The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 18, 1905, Image 7

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trance for Christians and Moslems alike, the architrave being richly and lavishly cut with garlands anil flowers, the well-preserved Greek Land of Promise (Continued from 6th Page » still outside the city walls, on the site of what is traditionally pointed j inscription put there b> t he Em out—probably without a shadow peror Theodosius when he trails- of reason—as the House of Naa-' formed it into a splendid Christian man the Syrian—2 Kgs. v—where Cathedral Church dedicated to we got our first glimpse, and at St. -John the Baptist: “Thy king- close range too, of real lepers,with ; dom, O Christ, is an everlasting their feverish looking and puffed- up skin and unnatural mien, some in the initial and others in a more advanced stage of the dread disease “Unclean! Unclean!and Separated from Humanity!" they were in deed, yet all eager for all the backsheesh they could gut out of benevolent people whether stran gers or acquaintances. And truly, he or she who would not give a poor leper something in answer to the pititul plea must be niggardly and without sympathy for his neighbor in an irreparable distress. It was pleasant change to go thence to the City Gardens, a kingdom, and Thy dominion en- dureth throughout all generations —Psa. 114:13, the words *0 Christ' being an interpolation.—This can only be seen by climbing a steep stairway and going out on a roof ing over the silversmiths'|bazaar. The building has been^ destroyed or injured by fire time and again, and restored as often;] and is quite remarkable, measuring internally about 455 by 123 feet, with an im mense transept in the center across it from north to south with three aisles of equal width and 185 feet in length on the east and west sides, these being divided by DO YOU GBT UP WITH A I,ABfE BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody wlio reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderf il cure-, made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- ii Kilmers swamp- j| Root, the great kid ney, liver anil pretty and well-patronized resort, * 1 an arcade of II bays, carried on and after a brief stay to drive j columns from some more ancient through “ the Street called I edifice and raised on pedestals and Straight,” and through the Greek ' surmounted by ancient Corinthian Baziar and by the Citadel, a very (capitals and by dossercts; having fine and massive stone fortress, | originally an arcade running round with its reminders of other dys, j about three sides of the great court- back to camp for lea, and after-1 yard, that portion on the south wards over to the Hotel Grand west alone being left standing by Victoria, where we had a good the last fire, 1803. Work of rcs : glimpse of a modern hostelry in j toration of injured sections is yet “the Pride of the East” ere we re- j going on. Between the third and turned to our camp to tent for the 1 fourth columns on the south aisle first night ere taking the long j to the east of the great dome one horseback ride across the Land of | observes a gilded wooden dome- the Book commencing the next , covered erection said to be the afternoon. ! Tomb of "John the son of Zachar- The cloudiness of the night ma- 1 ias,’' or the Shrine of John the terialized into rain before day ! Baptist, from a very old tradition came, and, though the rain stop-1 that wheft the disciples of John ped, the early outlook was any-1 buried his body in Samaria, they (lor remedy It is tlie great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered utter years of scientific research by hr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame luck, uric .acid, catarrh of the bladder uud 1’,right’s Disease, which is the worst form of kiiluev trouble. hr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will l»e found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a lx>ok tell ing more about Swatnp-Root, and how to find out if yon have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer ill this paper and send your address to I)r. Kilmer Co., Binghamton, N. V. The regular fifty-cent and one- dothir size bottles are n«j ot s«**mp.Root sold by all good druggists hon’t make any mistake, but remember the u itne, Swamp-Root, hr. Kilmer's Su anip-Root, and the address, Binghamton. \. V., on everv bottle. But. \vi> ;tre sure tliatvcm will if you fail to see our splendid line ofOHINA, CUT GLASS, l. A MI’S, and kindred lines. The very pick ot the best markets for wed ding presents >r for’Jthe adornment of your own If you want whnt you want and when you want it trade with MANGETTS MERIWETHER JtCKSai STREET, Newnan, (a. SO YEARS* EXPERIENCE Creatlv in Demand. Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which insets modern require ments for n blond and system cleanser, such as Dr. King’s Now l,it. Pills' They are just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Trv them. At. .1 T Keesv Drug Store and l)r Paul I Vniston Patents I SwIARr j DeSIQIV j COPKHIGHTS AC. Anvotu* RomllriK nnkolrii find <lPMc.rtph<m .nr rulekly n*iwrt.iUn our opinion fnn* wnot.tmr • luvotlt t*m probably piifoutiUBn r ons at r let I y confidential Iliimlboolton I’litont a 1 *11 r trot*. OldoHt Mixnnoy for Hontrlritc piitnut*. I’uunlR fiiUen flin>ui(h Minin .t ».’•» rooolvo trpfeinJ Ri/fUir, without eharuo, »n tdn* Scientific Jlmerican. A hnndMomoIf illtmt.r.itml irwHljr C*nrm»nt rir* 1 ninth>0 of uny uelontlllit Jotiruiil ‘rorm*. f:i \ year; four ruontha,$L ttcndbyall nownd^nlor*. MM & Co. 8a,B ™ iK,wHy - New torif «-. > <"v The Wren. - . It la to be noted 11 uft If more itoai* ' a year old wrens come directly th tbdr nesting site of lilt* preceding summer, if It la still intact, all's well. There Is no loitering in tin- neighborhood, nor has It ever ha|)penei|, so far aa my ob servation extends, that a single l»lr<l appears and a unite subsequently cornea upon the scene. Tin* pair arrive together. This is amplestionnhly true of my doorstep wrens if Uie past, rfeven summers and suggests that tin- marital tie ta not voluntarily broken, whatever the birds' careers from \ugimf to April. The male may lose his mate, but lie soon llnds another, and tin* widowed bird may inse her lord, hut she prompt ly mates again, and so one or the other keeps the old summer home In mind, and It Is never forsaken, it. become* a fixed feature of their ltvea. — l>r. Charles C. Abbott in I.lpplnoott’a. Uovrrnnr Ulirn Mod I'atrlek Ilearjr. Chief Jnature Marshall used to nar rate with great glee a correspondence on a point of honor between Governor Gllea of Virginia and Patrick Henry: 8lr t understand you letvn called mo a bobtnllo.l politician. I wish to know If It b* true mil. If true, your meaning VV. it ou.rca To which Patrick Henry replied: Sir I fio not. recollect having called you a bobtutloit polttlelmi at any time, lint think It proliable 1 have 1 can't say whnt I dl l mean, toil It' you will tall in* what you think I mean I will tell you whether you are correct or not PATRICK IIIONIIT. Filial Curiosity. “Pygmalion, dear" iiskisl Galatt-n day, "where did you find a ptero Ultra*, UK- N’ Ht, Waiiteiim thing bul bright and promising to the well and strong, much less to such as h.«l been suffering from severe cold since arrival in Con stantinople with its bitter cold breezes direct from the Black Sea. And yet, one couldn’t help but laugh, as the first sound that greeted the ears on waking was the “donkey band's concert” —far worse than a “Waterbury alarm” clock-- consisting of the quick dimr-dong of heavy bronze donkey- bells and the continuous tremen dous beating of tin-pans accom panied by the occasional bray of the donkeys as they passed in rapid transit around about the tents ot the camp Not only can you not sleep, but you dare not sleep, longer, for, even while breakfast is served soon after this “blare,” the brought his head to Damascus,and b Tried it beneath the spot where the shrine is erected. “It may be from a confused tradition of the vision of St. Paul, that a belief pre vails among the Mussulmans of Damascus that our Lord, having ascended from the Mount of Olives at Jerusalem, has descended, or will descend, on the Mount of Figs at Damascus. One of the minarets of the Great Mosque is called the Minaret of Isa—Jesus— from the expectation that this will be the spot, in a dark neglected chamber half way up the minaret, where he will stand to judge the world, and within whose walls every prayer offered is on tlrs ac count supposed to ensure success." From this point we had a fine view of the whole city and its environs tents are being taken down, and ■ afforded us. Of course, this is but baggage must be ready to move ! one of many mosques here. on, for “the Damascus Overland Party” has employees that wait for nobody. Today we ourselves do not leave until early afternoon, spending the time meanwhile in the city of the Damascenes, and seeing more of its sights;wbile our camp goes.on ahead of us to be pitched for us when the day’s jour ney is completed and rest from its hardships demanded. The morning opened with a visit to the Great Mosque of the Omeiyades, on the site of which has from times of old stood the central shrine of the religious wor ship and devotion of the Damas cenes; where, for instance, in the days of Naaman the Syrian was the famous “House of Rimmon”— 2 Kgs. 6:18—the temple of the great god of the Syrians, whose altar was so wonderful that Ahaz, King of Judah, had one made like it in theTemple of Jehovah at Jerusalem—2 Kgs. 16:10-13,— On this site the Romans built a great Temple to Jupiter, considerable remains of which remain around 1 Just outside the Mosque’.-* pre cincts on the north we saw the Tomb of the great and magnani mous Saracen, Saladin—Salah ed-Din—hero cl the Second Cru sade; and affixed thereto was hang ing the golden wreath presented by the Gorman Emperor William 711 on his recent visit to the Land. It is a fine mausoleum and has some fine faience work about it. We took in the wonderfu mixed multitude of the street from Bag dad and gateway, and more of the bazaars and workshops, giving especial attention to the Greek division, and aiso to the Military Barracks. After this we returned to where our camp had stood be fore our Arabs stole away in the early morning light, got luncheon, chose the horses for our overland ride of 225 miles to Jerusalem, and were off early after noon, the sky having cleared beautifully and “the outlook as bright as the promises of God" to those that trust all things to His keeping! [To be continued. ] Atlanta & West Point Pailroad Co. The Wostorn Railway of Alabama. Direct Lines Between North, East. South and Southwest U S. Fast Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping (airs. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. '.KA1) DOWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NHV. 20, 191)4. HUAI) HI- No 40 No at Ne IW No :ts heave Arrive 11 No :i7|Ne "7 No :i;i 8 K»p 12 40a 0 2") a 1 * K 15p V2 40a l.v Netv 1 >rli up . Ar I.V Mobile Ar 7 10a ‘J *V»II 11 Km r :i7n :::::: map non --- 12 i.-.p II OAp l.v roiiMienlii . Ar 4 00p r. min 1 nop r> <M)a 11 .Hip in: 1.(11 0 !f»:i !<• 0f>n loHOa 1 :inp J 27p 2 :. 2p II Illp a nop 7 Up ” ’I2p S Up •> •i’ip 0 r,;.a 7 au.i l.v Mrintgiimery Ar Ar ..MIMeiel Ar Ar nh uhaw Ar 10 fiTui 0 r*7n 0 4*2»i 0 10(1 1 il',l. 0 '20 P HfiOji MO! JI 17 1 • p » - : >h • r ( in |i 1 271* laiv.p I-’ T.|. A r OoltunbuN Ar ‘ ‘ II 5:. I’-’^P :? Ifip \ Hop 0 O-.'p h :17a 0 12:1 Ar Opellkn . Ar Ar Went Bolnr Ar s :i7n 7 firm ■; :i:ip 1 1 ip 1 Inn 1 15p !180p ...... -- I’trup 1 .Vi|* - ”7|> SIXlp » aop II -.tip II IS); M 2Hp 7 i.:.|» 7 :«)|* '•« Ml* !•* 27|> • l 10 Ar |,ii UrillIXU. Ar Ar Newmitt Ar 7 :imh a :m*i 0 04a o :»()«« 0 2*21 f, 20p 1 20 p 12 f,In 12 III! ii i T ! “11 1 AS|- 1 mi. 18 iNp 18 IBp ii top i 1 llili Ar lCant Point. Ar • r ..Atlanta I»v 0 l:»a l'» .Via 1 - *>4t» ;U):;p '■ top 11 2"p Wp 0 I .III 0 12 1 S MOt. Hi lu.’l l'-^p N WuRhlnffto i.v ••Baltimore ... . i.v \r I'hilmirlpiiia —Am Ar New A'ork l.v II Kill (1 I7il 11 Hill 12 Kill KM.p (1 |(i|l 11 iV'.|> 4 anp ::: : : of Ivory t hi. k enough lo cn rvo Into 11 Still 11 * of m r size?’ I‘y gniit 1 oi\ smrlo Ills fore head with his Hsl. "Woman," 1 aimed, with a lor- rible voiei >, • motile - question Ilka that Will lipse 1 p* etillt e fabric of legend- ary Uislo •y * Not lilng h it fear kept. Ga ilea from tolling t it. II ■Ighlioi h and c\| dodltig the wlioh* -ilo ry. tIhlcu go Tribune. Fn <h J1 v .Dr. Tin ke *r• 1 m, r issmiito of William Kile -j ( 1,1 ittiiipf, W1I.H <>fp» of <Ilian- lilng’* l’ W intin1 t,. frlem 4 through life. Tin W WM*** ill ways extremely frank wi it me another and sound lines kttVv* .'Mir h tiller h harp tnswers. Oil at least < HP* of the reeordei occasions, says Mr .lo 111 w. hadwp'U In his llfd of the g f'M t. pres ■her, hr < '.banning Clime nllt ai <M4<! hr Tuck •nnati (>U 0110 of his fre- qttettl vis Its iiPHiin d for Mrs. < fitsnnlng hipI was ill) ormed hat. she 1:1 d gone to Newport to open th<> house or the Hum inn* ‘Alone ,,, 1 .sited 1 >r Tticki nna n. Dr. rnrTusk. : I .ulirn U'l.V.*- I...I Truitt* iieil (on and N■ ■ v. Oilciui. Train.* 27 anil :IS W 1. car-, oh* r * e-in. ami ili Traini*T I'nir 1 stun Wi ti fm main, - 'hi .1. B iri'.VW.UlD. D. P. A.. AO 1111<1, (.11 ; I v. .’..ppcot.loio 1 tllah'iNHi » :-m .'Jiifii* leave- '• • 1 -. 1 rrl\ e - I' ll. I'l -leener* at New Orleans fm T Atlanta rtnilv, Atlanta k:lfi a. New York and New Orleans. rico, California a: ( helinw pt Sunday at, 0:110 |>. in Keturnlno Tlirout'll coat lies Wu.-hinf .'ton and Southwestern I,help'd. I’u 11 iiimi (ears. Ceiii|deti-servlet New York and Nt *t mull. Through day eomiheH Atlanta and Now Orleans • •* ..tnl liiidriTi ilion. J. P. BriiMJPH, (i. I*. A., Atlanta (la. CD AS. A WIckBRHHAM. Tie*, and li-v Mgr.. Atlanta. On the area of the present mosque.: : Notably see on the lintel of the; toucan t always tell a milk train southern triple gateway, which at i by its cowcatcher, one time must have been very It a man is a coward he always beautiful and probably the en-j claims to be conservative. Newnan Marble Works, J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in All Kinds Marble and Granite. Georgia Marble a Specialty. All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. JUNCT’N. NEWNAN, GA. Something to be proud of —a set of Harness from Krueger’s. Those who have the cure of harness end horse goods know the worth of a good article—the kind that looks in (food or der when it is kept so—that is never in need of repairs This is the kind that we sell, arid we guarantee it to be the best- in the market. Shoes Half-Soled. Wm. Krueger, Depot Street, Newnan, Ga. Chiutulug Assented, and hr. Tucker mun, ivMpondiiiK, sit Id: "ho I nnderstuud you to say that Mrs. 1 ’haimlng Inis gone Into the coun try ti lotto to open (lie house fur the sum merV" "Tlmt Is what I suld, Dr. Tucker- mun." “Well, hr. Ghutinlug, you will per mil me lo -ay Mint I should not think of asking Mrs. Tuckormun to go tc tin* • •<> 11111ry alone to open the house fot the -dimmer." Till'd 1 >r. t 'hatming I.mulled his small, dry 11111 kh “id rejoined “Very likely, hr. Tiiekorrnon, and If you should most probably she would not (To." Thereupon questions of large public Intfi'esl were Immediately taken up. Sin- llnil to fi'oi'Kir*. Mrs. Winks Mrs Ayres and her hus band have had a dreadful quarrel Just because she gave him a letter to mall and he carried il around In his pockets for a week. Isn’t, il loo silly of her? Mr. Winks Maybe Mini would moke you mad too. Mrs. Winks Oh, John, I wouldn’t lose my temper over a little thing like that. Mr. Winks—I’m glad to hear you say il, my dear. I Just re call that I’ve still got that letter you gave im<* last Wednesday.—Philadel phia Press. Fsenpr.l Her Notice. “How did you like the way the min ister animadverted upon 011/colloquial Isms last Sunday?’' asked Mrs. Old east le. "I didn’t notice It,” replied her host ess. "Me and JoHiah were crowded out of our own pew and had to set where we couldn’t see him when he wasn’t standin’ lip."—Chicago Record-Herald. Instead of doing things today the wise man did them yesterday. Some men waste a lot of valu able time explaining their actions. A man who is satisfied with his job never reaches the top of the ladder. What has become of the leap year “Society for the Prevention of Old Bachelors?” Married women who know how to manage husbands, seldom give their plans away.