Newspaper Page Text
Issued Every Wednesday,
j. T. FAIN, Editor and Publisher.
’Phone No. 20.
Th*; Homo Tribuno is 62 ymru
yonnf* and in growing younger.
Tim receiver for Mth. Chad
wick's estate is a man named I.os-
er; but it is not probable ho w ill
bo able to lose (lassie.
If Heard County insists on en
tering a nag in the gubornational
race, Coweta County will feel call
ed upon to enter one of her fleet
political steed*.
Governor Iit*a says vote buying
in Delaware must stop; but we
really can’t see how the Governor
expects to drive Addicks from
the State.
A plain American citizen has
this advantage in comparison with
the Czar of Russia. Nobody but
the American’s wife ever wants to
give him a blowing up.
Reduce the cotton acreage;
plant corn, peas and vegetables;
save bay; fatten bogs and cattle.
If the farmers throughout the cot-
ion b»>lt. will follow this program
during the coming spring and
summer, cotton will bo worth
more than 10 cents next fall.
Wife Murderer’s Pray
ers Annoy Prisoners
in Atlanta Jail
Thoroughly repentant, of his
bloody deed, uml with his spirits
in a pronounced state of gloom and
despondency, F. M. Alains, the
Nownuti wife slayer, w ho is held
prisoner in the Tower for sate
keeping, constantly pleads for Di
vine forgiveness, and declares, in
despairing tones, when he is for
given he wants to die.
The prisoner has requested Jail
er Fain to remove him from the
other prisoners and place him in
solitary confinement that lie may
1 letter atone for his crime. He
believes he will receive forgive
ness quicker if permitted to en
velop himself in perfect solitude.
This has not boon done, however,
as it is feared that, in his present
condition, Alums might do harm
to himself in a moment of despair
and frenzy.
Alains spends practically the
whole of hiH time in reading the
Bible and in prayer. He prays
aloud, giving vent to his feelings
of remorse in long and continued
supplications for mercy from on
high. This praying is said to
have reached such an extent ns to
annoy the other prisoners, con
fined in the vicinity of Alums’
cell, and formal complaint bus
been registered with the jail :ui-
thorit ies.—Atlanta News.
From the Carroll Free Press
Miss Until Wlmtley,of Newnan,
lias returned to resume her class
in art.
Mr. Albert Ganunon came over
from Newnan Tuesday to sing in
the male quartette at the concert
which was given for the benefit of
the school piano at the audito
Miss Maud Buss, who lias been'
out of the city for some time, vis-
iting..(ricnds at West. Point and
Newnan, is in Teiinile this week,
w here she is being delightfully en
tertained as a guest of Miss Cox.
Tlie News has the best clubbing
offers with all the leading news
papers and magazines. tf. j
Growinq Early Cabbage.
The writer of this article is the origi
nator of the cabbage growing industry
on the Carolina Coast. I grew my first
cabbage for market iu the year 1H68.
From a beginning of one-half acre, the
bnsiness has increased nntil at the pfea-
ont time there are over 4,000 acres of
cabbage grown eacli season in this ter
ritory. To grow a successful crop the
first and most iin[>orttiut thing is to se-
core plants that are grown from high
grade send, as no amouut of care, ferti
lizer or cultivation can make a good
crop, if the plants used are grown from
inferior seed. You cannot judge from i
the apiiearanoe of the plant, as all young
cabbage plants look the same. The bet
ter class of seed growers select their
stock very carefully, removing from the
field all heads of cabbage ttiat are not
perfect. Some seasons they have to cut
out two-thirds of their plants and do not
save their seed from more than one-
third. Seed selected in this way will
cost from $2.50 to $3.00 per pound. Oth
er seed-growers allow their entire crop
of cabbage to make seed, do not use any
care in the selection of seed grown.
These seed will cost you from 40 to 80
cents per pound. The oost of the seed
is two-thirds of the cost of growing cab
bage plants, so you can readily under
stand why a plant grower who pays
$2.r>0 to $3.00 for his Heed cannot sell
yon plants ns oheap as the grower who
buys inferior seed at 40 to 00 cents per
My thirty-sis years experience has
proven to me that it would pay me
better to use high grade seed at n cost of
$10.00 jht pound, than to use inferior
seed if I could get them free. Those
who do not mnke a regular business of
growing cabbage have Inien iu the habit
of setting out their plants in the months
of February and March, thinking that
the plants do not live if set earlier in the
winter. This is a mistake as a plant set
in December or .January under the prop
er conditions will live just ns well and
head much earlier. The following in
structions will give the proper method
of setting.
The Houtli Carolina sea coast, on ac
count of locality and climatic condi
tions is admirably adapted to the grow
ing of hardy open air plants. The plant
growers sow their seed iu the open fields
in the lute fall from October 20tli to
November 13th. These seed germinate
quickly and make a very rapid growth
for a couple of weeks; by this time the
nights start to get cold. The growth of
the plants is cliecked, and usually about
December 1st to 10th our freezing
weather begins, when the plants stop
growing entirely. The cold weather
lias caused It to become tough and hard,
it Is now iu a dormant condition and
will remain iu this condition until the
latter i>art of February or uutil the
spring weather opens up. While iu this
condition these plants will stand cold
without injury. I have seen my plants
covered with ioe and sleet for several
days, with the thermometer down to 18
and not be injured at all, while the
same plants if they had beeu in a
thirifty growing condition aud full of
sap would have beeu killed by a heavy
freeze or a slight frost. To avoid the
dauger of losing your plants you want
to buy them while they are dormant,the
soouar you do this after December 15th
the better.
If you have it, select a piece ot aark,
medium low, well drained laud, break
it up as thoroughly as yon can, then
pulverize well with a good clod breaker
or harrow. Lay off your rows east aud
west, 30 inches apart,with a bull-tongue
plow. Make up your bed by throwing
two furrows together with a single
horse turn plow. Take your plants mid
set them 20 inches apart on the south
side of the bed, fur enough down, that
the top of the bed will be above tlie
plant, tliis is done to keep the north and
northwest winds from twisting and
breaking the small plants. Be sure to
set the plants welt down iu the soil, aud
see that the entire stem up to the first
leaves is iu tlie groond. Tlie earth
should be well packed around the plant,
it should be packed so firm, that if you
take your plant by tlie leaf aud pull the
leaves would break off before the plant
would pull out. It is understood that
you have used plants that are in a dor
mant condition. These plants should
not lie fertilized at all, until abont two
weeks before the regular spring weather
opens up. The top of the plants will
not grow duriug the winter, but the
roots will be growing all the time,
About tlifc middle or last of February—
or say two weeks before your regular
spring weather starts, take a turn plow,
or half shovel, aud throw a furrow away
from the plants in each alternate row,
run tlie furrow close to tlie plant, sow
in this farrow fertilizer at the rate of
1,000 pounds to the acre, this fertilizer
should a analyze 8 per cent, phosphoric
acid. 7 per cent, ammonia, and 5 per
We Risk It
Druggists Who Sell
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Agree, If It Fails,
To Refund Cost.
Of course we reimburse tlie druggist.
You know lilm. and trust him.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is medicine for your
It cures diseases of the Internal or
gans, by giving tone to the nerves which
make these organs work.
It Is a novel theory—not of anatomy,
but of treatment; first discovered by
Dr. Miles, and since made use of by
many wide-awake physicians, who ap
preciate 11s value in treating the sick.
If you are sick, we offer you a way to
be made well—Dr. Miles’ Nervine.
Tills medicine is a scientific cure for
nerve disorders, such as Neuralgia.
Headache, Loss of Memory, Sleepless
ness, Spasms. Backache, St. Vitus'
Dance. Epilepsy or Fits. Nervoua Pros
tration, etc.
By toning up the nerves. Dr. Miles*
Restorative Nervine wilt also cure those
diseases ot the internal organs due to
a disordered nervous system.
Somf of these are: Indigestion. Bil
ious Headache, Kidney Trouble, Chronic
Constipation, Dropsy, Catarrh, Rheuma
tism, etc.
“My brother had nervous prostration,
and was not expected to live. I pre
vailed upon him to try Dr. Miles’
Restorative Nervine, and now he has
fully recovered. You remember I wrote
you how it saved my life a few years
ago. when I bad nervous trouble. I
£ reach Its merits to everyone.”—REV.
t. I>. MVEILS, Correctlonville. Iowa.
PV W Write us and wo will mall
* XwJCiEs you a Free Trial Package of
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills, the New,
Scientific Remedy for Pain. Also Symp
tom Blank for our Specialist to diagnose
your case and tell you what Is wrong
and bow to right it. Absolutely Free.
Bryan and Parker.
Alton B. Parker and William Jen-
niugs Bryan met Wednesday for the
first time, but this meeting of the two
distinguished defeated candidates does
not seem to have been regarded as hav
ing any political significance.
When Mr. Bryau calls at the White j
House his conversation with Mr. Roose-j
velt is considered of much importance ]
politically. When lie meets Judge
Parker the affair is treated as a social
happening of no general public con
Yet it was not so long ago that Jndge
Parker was commonly looked upon as
the new Moses who was to lead the
Democratic party out of the wilderness,
even if he were defeated. He was to be
the party leader.
Nothing has been heard from the
Jndge politically since election, but Mr.
Bryan has been voluble and omnipres
ent. He is makiug speeches, delivering
lectures, writiug editorials, adviaiug the
Democratic Congressmen, conferring
with the President and helping to ehape
legislation generally.
Judge Parker is peggiug away at the
law, apparently unconscious of rate
bills, or rebates, or tariff schedules, or
navy appropriations, or fiscal protec
Mi. Bryan, after two defeats, is still
in politics up to his chin. Judge Parker,
after one defeat, seems to be satiated
with statecraft. What has become of
reorganization and the reorganizers?—
New York World.
cent, potash. After you have put down
the fertilizer, throw the furrow hack,
with the same plow, being sure to work
tlie dirt well up around the plant.
About two weeks after this fertilizing,
go into the furrow that was not worked
before and do the same thing, then keep
the alleys well cultivated, using for this
purpose a cultivator or diamond toothed
harrow. You want to keep the land
from tins time on, well oulrivnted and
us well open os possible, so that the sun
and air can get in and warm up the soil.
The cabbage roots that have been grow
ing all winter are now strong and will
tnko Up the fertilizer rapidly, and the
plants will grow much faster, and make
you a head of cubbage two to three
weeks sooner than if you had set the
plants in February or March. This ar
ticle applies to the growing of cabbage
in Virginia, North and Month Carolina,
Georgia aud all of tlie Gulf States.
Afraid of Strong Medicines.
Many people suffer for years from
rhnumatio pains, aud prefer to do so
rather than tako tho strong medicines
usually giveu for rheumatism, not know
ing that quick relief from pajn may be
had by simply applying Chamberlain's
Paiu Balm and without taking any
medicine internally. For sale by Holt
& Cates, Druggists, Newnan, Ga.
Tlie News’ clubbing offers with
leading newspapers and maga
zines will interest you. Ask for
particulars about them. tf.
The Best Physic.
When you waut a physic that is mild
and gentle, easy to take and certain to |
act, always use Chamberlain's Stomach j
and Liver Tabletl. For sale by Holt &
Oates, Druggists, Newnan, Ga.
The News and a first class
monthly agricultural journal—
The American Farmer—both one
year for $1. Regular price of the
two is $1.50.
Sick Headache.
This distressing ailment results from a
disordered condition of the stomach.
All that is needed to affect a cure is a
dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets. In fact, the attack
may be warded off, or grentlv lessened
iu severity, by taking a dose of these
Tablets as soou as the first symptoms of
an attack appear. Sold by Holt &
Cates, Druggists, Newnan, Ga.
Wood’s Grass
Clover Seeds.
For cleau fields and clean crops,
Sow Wood’s Trade Mark Seeds,
the best qualities obtainable.
Wood’s Seed Book gives the
fullest information about Grasses
and Clovers, best time and
methods of seeding, kinds best
adapted to different soils, quan
tities to seed per acre, beat com
binations for hay or pasturage,
and much other information of the
greatest value to every farmer.
WoM'l S«U Bfsk is mailed free on re
quest. Write for It, and Special
Price LUt ot Farm Seeds
T.W.Wood&Sons, Scedsitn,
Richmond, • vimimu.
60L0 MEDAL - PARIS, 1900.
f had trouble with my bowels which inadr my
blood Impure. Mv taco was covered with pimples
which no eternal remedy could remove. I tried
your CascurctA and groat was my Joy when the
Pimples disappeared after a month's steady use.
I have recoin mantled them to all my friends aod
Quito a fow have found relief."
r.. S. Puach, 967 Park Avo., New York City. N. Y.
Best Tor
■ The Bowels 4
Wine of C&rdui
Cured Her.
213 South Prior Strewt,
Atlanta, Ga., March 21,1903.
I suffered for four months with I
extreme nervousness and lassitude. I
I had a sinking feeling in my
stomach which no medicine seemed
to relieve, and losing my appetite |
I became weak and lost my vital
ity. In three weeks I lost fourteen I
pounds of flesh aud felt that I muat 1
find speedy relief to regain my I
health. Having heard Wine of I
Cardui praised by several of my I
friends, I sent for a .bottle and wag I
certainly very pleased with the
results. Within three days my
[ appetite returned and my stomach I
troubled me no mare. I could I
digest my food without difficulty
and the nervousness gradually
diminished. Nature performed
her functions without difficulty
and I am once more a happy and |
| well woman.
Vraaa. Atlanta Friday Night ClnU, I
[Secure a Dollar Bottle of |
Wine of Cardui Today.
It should lx? borne in mind that
every cold weakens the lungs, low
ers the vitality and prepares the
system for the more serious dis
eases, among which are the two
greatest destroyers of human life,
pneumonia and consumption.
Cough Remedy
has won its great popularity by its
prompt cures of this most common
ailment. It aids expectoration, re
lieves the lungs and opens the
secretions, effecting a speedy and
permanent cure. It counteracts
any tendency toward pneumonia.
Price 25c, Large Size 50c.
Plaaaatit. Palatable, Patent, Taste flood. Do flood,
N.ver Sicken. Woaken or It ripe, 10c. IKc, 50c. Never
.old In bulk.. The genuine t.blat «tnmpe<l COO.
Untrnnteed to cure or your money keck
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. too
won J
Louisville, Ky.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Why throw away your old clothes, when just
alittle work and a very email expenditurejwili
mnke them the eoual of new suits.
Cabbage Plants & Sea Island Cotton Seed
Cabbage Plants for Rale, and now ready for delivery. “Early Jersey Wakefield”
and Charleston Large Type Wakefield", two earliest sharphead varieties and head in
rotationisnamed. "Succession," "’Augusta Trucker"and"Short Stem Flat Dutch”
the » best flat-head varieties and head fn rotation as named. Prices: Single thousand, 11.30; 5,-
OOQ and over $1.23 per 1000; 10,000 and over. $1 per 1000. Terms: Cash with order: or plants sent C.
<*. 1>.. purchaser payiug return charges on money. Our plant beds occupy 35 acres on South Car
olina Sea Const, and wi? understand growing them in the open air; tough and hardy; they will
stand severe cold without iujury. Plants crated for shipment weigh ‘30 lbs. per KUO aud we have
special low rates fur prompt trassportation by Southern. Express Co. I know of other plauta you
can buy cheaper than mine. I sell good plants. Nocheafp '"cut ratfe" plahts shipped from my farm.
I guarantee those that I ship to be true to type and name, and grown from high grade seeds pur
chased from two of the most reliable seed houses in the United States. I will refund purchase
price to any dissatisfied customer at end of season.
Our Cotton Seed, hint of our Long Staple variety of Sea Island Cotton sold last year
in Charleston on Dee. 3. at 32e per pound. Seed $1.25 per bu.; lots of 10 bu. and over tl per bn.
Mv specialty Prompt Shipment. True Varieties, and Satisfied Customers. I have been in the
plant business for thirty-five years
- Km.t. 8ERATY,
The Cabbage Plant Man”
Post and Telegraph Office
Youngs Island, S. £. -