The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 04, 1905, Image 7

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Not Fatal. No Matter What Doc tors Say—We Know That Heart Trou ble in Many Cases Can Be Cured. There ere seven main features ol heart disease, vlx.: (1) Weakness or Debility; (2) Rheumatism or Neuralgia; <3) Valvular Disorder; (4) Dilation; (6) Enlargement; (6) Fatty Degenera tion; (7) Dropsy. Documentary evidence will prove thousands of so-called ••Incurables'’ have been absolutely cured by Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure. Patients often have no Idea their dis ease Is heart trouble, but ascribe It to Indigestion, Liver Complaint, etc. Here arc some of the symptoms: Shortness of breath after exercise. Bmotherlng Spells. Pain in Chest, left Shoulder and arm. Discomfort in Lying on one side. Fainting Spells. Nervous Cough. Swelling of Feet and Ankles. Paleness of Face and Lips. Palpitation. Nightmare. Irregular Pulse. "I have great faith in Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, and speak of its merits whenever Opportunity presents. 1 can now go up und down stairs with cuse, where three weeks ago 1 could hardly wnlk one block.” One year later.—"1 am still In B 0 °d health; the Heart Cure «lld so much for me. that 1 Und it a far greater medicine thnn you claimed It 1<> be.”—S. 1>. YOUNG. D. D.. C97 North Pino St., Natchez, Miss. Money hack if first bottle falls to benefit. TyXIT?!? Write us and we will mall J’ RLXj you a Free Trial Package of Dr. Miles’ Antl-Paln Pills, the New, Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symp tom Plank for our Specialist to dl..gnose i your case and tell you what Is wrofl; ’ and how to right it. Absolutely Free. Address; DR. YllLF.S MEDICAL CO., 1 LABORATORIES, ELKHART, 1ND. I City and County General Directory p CITY. \ >!»>•'.r, A R Burden: Aldermen. T M Good- ‘ rum, 11 li North, T G Farmer, W .1 brisked, H ( C Glover, J T Ivirloy, >1 Salbldo, VY S Askew; ’ Clerk, E It Fouse: Treasurer, <1 11 Carmlonl; till ,.f Po loo, .1 li Brewster; Supt. Waterworks, C >1 Speer. Council meets 1st and 3rd Monday nights. CHURCHES. First Baptist—G A Nunnally, l’astor. ProHch- ing evciy .Sunday morning and evening. Pray er meeting Wednesday light. Sunday school 3 30; L M Farmer, superintendont. Ckdthai. Baptist—J s Hardaway, Pastor. Preaching every Sun lay morning and evening. Prr.vcr meeting Wednesday night. Sunday school a:i»'; T G Farmer, superintendent. Mr'.si: ni"!l, B\rmT-sJ *’ Coats. Pastor. I’fea«diltig5ii.l mid hh Sunday mornings and eveniiiHs. Player meeting Thuisday night Sunday sohool every Sunday morning n:iW; .J II Reynolds, superintendent. MbThooirt—.1 R King, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning and evening. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Sunday school li;ilO; .1 F Love joy, superintendent, Kpwor.b League f> p m Sib'duy. l’UF.SBVTERlAN—0 O N Martllidale, Pastor. Preaching evety Sunday morning und night except 2nd., rain or shine. Prayer meeting Thursday night. Sunday school !):3o; Frank Wilkinson, superintendent. KnscdPAL—A II Brook, lloetor. Pleaching lut Sunday at :i p ni and third Sunday at 11a m SECRET (HIDE 118, Coweta Lodge, No CO, F Si A M, n eats 2nd and 4th Tuesday nights. J I, Brown, W M. Newnan Chapter, No 114, It A M, meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights. .1 I Keith, H I*. llirnm Connell, No IS. K Si S M, meets 1-t and Prd Tuesday nights. G L Johnson, T I M. 'fancied Commandcry, No 11, K T, meets 2nd Friday night. P T McC'utehcn, P, C. Oakland Lodge, NoOii, K of P, meets 2nd and 4th Monday nights. D S Cuttino, C. Newnan Lodge, No~T02, 1 O O K, meets 1st and 3rd Monday nights. C A Merck, N G. Newnan Council, No 22, JrOUAM, meets every Friday nights. Jonn Kite, C. All these orders meet in Masonic Temple on Greenville street, except Odd Fellows and Jun iors which meet in I it O F hull west side court square, and visiting members are ahvay come, and cordially Invited THE SEARCH FOR ANCESTORS. Americans of tire present tlav are dis tressingly afflicted With “a passion for grandparents,” according to a some what sarcastic observer who writes in the London Telegraph. ‘‘Formerly, says this authority, “Americans whose ancestrial trees had grown so very little above the ground tlmt the undesirable roots could not be'hidden even by most determined energy oh ihe part of com pilers ,of blue-bookf. were not particu larly unhappy about.the matter, but the present generation is anxious to bolster u p ancestrial weakness.' ’ The writer we have quoted has evi dently heard a good deal about the in defutignble search for ancestors that has been going on for some years past in this country, particularly in the North and West whose people for the most part at one time scorned, or aflected to scorn, the aristocratic pretensions of old Southern families. The chief actors in this comedy are the nonveanx riches who Imve little beside their newly ac quired millions to recommend th mu. Astonished to find that money is not everthing. and that they are not social ly the tqnnls of some persons much less liberally endowed therewith, they begin to look about them with a view to sup plying their deficiencies. A manner which is the result of cer tain associations and long habits can not bo inn ie to order, but there urn other ac quirements supposed to emut that are possible, and one of those is ancestors, or the appearance thereof. It is easy to look into the records of the college of heraldry in London and boldly assume the oonrt-of-arms borne by a family of the same name. It. is less easy ty as sume descent from an officer of the American revolution, hat a private wilb servo when nothing better can be safely aquired even after the greatest industry and the most cheerful lack of conscion tious restraint. As for antique l.urni ttrrt*T there is plenty of it to be had at fabulous prices, and once it is in one’s house it is a standing testimony to the comparative elegance and distinction in which one’s ancestors lived during the pioneer days of America. Very many prosperous Southern fam ilies are spared these disagreeable activi ties because they find what they want ready at their hands. Speaking of the members of a Southern club in a North ern city reoently an observant native of that place remarked that the ‘‘trouble” was that ‘‘they belong to scelr good old families,” implying that the quan tity east drtnbt upon the quality. This is by no menus a pointless jest, und every Southerner with a sense of humor will ippreoiute if at its real worth. At the same time it is unquestionably true that a larger percentage of Southern folk of more prominence t han t lie North ern or Western know who their great grandfathers were and have records to substantiate their claims. The reason for this is simple and self- evident. Became of conditions well un- derstood there has been no European immigration to the South to speak of for a hundred years. The immense popula tion of the North and West, on the other hand, are largely mad e of "new” people —the sons of immigrants of all sorts and conditions from every country in Europe. Thus the South is pre-eminent ly the seat, of Americans of the old stock. —Macon Telegraph- Don’t Blunder OftjR The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered tlmt only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have "their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidneys filter and purify the blood— that is their work- Therefore, when your kidneysare weak or out of order, you eau understand how quickly your entire body is affected and liow every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," Virgin taking tlic great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well tliev will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you ure sick you can make no mis take" by first doctoring your kidneys. | The mild and the extraordinary effect of j . . „ u ... u c . n ric T Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great j J K l H N S I K l|U, kidney remedy, is soon realized. It , stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-eent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle Home or pwnmp Root, by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out iT you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention tins paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. V. Don’t make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., om very bottle. But we mo sure that you will it' you tail to sou om splendid lino of OH 1 N A , rUT GLASS, LAMPS, and kindred lines. The very pick of the best markets for wed ding presents or for the adornment of your own If you want wlmt you want and when you want it trade with mangetsmerFether Newnan, Go. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Greatly In Demand. Nothing is move in demand than a medicine which meets modern require ments for a blood and system cleanser, such as Dr. King's New Life Dills They lire just wlmt you need to euro stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At,). T. Ht-ose Drug Store and l)r. Pnnl Peniston. Patents f 9?4 1905 FARMERS HIGH SCHOOL Near SARGENT, GA. Will open on Monday, Nov. 2S, 1974, and continue in session five consecutive months, closing Spring Term May 1, 1905. The school is being graded and suitably adapted to the needs of any boy or girl who may dcsite to attend. Thor ough, systematic work will be done in each grade from Primary Department to High School De- partmet.t. Each pupil is given special attention from least to greatest. The best instruction will be given in each grade b\ competent teachers Pupils com pleting the High School Course of study will be prepared to enter the Freshman class at college. Instrumental music will be taught by competent instructor. Trines,PrlninryDuixirttncnt, per nm $1 IntormcdtutH Dopt I f«* Hisli Si ■ I UK 11 Dopt • -2 ('ll lnstrumt-nUil Music 2 (la Ro.miIi In good ramifies per month • S On For further pailiculars write \ Roy Almon, Principal, Newnan, Ga , K. F. I) No. 5 Tull the couch! and CURE the UJNC8* Design j Copyrights Ac. AnTnnQflcnrttnff a sketch and ilo*rrli»tlnn inr.y mhV.tly nju'ortnln our opinion free wiiotnci’ an Invention i*t probably patentable. * 'otoimiiim’u- tioMR et rlctly contlilontlal. Handbook on I'at cut u unit fico. nlrtONt nunticy iornmiriitK phIimiI’*. I'ntcntFi taken tliroiiyh Munti At ro. icoulvc fjiccial w.ticc, without olinrao, In tho Scientific American, A bandBonioly niustmtcd wockly. l.nnioM < lr- culitlUm of nny Rclontltlc journal. IcriiiM. i>i a y«.ir: four months, fl. Hold by all now Minder*. fllUNN & CO,30>BroDd» n y, YOtf innueli ofllrn, iljf. F HI.. Wuslilnvlun. 1). < <91 Plico BOr A $1.00 Froo Trial. Atlanta & West Point Itailroad Co. The Western Bailway of Alabama. Direct Lines Between North, Fast, South und Southwest. U. S. Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. Fast HEAD I)o\VN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 20, 1904. Slfip 12 -ton' 11 U5p YflOn (i'..’iii i imp IUO'mi 2 27p lOUOii 2Wp ' 3 Hi p liftTpl 11 25a j ;i ir,|i 12 23pi 4 H0p 12 Dip'll Mill 1 .vspl II W1 2 "Tp (! 2S| HOOp. 7 o',; 3 20|>| 7 3U| n 4.’hi! 10 52a 12 54p' «03p| No no] No :wj kvave A ♦‘rivo No UA No 37 il 25it j H J5p Lv New Orleans...... A r h ion 7 15h 1 2">I» Vi 40a I.v Mobile \i — 1 12|i - 12 lt.pjll lit.p Lv PenHiieohi Ar 1 oup 5 min •l (Kin 12 33,' 0 :;up n r>j.i Lv MontK'unerv , \ 1 hi 11 ■..51, >| 7 Up Ar MIMeud \ ’ •• ;,7j* • T2|i 7 win Ar riu'liinv V il I2a s 21111] BJ'fP Ar \nlmrii \i 11 inn 7 lr, l’l Il 25)1 12 35,, Ar Columbus.... ... At H M OA ,, S *17 Ar Opelika \r s :i7n 7 :u*p| 111)2|) li 1211 Ar West Point Al L:"" •1 !'lp| U :»7|> 11 »;7u Ar La Grange Ai 7 :'»ii 0 ‘^P n* 27p 10 .Via Ar Newnan Ai ] r. :i I t 7 2tl|i A r . Fiilrtiurn. Ai li'i'in Ar .. ICiet Point \ 1 [li 40p ii km Ar Atlanta L\ 1 r> 1 JOp 1 !! I 'M. Ar Washington Lv dl 15a 13 *- r, l» 'll 2**I s min \r.. liiilllmnrc 1 I7n a I3|i 1 i? Mp IO 1 r»a Ar Philadelphia.. . i.\ 1 :i ir»n «i M|. I 3 13(1 12 13, | A r New 5 ark L\ W ion t 25|> Surest und Quickest Oure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BAOK. ATENTS PROCURED AND DEFENDED. I drawifitf «»iphoto, for export wureh aiul f 11*0 report. I 1 Froe Rilvloi*, how to obtain patent*, trade mark*, I copyright,,«U)„ IN ALL COUNTRIES. 1 Ituxiu i'x.i dir ret luli/i Wtts/ring ton saves time A money amt often the fa tent. Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. Writ* ur rnmo to uh lit I B23 Ninth Itrnt, opp. UnlUd IUtM Nlni 0>e.,I WASHINGTON, D. C. OASNOW Colds 12 Mi'l 3 nil' 12 1 III I ",H|• ! I lUp I;! •V>p 11 lop 12 nr.| ♦Mrlils i ui N' -.v Orlcnii inr I*'niis, Mi \l •pi, Sumlny nt r. ;::<i Tli rout'll n 11 forn in COUNTY. 1j A Perdue, Ordinary: S I^Faver, C'erk; J L Brown, Sherifi ; R H Ware, Tax Receiver; \V T Arnall, Tax Collector; J H Kelley, Treasurer; W H Beavers, Coroner; A H Arnold, Surveyor. CoiiNTT Board—J R McCollum, J C McKoy, i N Sewell. J W Hutehinson, J W Arnold. Meets first Wednesday in each month. W L Stallings, Clerk and County Attorney. City Court—A D Freeman, Judge; W G Post, Solicitor. Regular sessions 3rd Monday In January, April, July, and October. Sits anv time for trial of criminals in jail. Superior Court—R W Freeman, Judge, New nan, Ga; H A Hall, Solicitor, Newnan, Ga. Sits tla and 2nd Mondays In March and September. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind - 5-eent packet is enough for usual occasions yamilv bottle KJO cents) contains a supply h year.Ali druggis-- sell them. The Country Editor. The worm will tnrn. Sometimes it takes the worm a long time to make up its mind to do it, but sooner or later it does. Every man who has served time web ! us editor of country newspapers lins ex perienced the trouble referred to in this anecdote, but not all of them have had the courage to resent it. Let there be a society function in the the little city and the local editor pres ent, some one will approach him with a smile and say: “Well, getting some news to put in your paper?” Of course they mean well, but they seem never to realize that perhaps even a country editor can lay aside liis pro fessional duties long enough to go out in society and meet his friends on a social basis. i “Deacon” Dobyns, one of the best j known country editors in Missouri, snf- I fered this sort of thing for years, and al- though it rankled in his bosom, he i never let on, hut smiled in return and i nodded assent. But at Inst patience j censed to he a virtue. Not long ago lie I attended a social affair in his home town, going as an iuviteu guest. Y\ bile 1 mingling with his lriendg a local grqeer Above trains <lnily. I’.iniieetu forTuskegce, Milnteiul for TiiIIhIi ishc-c. LilGrunge iieeoninioililtlon lenvos Ailnnlit < 1.ii 1 y, ex leaves LhGrange ut u. m. nrrives Atlanta S IS n. m. Truliis 35 und 33 Fiillmiiu sleepers New York and New Orlenu* ton ami New OrleHU". Trnlns 87 und lis Wutlilngnm and Southwestern Limited. I‘-.i 11 innn sP'i'pei-. enrs. observe!Ion mid dining eur-. t’ninplcte service New York ee l N' w Orionns Trait) 1)7 United States mull. Through day e Atliinlu mol New Orieu Write for maps, sehedules mid information. J. B. llKYWARD, J. J>. B1 LLUPS. D. P. A., Atlanta, Go. G. )’. A., Atlantu o (HAS. A. W11 ‘ KKKS1IA M. i’res. und Gen. Mer., Atlnnte, 3n Newnan Marble Works, J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in All Kinds Marbe and Granite. Georgia Marble a Specialty. All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. JUNCT’N. NEWNAN, GA. It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the lungs, low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases, among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life, pneumonia and consumption. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy lias won its great popularity hy its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It aids expectoration, re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions, effecting u speedy and permanent cure. It counteracts any tendency toward pneumonia. Price 25c, Large Size 50c. j You Don’t hav Q to snde your order for Job Printingaway; you can get just what you want, at rea sonable prices at THE NEWS JOB ROOMS Something to be proud of — , |,j m with the remark: S. C. CARTER & CO., “Good evening. ‘Deacon.’ Getting OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON.. I ^hen- for,” re CLEANING, DYEING AND PRESSING. i>ii< d D m on.” By ti.« way, >1.. tin to drum up sonn Satisfaction Guaranteed. Why throw away your old clot lie*, when jn-f alittli-. work and av.-ry small i-x|ji-naitnrs.wul jrmkethem the equal uf nuw -lilts. Sands, nrr- you her- trade for your stor-:" Of course the grocer got mud about it. j hut ••Deacon " only grinned and r<- t sumod mingling with :.;.s friends. ! —a set of Harness from Krueger's. Those who have the care of harness and horse goods know the worth’ 4 of a good article—the kind that looks in good or der when it is kept so—that is never in need of repairs This is the kind that we sell, and we guarantee it to be t he best in the market. Shoes Half-Soled. Wm. DEPOT ST. Krueger, NEWNAN.GA. f * 4 Printing j You Care to Have the Best in Send your Orders to Tiik ♦ 4 p 4 Pliune 20 if P t.