The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, January 18, 1905, Image 8

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NEWNAN FURNITURE CU. above act forth, and entitled to all other right*, powers, privileges and immunities and subject' to al! liabilities incident to like corporations under the lave. This January 9th, 19>V>. C. H. REII), Petitioners’ Attorney, t iled in office this January 9th. 1906. L. TURNER, Clk. K. C. C. C. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true c ipy of the application for charter of New nan Hardw are Company now of file in my office. Jan. 19. 1906 TURNER, Clk S.Y. C. C. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. Florence F. Simpso Luscombe Simpson To Lutcombe Simp. I.ihel f<-r Divorce. In Coweta Superior Court, .Sept, term,1904 u, in the above statist This Ifandsonic linage S~> rash and $2 a month. Stores S'2 rnsh nod SI /ter month. A Nice Oak Suit for $35. We'give you the best goods for the money. Come and See. Application for Charter. STATE OF (tBOROIA—Coweta County To the Superior Court of said County : , The petition of A. W Stubbs, of -aul county, . and T. P Zellars, of Campbell County, all in said state, respectfully shows: j 1st That they desire f-T themselves, their associates, suce. ssors and assigns, to b.-eome j incorporated unler the name and style of ; Newnan Hardware Company, and for the full j term or twenty years with the privilege of i renewal at the end of that time. Jnd. The capital stock ot aaid'corporation is I to la- four thousand dollars, flivldisi into shares | of on. 1 hundred dollurs each; and petitioners desire the rigiit to increase said capital stock from time to time, by a majority vote of tile stuck, to such sum as they may see proper, not to agreed the sum of fifty thouaand dollars. :ird. The full amount of said capital stock of four thousand dollars lias already been actual !v paid in 4th. The object of the prnpoaed corporation is pecuniary gain to its stockholders ■>th. The particular business that said cor poration proposes to carry on is a general hardware bustness, and to that end they de sire the right to buy and sell, for cash and on credit,and at retail and wholbsalc, all kinds of hardware, hollow ware, wooden-ware, tin ware, stoves, ranges, machinery, tools, wag ons, buggies, harness and all other kinds of merchandise, articles and t hings usually kept in, or convenient to lie handled in or in con nection with a general hardware store. They also desire the right to sell on com mission,and toaetas agents for others in handling and selling any of the articles and things above mentioned. They also desire the right to buy an 1 own and sell such other property, real and personal, as may he ms-cssary to carry on their iec] with Sute Treasurer of Michi- bUHincHif, and thp right to make by-lu\VH and to make nil contracts written and verbal in eon- gafl for protection of all policy nection with their said business, and to exer-! p^olcicTS clan the usual powers, and to do and perform j all usual, necessary and proper acts which j Indemnity paid according to pertain to or may lie connected with the bust ness they propose to carry on 6th. The principal office and place of busi. j income, ness of said corporation shall lie in the city of I Newnan, in said county of Coweta, but they I desire flic rigid to establish branch offices and You arc h r' by commanded to In-and appear at the ne-.t term of said Superior Court, to ho held in and for the. county of Coweta, on th*> first Monday in March. 1906, then and thereto answer the plaintiff's libel for total divorce, ns in default of such appearance the court will proceed therein as to justice may appertain. Witness the Honorable It. M . Freeman, Judge of said Court, this Dec. 7, 1904. H. L. KAVER, Clerk. With the Churches Church Notice. At the Presbyterian church next Sabbath at u a. m„ Rev. C. O'N. Martindale will preach on “Unat- tained Heights,” and in connection therewith the Lord's Supper will be administered, the offering be ing for the support of the church. At / p. m. the subject will be “Satisfied Yearnings. ’ A most cordial invitation is extended to everybody to attend these services, as well as prayer meeting on Thursday at 7 p. m. Strangers, travelers and young men, especial ly welcome. UNITED STATES HEALTH VND ACCIDENT CO. NEWNAN-FURNITURE GO. Capital Stock $200,000, Deposit' amount justified by occupation and and places of business in su«h other pltMteH in mid out of this Statu as they may see proper. 7th. Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights and powers R. W. Milner, AGENT, Newnan, Georgia. jsacii Merck & Dent, Every word of it, is ti'iic, be cause it, means us. Any of the customers of Merck A I lent will tell you so. And whether your carriage needs only slight repairs or a thor ough overhauling, rotrim- miiig, and repainting, you’ll always find our work done thoroughly and to your sat isfaction—and you’ll have money left when you pay the lull. BUGGY BUILDERS A Big Lot Fine Horses and Mules. BRADLEY & BANKS Newnan, Ca. Let us do Your “W A S H I N G” The Coweta Steam Laundry “ wants to do your washing.” The best equip ped laundry plant, in a city of New- nan’ssize, in the South, is at your service for this purpose. It is in charge of an expert and under new management, and is being conduct ed strictly as a business enterprise on business principles. Patrons are expressing entire satisfaction with the quality of work turned out and our business is increasing rap idly; but the capacity of our plant is not yet taxed to the limit, and we want to do laundry work for mere people. We are giving 20 per cent, discount on family washing. This in cludes everything except shirts, shirt-waists, collars and cuffs. Let us have your “washing.” Our work will please you. COWETA STEAM LAUNDRY Newnan, Georgia. With the Methodists. Presiding Elder B. T. Allen, of La Grange, delivered a master ly sermon at the Methodist church last Sunday, and at night Pastor King preached a splendid sermon to his people. At the First Baptist. Dr. Nunnally it First Baptist church last Sunday morning dis cussed the“Making of a Woman” and at night the “Growing of a •Man.'' His treatment of these themes was pointed and practical. He showed the responsibility and the honor of oeing a woman or a man as well as the difficulties and dangers of their stations in life. Next Sunday morning he will dis cuss the “Successful Merchant” and at night the “Wise Builder.’’ Such sermons are calculated to in spire young men with hope, while they warn them of temptations and sin. The publ-c invited- Strangers will find a w arm welcome. Pastor at Cartorsyille Re ceives Two Calls. Cartersville, Ga., Jan. 17. Rev. John E. Barnard notified his con gregation yesterday that he had received a call to the pastorate of Emanuel Baptist church, at Little Rock, Ark., also a proposition for a joint pastorate in Atlanta. He said he was not expecting any call or proposition, but would have to consider the call from Arkansas, and would give his church here his decision in the near future. Florida Hotel Burned. lfornosawsu, Fin., Jan. 17 —The Horn- osassalnn was completely burned Inst night, catching from a defective flue at !• o'clock, before the occupant* hud re tired . Among the guests were Congress man- elect and Mrs. Gordon Lee, of Georgia; Mrs. Frank M. Potts, of Atlanta, and Dr. R. L. Palmer, of Atlanta. All personal effects of the hotel and the guests were saved largely through the efforts ot' the Atlanta Fishing Club, whose clnb house is just across the river and whose members first saw the tiro and gave the alarm. For Artistic Job Printing Measured by Modern Standards War on Weeds! THISTLE-INE is sure death to Canada Thistles and all other noxious vegetation. It can no longer be considered an experiment. That it Is able to and does destroy weeds and thistles of all kinds, is shown by the hundreds of letters we have received from farmers, nark, cemetery and highway commissioners, railroad officials, and others who have given it a thorough tost. It is easier and cheaper to spray the grass and weeds in walks,driveways and street gutters, with THISTLE-INE than to cut or dig them out. If you have a lawn or back yard in which you take pride, you will find THISTLE-INE n constant friend in destroying Dandelion, Burdock. Wild I.ettuce, or other unsightly weeds. 'T You run no risk of failure in ordering, for when used according to directions, we guarantee the results to Ik- entirely satisfactory. Send for Circular. Tl, F UNDGREN CHEMICAL CO.. No. 10 S, Ionia Street. Grand Rapids, Mich. TRY THE NEWS JOB OFFICE Satisfactory Work and Prompt Dlivery Guaranteed Special Rates Via Central Railway. To Montgomery, Ala., Interstate Sugar Cane Growers Association, Jan. 25-27, 1905. One fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Tickets on snle from point-a in Alabama Jan. 24th aud 25th, and from all other points Jan, 23rd aud 24th, 1905; final limit Jan. 30, 1905. To New Orleans, La., Interstate Cot ton Convention, Jan. 24-26, 1905. One fare plus 25 cents for the round trip. Tickets on sale Jan. 23rd, and for trains scheduled to reach New Orleans before noon Jan. 24, 1905; final limit Jan. 28, 1905. To Cincinnati, Ohio, Convention Na tional Association Retail Grocers, Jan. 24-26, 1905. One fare plus 25 cents for tiie round trip. Tickets on sale Jan. 23, 1905; final limit Jan. 28,1905, For further information apply to yonr nearest ticket agent. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind j The 3-cent packet is enough for usual •>< caaicna The family bottle (GO cents, contain- a *uruily I for a year.All druggist-.*,. 11 them.