Newspaper Page Text
1850 Fifty-Fifth Annual Statement. 1905
Aetna Life Insurance Company
Hartford, Connecticut.
The leading Insurance Company in New England, and the Larg
est in the World Writing
Lite, Accident, Health and liability Insurance
January 1st, 1905.-
Receipts in 1904.
Premiums - $12,868,922 77
Interest, rente and from other sources.— 8,062,683 >H)
Total Inoome in 1904. f15,931,656 76
Disbursements in 1904.
Death Claims ... $2,899,586 61
Matured Endowments. -- 1,528.085 00
Death and Indemnity (Accident and Liabil
ity i 1,281,922 62
Dividends to Policy Holders.. 724,023 92
Hnrrendered Policies. R
Oommissions to ngerita — 1,097,478 26
Agency Expenses, Medical Examinations
and Miscellaneous Expenditures.... 656,379 33
Dividends on Capital Stock (Life) — 200,000 00
Dividends on Capital Stock (Accident).. 50,000 00
Taxes , 364,988 04
Total expenses (Accident and Liability
Business). 1.419,452 47
Total Disbursements in 1904 .10,768,850 96
Excess of Inoome over Disbursements in ’04 5,172,700 80
Paid Policy Holders in 1904
$6,971,793 55
Total Paid Policy Holders from
Organization in 1850 to Janu
ary 1,1905
$ 1 45,91 8,246 86
Life Insurance issued, revived and paid
for in 1904 $88,886,907,00
Life Insurance in force January 1, 1905.. 237,304.739.00
Accident Insurance in force Jan. 1, 1905 217,230,164,6(5
Number of Poliev Holders Jan. 1, 1905 225,011
Real Estate acquired bv foreclosure $ 173,164 74
Office Building . 460,000 00
Casli on band and in banks :.. .. 7.076,623 80
Stocks and Bonds ..... .... ... 24,490,386 90
Mortgage's sec urn d by Real Estate 32,686,317 72
Loaus on Collaterals 1,061,394 62
Loaus speared Policies of this Company 8,891,504 08
Interest due and accrued Dec. 81, 1904 818,732 66
Premiums in course of collection and
. deferred Premiums (net).. . 674,112 68
Market value of Securities over cost, less As
sets not admitted (655,743 07) net 2,818,796 66
Agents Balances nnd Bills receivable 56.146 57
tion. By virtue of an execution inniotl from a
decree in equity rendered by the Superior
Court of Fulton county, Ga., May 10t,h, l'.HM.
and n supplementary and amendatory decree
thereto, rendered Deo. Sth. lSHM, in the action
of ,1. II. Pitman and ,1. H. Widener, complain-
tants, vv Annie F, Hav. defendant.
A certain tract of land lying in land lot 2rt,
in the 5th district of Cowi ta comity, described
as follows- Beginning at the southwest coi
ner of said lot 2tl, run east along the south line
of said lot to the land (In ltllh!) owned by
Hardaway A Hunter, thence in a northerly
direction along the loot of the hill next to the
branch, which branch is the line of Hardaway
A- Hunter, to the land bought by Lavender R.
Hay from the estate of Elizabeth Little, thenee
south. 77 3 4 degrees east to the Argo lot.thence
north, lti'u degrees cast to "llollis lot,*' thenee
north, 73'., degrees west to southwest corner of
Hollis lot, thenee north, lib - degrees east to
Washingion street, thence west, Along the
south side ot Washington street to lot former
ly owned by P. K. Ontt.|no, thence south, to
lands bought of Little estate, thence north.
738-4 degrees west to Melton street, thence
south, to the end of said street, thence west to
the lot of Noah Scott, thence south to the
soUth coraer of the Powell lot, thence west to
Line street, thence south along the west line of
said lot 2C to beginning point, containing 40
acres, and being same lands deserilnsl in deeds
recorded in book Z page -gti7, deist record,
Coweta county. Levnxl on as the property of
Annie F. Hay, and all interests therein, to tie
sold as by the terms of said mentioned decrees
hh In said decrees fully explained. Said land
will be sold in parcels. Tenant in possession
notified in terms of the law. This April fith
1UU5. S. L. BROWN. Sheriff.
$73,696,178 81
Total Assets, January 1, 1905, ...
Losses and Claims awaiting further proof,
and installment claims not yet due (Life) $ 806,147 (Hi
Losses and Claims awaiting further proof,
and not yet due (Accident and Liability) 688,727 66
Surplus Reserve for special class of Policies
and dividends to Policy holders not yet due 798.626 37
Premiums paid in advance and other Liabili
ties-..... 61,092 86
Reserve on Life. Endowment and term policies,
4 per cent, standard on Old Business and 3',,
po,r cent, on Policies issud since HUH), 61,858,783 00
Less value of Policies of Re-insnr
auee, $40,969,00 . 61,817, 814 00
Speoial Reserve, in addition to the Reserve
above giveu, .. 2,194,786 00
Unearned Premiums on accident and Liabil
ity insurance . .. ... 1,271,344 28
Special Reserve on Liability Insurance 100,000 00
Total Reinsurance and Special Reserve
and all other Liabilities .. .... 67,140,638 16
Guarantee Fund in Excess of requirements by
Company’s Standard . ... 6 555,640 63
Total Liabilities Jan. 1,1905 73,696,179 81
Guarantee Fund in Excess of requirements
by Standard of Connecticut and other
Slates . 8 850.426 65
Great Gains in Business in 1904
Tnorease in Assets.. - $5,628,310 16
Increase in Guarantee Fund over re
quirements -- 883,884 10
Increase in Premium Income.. ... -- 1,135,668 IK)
luorease in Total Income . 1,372,682 20
Increase in New Life Insurance issued and
paid for . . $2,225,105 00
increase in Life Insurance in Ford- 14,001,862 00
increase in Accident Insurance in Force 8,618,920 66
increase in number of Policy holders 11,648
F. M. BRYANT, District Manager,
Newnan, Georgia.
Residence T’honv 6-thre
Residence 'Phone
Davis & Turner Sanatorium,
Corner College and Hancock Sts., Newnan, Ga.
High, central and quiet location.
All surgical and medical cases
taken, except contagious diseases.
Trained nurse constantly in at
Rates $5 per day, $25 per week.
Private offices in building.
’Phone 5-two calls.
Davis & Turner Sanatorium.
Merck & Dent,
After your Carriage
has been repaired
at our shop it’s as good as new—
not only looks so, but is so. You
see we replace unsound parts of
body, wheel, top or shaft and ie-
stcre the “style’' by smart up re-
holstering and careful repainting
and revarnishing. If your vehicle
looks “a bit seedy” come around
here and get our estimate on ju
dicious re-furbishing and real
Lega l A dvert 1 seme nix.
Petition for Charter.
To the Honorable, the Secretary of State o(
Georgia: /
The petition of.!. }\ Han-on anil S. It. .la
quea, of Bibb County, ami Henry G. Gunning
hum, T.M. Cunningham, .1 r., T. S. Mc'-.e, W. A.
Winburn, AIcxiiiiibr H. Lawton, II. W. Jolin-
non,.!. T. .Johnson, and Henry M. Steele, of
Chatham County, Georgia, xhoweth :
Firnt: -That the nauieH and renidenet-H of
petitioner!* are a" above Haled.
Second: Petitioneri* de-ire to form h rail
road corporation to be known iih Greenville Ac
Newnan Itailwuy Company, for the pnrpoHe of
building a railway through the Counties of
Meriwether and Coweta, from Greenville, in
Meriwether County, to Newnan, in Coweti
County, the length of mid railway, aw near an
can beeatimuted, to he about thirty iSkii miles,
and the general direction in which It is to run
being from Greenville, a little west of north, to
Third: They dartre that said eon,oration
ahull continue for one hundred and one (101,
years; that it shall have a capital stock of ten
thousand dollars <$10,(4X1.00), consisting entire
ly of common stock, with the privilege of in
creasing the same from time to time as pro
vided by law, and that its principal office be
oeated in Savannah, in Chatham County,
Fourth: Petitioners do intend in go*,d faith
to go forward without delay to secure sub
scriptions to tbe capital stock, construct,
equip, maintain, and operate said railway, and
Jiave given four (4) weeks notice of their in
tention to apply for this charter by the publi
cation of this petition in the newspa
pers in which sheriff's advertisements are pub
lished in the Counlies of Meriwether and Cow
eta, once a week for four <4> weeks before tin-
filing of this petition.
Wherefore, petitioners pray that they may
l>e incorporated under tin laws of this stale as
a railway corporation as aforesaid.
J.K. Hanson, H. It. Jaques,
Henry C. Cunningham, T.M .Cunningham,.1r,
T 8. Molse, W. A. Winburn,
Alexander K. Jxtwton, H. W. Johnson.
J. T. Johnson, Henry M. Steele.
f,l It
GJCOKGIA. Coweta Countv.
Will In'sold before tin court house door in
the city of Ncwnmi, said comity, within tin-
legal hours ol sab . to tin- the highest and best
bidder, for cash, on the first Tuesday in May.
next, the following property, towit :
SO, number 1G44 pew ends, made uf quartered
oak, number 1 III panel, tlfull supjsirtH'. s wall
ends; 443 feet number 1 pew body, rotary ouk
back, elm seat;! pulpit, number 40, made of
quartern! oak : U chairs, number groen-wnnd,
made ef quartered oak, upholstered with dark
red leather: 1 table, no. 34. All church furni
ture first duns. Number of pew ends, right
hand 41); number pew ends, left hand 411; num
ber wall ends, rigid hand 4: left hand 4. He
ing the furniture with which the M. K, church,
South, lit Reneta is new furnished nnd equip
ped. Levied onto sutistyn fi fa issued from
Cowela Superior Court in favor of (lie K. H.
Stafford company vs ladles ol Henuta M. K.
church, Misses Nan L. Sims, Alice Wilson,
Mrs. K, L. Watts, a- Trustees of said church.
Tenants in possession notified in terms of the
law. ThisFeb. 7th, IMA.
J. I. BROWN, sheriff.
GEORGIA, Oowt ta County.
Will be sold before the court house door In
the city of Newnan, said county, within tin-
legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bid
dor, for cash, on tile first Tuesday In May.
IMA, the following described properly, towit:
One house and lot In the ettv of Newnan,said
county; lot hounded as follows: On east by
Pinson Street, south by lot belonging to A.
Pope, west by Andy Jones, south by an alley.
Levied on tn sat isfy a fl fa. issued from Justice
Court of 040th District. (L M., Coweta county,
tn fuvnr of George Burpee, transferee, vk. Em
ilia Kelly, Katie Reid and.I. S. Reid. Tenants
in possession notifli-d in terms of the law.
Levy made by J. T. Alsabrook, L. <5, and turn
• si over to me. Tliis April 7, 11 Wo.
.1 L. BROWN, Sheriff.
GEORGIA—Coweta County.
L. M. Farmer having applied to I lie Court ol
Ordinary of said County for Letlers of Guar
diansliip or lln properly of Jlenry Freeman,
minor, all persolli* concerned are required to
show cause In said Court by the first Monday
in May next, if any l hey can, why said applies
tion should not be grunted This April 3rd IMA.
L, A. I'KKDUH, Ordinary.
The New York World recently
said that one cause will greatly
limit the saloon area and influence
is the number of surburban
“parks” and cottage groups being
developed by private capital,where
in the deeds of all property sold
carry convenants against “nui
sances” for from ten to fifty years.
It added: In the eyes of the real
estate man the saloon is the great
est of nuisances. He may himself
like an occasional drink, but he
will not let it be sold on his own
land. A million New Yorkers
will soon be living on land where
no saloon can be maintained. And
propinquity powerfully affects
habits. The swinging sign of the
saloon suggests thirst; its absence
means sobriety. The average man
won’t travel far for a drink. In
time the influence of “restricted”
areas must be reflected in the
choicer residence sections, which
are not restricted. Hu rely as a
business matter, future municipal
managers will inquire why any
saloon should be permitted in a
residence section, where its inevi
table effect is to depreciate prop
erty all about it. The money de
rived from the license, were it
twice as much cannot compensate
for the loss in taxable values. Is
it good policy for a city thus to
cheapen itself?
Frightful Suffering Relieved
Suffering frightfully from the* vir«-
lent polsonH of undigoBtible food, <1 U.
Grayson, of Lula,Miss., took Dr. King'
New Life Fills, “with the insult,'’ lie
writes, “that 1 was cured.” All stom
ach and bowel disorders give way to
their tonic, laxative properties. 25c at
J. T. Reese's mid Dr. Paul Ponnlstau's
drug store, guaranteed.
GEOR . IA . Oijwibi County.
The return of tin: appraiser!* setting iqmrt
twelve months' support to the luiuily of W. II.
Kersey, (leeeitseil, having been filed in my of
fice, all persons concerned are died to show
•• the 1st Monday of May, HHifi, why Hiiid
application for twelve months’ support should
not be granted. This April (ith, J5i*lT>.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Coweta < kiunty.
L M. Farmer having applied to the Court of
Ordinary of aid county fur Lettcrsof Guar
diansliip of tin- property of Chester, Eunice,
Eflle and Cleo Hlins, minor children of Philip
Minis, Jr..deceasd, all persons concerned are re
quired to show cause in said Court by the first
Monday in May, next, if any they can, why
said application should not be granted. Tills
April 3rd, 1WA. L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
Misses McLeroy and Scott, the
elocution and music teachers of
Brantley Institute, are arranging a
most interesting entertainment to
be given on Friday evening, April
Rev. W. A. Davis will resign
one of his former churches, having
accepted charge of the Bethel
church at Rocky Mount. This is
a good church with a large mem
bership and has a large field for a
good pastor and we congratulate
that church on their selection of a
Justice court is getting to be too
big a thing in Senoia ior a little
old 12x24 court room and there is
strong talk that in the near f uture
we will have a court house. ()f
course this court house will not be
as nice as the one we have in New-
nan, but it will be a court house
all the same. Suppose the city
council join in and make a nice lit
tle appropriation for this purpose
and stop the rent expense every
year. Build a house the town will
not be ashamed of.
GEORGIA—OoWfitu County.
To tin- boirM at law of .1. F. Arnall, dacoaxad.
In R*-. VV. J. Harper vh. J. T. and L. E. Arnall,
<4. a).
Petition to compel titles to land.
Take notice that at tbe next term of the
Court of Ordinary of said County, to be holdcn
on May 1st, IWXi, at 10 o'loek . a. in., 1 will pals
upon the application of W. J. Harper to com
pel the administrator's of J.F. Arnall, deceased
to make titles to land on a bond for titles.
Said application having been fills] in due
form. This April 3rd, 1305.
L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Cowela County.
Will be sold before tbe court house dixn-in
the city of Newnan, said county, within the
legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bid
der, on the first Tuesday in May, next, the
following property or w, much thereof as may
be necessary to pay off said decree and exeeu-
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the
Best and Most Popular.
“Mothers buy it for oroupy children,
railroad men buy it for severe coughs
and elderly people buy it for la grip))*!,”
say Moore Bros., Eldon, Iowa. “We
, sell more of Ghamberlain’s Cough Rem
edy than any other kind. It seems to
have taken the lead over several other
good brands.” There is no question bnt
this medicine is the best that can he
procured for coughs and colds, whether
1 it be a child or an adult tliat is afflicted.
, It always cures ami cures quickly. Hold
by Holt Ar Cutes. Druggists, Newnan,
Miss Abbie Cox, of Alabama,
a young lady well known in Cow
eta and Heard counties as a music
teacher, will be married on April
26th to a gentleman residing in
Roanoke, Ala. Miss Cox has been
in charge of classes in music at
various places in this county ancl
Heard county, and has many
friends who will be interested in
learning of her approaching mar
Grafters are in the minority.
The majority is equally to blame
tor not putting a stop to it.
Some men secure credit for
philanthropy by public contribu
tins to the conscience fund.
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