The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, April 14, 1905, Image 5
lioeal News of Newnan was in Atlanta last Brad- Chief of Police J. D. Brewster was in Atlanta last Wednesday. Heidt Pendergrast is spending several days with relatives at Eufaula. Alt. Charlie Moses. Jr., of Atlanta, was the guest the first part of the week of Mrs. J. H. Hall. Several thousand dollars of local Wirt Johnson Yesday. Pare Floradoru Cotton Seed ly &• Banks. j money to loan on easy terms. J. B. Sims, Esq., of Palmetto, was in j W. G. Post. ie city Saturday. | For s tove wood, apple vinegar or J. C. Anderson.Dentist. Salbide Bldg, i garden plowing, see E. E. Davis, or ewnan, Ga. telephone number 122, tf. J. H. Wynne, of Sharpsburg, was in j The Faver monument fund has reach- te city Tuesday. ed the pnm of more thau $200. Con- Sweet, Mush Tobacco in Ton Lots at radley & Banks. Try the uew Tasteless Castor Oil at eese.’s Drug Store. Floradorn. the long staple cotton seed, t Bradley & Banks. Big line of tine cigars and tabaccos at j vacant lot or farm teese’s Drug Store. , stripling & Son's. tributione are coming in rapidly. E. C. Goodwyn has returned from a business trip to Montevnllo and Bir mingham. Ala.. Rome, Ga., and other points. Call on J. T. Holmes, real estate agent, if you desire to rent , buy or sell a home, . ... i . __ * «* i Office at J. W. Mr. M. Cole, Jr., is in New York City ; or a stay of two weeks. Charlie Dent, of Atlanta, spent Mon- ay and Tuesday in the city. Fresh shipment of Powell's line can- 'es at Reese's Drug Store. Ralph Pendergrast, of Atlanta, is eliding the week in the city. Get my prices on awnings, tents and imnocks. E. 11. Bowman. ?. M. Bryant made a business trip to rrollton theflrstof this week. For spring cleaning use Bowman's Bed Bug Poison, Furniture Polish, Black Grate Enamel At Reese’s Drug Store. •Wo have just, made tip a largt line of car spring steel plows, the best plow made for farm* rs. Merck & Dent. New shipment Valentine Beans. Lima Boons, Collards, Cnoumbers, Lettuce and other seeds. Third duplicate older for this season. Holt & Cotes. i | For Sale—Nice tomato and cabbage I plants of standard varieties, grown from selected seed. Apply to Mrs. J. B. live \ . E. Manget, Jr., your order R auie y Newnan, Ga. 2t !cotton seed hull6 and meal. , We are prepared now to receive or- 1)61 i ders for ice cream in any quantity or kind. Prompt delivery and excellent cream furnished. Holt <fc Cates. toney to loan on real estate st 7 cb. Apply to L. M. Farmer. apt. A. A. McDuffie, of Athens, was ihe city a couple of days this week. htee car loads number one hay. Call as for hay. Bradley & Banks. rof A F. Jones, one of Turin’s best <sens, was in the city Monday. uheard of bargains in crokery, china t glassware at V. E. Manget, Jr’s. Then you want something extra flue (Reception Flour. Bradley & Banks. [rs. W. A. Brannon, of Moreland, i shopping in the city Monday. Writing Tablets (ink ) f> and 10c. Box Stationery. 10 and 26o. Envelopes 5 and 10c. Pens, Ink, Pencils, etc, at Holt & Cates’, Heavy additions have been made this week to our Truss stock. We can now supply any kind or size needed, in the best of trusses. Holt & Out-es. J. R. McCollum,;Ewj.. of this county, has been appainted by Governor Terrell as a delegate to the good roads conven- ! tion which meets in Baton Rouge, La., j April 28-21). ? ANTED.—to buy a few cords of! Cates Coal Company has the exclusive pine wood. Apply at News office, lit '• agency here for the celebrated Climax . P. Barefield, of Hannah, Douglas ! alio, Bird Eve Oa»n«l and Ital nty, was a visitor to the city yester- iau Blue Gem coals. Will solicit orders next month for summer delivery. 'it Personals and Society Notes Miss Fannie Butts visited Atlanta last Tuesday. Mrs. E. D. Fonse is speeding the week in Atlanta. Mrs. Emmett Bailey is spending a few davsiu Turin. Miss Belle Vernon King is visiting friends at Rome. Misses Nina aud ltnogeue Sinims spent Monday in Atlanta. Mrs. N. E. Powell will entertain "The Twelve" this afternoon. Mrs. J. C. Gilbert, of Columbus, is spending several days in the city. Miss Norma Jones, of Turin, spent Thursday with Miss Cleone Ham. Mrs. E. M. InglcR, of Pulaski, Va., is the guest, of Mrs. D. P. Woodroof. Mrs. L. W. Bohanan. of Gratitville, visited relatives in the city Thursday. Mrs. Will Byrain and children have returned from a visit to relatives at Palmetto. Mrs. J. J. Goodrum is visiting her daughter, Mrs. 1. C. MeOrory, in Col lege Park. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks spent the fir-t iwrt of the week with relatives at Gratitville. Miss Emmie Young Conyers, of Pal metto, spent Saturday anil Sunday with her mother. Miss Bertha Dunning was the guest of Mr. S. W. Murray and family the first of the week. Miss Annie Sue Hardaway, ot Rocky Mount, is the guest ol her sinter, Mrs. D. W. Boohe. Mrs. W. A. Daniel, of Atlanta, is visitnffc tier parents. Pi of and Mrs. J. E. Pendergrast. Miss Lucile Haul, who is teaching school at Lexington, sjient Saturday and Sunday at home. The Sulmugundi Club will meet with Mrs. Thomas Cole next Tuesday, April 18, at J:110 o’clock. Miss Ethel Nipper, ol Senoia, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Nipper this week.—Atlanta News. UMLIEP CCA! ATOP 9PV1H STATES OCiy A I UK CAROL states Recommends Pe-ru-na—Other Men Testify. I ^iVWVVr CAROLINA Prominent lion. John J. Patterson, Ex-Culted States Senator from South Purolliia, In a letter from 37-8 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pu., writes: “As Quite a number of my friends have and are using Peruna as a catarrh cure with beneficial results, I feel that I can safely recom mend It to those suffering fron that disorder.”—-J. J. Patterson. Commodore Nicholson of the U. A. I “ I am fully satisfied that your Pernim Navy. I is an efficacious remedy for catarrh, as I Commodore Somerville Nicholson, of j and many of my friends have boon the United States Navy in a letter from benefited by tts use.”—W. <1. Hunter, Sample Straw Hats. Five hundred sample straw hats just received, to la 1 sold at actual New York cost. All styles—all qualities. tl Hardaway <fc Hunter. Iks make special prices on good lots . /eet Mash” Tobacco. Bradley & J iks. i eorge K. Robinson, a well Known •,en oi La Grange, was in the city Mr. Jonathan Orr and family have re- Jnesday. i moved into the residence on Spring e have just received a solid car load j Street, recently purchased from Mrs. S. le fine Gold Coin Flour. Bradley & i L. Faver. Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith, who formerly occupied this house, have removed to College Park. ue fts.| rather theremometers and fever 11monicters. new line, at Reese s 11 store. elve hundred gnllons syrup from iseuts to 60 cents per gallon. Brad- 1- Banks. •tin work, roofing, plumbing re- png see T. M. Martin, Shop below NOTICE.—Going to quit business in 00 days. Closing out a great, big stock of crockery, china and glassware and side lines at and below cost. Corne this way for unprecedented bargains. V. E. Manget, Jr. C. M. Nixon, a farm superintendent All & Farmer. L McCutchen, of Atlanta, was in thty from Suturday until Monday, finest of P. T. McCutchen. • you improving your place with \bn V?ire Fence? Call and see our ,, Lodge, No. 102,, a- Miifi nr ices. Bnidl^y <v Uftnus. ... „ « ana get pn< j tained at the District Co: of Haralson, Coweta county, through his attorney, J. W. Shell, filed his up- plication in bankruptcy in the United States court Wednesday morning alleg ing his liabilities to he $732.23 with no assets.—Atlanta Journal. The following members of Newnan were enter- onvention in L. Swint, of Macon, one of the Senoia last Monday: J. T. Williams, &ieru Railway’s most trusted j w. M. Glass, J. C. Leach, C. A. Merck, Liotive engineers, was the guest of j q. j. Barron, H. A. Haines, O. L. By- (ryes in this city the first of the week. rum. J. W. Kersey, E. J. Kite. Matt Crain, of the -4th district, Capt. C. M. Speer was greeting friends h;,ist recovered from a painful ill- in Newnan yesterday. He was enroute m He has a daughter who is quite i to Carrollton where he will reside in the Hi,t present. j future, having accepted the position of one of G-aiitville’s superintendent of waterworks in that city. Carrollton is putting in an up- to-date water plant aud Capt. Speer Miss Louise Peddy will go to Paris to morrow to spend a few days with Misses Marrilu and Julia Harris. Miss Bessie Goodwyn has completed the spring term of school at Farmdule, and is now at home in this city. Mrs. W. H. Cotter, of Eastman, is ex pected next week to visit, Mrs. J. F. Lovcjov and Rev. W. J. Cotter. Miss Carrie Lou Gibson left Wednes day morning tor Columbus, where she will spend some time with relatives. Miss Virginia Freeman is expected home tomorrow, after a stay of several months with Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Orr in Virginia. Mrs. N. E. Powell and Mrs. W. A. Dent will entertain the Salmagundi Club on Thursday afternoon, April 20th, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Wirt Johnson and children re turned to the city last Tuesday, alter spending three months with relatives in Social Circle. Mr?.' Harvey North entertained the Sttlmugundi Club in a most delight,lul manner Thursday afternoon. The house was beautifully decorated with dogwood, wild honeysuckle and howls of purple iris. After spending some lime playing dominos a delicious course of berries, ice cream and cake was serv ed 1K17 R Street, Northwest, Washington, D. says: 1 Y’our Peruna lias been anil Is now used by so many of my friends and I acquaintances as a sure cure for catarrh that 1 ain convinced of its curative j qualities and I unhesitatingly recom mend it to nil persons suffering from that complaint.”—S. Nicholson. t. S. Minister to Guatemala. Iir. W. Godfrey Iluntcr, 1’. S. M iutslcr to Guatemala, and cx-incmlicr of Con gress from Kentucky, in a letter from Washington, D. C., writes: M. I). Well known men of dignity and promi nence in Ihe United States endorse and recommend Peruna for catarrh. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your ease, and lie will he pleased to give you Ills valuable ad vice gratis. Address tor. Hartman, President of The 11 art muii MunUarlum, Columbus, I Ohio. ;). Bonks, Esq n.mcceesful businessmen and u rep- r. ative citizen of Coweta, was. , . L the visitors in Newnan last Mon-1 wtfl P r °ve to be a valuable man in the 4 . W. S. Copeland was last week I Capt John A. Davis, who died re- th-PPy’Recipient of a handsome gold ; ^ntly m Albany left an estate valued w t and chain. It was a present from | ^ about *400,000 and daughter in Tacorna, Wasli- »np ® ,rles yAdams. formerly a popular yo resident of this city, who is now ei)) d in business in West Point, was (-q.est of relatives here last Sunday an onday. NTED—Six hustling young men, n( per month He was one of tlie wealthiest and m'ost prominent citizens in that section of the state. He was first cousin of Rev. J. B. 8. Davis, of this city, and was the oldest member of the Davis family in the state. That dis tinction now belongs to Rev. Mr. Davis Wc sell more picture frames in a day than others sell in a year. We will have in another ear about twenty days, sixty-five hundred frames. If wc can’t save you money on frames, who H. D. Owens AtKinson Bldg. Newnan, Ga. The First Baptist Sunday school has decided to have its annual picnic at As the guests were departing a Park 0I1 Saturday, April 2tt, in dainty souvenir of .the occasion was Bteatl of OB Friday, April 28, as first in- presented to each gnest. Besides the club members there were quite a limn her of visitors present. Rev. W. A. Davis, of Senoia, has ac- ! cepted the care of the Bethel church, at I Rocky Mount. This: is a fine church, Must have horse and j w j t |, two hundred and forty members, hg-8* None but hustlers need apply, j rfta (]y aud waiting to be developed in linger Sewing Machine Company, j tl)0 ^, ork of the l oTf j This , aBt iB work Nt n. Ga. j in which brother Davis tabes great de- , G. O. Scroggin.of Paris, by a fall 1 light. He says: "It was a new experi- on ‘ nrday last sustained a broken i ence to me to change pastorates, and it , r . She is doing well, and her I greatly grieves me to discontinue at * K riends will be delighted to know ' White Oak Grove on the first Sunday.” ji u e is rapidly recovering. -—Christian Index. The churches of which brother W. A. Davis is pastOT huve done the nice thing and instructed him to attend the meet ing of the Southern Baptist Convention at their expense. This shows that tie lias a field of first-class churches, and we congratulate them and him.—Chris tian Index. The pupils of Mrs. Charles Weesner’s mtsic and elocution class gave a recital at the home of Mrs. E. O. Reese Friday evening which was a treat to all pres ent, showing proficiency in the teacher and application on the ]iart of the pu pils. Mrs. Weesner is to be congratula ted ; and we hope the public will have another such opportunity. Mr. W C. Turlington and family have removed to the residence recently occu pied by Mr. and Mrs. John It. Cates. Mr. and Mrs. cates are now residing on Washington Street. tended, because the Board of Education some time ago passed a resolution not to suspend school for picnics. City court convenes next Monday. As announced by Judge Freeman in last, week’s News, no jury cases will he call ed at this term of court. A few other cases will probably he heard, hut this session of court will be short. Mr. Hewlett Bailey has sold the resi dence on Greenville Street, occupied by Mr. Allers Hertel and family, to Mr. Sum Banks. The price paid was in the neighborhood of j$4,0<X). More Howers for the living wouW not rob the dead. Great political reforms have their inception at the fireside. Head the News swiff), first, last time. i.i id l und all t he t lie Millinery Our opening over, wc are pre pared to execute orders for the most fetching creations of tin* Milliner’s art. New shades in Chip Huts, Persian Ribbons and many other lovely novel ties are being shown. An un usually complete aud beauti ful line of children’s hats is now on display. The ladies are invited to examine our at tractive offerings. Mrs. Lela Adams Newnan, Ga. Read The News and keep posted