The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 04, 1905, Image 3

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Notice of Flection. GH90RQI A—C owet* COJNTV- Whrrkas, On account of the death of S. L. r^ver. Clerk of the Superior Court of Coweta county, Gn., a vacancy exists in satd office, in «i& State and county. It t* thrskforeoru- ewud. That- an ^election be lisut on J “ u ' • WOo.for the purpose of electing a Clerk for aau Superior Court in and for said county. Ihis Doe. 22, 1904. L. A, PERDUE. Ordinary. J. R. MoCOLLUM, Commissioner. J. N. SEWELL. Commissioner, J.C. McKOY. Commissioner, }. W. ARNOLD. Commissioner, J. W. HUTCHINSON, Commissioner, tBoard Commissioners Roads and Revenue said county. Announcements. for clerk superior court. To the Voters of Coweta county: I herby an nounce myself a candidate for Clerk Superior Court, subject to the action of the democratic pnrtv. In doing this, I wish testate that I have boon appointed to act as clerk until alter the election : therefore, the duties of the office will Hinder me from making a canvass of the ooun. **1 will appreciate the support of my friends, and wish to thank them for the warm express ions already made in my behalf. , Ltnch Tcrnkr. BREAKING THE HOODOO Not n had 1 tv,-nr ME Redd T\ was nine ever* ■. ■ prod Wo in e Ur plr ton at no tu it h a i ICopyrlght, 1S93, by Charles U. Lewis.] When the Thirteenth was brigaded with us, everybody spoke In praise of its vank and file. No better material could bare been found In America couple of weeks, however, showed the colonel to be an egotist and a drunk ard. and few of the company or reg mental officers seemed anxious to give him credit for anything outside. One day the regiment came out to relieve the Fourth on outpost duly. At midafternoon a hundred Confeder ate cavalry, divided into sipu'ds ol iweiiiy-nve, attacked four full compa nies „r the Thirteenth at about the same moment. Oue dis ■barge <>f their carbines, followed by a grand ■' ‘ l1 ' 1 the blisincsa in each li:s.ano.'. 1 J 1 '* same mo cavalry Hi ■> !'•■» ■ n the reserve of UuO men aid routed them at a dash. one thousand tram "-ere beaten, routed and disgraced by !•«'. The colonel called his officer* to gether and said they must give the men double drill and that In the next light they must shoot dnw'n any man who tried to make a bolt for it. And the captains got their reaper!lve com panies out Oil the parade ground and looked savage and swelled out their chests and shouted: ~~~ -You are a laughing stock In this brigade. You have bail two or three /•hnneos to win glory, but you have • run away like beaten cure. In o\tr next fight 1 will shoot the man who even turns pule.” \nd yet every private In every com puny remembered that when he ran away he followed his three officers and was not able to overtake them. A month later, at !> .Velock one summer morning, our brigade swung Into bat tle line on the left center. It stretched across g cotton field, with Its right an< j left connecting in the woods with oth er brigades. The fight began far above , us. That meant waiting, and It is th- wnlting that makes cowards of brave men. Down the lines of the Fourth, be\ cuth and Eighth went the company, officers to brace up the men who " ere not cowards, but yet losing their nen< in the waiting, but over in the 1 hit teeuth it was different. The officer were at the regulation distance In tea of the lines, and the uieji-had uohod. to brace them up. To talk to ear other only made matters worse. We were quite prepared for wni happened-knew that it would bappe Of a sudden the enemy opened tire our front with artillery, and as t first shell exploded in the ranks or i Thirteenth the whole 1,000 men bra back like a flock of frightened slice A second shell completed the busim and there was a stampede which ried them a mile to tho rear. '11 was closed up, and the battle wei \ hot the Thirteenth could not be rnl again that day. Three days later major general said to the officer,, men on parade: “1 know the history of the ihirte, since its first skirmish. You are a grace to your state, to the army hi you reel ves. 1 shall recommend the regiment be wiped out of existeuc On the morufug that the oral' disbandment arrived from M a* ton the Thirteenth was in charge senior captain, and some of the panies were in charge of order! geants. A Confederate column, had cut loose and marched by 1 through the fields und woods, su burst out of the woods upon tb tered camps along the river. 1 prise was complete, and wit) A - check the enemy caxne sweeping <> ST stream. The Thirteenth turned out but there were no officers to g »e them orders. They were cowards and had always ruu away. A already started on this occasion, when there came the sound of hoof J** 1 * from the west, and a woman rode into camp. She was hardly above t\v ,ntj years old, fair haired and hundsom •. uud nrobablj the wife <»f some Uiiwi 1 1 officeT from the • «r«ry man thrilled as v her horse and cried out: -Men, they a stand up there by the furtl. and if (foil'll Jolu them the enemy can be checked and driven back.” -We'll go—wi«H go! fall tJa—fall in'." shouted tho men in chorus, 4 i ter au in stant’s alienee, and five inifcutes latet every mnu Und his and car tridge box ml romp ml es (were being formed np t lie road crojwded with white faced fugitives, and lyet never a man of the ruirieenth foilj out. There was no offle >r to lead tWeui, but the woman rode abend and turned now and then to smile and beckon them on. A round slhot powed up the dirt near by, but she) gav* no heed. A shell burst against a tnv a few yards away and tilled th< nir with splinters, but she did not torn her head. The bullets came tl k«r and thicker, but she held her wily until a lltifl of blue suddenly came lido view :idi ttien waved her hand aid said: “Rlglc down there, comrades, Is where tiev nee< you, and after today no man will o> i the Thirteenth a regi ment. of cowards!” “Hip-dp hurrah!” and a swinging of caps ind n dash forward. The blue fighting line was strengthened not a moment too soon. The enemy hurled shell ntii grape—he poured volley after volley e charged again and again, but the Ine stood firm and cheered as It stood It was a fight of an hour be fore re ■ iforeoments came up. Behind the louijreastworks were a few hun dred lie g men, their eyes still aflame mill tb ■ faces black with powder stain, • on the right and left and be hind thji more dead and wounded than h.whole brigade hail yet lost J died—net a coward y a woman, all had M. QUAD. A rr«Hc Imltatnr. Albert Vnudam, a French writer, gives this description of one of th# lending republicans of Gan)betta's time: “Blisoln had a tendency to Imi tate the great Napoleon. He who hod Joined I.annirtine in his vigorous pro test against the removal of Napoleon's ashes from St. Helena to Paris struck Napolooncsque attitudes at the camp of Uonlie when reviewing tho troops or the undisciplined, woebegone masses, standing knee deep in mud,.who were supposed to represent troops. Ho trudged up and down the lines with his hands behind him, then came to a sud den stop and, nodding his head, whis pered (ho bad no voice), Soldiers, l am pleased with you.’ ” Inl.iur Advertising. Some of the Japanese tradesmen In the smaller towns of Nippon have a curious way of advertising their bust- i ness. On their right forearms they tattoo figures—the shoomakor a shoe, the woodcutter nn ax. the butcher a 1 cleaver. Underneath these emblems are such Inscriptions as, "I do my work modestly and cheaply,” or "I am as good at my trade as most of my fel lows." When they are hunting work they burn their arms and walk about the streets. . | Stomach Troublesand Constipation ; "Chnmborlniu'a Stomach and Liver ( Tablets are the best tiling for stomach troubles and constipation I have ever j sold,” says J. H. Cullman, a druggist of Potterville, Mioh., They are easy to take ; and alwnys give satisfaction. I tell my customers to try them and if not satisfac tory to come back and get their money, i but have never bad a complaint.” Foi l sale bv Holt' & 1 kites. /HE jR'K WORLD T-WEEK EDITION ' the r.nijlish ! amjudqc is Spoken. •c:e-a-\Vkiv.; World t success in th't begin- beensteadily - rowing l *y Time is the test of all set its seal of ap- the Thrice-a-Week is widely circulated ’4.ite and Teriitor) of the ,t wherever there are peo- i can read our mother [ 1 I Oir for the ;iing winter ; r 1904, will make its i, if possible, more ex- ever. All events of ,0 matter where they report 1 accurately ' iber, foi only one dol- 'ts three pap- r s every 're* news .Lid general 1.on oncut dailies can T or six times the price. le-a-Woek World is r in its political news is never allowed to scolumrti, and Dem- ',’blican alike can ob- s truthful accounts t political campaigns, n all the news, the World furnishes *1 fiction, elaborate « and other features If looking forthe best 1 The News Printers will win you. ’Phone 20. I.FELT l\\m I V AS SOFT AS FLUFFY DOWN ■ •« -d i i • i-Week V7orld’s reg ion price is only and this pays for )Ve offer this un- per and The New- .ether one year for subscription price of is $2 DO G RATES. kly Constitn- guesrf at i, a gi d Thu News., tt xly Oonstltu- id Farm, and foutli or the and Dixie ):WS I kly •, u there i r arrr A tin id re 04: dot, ah' Jew Yoi^k and Tlie, $1 7! 2 00 1 75 1 75 I* ( ? 1 75 Han Advo- *4ex and 2 50 »*:iy Journal and .ice all sub: ;rsbers be Southern Culti- ler or a handsome /> of Georgia and ."ews office, or mail lie iiapers will be 3, N&wnan,.Ga. Royal Elastic Felt Mattress. Is the concentrated dowr.y effi.'-i of six layur-i of felted cotton of selected quality, in (he concen tration theru is no hardness. They are soft at first, and remain so through years of constant use. Write for free booklet, “The Royal Way to Comfort.” If your dealer hasn’tit, write us. PR3CE We ’prepay PRICE 8l6,OO the freight. ©83.00 ONI MONTH'S TRIAL FREE. _ r *U®*^*^*^\ J\\ OSTEOPATHY IN NEWNAN Dr.Sam Bradshaw OSTEOPATH. Consultation and Examination tree... . Treatment outside of office given by special ar rangement. Treatment by appoint ment promptly given. All carnble, anil many so-called incurable dis eases successfully treated without knife or drug. The natural, rational, scientific method. Endorsed by the foremost men and women of the nation. Thousands of unsolicited testimonials from people who have been cured. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. In Effect May, 1W)4. ASc’gctable Prcparalioulor As slmilatin^ UwFoodandRcfitila ling ihc Stoaadis aiul Bowels of Inf vn rs M hii dki.n ProffiOtcsDigcalionChvcrfuh ness and Rost .Contains neiiitcr Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. /*npr affM nrSAMlTLPTTCN&lt Alx "mtu* * Poa\ *//,» Wit - Anixe CfW - ilfnrt .feerf - fY/v»,W .S/ajr Mitsyesv, nnwi A perfect Remedy for Conslipn- llon, Sour Stomach, UimThoen Worms ,i Convulsions .Feverish ness and I.A3SS OF SI.EFI* Facsimile Sffinnlurc oT NEW YORK. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Alwavs Bought Bears the Signature of EXACT copy OF WRAPPED. ’ In Use For Over Thirty Years THE OFNTA'J* COMPANY. NtW YOIIH OITV- piaNOS an- pn fi:i-rccl by teach-' er.i on account of won derful tone quality, and remarkable durability. WE HAVE AN ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION TO MAKE YOU If you intend to purchase a piano at any time in the near It will cost vou nothing to learn what have to offer. THE HAKVARD PIANO CO., i..c.--ifacturers, CINCINNATI, OHIO. |,A., DON’T BE “BUCOED." ' Printing With Pride In It 1 ALWAYS FOUND AT f The Mews Job Rooms. -£==— SE1D YOUR ORDERS^ Everything in FURNITRRE Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, and ail kindsof Mus ical Instru ments. West Hound DAILY East Bound. No. « No. 1 No. a No. 10 PM A M CM AM r, :« 10 COiLv Griffin Ar 3 30 8 8C 5 Sit) 10 It) Vfilgllilti 3 1! 8 01 a 20 10 Ml Senoiu “ •1 40 7 88 7 02 11 11 “ Newinn 2 08 B i f) 7 27 11 "...Whltenhurg 1 44 6 W 7 S.-, 12 Of) •'....Carrollton.. “ 1 10 1) M J (X " Bremen 12 18 ...... . 10 — .C'ednrtown — 11 27 2 08 “ Rome •' JO 41 ... a in ‘ ■ Holland “ 10 02 3 Of 4 05 4 13 “ Lyerlv Raccoon U 50 U to Sumo ervllle—- u 32; 4 28 “ Trio. - 0 22 4 48 r. 1(1 5 00 r.M -....I.aFayette.. — - "..Chlc-kumnuga—" Ar—Cluttnuooga-.Lv 8 or. 8 23 7 15 AM For InforintMon as to Rates, etc , addrenj, • DEPOT 8T. YOUR CREDIT’S GOOD. E. O. REESE 9 NEWNAN, 6A. DH. T H DAVIH, IieHldcncc 'I’hono £-thi-cc|c ills. DR. W A. TURNER, Rcrtidtmcu 'Phone B4 (J W. CHKAKS, Liiv. Pass Agent Chattsnooga, Teun. I). A. NOLAN, Agent. Neivuau, On. J. C J. R0HIN80N As-.t. <1. P. A , Savannah, On. . IIAIU.. Ut-nl. l’a>s Agent, Savaunrh, tia Davis & Turner Sanatorium, Corner Coliege and Hancock Sts., Newnan, Ga. High, central and quiet location. All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases. Trained nurse constantly in at tendance. Rates $5 per day, $25 per week. Private offices in building. ’Phone 5-two calls. Davis & Turner Sanatorium.’®