The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, April 07, 1905, Image 1

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Trade Vi The News’ Advertisers Ok JVewnan ]Vews VOL. V. NEWNAN, GA.. FRIDAY. APRIL 7. 1905. Trade With The News’ Advertisers NO. 52 JUDGE FREEMAN TO GRAND JURY . OF CARROLL Carrollton, Ga., April 4.—Judge R. W. Freeman delivered one of the strongest charges today to the grand jury of the Carroll superior court ever delivered here. He at tacked all forms of violation of the law, and more especially the dis turbance of public worship. He said: ‘•Of all crimes this is one of the most inexcusable and aims directly- at the foundations of our liberty in violating our constitution,which gives the right to worship accord ing to the dictates of our con science. undisturbed.’’ He charged strongly and elo- c, ltly on the evil of the illegal sale of liquors, saying that nearly all crimes were traceable to that evil. He said: "In my judgment, the illegal traffic is the mother of all crimes Welcome Mr .Toe Lane is very low with ty phoid pneumonia. Mrs J B Strong is on the sick list this week. Mr J W Summers was out at Sunday School last. Sunday. He has been confined at home for some time with that painful dis ease, rheumatism. We were glad to see him back again. Prof Johnson’s music class met last Saturday night at the school house to practice for the con cert which is to be given on Fri day night, April 14th. They will have recitations, dialogues and music, vocal and instrumental. The admission will be 10c for children and 15c for adults. We were very sorry to hear of „ • „ • the death of LTncle Peter Grimes, that afflict the country; that it is : , , an enemy to womanhood, to child- which occurred Monday afternoon, hood, to manhood and to mother-{from a complication of diseases, hood and to the whole public. That laws were made to protect the weak and that the grand jury should see to it that the boys and girls and mothers are protected by the enforcement of these laws and old age. He was buried in Elim cemetery Tuesday afternoon. He leaves four children, Messrs. E M Grimes, Kit. Grimes; Miss Janie Grimes,l Mrs LoVelady, and controlling the sale of liquors; that: many relatives and friends, public sentiment should orantl the | M j a8 Anna Boone, of Sargent, is man who violates these laws as a sister, Mrs I T Mattox, public enemy, and that everybody [ " should aid in creating this public —— sentiment; that churches, schools ' .FAVER MONUMENT FUND and all public institutions demand THE COTTON GROWERS’ AS80CIA j T10N HELD MEETING The Coweta Branch of the Cot- j ton Growers' Association held a meeting in the court house last Tuesday morning, with President Brannon presiding. Reports from several districts were expected,but only one was read. This report was from Cedar Creek and was read by Dr. McGhee, Secretary of the County Association. Dr. McGhee addressed the meet ing in forcible terms, stating that he understood six or seven dis tricts of the county h»d been or ganized and he had expected re ports from that many districts to be made in the meetipg. He de clared the farmers throughout the county are cutting down the cot ton acreage and will use less fer tilizers. Many have joined the Association; and some who have not, have joined in the reduction movement. Dr. McGhee’s report from Cedar Creek was encouraging, and the Association asked the newspapers of the county to publish it. A summary of the report is appended to this article. President Brannon exhorted the farmers to stand firm tor reduction of acreage and fertilizers and made a ringing speech to the assembly. The Association adjourned to hear the address of lion. Hoke Smith. ret SMITH SPOKE TO BROWERS. COTTON Rock Spring. Miss Lizzie Parrott .... , home last Saturday after s\ eral; A , crowd of farmerB and months spent with her brother s busine8s 8 men heard H oke Smith's family m Fayette county. j addre9s at the court hoU3e Tues . Mr. and Mrs. Homer Gamel. of j day morning at 11 o'clock and all Ono, spent Saturday and Sunday | united in pronouncing it a splen- last with the former’s parents, Mr. did effort. Hon. W. A. Brannon the enforcement of these laws." In charging on gambling, he said that the law does not mean that only the little negro who plays a game of "skin” out in the 1 woods snould be brought to justice for the violation of tne law, but it meant that both he and the ihous- and-dollar society gambler should be brought before tne bar of jus tice, side by side, and made to suf fer alike* as the rich can be as guilty as the poorest negro.— Wednesday's Atlanta Constitu tion. AN EMORY GRADUATE. In an article in last Sunday's Constitution, in reference to the class of 1905 of Emory College, appears the following paragrapn in reference to a young Coweta countian: "Cotter Surrette Martin, A. B., is Turin’s only representative. He entered college as a freshman in 1901. In his freshman year he made the relay, baseball and foot ball teams. He is a very promin ent member of Phi Gamma Liter ary Society. In his junior year he was the anniversarian of Phi Gam ma, and the poet of Phi Gamma this year, and has participated in several mid-term debates. He is I local editor of The Emory Phoenix. He will pursue studies at Vander bilt and probably enter foreign missionary fields." One hundred dollars has already been received by treasurers of the Faver monument fund, and it seems that there should be no dif ficulty in securing $200 or $300 more to complete the fund. Those in charge of this work do not con template an expenditure of more than 5400, as they expect to have only a modest monument erected over the grave of this man who was one of the most unselfish citi zens Coweta county has ever had. Some of the contributors to this fund, besides those already men tioned in former numbers of the News, are Governor Terrell, Hon. Hoke Smith, Judge J. H. Lump kin, Judge R. T. Dorsey, J. Ray mond Lee, of Atlanta; T. M. Zel- lars, Grantville: E. C. Palmer, G. Wynn Smith, L. A. Perdue, Thomas Leigh, Newnan. Other contributions have been received from persons who desire to with hold their names. In sending $5 for this fund,John F. Thurmond, ot Rhome, Texas, wrote as follows to W.L. Stallings, Secretary of the Monument As sociation: "Yes, he was my friend, and I delight to honor one of Coweta’s sons. I, too, was born there and ' ’have been away some 40 years,but 8GARBR0U6H-8IMM8 have never forgotten to love my Mr. and Mrs. Rigdon Edwards native State, and when I have read Simms, of Newnan, announce the , or heard of one of Georgia’s sons engagement of their daughter,; making his mark (as so many have Nina Edwards, to Mr. Lindsay L. J done)( j cannot help but feel as Scarbrough, of Anniston, Ala., the | d of him as any one whore wedding to take place at the home, sjdes there . Some 20 mont h3 ago of the bride on the afternoon of i j had the pleasure to visit my old Wednesday, April 26. home at Newnan, and while there The ab >v r e is from the Atlanta was j n company more with Sam Constitution and will be read with 1 than any one , and ; I could see that interest by friends of the bride- ■ he h ad a i rea dy built hi s own groom-to-be in Anniston. 1 Mr. | momiment j n the hearts of the Scarbrough is well known, not le and now to .perpetuate it, only in Anniston but throughout I say> buiId the monument by the county as a young man of fine blic subscription.” business qualities as well as com- j r ing from one of the foremost fam- —————— DR. MCGHEE S REPORT. A summary of Dr. McGhee’s re port to the Association, of condi tions in Cedar Creek District, is as follows: Twenty-three farmers signed pledge to reduce acreage and fer tilizers 25 per cent. In 1904 they planted 1,597 acres in cotton. Their acreage in 1905 will be 1,167. In 1904 used 195 tons guano; in 1905 will use 140 tons. They made 649 bales of cotton last year with 72 plows. Their reduction in acreage is 26.8 per c^nt.; in fer tilizers 28.2 per cent. Twenty-two farmers who refused to sign the pledge, planted 871 acres last year and will plant 899 this year. Last year they used 94 tons guano; this year will use 84 tons. Last year they made 354 bales with 50 plows. Their gain in acreage is 3 per cent., reduction t in fertilizers is 10 per cent. The consolidated report shows ! that all of these farmers planted 2,468 acres in 1904. will plant 2,- 066 this year; used 289 tons guano last year, will use 224 this year. Made 1,003 bales last year with 122 plows. The consolidated re port shows a total reduction in acreage of 20.7 per cent.; in fer tilizers of 22.1-2 per cent. and Mrs. Charlie Gamel, of this place. Mrs. Boggs and charming daughter, Miss Alice, from near Palmetto, who have been visiting relatives here for several weeks, returned home last Thursday. Miss Lucy Thurmond returned home last week after a ten days visit to relatives at Goodes and Palmetto. Miss Oncy Knowls of Fayette ville spent Saturday last with her sister at this place, Mrs. Frank Parrott. Misses. Mina and Nellie Philips, of McCollum spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Harper, and attended serv ices at Rock Spring Sunday. Mrs. Mamie Smith and children, | of Palmetto, spent Saturday last j with Mrs. McKnight. The singing at Mr. William V. j Smith’s last Sunday afternoon was I very much enjoyed by all who were present. Mr. and Mrs. m. D. Thurmond and daughter, visited the family of Mr. m. W. Swanson at Flat Creek last week. presented Mr. Smith to the audi ence; and the distinguished speak er began his address by rendering eloquent tribute to the memory of Hons. W. Y. Atkinson and S. L. Faver, both of whom, he declared were numbered with his closest and most highly esteemed friends. Mr. Smith’s speech was a clear, forciable presentation of facts, figures and arguments in refer ence to agricultural conditions in the South, past and present. He advocated reduction of acreage and fertilizers this season, holding the cotton now on hand for ro cents and the general plans of the South ern Cotton Growers’ Association. His remarks were pithy anp I pointed and elicited frequent ap- j plause from his audience. Mr. ! Smith was honored by the pres ence of a number of ladies in his i audience. PROCEEDINGS OF ORDINARY8 COURT In Judge Perdue's court at regular session held last Monday, following business was disposed of: T. F. Rawls, admr. Eddie Smith, de ceased, granted leave to sell lands. T. F. Rawls, admr. E. O. Rucker, de ifies of this section. He is at the head of the Scarbrough Drug com pany and is a prescription^ ot more than state prominence. Miss Simms is a young lady possessing the many characteris tics and charms that make the model woman. She comes from a j granted leave to sell lands, family that stands with the best of; N 0 Banks, executor estate Georgia. 0 f J 0 hn yv. Arnold, deceased, granted . Dr. Scarbrough will be the re-. leave t0 9ell cipient of many congratulations in j Twelve months support set apart to advance and his many friends with miuor childreu of j ohn W. Arnold, one accord will wish him abundant deceased, success and happiness.—Anniston’ PaDer. This is a splendid report. A like reduction throughout the cot ton belt will accomplish all the South desires. Dr. McGhee de clares the reduction throughout Coweta county will be as great as this report shows in Cedar Creek District, and says he has informa tion to the effect that hundreds of counties in Georgia and other cot ton States are making better re ports than this. The question of making a coun ty display at the State Fair was brought before the Association, and President Brannon was author ized to appoint a committee of farmers and business men to take charge of the matter. He selected the following named gentlemen to compose this committee: H. C. Fisher, R. D. Cole, Jr., B. L, Red- wine, J. T. Kirby, A. H. Young, C. C. Parrott and I. N, Orr. The next meeting of the Asso ciation will occur on the first Tuesday in May. Miss Kate Coggin closed her school here last Friday, and re turned to her home at Madras. Miss Coggin is a good teacher and has given perfect satisfaction to all her patrons. Mrs. B. A. J. Smith of Palmet to, spent Saturday night last with Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Smith. Mr, R. D. Tatom, of Fair View, passed through here last Sunday. Wonder what’s the attraction? Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Parrott visit ed relatives at Flat Creek last Sun day and attended services at that! place, Mr. Willie Phillips and sister, Miss Jennie May, and Misses Bag- well, of Coweta, attended services here on Sunday last. Mr. Will Hammet, of Springdale, spent last Sunday with relatives here and attended church at Rock Spring. Mr. W. m. Jackson.from Palmet to, visited relatives here last Sun day. Mr. John Parrott, of Fayette county visited his father's family here last Saturday. Mr. Will Coggin and wife at tended divine services here last Sunday. Mr. S. O, Houston made a busi ness trip to Palmetto on Saturday last. Rev. C. J. Short filled his ap pointment here last Saturday and Sunday night, delivering excellent sermons. Rev. Short was unani mously elected pastor for the en suing year and entered upon his pastorial duties the following clay. On Sunday fceV. G./W. Colquitt, of Pa|metto, delivered an able sermon to a large congregation. The door of church was opened. Received by letter were Rev. Col quitt and wife and Mr. Spray- berry. Our church is in aflourish- NEW B00K8 AT LIBRARY The Interference of Patricia, Lillian Bell. The Story of Independence, with short biographies of the fifty- six signers, Wm. H. Michael, The true Abraham Lincoln, W. L. Curtis. Return of Sherlock Holmes, A. C. Doyle. Emerson’s Works, 12 vols. Ruskin’s Works, 12 vols. Carlyle's Works, 20 vols. GIFTS. A Lady of Quality, (Mrs. F. H. Burnett), Mrs. II. A. Goolsby. The Simple Lifc,(Chas. Wagner) Mrs. J. W. Bowers. Library books circulated during March: Fiction 936 Classed Literature 108 Total 1044 Mrs. D. B. Wood roof, Librarian. TAX RECEIVER S NOTICE. FIRST ROUND. I will be at the following named places on dates opposite, for the purpose of receiving State and County tax returns: Senoia, Tuesday April ri Haralson, Wed. April 12 Turin, Thursday, April 13 a. m. ohurpsburg. Thur. Apr. 13 p. m. Moreland, Friday April 14 a.m. St Charles, Friday Apr. 14 p.m. Grantville, Saturday Apr. 15 Wynn's Store, Monday April, 17 from 10 to 12 a. m. Daniel’s Store, Monday April 1'/ from 2 to 4 p.m. G. L. Crawford’s Monday night, April 17. Coweta, Tuesday, April 18 a. m. Palmetto, Tuesday April 18 p.m. Cedar Creek, Wed. April 19 a. rn. Roscoe, Wednesday April 19 p. m. Sargents, Thursday April 20 a. ml Welcome, Thursday April 20 p.m; Handy, Friday April 21 a’, m. Corner Branch 3rd Dist. Friday April 21 3 to 5 p, rn. Newnan, Saturday April 22. L. GARY SUMMERS, T 8PECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings begin at R. the ifig condition, and no doubt much First Baptist church Sunday good will be accomplished here. Messrs. Parrott and Willie McGee made a business trip to Palmetto last Saturday. NOTICE The farming intercut* of the county would be crippled should the April term of the city oourt be held, especially since there will be an adjourned term of the Superior court in the 4th week in May. So the jurors and witnesses need not at tend upon said court on the 4th Monday | in this month. No business will be Last will of Robert H. HanJawaj was j transacted, except such as may be done admitted to probate in 3oiemu form. ; without a jury. Alvan D. Freeman. Mad dogs are raging through here. Several dogs were torn to pieces and others badly bitten be fore the mad dog could be killed, but Mr. Haines succeeded in kill ing it. i Read the No,we and be in 1 swiru, are b, last and all I time. the the morning. The Pastor will be as sisted by Dr J J Porter, of Missou ri. He is an eloquent speaker, a logical thinker and an earnest evangelist. Prof S P Snow will have charge of the music. He is one of the best musicians in the south. He is a sweet siuger and a devout Christian. The citizens of Newnan have a splendid opportunity to be in structed auvl entertained.