The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, April 07, 1905, Image 2

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'* Mi. Cabbage Plants & Sea Island Cotton Seed rotation h-named. Succession ' A ugusl a T rue Her and Short Stem Flat Dutch th.- . i.- t hat head Tat-ic: ,- and head in rotation a- niinml Price* • Singh ti'O'isniic] »l oO 6,- 101 and ov. r 11.2T. l >-r 1(0' loom arid over. »1 fer KM*. .Term*: Cash with order : .-r plant"sent C. o. I)., purchaser i-oviu»r return < barge* on money. <»*ir 1'laut Beds <><•-'ipy .6 ner, onS urli Cur dim Sear. a-v. tain' we understand growing them in the open HirM-nigh aim ha d> • <*'vT «•» eland severe < Old « itlmnt injury. Plante cra'ed for -bipmont w- t)tl’ 20 H'*-- per ll)oO and a Iibm Mjieeial low rate- foi prompt transport .ition l-v S.-utbern K\pr 1 know ot ‘’*> )lr ' 1 S 1 * ■ • -* ...... ■** > ••■••plants sliipned from my rarnn ■an buy cle than mine. 1 -ell unod plants. No cheap '.-ut rate" plants shipped lrom my rarme I LUiarantt e thi«si tlia* ! ship to la- true to t vpe and name.and crow n from high grade 8 pur *has,™from two ,d t" . n.o-d reliable s... d house* in the United .Motes. 1 will refund purchase > imv rustomer lit end of seasnik ., , * „ Colton Seed Lint of onr L'-n^r Staple variety "f Sea Island Cotton ' oia i,lsT JJ ■wMononr,' . . at lire permaind. Seed.*, per l.n . ;„t*,,fli. bn. and ov,-rMl per i« uia!t \ • T , r»mpt Sliip.neiit. Trn • \ arietic* and Satisfied ( owt-unitT*. ini umIucw* for thirty-fir** year*. Wm.C. GERATV, 'S^SSS, X Youngs Island, S. C. - CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. From Chicago, every day, March i to May 15, 1905,10 San Francisco, Lof Angeles, Santa Barbara, Sacramento and many other points in California. Tickets good in tourist sleeping cars. Rate for double berth, Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Sacramento and many other points in California, $7. Through train service from Union Passenger Station, C hicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul AMD Union Pacific-Southern Pacific Line If you are thinking of such a trip, this is your opportunity to make it at least expense. > Handsome book descriptive of California sent for six cents’ postage. F. A. MILLER, General PnmiciipeT Agent, i ^r, Railway Ext hunjjr, CHICAGO. Complete infom»tior will hr writ free on receipt cl this coupon with blast lit-ft hllftl. Coupon hliould Ik mailed to-day. W. S. HOWELL, General Eastern Agent, 381 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. In Effect May. SKM. * West Bound. DA 1LY Fast B mnd N». ii No. No. 2 No.10 I'M AM f I'M AM 111 (,(• Lt .. Griffin .... . A 8ft 8 HU .M'i Hi ini . VHUghl il .. •’ 3 h Ot 2(1 lo 8k1 . .senois.... l < 7 88 7 ov 11 11 .. . Newntu... 2 • u 0 Hi 11 WIdtesboTf 1 44 6 dV 7 O'* Ill (If, ■ .. .('arrollrou.. ' 1 1ft 6 Ot ] CO ..i.rcincu .. 12 *s ...... a 10 ,-dartown. 11 2T a ;> . . it.>u. .' 1041 .....a M 48 . Holland .. -" 10U2 8 M’I . Lyerlv.... . , k '41 ...... 4 Uf. . Raeooon .. 40 ...... F nr,ia* rviilc k 3k 4 id ■ .. . ..Trion... - l» 22 4 -iv TzH Kh S 68 b U ’ hick, ins ii!,. .." 1 S 21 5 ff> Ar.. Ch ittaDOOifk. . Lv 7 4f, .....a r m | t A M For Information a* to Rate*, etc., address• t W i'll EAHS, y. ,i ROBINSON. Dlv Pass. Agent Ahit. G. I . A., 1 h >lT 1 lUDiiiL'h T<*nn. HftVfliniuh, <>a. 1 0. A NOLAN. ( . HA ILK. Agent. cub Pas*’ \gent, > cwnai,. -ave.nneh, i.a Appendicitis \ Its Causes. C. W. C. Its Cure The alarming Increase of this disease, the appalling mortality resulting from it, and the awful suddenness with which it lays the hand — I of d'eat h on its victims in every walk of lift' 1 i from president or king to the humblest subject in the realm, irrespective of age or local condi tions. has aroused the whole medical world to earnest research and investigations, todiscover if possible, the cause of this disease and find for 1 it some effective remedy. Eminent Phyeicians have shown that the malady is largely traceable to indigestion, which produces a peculiar form of constipation that effects the ascending colon, or upper bow el, causing the dreaded obstruction which has to be removed by the.surgeon’s knife. I The ordinary purgative acts on the lower bowel only, and physicians everywhere hav Is'eu ut a loss to know what to use to correct tin difficulty, and therefore, result to the knife. There b a remedy, however, known as c. w. c. That Cures Appendicitis Legal Advertisements. Nome. fiticel Addreaa. City Sute Probable Deutination. Petition for Charter. HTATKO/ GEORGIA, Full -n County. To the Honorat 11 Secretary of State of the State < 1 Georgia: The petition of P S. Arkwright. R. K. Cul- linane. s. J. braille} , W. B Mtovall. H. M. Milam, K. M. Sisk, J. F. Weissitiger, u. W. brine, W. T. Colquitt and H. 3. Conyers, all of whom riside in the City of Atlanta, of the aforesaid State and County, shows: Tile llnUbli Is lieies tlien tin but ooimtrlidofK in the almimt <>1 Nortl Ament n mill iiIho Unit lli< Soiilli Aluer lean tapir lives In North America lit pulls tin bon eoimlrietor Hie ihI« -aeb war lili.ver mnl eiills the tapir lax ns nil pier The luilinn believes la Inis a curt anti preventive for labas. or hydrophobia. lit 1 iiIhii believe* la enti < lire nit snnkt bile til) eartJi. Inm a grouitn rattler In a velvet tall or diamond rattler. An I mltun never was known t> go mud from ting bite or the from a rattlers bite while < tliel rnees sueetlll b to till' venom ot a Niaikt ot go mad from tin litte ot a rabid ting The 1 nil in n when in battle ntgl fatal ly wounded believes that il his mi-ill elne mail t an reach 1dm with his letter medielne tiefore he dies It will givi him liiHtaat rebel anil l,e will be able to es eape from tin battlelield lb thinks evert man Is honest until be tinils him out, III whieli event In loses all eouti lienee in bill) and nevet gets over It The luitlan never makes tip after falling out wllb any one He may speak to ail enemy as lu passes, hot dies with tlie hatreil in bis heart Eufatila Jour mil •I..*, "All Mrn Arc Horn Ktiul.” | The woman born beautiful doesn't bothei to educate her Intelligence, is spoiled by flattery, is unable to bold the men stn attracts. Tin women bom homely Is driven to develop her ebar peter and her mind, and so more than ' overcomes her haiidleap as against her I pretty sister. The man horu clever 1 loaf's because lie wins too easily and lias uo Inif'Ptive to that sustained ef tort which alone achieves success The mmmu born "slow’’ develops patience, as Hltluitv bn la nee and, lx's! of all, teuac- .Ity It comes near to being a universal rule that strong points and weak ones Just about offset each other iu any hu man tiring at the start and that the de vetopiueist is a matter for the man him- self to determine And there is no fa tai handicap except the disposition to regard one's handicap as fatal. Rat- girth, i Evening Pont 4'.irruption. “1 lately heard." says a w tiler in T P.’s 1 Aindoi) Weekly, "of a count ft Mm which boasted (or its sign, "The Jackass Word corntpiion lik*- ibis has gben many ipiaiat *igns to our Tfoatelrte* Among tin- ix-tter known tuns art 1 "lTie tJoui and me v’oinpass.' f-arruptfsl from fhe w> ids. 'Hod eu eutupassHli us.' 'the Hull and Month.' from 'the Pone gin ini-uMi.' .-.tier tin- ! nuval effmbat belore Boulogne harbor. | ■ and ‘The l’ig and Whistle.' from 'tin 1 p, g and wassail,' iilUnliiig to tin i*egs j | drlvi n Into tin old wassail bowl to , mark Hie point 1o which the toper j n/ydit drink as his turn comes round. The sign, common in lgmcashirc. of tin- , Stanley arms, an eagle carrying a | child, is popularly ivl'errcil to as ‘Tin Bird of Bant III)’.' ” Miirrrtntf on Aot'ovinl. lic\ Mr Williams was tin* Uongrc | 1 gnlionitl minister lu tin- village ot Winslow. M, several years ago. One ' evening, says a correspondent of the Boston lilohe. lour young people called at the parsonage Two ot them wished to lie married. Till papers In till* eiiHt were legal, so Mr. Williams pi rformeil the ceremony. Tin other couple acted as bridesmaid and best man. The groom was the son of a well known man in the town, and as the happy couple were leaving the parsonage the young man whispered to Mr Williams ‘‘.lust charge it to father, parson. It will In- all rigid " The ^hrrwnvoanr. Tin* HiniillcMt inmnmnl in the British Isle Is the shrewnmusc. This is not only the smallest British mammal, lint, with tin* exception of one other of the same genus, life smallest in Europe. The harvest mouse ts sometimes •thought to he even smaller, but the length of its bead and body is often two and ono-bnlf Inches, while tintt of ihe lesser shrew is rarely more than two indies The lull measures about | bi.imi line and thine-to^Widow one and one-third inches, anil its teed arc sn extremely small that a lens is rcijiiired to detect them. Stayed the Surgeon’s Hand. I Kor teu years I had a severe stomach and bowel tronhle, and could not eat enough to keep me going. 1 tried all the known remedies ' and many of the best phyxlelans, without ob- ! taining any results, growing from bad to worse until culminating in what my family physician | pronounced “Appendicitis," and that my j only course to save my life was an operation, j Before submitting to an operation, however, I j was induced by a friend to try Camp's Wonder- i ful Cure, for Indigestion and Dyspepsia, which !. Thai they desire for themselves, their as- 1 eagerly took according to directions. I am seriates, successors and assigns, to be incur- j now convinced that the symptoms that wor IdG^gTa^rr^h^edrdT^rhmidmi'^d rled me so were caused from indigestion of one years, with privilege of renewal, under the stomach and bowels, as they began gradu the corporate name and -tyle of "ATLANTA. , a i]y <JiN«pnearing from the first doseof C. W' BIRMINGHAM AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD ,, . d ,,. ft entir ,.|. COMPANY ’ for the purpose of constructing, . L " aim hfHin ", n ,m e,u,r ' ‘ r ’ owning, equipping, maintaining and operat There must be many sufferers lrom alleged ing a railroad, extending from Montezuma, in j "apoendicitis," whose trouhlesare due to the the county of Macon, Btate of Georgia, to some • mine were and to them 1 would point on the line between Alabama and Geor- shm * taUH * m ‘ nL w '* r ' ' 8,m to ltu n ' ‘ . , vuu Lia in the county of Troup or the county of : say : Don t submit to an operation, but take a Heard, and thence to Birmfngham. in the ( f, !W doses of C. W. C. as ] did, and sec how county of Jefferson. Htate of Alabama, and i "at,nen,licit Is” will leave von from the City of Atlanta, Fulton County, reaa "> J‘" lr appsnuicuis win leave you. Gisirgi-*. to some point on the line between the | f)nce tried and you will never be without a statis , f Alabama and Georgia in the county of y, ot tl.. in your house. Since I began the use of Carioll or the county of Heard, and thence to | .)„, Kuv „ nt anv a conmotion with the road first described in i c - ”• *-'• 1 am glad to say tlin.i an at any the state of Alabama, at or about the town of | thing I wish, and have had to further trouble Wodowce.or some convenient point in R«n* ; j n digesting whatever I e H t. Igivi thlstestimo- dolphlonnty, Alabama. ; ,,,..1 in the interest of others who may suffer 2 Th general direction of the main lino of _ . haul l roponed road from MonteKumn to tin* as i cno (iiori?ia and Alabama line and thence to ENOCH 8. LYLE. Birmingham is northwestwardly, and the ' Carrollton, Ga. counties through which it will probably run j in tile State of Georgia Hr, the counties of Ma eon, Taylor. Talbot. Meriwether and Trouj I hard, thence crossing into the state of Ala bama and running in the State of Alabama, probably through the counties of Randolph, Chambers, Clay, Talladega, -t. Clair ami .h'f- ferson, in the State of Alabama. Tin- length of this road, ns mar a* ,-an a,- estimated, is about one hundred and ton miles in the state of I., o:-gia and about one hundred and tliirl.v on, miles in tin- state of Alabama, maktng the whole length of the road from Montezuma to Biimingham, ns ni ar a* can be estimated, nl out two hundred and forty one miles. The combination of vegetable and essential oils in this marvelous cure is such that the en tire alimentary canal, as well as the region of the appendix, is kept strong, vigorous and pur,-. c. w. c. will correct any difficulty that may exist, and make it absolutely impos sibh for the appendix to become congested or diseased. C. W. C. should be in every household. It :. The general direction of tlieother line of I is worth its weight tn gold, lmt can be bought, i i I road from Atlanta t,, tin- Georgia and Ala Ht pioit & Cates, Newnan, Ca,, at BOe and *1.00 bottles. l>«-llcl cut Id end of Korea. According to the Korean idiom, it Is dishonoring to use “thou” or "he" of CimI. In speech Korean Ohristinns are often heard to use "Ken yang ban” (that gentleman) in order to avoid the objectionable terms. Instead of say ing "lie (tJisb says" they say “That gentleman says.” Tlien the Korean language does not possess the article and has not Idiom to represent terms like "faith." "love.” "grace," holi ness." “Justification.” "Iruth” and “eternal life.”—Bt. James' Gazette. finndnx laril I'tayln* Laws. There was a time when in-oiile lu i England wort* forbidden by law to play 1 iio»rtr«i»« of fhe street, at cards even in their own houses, on ! hansom cab driver had just picked Ruud a v In the royal proclamation »H> “ fare and wus driving furiously against vice, profaneui-ss and imroor- along a crowded street when the wheel alltv, read every session and assize, is i °f his eab just msuaged to graze a the’ following passage “Amt we do horse which a very thin youth was lieretiy strtetly enjoin and prohibit all driving. our loving eubjeete. of wbat degree or i “Now. then, can’t yer see me?” bawl- quality soever, from playing on the Lord’s day at dlee. eards or any other game whatsoever, either In pnblte or private bouses or other places whatso ever.” ed out the latter angrily. “No.” was the reply: “yer whip's in front of yer.”--lzondon Tit-Bits. BaUrgvf Fiapr? Joint*. Enlarged finger joints arc the souree of anuoyanee and mortification. Botue- tiirn*s they ar«' caused by pulling the fingers to make the Joints "crack.” Sometimes they are the result of bard work, rheumatism or gout. They may In- relieved by light rotary massuge (rubbing around and around and around on tin joints with the thumb aud fingers and stroking upward), ac eotnpanlsd try the application of oil of wlutergreen. How «« Help the Dead Udr. The following note of excuse was re- eeived by a New York city teacher one day: Dear Teacher—Please excuse Emma for having been absent yesterday, us 1 had to take her with me to help an old lady wh died and had no one to do her work. All Settled. "You’re wasting a lot of time and money trying lo capture that widow." “Why? Don’t you tbiuk she’ll marry meV” "Rure. She told me the uight she met you that she was going to.” k»l TVe Mo eh ef ■ Keel. "Father says that Algernon hasn’t any Idea of the value of money," she exclaimed plaintively “Your father wrongs him.” answered Miss ftayenne. “1 have otmerved that Algernon nexet propose* to anybody except lieii'*'**es " The W or mm Tarard. “Do you sbave yourself all the time?" asked tlie barber. "No. 1 stop occasionally for meals." said Jiuipian savagely. Next to tlon of ii - excelleuee is tlie apprecla Thackeray. CAMP DRUG CO., Prop’s Carrollton, Ca. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasions The family bottle (00 cents) contains a supply for a year.All druggists sell them. ...White Barber Shop... C. T. BAILEY, Proprietor. is. as in-ar i be estimated, southwestwardly. 1 and its length, as m-ar a* can be j estimated. is a bo u t - e v ,- n t y fi v e null*, ot wliicl al-oti: sixty miles arc in the j Stilt- • t 'ieorgia. and the counties through 1 which it will preliably run in the State of ! Georgia an th, counties of Fulton. < ampbell, I Douglas, > , weta and Carroll or Heard, m the State of Georg.a and the county,,! Randolph! in the Stab- of Alabama 4. That the capital stock of said corporation io be *1011,000.(10, divided into shares of the par value of one hundred dollar* each, with the right to increase the same to any amount in th, manner provided by law for increasing tin- capital sto--K of railroads, such increases to insist ,d common or preform! stock, either ,r both, as may bedetermiued at the time, and m the event ,,t the issuance of preferred stock, the same to have sueli rights and privileges r the common stock as are fix<-d in the reso lutions authorizing the issuance of such pre. fen ed stock. 5. The place where the principal office of aid corporation will be located will be in Ful ton county, in the State ot Georgia. Petitioners intend in go,si faith to go for- ward without delay tosecure subscriptions to the capital stock, construct, equip, maintain and operate saul railroad, and request that j they bo incorporated under the laws of this | State as a railroad company, for the purpose* j (July hrSt-CiaSS White bai’- aforesaid, uud^r the corporate name aforesaid, | ./ together with all the rights, powers and ; i i privileges now or hereafter allowed railroad ! ^ ers employed. FrOmpt, l’e- companies under the laws of this Stute. ~ * * 7 T. Petitioners further request that thecor-*. ^ puration shall have the right to apply for and IiaOlGj COlirt60US Accept, whenever authorized by a majority j vote ot its voting stockholders, any additional powers or amendmants to its charter, whether j RHu S0rVlC6 glVCH fill CUStOHI- mndamental or immaterial, and whether con- ! ferrtdor to be acquir»*d under the general) . 117 iaws or special Acts. ,©rSj fit tllG llSlldil priCGS* Wg Petitioners have given four weeks notice | of their intention to apply for said charter by Lnyp flip nill V plpptl’lp 01 o c. the publication of this petition in one of the,iia\l tlie Uliiy tzlfcJLLIJC Ilidh- newspapers in which the sheriff 41 advertise-j ments are published in each of the counties ^ticrp TTlPplllllP 111 flip Pitv through which said proposed road will probab- | J Jld-LIlJ JJc 111 tJH, UlLj • Iv run. once a w<*ek for four wc.*k> before the hiiug if this petition. Give it a trial ; it does the And petitioners will evi-rpray. P S Arkwright. R E. Culliuane, ; , ,. . J. Bradley. W. B. Stovall, WOrk pei’iectly. H.M. Milam, P.M.Siak.; ,1. F. \Sejssinger. G.1A . Brine. | ^ Walter T. Colquitts Bvn J- Cony era. | STATE OF GEORGIA, Fulton County. Personally before th, undersigned appeare<l I P. S. Arkwignt. s. J. Bradley and R. E Cul-. linane, three of the petitioners in (he above (>etition. who, »jn oath, slate that the names : suliseribed to the foregoing petition are the genuine signatures of the persons named there- i ill and that the facts stated in the petition are ■ true totbe best of petitioners knowledge, in- | formation and belief Sworn to and sub- , scribed before me, this 7th day of March. 190b. P.S. Arkwright, S J. Bradley. K. E. Cullinane. ,1. W. )!A8)N. Notary Public, Fulton County, Ga. attention Prayer is a petition, not a man damus. ilrdCTirSCrrupTruCnrutnptn fvtTn^CruOPTfD'jTfCgiffipIPiiCC'i TAKE YOUR CLOTHING TO f IS. C. CARJER S CO., 1 I OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON, D when you want them |j S cleaned, pressed, repaired isj ^ or dyed in the best manner }=3 '§ and at the most reasona- fj | ble prices. | jstrtSSB'SSfcS SS5SB