The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, April 14, 1905, Image 8

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    J. w.
Stripling & Son’s
Underselling Store
For Bargains.
15 Bolts 27 in. Bird Eye, 10 yds to bolt, worth 90<\
tit 55c
Remnants Whitt* Pique, 1 to 10 yds in piece, value
15c to 20c, our price 10c
40 in, White Lawn, good quality, 10c yd.
Few more remnants Table Linen, 1 to 5 yds
in piece. The 50c kind in bolts, at 35.e yd
India Linens, per yd, H to 20c
White check Muslin, good value, per yd. 5c 10c
White Flannel 16c to 26c
Good line Valencines lace 2c yd and up
15 bolts Linen Torchon Lace, 4 inches wide
value 10 to 15c, to go at, per yard 5c
Our line 5c, 7 1 -2c and 10c Embroideries can not
be matched lor the price.
Thousands of yards beautiful figured Lawns, Mus.
lius, Batise, Dimities, etc , 5c yd and up. Rem
nants best Chumbry at 7 l-2o yd. Fine linen
checks lor towels at l()e yd.
Lace stripe curtain swiss, in colors Mini white, at
12 1 -2c; yd. Best grade I'ercals, in remnants 1 to
10 yds in piece at Sc yard. Soli<j red Percul in
the bolt good quality, 5c yard. Simpson 5-4 Per*
cal, 5c yd. All the standard grades calico 5c yd
Good umbrella lor 50c New shipment window
shades, 0 and 7 feet; long, 25 and 35c each.
20 do/cu ladies’lilack miedrskirts, all good values,
60c to .$1.00
Big line sample slippers just opened uji which will
he sold at actual factory cost.
We are receiving new spring and summer goods.
...The First...
Troup County Division, composed of the best citizens oi
Troup, Harris, Meriwether, Heard and [Coweta, lias been
tilled to 1,000 members. The second Troup County Divis
ion is being rapidly tilled. Those who wish to avail them
selves of tho benefits of this wonderful plan of protection
would do well to at once apply for membership to W. B. Cot
ter, of Latirange, who is now working in Cowetu countv, for
the purpose of receiving members, with headquarters in
New nun, representing tho
Home OHico at Athens, Georgia,
A Gasoline Engine
Handy | The little child of Jack Ward
——■ and wife, who has been afflicted
Miss Susie Gibson, daughter of: f 0 r so long, is-not expected to live
the late Church Gibson, died on j many days.
the ntn inst. j Mr anc j Mrg iq enr y Whatley re-
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lyle, of turned home last Thursday, after
Birmingham, Ala., have been vis- spending several weeks with rela-
iting F. ],. Lyle. fives in East Point.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brazil, of John Cannon came down from
Corinth, last Sunday visited the | f^ast Point'Saturday to spend a few
latter’s mother, Mrs. Sadie Wil
Klim school closed last week,
and the school near the river
taught by Miss Ora Montgomery
will close this week.
Mesdames R. A. Ware and J.T.
Davis, of this place, and Miss Gib
son Orr, of Corinth, went up to
Cave Spring last week. Mrs.
Ware has three children in the
state school for the deaf at that
We notice that the entomolo^
gists claim that the advance guard
of Pharaoh's locusts will be here
this summer—the whole army will
come next year. This is news to
us; we had it down that 1908
would be the next locust year.
For variety and intermixture last
week’s weather takes the palm,
January and June could each lay
claim to a single day. The hopes
of the early gardener of the low
ground have vanished anil his fears
fulfilled, lie will be found in the
seed markt
days with his family and recuperate
from a wound he received early in
the week, by a pulley falling and
striking his side.
Last Thursday evening was the
regular meeting of our young de
baters. Subject for debate was,
"The works of man and the works
of Nature.’’ We hope that the
young men may derive great ben
efit from these meetings.
The religious revival season is
on and it seems that Newnan has
caught the spirit. The writer has
been permitted to attend a number
of revivals and have heard many
good sermons, but have listened
to some of the very best within the
last few weeks that we have ever
heard. Attended services at the
Methodist church, and head some
able sermons by Bro. Belk of Au
gusta. Since the services com
menced at the First Baptist church
last Sunday, have heard the be
loved Bro. Worrel, of Louisville,
Ky. He was dreadfully afflicted
again as soon as cour- | for several years with a complica-
1 tion of diseases, which were almost
age can ver a e < espair. instantly cured in answer to prayer.
M. P. Stephens, just across the Me is now 75 years old and in
line and one of our near neighbors, I perfect health. Reads without
was last week elected county com-j glasses, walks without a stick and
pH can hold as steady a hand as any
body. We have also heard two
Furniture Store
missioner of Heard county, to
tho unexpired term of Wood Rod
erick, who recently moved out of
the county. Mr. Stephens defeat
ed John I. Miller, of Corinth, and
a Mr. Pike, of St. Cloud, in the
A. If. Arnold, county surveyor,
w is last week trying to establish
the metes and bounds of the fee
simple estates of some of our sat
isfied and dissatisfied fellow be
ings. The polarity of the compass
comes in for praise and abuse on
occasions like this, and sometimes
the surveyor himself gets the lat
ter, with deviations, declinations
and variations. Such is life; more
particularly the life of the survey
or. However, Asbury's sweet dis
position never sours, while he fol
lows the course of his official guide
with implicit accuracy, generally
settling out of court the longitude
and latitude of the fellow who
thinks he owns all the land adjoin
ing him. Such is diplomacy.
great sermons by Bro. Bernard,
Managing Editor of the Religious
Forum, published in Atlanta.
will furnish the cleanest, safest, most economical and satis
factory power obtainable in Newnan and Coweta county. No
wood or coal to buy, no water needed for steam, no "firing
up" necessary. A gasoline engine can be started and stop
ped in less than one minute and can be operated by any in
telligent man; consequently, no fireman or expert engineer
is required to operate it. A gasoline engine is the highest
type of engine security. Fire insurance companies allow
them to be placed in any building without increasing rates.
1 sell gasoline engines from one horse power up—the best
and lowest-priced engine made. Call and let me explain the
facts about these engines. 1
E. L. WALTOIY1, Newnan, Georgia
Oscar Bryant moved back from
East Point last week.
Mrs. E. .1. Stevens was sick for
several days last week.
Charlie Turner and Jim Collins
spent last Sunday in LaGrange.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hendrix, of
Sargent, spent last Friday in the
Cliff Turner has moved hack to
LaClrange, after a short sojourn
with us.
Mr. and Mrs. John Christian have
a boarder, She is only one
week old.
Mrs. J. G. Brook has been con
fined to her room for several days
the past week.
Ruth, little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Hiram Mobley, has been quite
sick several days.
Last Sunday was regular meet
ing day and we had a good ser
mon by Rev. W. R. Hendrix.
Mrs. Ozella Hudson is spending
several days in the city, visiting
her uncles, Will and Tom Ozmore.
Our singers met at John Allen’s
last Sunday afternoon and made
the welkin ring with the sweetest
of music.
Olke Camp is in Atlanta this
week on business.
Dr G. W. Burdett went to New
nan this week on business.
Mrs. Welcome Parks visited in
Carrollton the latter part of last
Prof. V. D. Whatley visited rel
atives and friends in Bowdon last
Several of our citizens are at
tending Carroll Superior Court
again this week.
Miss Ruth Foster, a charming
young lady of Madras, visited
friends here this week.
Jack Brown made an important
trip to Atlanta this week. We
surmise his business, as he is a
Miss Katie Sue Brewster, of
Newan, visited the family of Mr.
J. M. Stevens the latter part of
last week.
The busiest men in town these
days are those who sell and ma
nipulate guano. It seems that a
large quantity of it is being used
for some purpose.
Several of the boys who attended
the all-day singing at Hewlett last
Sunday, have a special invitation
to appear and tell the grand jury
ivhat they saw and heard.
Unless you want to attend the
next court, all good citizens had
better not go to the all-day sing
ings where whisky is sold and
drank. Serious trouble always
follows close in the wake.
It is not thought that the cold
snap of last week did much dam
age to the fruit crop around
Whitesburg. There was a consid
erable frost Friday morning, but
very little injury resulted to fruit
or vegetables.
Mr. W. Drake, one of our clever
blacksmiths, has recently purchas
ed a home on Newnan street,
which he is having remodeled and
We have added a big line
of Furniture to our stock and
as we have not the space
to tell you everything about
it, we invite you to call and
see our line, as it is under
the same roof and does not
cut out any other goods ol
our line. We are in position
to save you from 1 O to 20
per cent, on Furniture.
Suites from $14.00 to
$75.00- Plain Chairs,
RockingChairs of every kind.
Don t fail to see our Furniture
and get our prices. Remem
ber our other lines are com
1 set cups and saucers, han
dled, - - 48c set
1 set Plates - 30c set
1 set knives ifc forks 48c set
Good size, nicely worked
pillow shams, • 48c pi
Good size, nicely worked
table covers, 35c
Good size 7 foot mantle cov
ers, - - 35c
Solid oak eight day clock,
guaranteed, 1.98c
“Sweep Stakes" tobacco 30'
"Silver Dime’ tobacco 30c
“Red Bird” tobacco 30c
West Side Square,
Newnan, Ga.
The annual singing hdd at Hew
lett, ten miles north of Whites
burg last Sunday, was well patron
ized by many young people from
this place, and some of the older
ones who sing. This singing oc
curs every year on the second Sun
day in April.
W. B. Kelly, son of Rev. W. W.
Kelly, who joined the U. S. army
a little more than a year ago, came
home last Thursday, where he will
remain for the present. Having
tired of army life, he decided he
had rather pay his way out than
continue longer in the service. So
upon the payment of a specified
sum of money, he was honorably
discharged a short time ago.
Mr. Isaac Dingier, of Eastland
county, Texas, after spending sev
eral weeks with relatives in differ
ent parts ot Carroll, returned to
his home last Monday. His sister,
Mrs. Gaines Barron and her daugh
ter, Miss Zena, accompanied their
brother and uncle, where they
will remain for several weeks. Mr.
Dingier has been successful in his
western home where he has ac
cumulated quite a snug fortune.
The Demosthenean Debating
Society of Hutchison College, this
place, had their public debate at
College Hall Friday night 'as ad
vertised. The question discussed
was, Resolved, That the United
States should permanently hold
the Philippine Islands. The af
firmative was represented by
Messrs. R. M. Stephens and
Ernest McWhorter; the negative
by Messrs. J. M. Watkins and E.
H. S. Bell. After a lengthy dis
cussion on both sides the judges
iiv,u,, decided in favor of the negative,
mprm ed. He will probably move | An the bo madrt good speeches
las family to town when his new and showed that- thev had coven
[home is completed.
and showed that they had
1 the subject dose study.