The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, April 14, 1905, Image 2
• 4 Take WIHEor CARDUI at Home Arc you a sufferer? hw your doctor been irnmc* restful? Wouldn't you peeler to treat ynoneII—AT HOME? Nearly 1 ,.'>00.000 wrawn hav, bought Win* of Cardui from tiM'ir druggist* hmI hav*- <umi tlinillW'lvt'* Ht homo, of mdl trouble* Mi' periodical, U'uring down ion 1 ovarian |nnu*., leucor- rlunu, tiurrciiiKwi, iiervoumieHH, (lie.y.iiutwi, iihiim'h and dot-pond- citcy, canned hy female woriKnom. Till'nr an not euay niwu. Winn of (,'ardui <'iir«'H when th< doctor ran I.. Win*'of Cardui doce not irri- tnti Un oigaii*. There iHiioixun in tin lirnl mi nt. Il in n rootliing tonic of lie-tilin|/ her I*, free from Mining and drastic drug*. It ie himimhuIuI hccauM- it run-ii in a nut ii lit I way. v Winr of Cardui ran U bought from your liru^^eiFt at fl.OOa hot II* and you ran hog in thin troutinimt today. Will you try it V in ritMK riHiulrliifr dittKil ioith. «»OUm*mh irlvllty HymLjJUflllll, TllC' 1 «M(1 kOft* AffMMIM iN'p* • T**l Cll*tt«l>O0«U MMtmmi' CC) M Liu* lt*i, 004m. T*liD. AN FCONOMtC PEOPOStTION. A local iiewnpaper reflects th* “The farmers of Georgia must reduce their acreage. Let it not business interests of the town in be said of Georg.a that she did not its advertising columns, says ai . ; join, heart and soul. in tne move- exchange. A business man look-i^ent which means the salvation ing for u location always exam ines newspapers to see how its par ticular Jit.** is represented. If he and lhat literature of a is a druggist and finds none advet- nature is flooding Georg.a and the tising lie concludes there ar>- . of the southern cotton grower. I realize that the bears are at work |druggists, or if there are, they are jail dead. If ho is a doctor or a lawyer entire south. Let not the cotton grower be deceived by these peo ple, who are working to sellish inks over the prbfes-1 ends - Let ever Y Georgia farmer reduce his acreage at least 25 per cent, and the plans of the enemy will be frustrated, and he will find himself and his family prosperous and contented this fall.” The officers of the Georgia di vision of the association are busily engaged in thoroughly organizing the state. Their agents are visit- sional cards to soo if his profession is represented. Among the far mer subscribers the home paper has a similar mission. The pros pective buyer liken an invitation to comp and trade with the mer chants. A card of professional men is 111 Ht, 11 s essential as the sign in front of the door. It is , , . , . n „ „i,m i„ (li ,i ing every farmer artd seeking the not a question ol being able to get. j » 1 « a 1 co-operation of each individual cot- along without it. A hardware ; v r man need not heat his store to j ton g r0Wf - r - keep things from freezing. He * . . , , ., , For a Weak Digestion. might have a booth out on th«■ , , , ,. , , 1 No medicine can replace food, but street or at a skating rink, and do ChftmberlainV stomhch and Liver Tab- a lot of InisinesH instead of paying , j ete w jq yon to digest yonr food, rent tit. his store arid buying fuel j Itie not the quantity of food talon that to heat it with, but it might not I gives strength and vigor to the system, be economy to do so. Advertising 1 * n « the amount digested and assimilated, is no1 a luxury, but rather an economic proposition recognized by all the bust, anti most success ful businessmen (.lie world over. If troubled with u weak digestion, don’t fail to give, these Tablets a trial. Thous ands liave been lienefitted by their use. They only cost a quarter. For sale by Holt & dates, Druggists, Newnan, Ga. About Rheumatism- There arc few diseases that inflict more torture than rheumatism and there is probably no disease for which such a varied and useless lot of remedies have been suggested. To say that it can be cured is, therefore, a bold statement to make, tuit, Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, which enjoys an extensive sale, hns met with great success in the treatment of this disease. One application of Pum Balm will relieve the pain,olid hundreds of sufferers have testified to permanent j berth. cures by its use. Why suffer when Pain j . ' . r/i Balm affords such quick relief and ousts | tion to W. 11. Kniskern, r. 1. M hut a trifle? For sale hy Holt <fc Cates, ! c a. \ \\i py, Chicago. Druggists, Newnan, Qa. ' ' ' j’’ fo Furnish your home DEPOT ST. At this store, and you’ll always be pleased. The most comforta ble and attractive stock of furni ture and house furnishings in New nan is here to select from; with quality and prices to fit all kinds of pocket books. Come and see the stock. It does its own talking. You’ll be convinced and buy after seeing the goods. E. O. REESE, NEWNAN, BA Newnan Marble Works, J. E. ZACHARY, Proprietor. $33 00 PACIFIC COAST Tickets on sale daily from Chi cago March 1st to May 15th via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North-Western Line. Correspond ingly low rates from all points. Daily and personally conducted excursions through without change to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Portland, only $7.00 for double Full particulars on applica- WHY NOI HAVE A COUNTY I AIR? Thu N.-WH believes Coweta County will bo worthily represen ted til the approaching Slut*' Fair in Atlanta. The action of the County Commissioners in donat ing $100 to help defray the e\- ponsMH of t Ins exhibit, is commen dable; and slumps the members of the Board as wide-awake, liber al, progressive public officials. The Cotton Growers’ Association is also awake to the desiralii 1 ity 1 if making a display at the State Fair, ah is evidenced bv the ap pointment i.if 0 comm it 1 ee of farm - • ers iiinl business men to take the j matter in charge and work tip an exhibit. All progressive citizens of the count y favor ,t lie plan to make an exhibit al the fair ef Coweta's va rit'il agricultural and manufactur ed products; and tiny also recog nize I he import mice oi sion as an opportunity lining the county's natural resources, and tlie gOH it offers to home-see persons seeking fields lor tablishment of manufacturing plants. The News believes our citizens will rally en masse to co operate with the leaders in this movement, and to helptliem make a creditable Oowetg County dis play at the State Fair. The News heartily endorses this movement. It will go iurther, while the question o under discussion, and Coweta ought to organize a fair ns- amount of fertilizer used. It must i Miss Rowena Turner, of New- 1 - » ^ i — -1— i is the guest of Mrs. Cliff Manufacturer and Dealer in All Kinds Marble and Granite. Georgia Marble a Specialty. All work guaranteed to be First Class in every particular. Parties needing anything in our line are requested to call, examine work, and get prices. OFFICE AND WORKS NEAR R. R. JUNCT’N. NEWNAN, 6A. t hi for occa* dver- dlcnt INCREASED BAITS OF FERTILIZERS. M. L. Johnson gives some advice in relerence ton crops. The agricultural department ol Alabama and other states show in . | recent reports that the sale ol fertilizer tags in Alabama dur ing the season of 1904-1905 shows an increase of 1,000 tons over the season of 1903 1904. The com missioner of agriculture of Geor- ilvantn-1 g‘ a has issued a similar report, in •i> and i which he shows that the sales of thr ,'h | fertilizer tags in Georgia this sea son exceed those of last year by more than 500 tons. “The reports,” says M. L. John son, president of the Georgia di vision ol the Southern Cotton As sociation, “pm the cotton situa tion right up to the farmer. In order lor the purpose of the asso ciation to be carried out, it is abso A Daredevil Ride ifte.11 ends in a sad aooideut. To heal farmers accidental injuries, use Bnckleu's Ar- to cot-: nica Salve. “A deep wound in my loot, from au aocideut,” writes Theodore Sohuela, of Columbus, uliio, “caused me great pain. Physicians were helpless, but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve quickly healed it. ’ Soothes and heals burns lino magic. i!. r ic at, J. T. Reese's uud Dr. Paul Hemstou’s, druggists. TRAMMELL-GQOK Prof. Trammell, the efficient and popular principal of the school at Cooksville, was married last week to Miss Lillian Cook, a belle of that community. The young cou ple was united in wedlock at the residence of Esquire Nirgil Thom as, that worthy gentleman per forming the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mr. Hope Cook, a leading citizen of that community. ! This young couple have many friends, and all wish them bound- titiis is | lutely necessary lor the farmer to less happiness and success in life, uv that reduce his cotton acreage and the 1 ■ ■ eomut-ion and hold annual county fairs, At present no discussion of 1hin proposition will be entered info. This much is merely offered ns n suggestion to the friends of progress and development in the county; and, especially, to the not be forgotten that we are carry- 1 nan, ing over approximately 3,000,000 ’^, uri , , , , , , . f . r I pleasantly remembered by many bales oi cotton and the crop of 1905 f n Carrollton as she has several must be reduced in order to make 1 times visited our city.—Carroll a place for this surplus. I appeal j Free Press, to the farmers of Georgia to stop j —■ and not aid in making a bumper] members of the Cotton Growers’ | crop. Let us be on the safe side j Association and others interested j should 5-cent cotton come. It; iu the betterment of our agncul-1 would be better, even where the tural conditions. j land is already prepared, to plant ! The News is, emphatically., of j each alternate row in peas or each j tho opinion that Coweta ought to,third row in peas. It is absolute-, hold an annual county fair. 'lytrue that the less we produce' What do the people think about the better price will it and the j-y 1 surplus from last season’s crop — bring. “1 say the situation is up to the farmer, because it is the farmer Rheumatic Pams Quickly Relieved. The excruciating pains characteristic of rheumatism and sciatica are quickly j who will suffer il the crop IS not relieved by applying Chamberlain's j reduced. Without a reduction, Pain Balm. The great paui relieving ! the price of cotton will be lower jiower of tin liniment has been the sur-1 than the cost of production, and j prise and delight of thousands of suffer- ' , , ... r , , » . I 1 . - , the farmer will find himself in debt, ers. The quick relief from pain which , ] it affords is alone worth many tiuie.s ns 1 ^Aith a low price this year, the in- j j cost. For sale by Holt iS Oates, Drug- terests ot the entire south will suf- j gists, Newnan. Ga. ' ler, WOOD'k MINT ’WATER MELON SEE!? Iw ,Ya --' grown in the sunny south. “ Gr*«it rind, rod m«»t fuN of |w>eo and so owoot.” .. you want quality, sweetness, and tbe beet melons that it ii, r poeNbIe to grow, plant our oouthom-grown melon seed. Northern j or western-grown melon seed doesn’t 4 begin to compare, when you j ^consider tbe quality and product of the fruit produced. DMCPlptU* SmD CatalMac tell* about the best southern melons, six] al) other Farm and Garden seeds. It's milled free for the asking. tc are headquarterr for Cew Pane. Serghums, Aeed Cera, BmNs| Cam, nilkt, Se)a Seeas, Velvet Beane, etc. Special price . ilst of Farm Seeds matted on request. ., ; »vr* „ Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, RichRiond, CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. In Effect May, HMI4. SEXTON, the Plumber, does expert sanitary pluml ing and repair work ; furnish es estimates on steam and hot water heating; supplies Q hydraulic rams, pumps, ra= dialers, ranges, boilers, valves and all kinds of wat er fixtures. Work always guaranteed to be satisfactory and jtrices % fixed as reasonable as first (5 class work can be done. Shop on Depot Street, Jj next door to Dr. Jones’s) & Building. W. L. SEXTON, Newnan, Ga. West Bound DAILY iiast Bound. No. « No. 1 No. ‘1 No. 30 l*M AM I’M AM n 10 00 L v Grifliii Ai . ; U5 8 :t0 It of, 10 10 Vaughan — " ii K 1)1 t» ‘JO 10 «|| " Senoift *• L 40 7 J8 7 (12 11 11 ‘ Newnan " 'J OS rt 85 7 .'7 11 BU “...Vi bitesbnrK 1 44 « JO ]j or. •‘....Carrollton.. " 1 in 0 00 1 00 " Bremen 11! -to . 10 "....(ednrtown..." 11 27 |k . ■> ' Rome •• 111 -11 ■ » 4:1 " Holland “ 10 02 . « f.H " Lverlv 0 50 — •1 05 — Kacroon 0 40 •i IB mi in rHorviilo.. “ 0 ;{-j 4 “ Trion “ U 22j •1 48 LaKiivotto. “ 8 55 r, 10 “..ChiekninttUga.." s '23 5 55 Ar..Chattanooga..Lv 7 IS CM A M j For Inforinttinn as to Kates, etc , add css • (J W. (’HEARS, Div. Puss. Agent, ehattftnooga, Tenn. D. A. NOLAN. Agent, Newnan. Or. P. .1. ROBINSON. A Sit. <i. P. A., Savannah, Ga. J. O. HAILE. Genl. Buss Agent, Savannsh, Ga Colds| It should be bcirne in mind that every cold weakens tbe lungs, low ers the vitality and prepares the system for the more serious dis eases, among which are the two greatest destroyers of human life, pneumonia and consumption. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has won its great popularity by its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It aids expectoration, re lieves the lungs and opens the secretions, effecting a speedy and permanent cure. It counteracts anv tendency toward pneumonia. ^Pnce25c^L»rgc Size 5°c. R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5-oent cachet is enough for usual occasions The family bottle (00 cents) contains a supply for a year.All druggists sell them. Last Hope Vanished When leading physicians said tnat W. M. Snnthart, of Pekin. Ia., bad incura ble consumption, his last hope vanished ; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds, kept him out of his grave. He says: "This great specific completely cured me, and saved my life. Since then 1 have used it for j over 10 years, and consider it a marvel ous throat and lung cure.” Strictly scientific cure for Coughs, Sore Throats or Colds; sure preventative of Pneumo nia. Guaranteed. 50c and $1.00 bottles at J. T. Reese’s and Dr. Paul Peniston’s rJtnr^GTfuSuStnHltnGifaftninu S TAKE YOUR CLOTHING TO f IS. C. CARTER S CO., f | OPPOSITE HOTEL PINSON. | ifj when you want them | is cleaned, pressed, repaired ^ a] or dyed in the best manner g) !l and at the most reasona- |j p ble prices. D fiSSSEESSSSESEsin ...White Barber Shop... C. T. BAILEY, Proprietor. Only first-class white bar bers employed. Prompt, re liable, courteous attention and service given all custom ers, at the usual prices. We have the only electric mas sage machine in the city. Give it a trial ; it does the work perfectly.