The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, April 07, 1905, Image 3

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Furnish your home DEWT8T. At this store, and you’ll always be pleased. The most comforta ble and attractive stock of furni ture and house furnishings in New- nan is here to select from; with quality and prices to tit all kinds of pocket books. Come and see the stock. It does its own talking. You’ll be convinced and buy after seeing the goods. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, BA. DB. T. B. DAVIS, Residence 'Phone 5-three calls. OR W. A. TURNBR. Residence 'Phone 54. Davis & Turner Sanatorium, Corner College and Hancock Sts., Newnan, Ga. High, central and quiet location. All surgical and medical cases taken, except contagious diseases. Trained nurse constantly in at tendance. ! j Rates $5 per day, $25 per week, pv Private offices in building. mm *■' ’Phone 5-two calls. Davis & Turner Sanatorium. Merck & Dent, After your Carriage has been repaired at our shop it’s as good as new— not only looks so, but is so. You see we replace unsound parts of body, wheel, top or shaft and ie- stcre the “style” by smart up re- holstering and careful repainting and revarnishing. If your vehicle looks “a bit seedy" come around here and get our estimate on ju dicious re-furbishing and real strengthening. BUGGY BUILDERS Newnan Marble Works, J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. Manufacturer and Dealer in All Kinds Marble and Granite. Georgia Marble a Specialty. All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. JUNCT’N NEWNAN, GA. WATER MELON SEED; GROWN IN THE SUNNY SOUTH. " Green Hnd, red meat, full of juice and so sweet, ^ If you want quality, sweetness, and the best melons that it is-' possible to grow, plant our southern-grown melon seed. Northern.^ or western-grown melon seed doesn’t^ begin to compare, when ■’consider the quality and product of the fruit produced. Wood'* Descriptive Seed Catalogue tells > *bout the best southern melons, »n<l all other Farm end Harden Seeds. It s mailed free lor th@ a-iktng. W, We are headquarters for Caw Pea*. Sergbum*. Seed Cara, Baallage Com, nillet, Se|a 8aaa*. Valval Beaa*. ate. Speolal price .jU list of Farm Seeds mailed on request. . :tV* J, W Wood & Sons, Soodsmen, Richmond, Va, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the Best and Most Popular. “Mothers buy it for eroupy cliildren, railroad men buy it for severe coughs and elderly people buy it for la gripi>e,” say Moore Bros., Eldon, Iowa. “We sell more of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy than any other kind. It seems to have taken the lead over several otiier good brands.” There is no question but this medicine is the best that- can be procured for coughs and colds, whether it he a child or an adult that is afflicted. It always cures and cures quickly. Sold by Holt & Cates, Druggists, Newnan, Ga. 1850 Fifty-Fifth Annual Statement. 1905 Aetna Life Insurance Company •of* Hartford, Connecticut. MORGAN G. BULKELEY, President. The leading Insurance Company in New England, and the Larg est in the World Writing life, Accident, Health and liability Insurance .January 1st, 1905.’ Receipts in 1004. Premiums *12 Interest, reuts and from other sou roes. 8, Total Inoome in 1904. $15 Disbursements in 1004. Death Claims $2, Matured Endowments.. 1, Death and Indemnity (Accident, and Liabil ity! 1 Dividends to Polioy Holders Surrendered Policies Commissions to agents... I Agency Expenses, Medical Examinations and Miscellaneous Expenditures Dividends on Capital Htock (Life) Dividends on Capital Stock (Accident.).. Taxes. Total expenses ( Accident, and Inability Business) ... I ,868,022 77 062,633 99 ,981,660 76 800,686 61 588,086 00 ,281,022 62 724,023 02 546,080 71 ,007,478 26 666,379 33 800,000 00 50,000 00 864,988 04 ,419,462 47 Total Disbursements in 1004 10,758,855 96 Excess of Income over Disbursements in '04 5,172,700 80 Paid Policy Holders in 1904 $6,971,793 55 Total Paid Policy Holders from Organization in 1850 to Janu ary 1,1905 $145,918,246 86 Assets. Real Estate acquired by foreclosure Office Building . Cash on hand and in banks .... Stocks and Bonds Mortgages securad by Real Estate Loans on Collaterals .. - Loaus secured Policies of this Company Interest due and accrued Deo. 31, 1904 Premiums m course of collection and deferred Premiums (net)... Market value of Securities over oost. less sets not admitted ($56,748 07) net, AgeutH Balances and Bills receivable $ t73,164 74 460,000 00 7,070,623 30 34,490,386 90 32,686,317 72 1,051,394 62 3,891,604 08 818,732 05 Ah- 674,112 68 2,318,796 55 55,146 57 Life Insurance issued, revived and paid for in 1904.. Life Insurance in force January 1, 1905 Accident lusunuiuo in force Jan. 1, 1905 Number of Policy Holders Jan. 1, 1905 $28,866,967,00 237,304,739,00 217,288,164,66 226,011 Total Assets, .Tanunry 1, 1905 .... $73,690,178 81 Liabilities. Losses and Claims awaiting further proof, and installment oluirtiH not yet due (Life) $ 806,147 00 Losses and Claims awaiting further proof, and not yet due (Acoidout and Liability) 688,727 66 Surplus Reserve for speolal class of Policies and dividends to Polioy holders not vet due 798,626 37 Premiums paid in advance and other Liabili ties.. 81,09*85 Reserve en Life. Endowment and term policies. 4 per cant, standard on Old Business and 3 1 per cent, on Policies issud since 1900, 61,858,783 00 Less value of Policies of Ke-insur anoe, $10,969,00 .. .. 01,817,814 00 Special Reserve, in addition to the Reserve above given, 2,194,78600 Unearned Premiums on accident and Liabil ity insurance .. .. 1,274,344 88 Special Reserve oil Liability Insurance 100,000 00 Total Reinsurance and Special Reserve ami all other Liabilities .. 67,140,588 18 Guarantee Fund in Excess of requirements by Company’s Standard.. 0 565,840 08 Total Liabilities Jan. 1, 1905.. . .. 73,696,179 81 Guarantee Fund in Excess of requirements hv Standard of Connecticut and other States 8,850,■126 65 Great Gains in Business in 1904 $5,628,816 16 Increase in Assets. Increase in Guarantee Fund over re quirements ... .. 883,884 10 Increase in Premium Income.. 1,135,66890 Increase in Total Income 1,373,682 20 Increase in New Life Insurance issued anil paid for . .. $8,885,105 00 Increase in Life Insurance in Force 14,001,862 00 Increase in Accident Intiuranee in Force 8,618,926 66 Increase in number of Policy holders 11,648 F. M. BRYANT, District Manager, Newnan, Georgia. PrrfTOtlr Natural. Old Gentleman—IIow old are you, my ; dear? Little Girl—I was eight years old yesterday. Old Gentleman—In- j deed! You don’t look to bo that old. j Little Girl—Ah, how you naughty men do flatter us poor, weak women! A Memory Destroyer. Brown—I have just discovered whuf It Is that destroys a man’s memory completely. Green— What is It? Alco hol or tobacco? Brown—Neither; it’s doing him n favor. Woman's Work, That's Never Done., First Shopper—Sometimes It Is hard | to And what you want. Second Shop per—Yes, especially when you don’t know what It Is.—Judge. Dividing the Tank. Lottie—Oh, well—let’s kiss and make up. Dottle—All right, dear. I’ll do the kissing, hut you’ve had more experi ence with the other purt of the pro gramme.—Cleveland Leader. The Iteason. “To what do 1 owe the pleasure of meeting you here, Miss Snappy?” “The fact fliat I did riot, see you com ing, Mr. Sappy.”—Houston Post. Nothlug can make a mail truly great, but being truly good. Henry. The Overland Limited to California leaves Union Passenger Station, Chicago, 6:05 p. m. daily, arrives San Francisco the third day in time for a dinner. Route—Chica go, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Line. All ticket Agents sell via this route. Ask them to do so. Handsome book, descriptive of California, sent for six cents post age. F. A. Miller, Genera! Pas senger Agent. Chicago, or W. S. Howell, 381 Hroadway, New York. City Tax Notice. The city tax books will be open at the City Clerk’s office ou April 1, 1905, for returns of all city property, real and personal, sub ject to taxation for the year 1905. All real estate owners will be ex pected to give the width and depth of lots owned by them; also, name of street and number of same. E. D. FOUSK, 4t City Clerk. A Daredevil Ride often ends in a sad accident. To heal accidental injuries, use Bucklcu’s Ar nica Salve. ‘A deep wound in my foot, from an accident,” writes Theodore Hchuela, of Columbus, chin, “caused me groat pain, Physicians were helpless, hut Bucklcu’s Arnica Salve quickly healed it.” Soothe* and heals burns like magic. 25c at .). T. Reese's and Dr. Paul Penistoti's. druggists, Last Hope Vanished When leading physicians said that W. M. Smithart, of Pekin, la., had incura ble consumption, Ins last ho|»« vanished;, hut Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption, Goughs and Colds, kept him our. of Ins grave. Ho says: “This great specific completely cured me, and saved my lite. Since then I have used it for over 10 years, and consider it a marvel ous throat and lung cure.” Strictly I scientilii; euro for Coughs, Sore Throats i or Colds; sure preventative of Pneumo- | nia. Guaranteed, 50c aud $1.00 bottles at J. T. Reese's and Dr. Paul Peniston’s It is easy to cheer the winner, but that does not materially help along needed reforms. Dividing the swag does not les sen the crime. Splurging around is not a sure sign of earnestness. The man who goes gunning for trouble never runs short of ammu nition. The chief trouble about think ing twice before acting once is I that some other fellow is liable to , jump in and seize the opportunity about the time we begin on the second thought. The reform that begins in the home is usually a reform based on a solid foundation. The consecrated Christian has a purse easily opened at the call of distressed humanity. Frightful Suffering Relieved Suffering frightfully from the viru- lent_poi80iiH of undigestible food, C G. Grayson, of Lula,Miss., took Dr. King’,. New Life Pills, “with the result,” he writes, “that, I was cured.” All stom ach and bowel disorders give way to their tonic, laxative properties. 25c at J. T. Reese's and Dr. Paul Penuiston’H drag store, guaranteed. Some people conjure up trouble land imagine that they are bearing ! heavy crose e3. Cheated Death. Kidney trouble often ends fatally, bo by 1.housing the right medioiue, 1 H. Wolf, of Bear Grove, Iowa, cheate death. He says: “Two years ago I ha Kidney Trouble which caused me grei jiain, suffering and anxiety, hut I toe Eleorio Bitters, which effected a con plete cure. I have also found them < great benefit in general debility an nerve trouble, and keep them coustan ly on hand, since, as I find they have 1 equal.” J. T. Reese and Dr. Paul Pei iston, druggists, guarantees them at uO