ school coat, or
a good everyday coat, now is your chance. All
to go at one price
no we nave on nanu izj dovs
Overstocked on Wool Dress Goods
36-inch serges, all colors, sold for 39c, close out price 19c
36-inch poplar or danish cloth, all colors; close out price 19c
36-inch mohair serges and whipcords, sold for 50c; close out price 29c
38-inch all-wool Scotch plaids, sold for 50c; close out price 25c
36- and 38-inch all serges, Sicilians, panamas and fancy stripe serges, values
65c to $1; close out price 39c
Men's Knit Underwear
Heavy velvet-back shirts
and drawers, garmcnt.35c
Sample lot men’s fine wool
underwearin broken sizes,
worth up to $2.
Garment 49c
Men’s regular 10c suspen
ders, now 5c
Boys’ and Girls’ Under
Ribbed fleece-lined union
suits, ages 2 to 14 23c
50c children’s and misses’
fine ribbed union suits 39c
50c boys’ heavy velvet-back
union suits, ages 2 to 16
years 39c
Railroad Fare
To Newnan when you buy $10 and over,
provided you do not live over fifty
miles away.
Ladies’ Knit Underwear
Ladies’ bleached and un
bleached vests and pants,
garment 23c
50c ladies’ fine ribbed vest
and pants, garment. _ 39c
50c ladies’ heavy fleeced
fine ribbed vest and
drawers, garment 39c
Ladies’ Skirts
$2.50 new shepherd plaid
skirts with long over
skirts 81-39
$2.50 plaid woolen
skirts 8L98
$3.50 black silkwepp
skirts 81.98
$5 wool dress skirts..83.48
Winter Shoes at a Sacrifice
Little folks' 75c leather button shoes, 2 to 5 49c
Children’s $1 25 everyday calf blucher, 5 to S._ 98c
Children’s SI.50 everyday calf blucher, 0 to 2_. 81-25
Children's $1 50 gun metal button and lace
blucher shoes, 5 to S_ 1.25
Children's $2 gun metal button and blucher
shoes, 0 to 2 _ 1.47
Children’s $2 kid patent button shoes, 0 to 2 .. 1.47
Chi'dren’s S2 tan button shoes, 9 to 2 1.47
Ladies' $2 kangaroo blucher work shoes, 3 to S 1.48
Ladies’ $2 kid p itent tip bluchers, 3 to S 1.45
Ladies’ patent bluchers, 3 to S 1.97
Ladies’ $3 tan button and blucher shoes, 3 to S 1.97
Old ladies' felt top comforts, 3 to 8 .95
Bovs’ heavy work shoes, 3 to 5 1.48
Hosiery Bargains
Men’s 10c white-foot sox. 4c
Men’s 15c tan sox 8c
Men’s 15c black sox 7c
Men’s 25c black sox 10c
Men's very heavy grey sox 7c
Men’s 10c grey and brown sox 4c
Men’s 50c fine silk sox 25c
Ladies’ 10c black hose 5c
Ladies’ 15c black hose 7c
Ladies’ 19c black hose 11c
Ladies' 50c fine silk hose 17c
Children’s 15c heavy ribbed hose 9c
Boys' and girls’ 25c extra heavy ribbed hose 13c
Men’s Overcoats
Hard part of the winter to come yet. We are
going to let the remainder of our overcoats go at sum
mer prices.
Men’s ST and $8 heavy storm-collar wool over
coats 83.89
Men’s S10 and $12.50 heavy and brown mixture
wool overcoats 84.98
Boys’ Clothing
Boys’ $2.50 and $3 blouse suits, in serges, wor
steds and cassimeres 81.48
Boys' $10 biouse suits, in fancy all-wool wor
sted and serge $5.98
Boy’s $S blouse suits, in faney all-wool wor
sted and serge 84.98