Newspaper Page Text
Local News of Newnan
Call ou J. T. Holmes. real estate agent,
j if yon desire to rent, buy or sell a home,
1 vaenut lot or farm. Office at J. W.
j Stripling & Son’s. *
We have just, made up a lot of har
rows. Any one needing a good harrow
should get one we make.
4t Merck & Dent.
| Mainly About People | A COMRADE OF GENERAL GRANT
Says: “I Do Not Believe Pe*ru-na Has a Superior.’
Mrs. Sara Parrott has been quite siok
for the past week.
Miss Carrie Lon Gibson visited At
lanta last Monday.
Little Miss Dorothy Jones has been
Mr. W. C. Black was in Atlanta Tnes-
day. I
. . .. . The Ladies Auxiliary Board of Carne-
Mr. H. S. Banta was in Atlanta Tues- . T „
gie Library will meet an Monday, May
” fty ' | 20th, at 6 o’clock, at the Library, The
Go to the New York Bargain Store'R Book Committee will meet at 4 o’clock.
8ftle ’ | Buggies for young men. buggies for | ‘> nite fiick for the ***' few <lftys '
Mr. Abner Camp, of Grantville, spent ! old men, top buggies, runabouts, any Mrs. R. H. Spearman is visiting rela-
Wednesday and Thursday in the city. style you want. See me and I will save ; tiveB at Sharpsbnrg.
Cotton seed meal and hulls for sale. , you mone y 0,1 buggies, E. L. Wnltoni. Mrs A. un | e gimril.who has been quite
See V. E. Manget, Jr. tf Pure, sweet cream delivered every j sick for several days, iB better.
Mr. Frank Holt, of Montezuma, is ; ^ Ry ’ exce Pt Sunday, at your door. Pos- Miss Wiiit an)9( 0 f Atlanta, is the
visiting his father, Dr. P. R. Holt. tal card the day before will get. your gU est of her sister, Mrs. Bird Pnrks.
order filled. A. H. Arnold, Newnan, 1
lnseot powder in bulk and package at y a 4t
Reese’s Drug Store.
Miss Annie Kirk Dowdell, of Opelika,
is the guest of MiRS Lnoile Thompson.
Dr. G. A. Nuunally returned the first
Heidt Pendergrast is spending a few 0 f thin week from the West. He stop- Mls W. W. Draper, of Atlanta, is the
■lays in Luthersville. ped ju Memphis and preached last Sun- g u,J st of her daughter,Mrs. H. H. North.
Sticky fly paper and poison fly paper day hi the chureh of which he was for- Mrs. W. K. Wood, of Cedartown, is
at Reese's Drug Store.
Tom JoueR, of Riverside, was in the I
city this week.
For Sale—Horse and mule. Apply to
Major W. A. Turner, City.
Charlie Faver and Ray Lee, of Atlan
ta, spent Sunday in Newnan.
Big lot ol' bulk and box pajier just ar
rived at. Reese's Drug Store.
Paul Reese, of Atlanta, was in the
city the first of the week.
Insist on having Climax coal. Good-
wyu sells it for $5.26 per ton. tf
Raymond Carmichael, of Jackson,
spent Monday and Tuesday in the oity.
Money to loan on real estate ft 7 per
oout. Apply to L. M. Farmer.
Messrs. I. P. Bradley and G. R. Bluck
have returned from Texas.
Call on ns for peas and pea droppers.
Bradley & Banks.
- Born—To Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bow
man, last Wednesday, a daughter.
Big lot Lightning Pea Droppers just
arrived. Bradley & Banks.
Jim Miller, of Atlanta, spent Saturday
and Sunday in the city.
The Lightning pea dropper will do the
work. Bradley & Banks.
Dr. J. T. Wester,of Rome, spent Sun
day and Monday in Newnan.
Unknown and Speckled Peas at Brad
ley & Banks.
J. J. Tinsley mnde a business trip to
Opelika, Ala., this week.
Mrs. Ethel C. Allen, of Columbus, is
visiting relatives in the city.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dunbar.
Friday, May 10th, a daughter.
Fred Barnes, of Atlanta, was in the
oity last Sunday.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs Herndon
Murray, Sunday, May 21st, a son.
Mr. Millard Farmer has been sick this
week at this home in this city.
Judge F. M.> Longley was up from La
Grange last Wednesday.
Mr. Frank Wilkinson lias been sick
this week.
Col. Ike Jackson, of Hogansville, is in
Nownan today.
When in need of a buggy give me a
call. Will save yon money. E. L.
Willard Newsome, of Columbus, has
returned home, after a short visit to
Newnan friends.
Cholera-Infautum and Teething Pow
ders for teething children at Reese’s
Drug Store
In the New York Bargain Store’s
great May sale, 10 and 15 cents Lawns
have been marked down to 8 cents.
Fortin work, roofing, plumbing, re
pairing, see T. M. Martin. Siiop below ,
Pinson Hotel.
Dr. Sam Bradshaw has returned from
Franklin, Ky., where he spent seme
time with relatives.
Bowman’s Headache Tablets cure all
kinds of headache. Price 10c box at
Reese’s Drug Store.
Ginghams worth 8 and 10 cents are
going at 6 cents in the New York Bar
gain Store’s May sale.
E. C. Goodwyu sells the genuine Mon-
tevallo coal. There is no such coal as
“Climax Montevallo.” tf
The Library is enjoying a magnificent
bouquet of magnolia blooms; thanks
to the courtesy of Mrs. F. S. Loftin.
Call and see our new line of station
ery. We have some big bargains to of
fer. Reese’s Drug Store.
Rev. J. R. King received ten persons
into the Methodist church last Sunday
—six by baptism and four by certificate.
1 have all qualities of stove wood, in
cluding the Montevallo and Italian Blue
Gem, E. E. Davis, ’phone 122.
Formending china, glassware, crock-
. ’ery or anything in iron or wood, use
•'Iron Glue.” At Reese’s Drug Store.
All 60 and 76 cents Negligee Shirts
have been marked down to 39 cents in
New York Bargain Store’s May sale.
There will be a called meeting of
Newnan Odd Fellows next Monday
night, at which time sixteen candidates
will be. given the second degree.
inerly pastor.
For expert tailoring and first olnss
cleaning and pressing of clothing, seeO.
W. Bradley, over Pope’s hardware store.
A fine line of samples for those wanting
suits made to order. If.
the guest of Mr. mid Mrs. E.H. Bowman.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Zellnrs.of Palmetto,
are the guests of relatives in the city.
Mrs. Charlie Owens, of Atlanta, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Fannie Croft,
Mrs. J. W. Boone, of Atlanta, is the
guest of MrR. D. W. Boone.
Miss Sadie May Powel returned Tues
day, from an extended visit to relatives
represent- in Tennessee.
Mrs. J. M. Milner is expected home
Our millinery stock must he reduced, tomorrow, after a short visit, to relatives
and prices have been "out. to the bone" ! nt Opelika.
on nil millinery goods. During our May MfR L T M(wp „ of Tnrll , t wftM the
sale, which continues but a few days Km ,* t of -Miss Oleone Ham Tuesday and
Pe-ru-na is a Catarrhal Tonic Espe
cially Adapted to tho Declining
Powers of Old Age.
In old age the mucous membranes be
come thickened and partly lose their
This leads to partial loss of hearing,
smell and taste, as well as digestive dis
Peruna corrects all this by its specific
operation on all the raucous membranes
of the body.
One bottle will convince anyone. Once
used and Peruna becomes a life-long
stand-by with old and young.
Mr. Charles V. Henotsaon, Truesdatl,
Mo., writes: “1 have followed your in
structions for the
As Well As Can Be
At the Age of
Eighty-four Years
C. A. Merck and Claude Pitts nre in
Savannah tliis week, representing the
subordinate lodge of this city in the
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. C. P.
Stephens is also in Snvannal
ing the Encampment.
longer, all millinery goods will be
sacrificed. New York Bargain Store.
Ben Orr, who was thrown from a
buggy last week and painfully injured,
is still confined to bis home. The acci
dent occurred in the 3rd District and
Col. llonj. F. Ilawkes, of (111 (1 street, S. W., Washington, 1>. O., is one of
the three living comrades of (teneral (Irnnt In his cadet days at West Point,
In a recent letter this Venerable gentleman says of Peruna:
“/ have tried Peruna after having tried In vain other remedies lor ca
tarrh, and I can say without reservation that I never felt a symptom of re
lief until I had given Peruna the simple trial that Its advocates advise. I
do not believe It has a superior either as a remedy tor catarrh or as a
tonic for the depressing and exhausted condition which Is one of the effects
the disease. ”—HenJ. F. tfawkes.
Miss Ruth Hardnwny, who has been
attendidg school at Shorter College, will
return home next week.
MissNelia Lou Walton, of Atlanta,
was caused by the horse Mr. Orr was WRH guest, of her aunt, Mrs, W. A
driving running away.
William Dawson Orr is the name of
the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
W. Orr, of Takoma Park, Washington,
D. C. The young man is now nearly
three weeks old. He is a grandson of
Hon. W. B. Orr, of this city.
A meeting of Good Samaritans will he
held Tuesday evening, May 30th, in the
hall of Newnan Lodge, No. 34, R. A. M.
Candidates lire requested to ho present
promptly at eight o’clock. Refresh
ments will be served during the evening.
For the best buggy made and sold in
Newnan see us. We can build you a
buggy to your own taste, and guarantee
every one for 12 months against inferior
material. Call and see our line before
buying. 4t Merck & Dent.
Literary meeting of the Epwnrth
League occurs this (Friday) evening at
the residence of Mrs. J. F. Lovejoy. An
The Greatest Family Medicine Ever
Hon, Win, U. Hunter, ex-member
North Carolina legislature, writes from
the Census Otllce Build Ing, Washington,
D. O., as follows:
"Tho greatest faintly medicine ever
discovered, In my opinion, which comes
from experience as well us observation,
Is Peruna. The most common affliction
to humankind Is a bad cold. Perunu
drives It out of doors, wards off catarrh,
Invigorates and gives fresh strength to
Miss Hess, who was the guest of Mrs. mind mul body. I give Peruna my
Jack Powell, returned to Rome lust unqualified endorsement." —Win. Cl.
Turner, tliis week.
Miss Sarah Buchanan, who has been
attending school in Virginia, is ox]ieoted
home Tuesday.
Miss NinaStniiley has returned to her
home in Bartow, Fla., nfter a few days
visit to relatives in the oity.
Miss Naumiline King, who has been
attending school at Wesleyan College, is
expected home next week.
Miss Ruth Whntley, who has been
teaching urt in Carrollton, has returned
Miss Emmie Terry Snead, who 1ms
been attending soliool at Athens, is ex
acted home next week.
Miss Christine Cole, who has been at
tending school at, AgneH Scott, is cxpcct-
Catarrh of the Stomach
Cured By Pe-ru-na.
.las. T. Jnkemau, President Elder
M or man Church, Suit Lake (Jlty, Utah,
“I should be and am a very grateful
man for having been recommended the
use of Peruna for catarrh. 1 hud a
chronic ease of catarrh of the stomach
and my system was so filled with differ
ent remedies that I hail taken, that I
sickened at the sight of a medicine bot
tle. Peruna was a last resort and it did
not fail me, but cured uie in uboul three
mouths ami 1 feel Iliut It is a wonderful
remedy and gladly give tny experience
from its use.”—Jos. T. Jake man.
Pe-ru-na Proved a Life Saver.
Mr. Ismls Syrens, auctioneer, com
mission merchant amt business broker,
430)4 Richmond street, Isimlon, Out.,
"J bad been a sufferer with what phy
sicians diagnosed as chronic catarrh.
I thereby lost the necessary speaking
faculties, which almost caused me to
discontinue the business of auctioneer.
“After spending several hundred dol
lars for various medicines and doctor
bills without avail, your wonderful rem
edy, Peruna, was recommended to me.
Afleruslng several bottles of Ibis life
saver, I found relief, and I am again
capable of conducting my auction sales.
I wish to convince others, likewise
afflicted, of (lie merits of your grout
remedy.”— I.ouls Byrons.
Thousands of Testimonials.
We buve on file thousands of testi
monials like the ones given here. We
can give our readers only u slight
glimpse of the vast array of unsolicited
endorsements of Peruna which we urc
constantly receiving.
past mouth and
am now as welt
as I rail lie at
tlieageof eighty-
four years. I thank you for your valua
ble Instructions and advice. 1 first used
Peruna fourteen years ago when my
health was so bad that I had no hope of
staying many days, and after using It 1
began to pick up. It has helped meovor
since. I feel well, but will always have
Peruna as my companion.”—Charles F.
Suffered a Number of Years Prom
Systemic Catarrh.
Used Peruna as Last Resort, Now In
(Jood Health.
Mrs. K. Hcboncher, Y20% 8. Olive Ht.
Los Angeles, Cal., president (Jlrl’s
Friendly Society, also secretary Nouth
Los Angeles Travelers Club, writes:
I wuh for u number of years a suf
ferer from systemic catarrh. I was
very nervous and run down, my ap
petite had failed me and my sleep was
not restful. 1 hud lost much In weight
amt looked like a very sick person. My
physician advised a change of cllmata
and the medicine I took only gave mo
temporary relief.
" I tried a bottle of Peruna as a last
resort and was greatly pleased to llml
that I felt much Improved In a general
way and then I bought several bottles
”1 am now In good health and have a
good appetite and sleep well. 1 cannot
say too much for Peruna and for what It
has done for me.”—E. Hcboncher.
Pe-ru-na Containa no Narcotics.
One reason why l’erunu has found
permanent use in so many homes Is thut
it contains no narcotic of any kind, l’o-
ruuais perfectly hurinloss. It can he
used any length of time without acquir
ing n drug lialilt. Peruna does not pro
duce temporary results. It la permanent
in its effect.
Address Dr. Hartman, President at
The Hartman Hanltarlum, CoIuiiiIiuh, O.
All correspondence held confidential.
entertaining program will be rendered, ed home tlm first of next week,
and tlio members of the League and all
the young people are cordially invited
to attend.
Lovejoy Memorial Chureh, in East
Ncwnuu, is nearing completion. It will
be a pretty and connnodious building—
Miss Lizzie Belle Farmer, wlm lias an ornament to that section of Newnan.
Newnan, Ga., Feb. iltli, 1905.
Prof. Clias. Astiu: 1 have examined
in detail the mechanical construction of
the Clinton Piano and pronounce it first
class, even in the small details. I can
also heartily recommend the piano for
its musical qualities—the tone being
especially fine. R. N. Cole,
been attending the Klindworth Conser
vatory, is expected home tomorrow.
Miss Katherine Powel was tho enter
taining hostess at. a tea last Tuesday
Rev. J. R. King asks the News to state,
in this nonnootion, that contributions to
the building fund are needed and it is
hoped that friends of this chureh will
respond promptly and liberally.
Mrs. J.T. Kirby will entertain the I W. Goluoke, of Atlanta, the well
Salmagundi Club Friday afternoon at known architect, was here last Saturday
four o’clock showing Coweta’s court honho to a party
; of gentlemen from Montgomery County.
Mrs. A. D. Bowen left lust week for 'j , |parly was composed of County
of the R. D. Cole Mf’g. Co. j Covington, where she will spend some i Commissioners W. W. Pope, Win.
time with relatives
Miss Jennie Cates went down to La
Grange lust, Monday to attend the fun*
Messrs. R. O. Jones and W. G. Post
and Mesdames G. R. Bradley and C. D.
Hollis have been appointed to represent
the Newnan Methodist Sunday Soliool
in the La Grange District Institute,
which will be in session next Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday in West Point.
I am using a Clinton Piano, bought of
Prof. Clias. Astiu, and can suy that in
finish, tone and action it is quite as good
us any high clas* instrument in the mar
ket. I have used the Knabe and
Chickermg uud my judgment is that the j^^,, Belle Farmer.
Clinton is as good as the best.
Mrs. H. G. Smith
Blakely, Ga., February 25, 1905.
eral of Prof. Charles C. Cox.
Misses Ruby Chandler and Era Las-
satcr have returned to their home in
Luthersville,after spending several days
witli friends in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Farmer and son,
Charlie, went to Atlanta Thursday to
attend the graduating recital of Miss
Are always pleased with “Co
lumbia” and “Victor” graplio-
phones, the only perfect, dura
ble talking and singing machines
made. This store lias exclusive
agency in Newnan for these
machines and records,
Grapliopliones are priced from
|15 to |100.
Records sell at 60c aud $1.00
Machines are kept in stock. A
new assortment of 200 very fine
records has just been received.
Call at this store aud bear some
splendid music.
===== Jeweler =
Newnan, - Georgia
The condition of Mrs. L. T. Fain,
mother of the editor of the News, who
has been critically ill for several weeks,
is slightly improved.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Cut,l ino and little
daughter, Annie, have returned from a
sojourn of several weeks in Charleston,
S. C.
Mrs. P. L. Sutherland will return from
Jacksonville, Fla., tomorrow, where she
went to attend the marriage of tier sis
ter-in-law, Miss May Belle Sutherland.
Misses Lizzie Belie Farmer and Helen
Bland O. H. Wool ten, and Contractor
G. L. Adams. These gentlemen are go
ing to have a $40,000 oourt house erected
in Mt. Vernon, the county town of
Montgomery. Mr. Goluoke is the ar
chitect, and he wanted them to see
Coweta’s oourt house before beginning
their building.
Miss Clestelle McLeroy’s recital given
at the Auditorium Iasi Friday night,
scored a fluttering success. A large an- 1
diencc was present and the program
pteased all. Miss Rosalind Tapper, vo-
enlist, of Atlanta; Mr. Robert Lovejoy, j
of this city; and the following pupils of
Miss McLeroy's elocution class assisted I
in rendering the program: Misses Bes
sie Dent, Mary Cranford, Margaret I
Murphey, Georgia Atkinson, Ruth
Thompson, Fiorine Walker, Imogen
Siuiril, Mildred Merck, and Herbert!
Cranford, Hill Freeman and Arthur'
Luverne, Ala., Fehrumy J7th, 1905,
Prof. Clias. Astiu: I have had the I
pleasure of using in my Lyceum per
formances the Clinton l'iuno, which you
Wo are trying to c.omliic.t a modal, modern grocery
store; and our patrons say wo tire meeting with some
success. The essentials of 1 ho success of our enter
prise (as wo see them), are completeness and quality
ol'stock, reasonable prices mid excellent service. You
find all of these essentials in our business. The stock
includes everything you expect your grocers to sell.
It is of the highest quality, composed of nice, elenn,
fresh goods of standard brands and grades. You can
order anything from us witli the certainty of getting
it and of getting satisfaction in quality as well.
As to prices—they speak for themselves. The same
is true of service. Goods bought in our store are
bought at right prices; and there’s the added certainty
of reliable and prompt delivery.
All of these points are vital considerations in the
matter of selecting grocers who can and will retain
your patronage. Jf you’re not our customer, give a
trial order. We are sure that we can please you
Mune gave a delightful piano recital at | H0 cleverly represent, and it is with |
Klindworth Conservatory in Atlanta on
the evening of May 25th. Miss Farmer,
who is a very talented musician, is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Farmer,
of this oity.
Miss Rae Lowe Sponcler, a musician
of whom the State is justly proud, will
assist in the commencement music pro-
; gram of Brenau College, Gainesville,
her alma mater. This accomplished what a piano should be
genuine pleasure that I recommend it to
all who have use for a high class instru
ment. The action is easy and agreeable
and it combines with that full masterly
tone that other requisite in a good piano
—a tone that is both sweet and musical.
It fails to my lot to have to deal with at
least two hundred pianos in a season and
I feel that I am a qualified judge of
lady will also represent, at the annual
concert, J. Lewis Browne, in two num
bers of his own composition. Tliis high
confidence is well merited, and Newnan
wishes her tiie greatest success of her
Yours for success,
Ralph Bingham.
I)r. C. A. Smith, Veterinarian,
treats all diseases of domestic
animals. Calls answered day or
Tax Collector E. Gary Summers will 1 ™ght, Office at Gearreld’s livery
be at Haralson on May 29tli, at Senoia stable. tt
on May 30th and 31st and June 1st.
Read the News
: From June 2nd to 20th he will be in his
, office in the court house. This will af-,
; ford everybody ample opportunity to 1 BWlm » nrst, last
I make tax returns. time.
and be in
and all
A Good Razor a Luxury.
We guarantee our razors to do the work; put them in good shape
before leaving our store, and hone and strap them free when they
fail to give you a smooth shave. There is nothing that helps a
good razor more than a good strap, and our line of straps would
be a credit to a much larger city than Newnan. We carry the
best Badger hair shaving brushes and Italian razor hones. In
fact everything that goes to make shaving a pleasure.
Williams Shaving Soap, the regular ioc size, for 5c a cake.
Newnan Hardware Co.
Notice Of Local Legislation, obinery of other kiuda, from oreeks and
Notice ia hereby giveu that there will! ° i t * ier running streams in the County of
be introduced at the next session of the 1 ^ owota ! R,1< 1 lor other purposes. ct
General Amenably of Georgia a bill to " 1-
be entitled Sample Straw Hats.
AN ACT to provide for the removal Five hundred sample straw hats just
of obstructions of all kinds, other than : received, to be Hold at aotual New York
dams used for oppcatiDe mill* or ma-1 C0Ht ’ styles—nllquali ties.
^ ■ tf Hardaway * Hunter.