The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, June 02, 1905, Image 5

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When Sickness Comes The first and great necessity in case of sickness is the attendance of a good physician, and the sec ond should be the compounding Stripling & Sou’s. Prices on ladies' summer shoes have been cut below any prices ever made in Newnan before. New York Bargain Store. Mr. George Milner Hooten, of New nan, spent Sunday in the city as the guest of Miss Minnie Dixon .--West Poidt News. Call on .1. T. Holmes, real estate agent, if you desire to rent, buy or sell a home, vacant lot or farm. Office at ,T. W. Commencement Exercises of Public Schools Now in Progress. Commencement exercises of the pub lic schools close this evening with grad uation program nt the Auditorium. The I only change announced in the program (as published last week) was made nec essary by the illness of Dr. H. S. Brad ley. He is unable to be present and Hon. Hoke Smith has been secured to Mainly About People of the prescription by a competent Ladies’trimmed hats nt $2 98 $3 50 i deliver an address instead of Dr. Brad- druggist; and the importance of and $1,49. in our wonderful summer ley. t.lto nmirmot’v utnvlr io lint min rlo. ... ... tlie druggist’s work is but one de gree less than that of the doctor. The physician's efforts to effect a cure can be defeated by ineffici ent drugs and drug store service; sale. Are worth $5, $4 nnd $3.60. New York Bargniu Store. New Turkey Dusters in all sizes; prices low. Note that these dusters are The public oral examinations and ex ercises at the school buildings have been rendered ns announced in last week’s printed programs. All have been of n high order nnd creditnble alike to the Miss Lizzie Belle Farmer is spending a few days in Seuoia. Miss Dollie Bniley is spending the week with relatives in the city. Mrs. H. W. Gorman, of Atlanta, is the guest of relatives in the city. Mrs. \V. C. Ellis, of Union Springs, Ain., is visiting relativcsin the city. Miss.lnnie llill, of Groeneville, is in the city the guest of Mrs. M. P. Martin. Mrs. Knrnost Wynn, of Hharpshurg, likewise can he be assisted by | lew ’ lno **' ' R,en faculty nnd pupils of our schools. An spent a few days in the city this week. here. Holt & Cates. Pure, sweet cream delivered every unusually largo number of visitors were in attendance at the exercises conducted in the school buildings, and splendid tal card the day before will get your audieuces have also api>eared at the order filled. Ga. A. H. Arnold, Newnan, 4t skillful, accurate treatment of his prescriptions, by prompt delivery of medicines and articles needed day, except Sunday, at your door. Pos- in the sick room. When sickness comes it is of ut most importance that the medi cine used be the best obtainable, and here our policy of buying the best obtainable drugs proves of value. Every drug and chemical, every fluid extract, tincture or other drug used by us is the pro duct of a manufacturer noted for strict reliability. If your pre- suriptiou work is entrusted to u 8 it will be executed exactly us or dered by your doctor. Tlie best don and family nt Turin, drugs will be used, the work will be done by a registered druggist of long experience, and tlte pie- Hoription will be promptly deliv ered to your home. Orders by telephone receive at tention quicker than is usually given by reuson of our extra ’phones. Your call will be an swered instantly and the goods ordered will be promptly deliv ered. Wu hope to add you to our list of customers. Auditorium, Wednesday night occurred the ora torical contest for a gold medal, given by the Board of Education. The con testants were Philip Orr, Bradley Davis, Goodrich White, Riohard Hardaway, W. .1. Nuimally and Stacy Capers. All delivered origami speeches, and all won Prof. H. S. Bowdon and family, of thu |,; g |, U8t encomiums of comiwteut evo, “ n * 1 - critics. The committee, composed of Revs. O. O’N. Mnrtindnle and l 1 '. G. Hughes, W. G. Post, Esq., and A. H. Freeman, Esq., awarded (he medal to Stacy Capers, and it was presented by Mr. Post. All the contestants made Rev. Dr. J. W. Walden, of Athens, will not commence his meeting in the Presbyterian Church here until .luly It, to which date it is therefore postponed by the pnstor. Bremen, nre the guests of relatives in the city. They will spend part of the summer vacation with Mr. R. S. Bow- Mrs. Crisp Davis,of Fairborn, is visit ing the family of Mr. .1. L Shackleford. Miss Nell Pinson, of Oordole, spending a few days with Miss Martha Wright. Miss Ona Brannon and Mrs. Warner Camp, of Moreland, spent Monday in the city, Miss Snllie Fannie Mann entertained in honor of her class-mates last Monday Miss Rae Lowe Sponoler lias been in vited to act as pianist on “Georgia Day” at the "Southern Music Teachers’ Con vention,” which convenes in Gainesville on dune lith. Dr. d. Lewis Browne has selected Miss Sponclor to not as his rep resentative on that day and to.render two of iiis own compositions. Only the music of Georgia composers will be rendered on “GeorgiaDay.” Mrs. Joseph T. Kirbv entertained the Salmagundi Club and a nuinbetof other friends Friday afternoon in a delightful manner in honor of Mrs. Thomas, of Arkansas. The house was beautifully decorated in daisies nnd jHitted plants. After a pleasant game of dominos, deli cious and tempting refreshments wen served. Mrs. Kirby is a charming hos tess and was never more so than on this occasion. Rev. C. O’N. Mnrtindnle spent Wed nesdny nt West Point in attendance on n Sunday School Institute, at which he such high averages flint il was necessary to figure tlie results oaiefully before a decision could lie reached. was called on by Dr. Hainill to make an address on “The Jews and the Land.” Mrs. 11. A. Hall and children have re turned from a short visit to relatives at Hamilton. Miss Cora Stevens has returned from a stay of several days with relatives ill LnGrnnge. Miss Alhertiue Snead has returned from Atlanta, where she has been nt- Lnverne, Ala., Feliruaiy 17th, 19115. Prof. Clins. 1 linvo had the pleasure of using in my Lyceum por- forninnees tlie Clinton l’inno, which you so cleverly represent, anil it is will genuine pleasure that 1 recommend it to all who have use for a high class instru ment. The notion is eas'v and agreeable and it combines with that full masterly tone that other requisite in a good piano —a tone that is both sweet and musical. It falls to my lot to have to deni with nt least two hundred pianos in a season nnd 1 feel that 1 am a qualified judge of what a piano should lie. Yours for success, Ralph Bingham. Holt <3 Cates Trade IVtark Newnan, Ga. i Local News of Newnan l ; Subscribe for the News. E. R. Barrett was in Atlanta yester day. ,1. L. Jones, Esq., was in Franklin the first of this week. B. P. Cook is painfully sick at his home in this city. Insect powder in bulk and package nt Reese’s Drug Store. Prof. A. H. Nuunally was in La Grange last Tuesday. Sticky fly paper and poison fly paper nt Reese’s Drug Store. J. C. Arnnll and C. C. McKnight, of Senoia, were in town Tuesday. Big lot of bulk and box paper just ar rived nt Reese’s Drng Store. A. W. Powell, of Franklin,was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday. Insist on having Climax coal. Good- wyii sells it for $6.36 per toil. tf Julian Weems, of McDonough, spent Sunday and Monday m the city. Money to loan on real estate pt 7 cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Mr. John Dunbar is having a nice cottage erected on Bridge Street. Prof. F. P. Johnston spent Wednes day in Cednrtown with relatives. L. B. Mann, Esq., is having a nice, 5- room cottage erected on Temple Avenue. * Cholera-lnfantum and Taething Pow ders for teething children at Reese's Drng Store. For tin work, roofing, plumbing, re- j ailing, see T. M. Martin. Shop below Pinson Hotel. Insect Powder and powder guns, sticky and poison fly paper, at Holt & Cates. Bowman’s Headache Tablets cure all hinds of headache. Price 10c box at Reese’s Drug Store. Mr. W. J. Driskill entertained quite a uumber of his friends at a stag supper last Friday evening. Call and see our new line of station ery. We have some big bargains to of fer. Reese’s Drug Store. E. C. Goodwyn sells the genuine Mon- tevallo coal. There is no such coal as “Climax Montevallo.” ft Hon. L. M. Farmer’s friends are pleased to see him on the streets again, after a month’s illness. Formending china, glassware, crock- e.ry or anything in iron or wood, use “Iron Glue.” At Reese’s Drug Store. Clearance sale of Stationery at Holt & Cates. 26c values sold at 14c to make room for new stock. I have all qualities of stove wood, in cluding the Montevallo and Italian Bine Gem. E. E. Davis, ’phone 122. Go to tlm New York Bargain Store's Summer Sale of Millinery Goods. The latest styles and prettiest creations of the milliner's art are being closed out at the lowest prices ever made in Newnan. Beauford Copeland, a student in Mer cer University, is ill with fever at his home two miles from the oily. He was unable to remain in Mncon for Mercer commencement on account of being sick. Newnan Chapter,Royal Arch Masons, held an enjoyable Good Samaritan meeting last Tuesday evening. About a dozen candidates were given this de gree. and delightful refreshments were served afterward. F. M. Bryant, the hustling insurance man, seems to he getting the business. He was in Campbell County Tuesday with three physicians. Object, unknown; hut it’s quite probable that "Tolio” was talking insurance. Paint for every purpose nt Holt & Cates'. Paint up your porch nnd lawn furniture, brighten up your house, re new worn out furniture, worn floors. We have exactly the paint needed to give the proper results in each of these lilies of work. Ladies’ skirts ami waists, men’s and boys’ clothing, summer dress goods and rotton fabrics, hosiery, corsets, outfits for infants and children, neckwear, laces and embroideries, linens and mus lins, jewelry, millinery, shoes and Ox ford ties, ure all going at. unprecedent edly low prices in the wonderful Sum mer Sale at the New York Bargain Store. P. T. MoCutchen will leave tlie first of next week for Guthrie, Oklahoma, where lie will attend tlie National Edi torial Association ns one of the four rep resentatives from Georgia, and will go on tlie Association’s extended excursion through Oklahoma, Texas, California, Utah and Colorado. The trip includes some eight thousand miles of travel, and is one of delightful and profitable sight-seeing. The annual concert by Mrs. Peavy’s tending school. Pattersons Convicted Heard Court. in music class was an enjoyable entertain ment, given Thursday night. Detailed mention of tlie oolioerl would include every number on the program, as it was rendered in a splendid manner from beginning to end. This morning, at Auditorium, occurs the "Class Exercises” and "Gradua tion,” at the same place this evening, marks the close of this delightful and successful eominelicement season. return toninr- slie has been Public School Teachers Chosen. The Board of Education has re-elected Prof. B F. Pickett ns Superintendent ol our public schools. The next scholastic year will be Prof. Pickett’s sixth ycur in this position. The Board lias also elected the follow ing touchers: First grade—Miss Maggie Brown. Second grade—Miss Daisy Poddy. Third grade- Miss Elizabeth Gray Fourth grade—Miss Bessie Arnold. Sixth grade—Mrs. .1. E. Robinson. Assistant Principal High School De partment—Miss M. O. Martin. Principal High Bohonl Department— Prof. J. E. Peinlorgrust. Principal East Newnan School—Mrs. F. O. White; Assistant, Miss Ethel Arnold. Principal Colored School—P. A. Al len; teachers, Sallie E. Jones and Mary A. Reid. Misses Virginia Cates and Coral Mos es, teachers of the Seventh and Sixth grades, were not applicants for re-elec tion. Mrs. Robinson was advanced from Fifth to Sixth grade, leaving the Fifth and Seventh grades without teachers. These vacancies will he filled at an early meeting of the Board. Miss Edith Powell will row from Perry, where teaching school. Miss Emmie Young Conyers, who has been teaching music at Palmetto, has returned home. Miss Annie Murray, who has been at tending school at Tuskeegee, is expected home next week, Miss Coral Moses leaves tomorrow for Eastman, where she will spend a lew days with friends. Mrs. .). 11. Hall left Saturday for Tuskeegee. where she will spend some time with relatives. Miss Lizzie Treiulawiiy,who i* attend ing school in Atlanta, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Miss Mattie Himlawny Inis returned to Rooky Mount, after attending the Newnan High School. Mrs. Sam Bunks is the guest of rela tives in Marslinllville, where she will remain several weeks. Miss Pearl Foster returned Wednes day from a pleasant, month's visit to rel atives in north Georgia. Miss Mary Goodrum lias returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. I. C. Mc- Crory, at College Park. Miss Annie Lizzie Widener has re turned from Monroe College, Forsyth, for the Hummer vacation. In Heard Superior Court, at Frank lin, this week, at a special term of court, Mack Patterson nnd his son, Burrell, were tried for the murder of Bill Stew art, on April 20, 1.(04. Burrell Patterson was found guilty and sentenced to lie hanged on June llOtli. Mack Patterson was given a life sentence. W. C. Wtight. Esq., of this city, assisted Soli oltor General J. R. Terrell in prosecut ing tlie Pattersons. RESTORED TO HEALTH. THANKS TO PE-RU-NA. CLOSING OF COLORED SCHOOL. The Pinson Street colored public school closed witli appropriate exercises, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights: preceded by a eniiiiimiieenietit sermon at Newnan Chapel M E.Church on last Sunday morning. Written ex ainiimtions wore cmiilm-tcd Wednesday, Thursdnv ami Kridav. Friends Were Alarmed — Advised Change of Climate. Miss Mildred Keller,718 filth street, N. W., Washington, D. ()., writes: “I can safely recommend I’eruna for catarrh, t had il for years ami il would respond to no kind of treatment,nr if It did It was only temporary, nnd on tin. slightest provocation the trouble would come hack. ••I was In such a state that my friends were alarmed about me, and I was advised to leave this climate. Then I tried Perunu, and to my great Joy found It helped me from the first dose I took, and a few bottles cured me. “It liullt lip lily constitution, I re gained my uppolito, and 1 feel that I am perfectly well and strong.“-Mildroil Keller, We have on file many thousand testi monials like the above. We cun give our readers only a slight, glimpse of ilm vast array of unsolicited endorsements ill-. Hartman Is receiving. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS All (M) | > v for till veil ise- ini-nts M11ST !>e in t lii't* 1!i<• • - N( >T I, A TICK* 11 tit n TIiuismiiv noon t.o insure insert ion in t lie current issue. |ji-.lfe«WUMW(«mUW East Newnan School Has Closed. Straw Hats Below Cost. All our sample straw hats are offered at 25 per cent below actual New York- cost, for the next (10 days. tf Ilardawny & Hunter. acioai—a—eea—• IVEusic Lovers Are always pleased with “Co lumbia” and “Victor” grnplio- pliones, the only perfect, dura ble talking nnd singing machines made. This store has exclusive agency in Newnan for these machines and records. Graphophones are priced from $16 to $100. Records sell at 60c and $1.00 each. Machines are kept in stock. A new assortment of 200 very fine records has just been received. Call at this store and hear some splendid music. H. S. B A N T A, — Jeweler -■■■- ----- Newnan, - Georgia The East Newnan school closed with interesting exercises Thursday evening. Public exercises were also held on Wed nesday and Thursday mornings. The Thursday night entertainment was creditable nnd enjoyable. The entire closing exercises demonstrated that, this school is making excellent progress and doing first class educational work. Mr. H. S. Hanta was present at Thursday night’s entertainment and the beautiful music furnished by hisgraplio- phone was a feature highly entertaining to the children and visitors. RESIDENCE BURNED AT LAGRANGE. LnGrange, June 1.—The residence of W. B. Cotter was destroyed by fire at an early hour this morning. The house, was valued at about $2,000, on which there was $1,600 insurance in the South ern Mutual. Part, of the furniture was saved, all of which was covered by in surance. The origin of the fire is not known. W. B. Cotter is a son of Rev. W. J. Cotter, of Newnan, and is well known in this city and county. Notice of Local Legislation Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pendorgrnst, of I Jcsup, lire spending the summer with Prof, nnd Mrs. J. E. Pendergrast. Miss Elizabeth Hill has returned from Woodbury, where she has been teaching school, and will spend vacation m tlit: ! city. Mrs. T. H. Patterson went to Newnan * yesterday, where she will spend several days visiting her parents.—Griffin News and Sun. Mth K. W. Jones and children have returned t.o their home in Opelika, after spending two weeks with tlie family of Mr. A. F. Sirnril. Miss Virginia Bailey Iiiir returned to her home in Newnan. She will leave shortly upon a visit to New Orleans.— La Grange Graphic. Mrs. U. A. Cook, of Social Circle, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wirt .John son. Mrs. Johnson has been quite sick during the past week. Misses Rue Lowe Sponcler and Fran kie King leave next Tuesday for Gaines ville t.o attend the “Southern Music Teachers’ Convention,” Mrs. W. Y. Atkinson Is in Milledge- ville, attending the commencement of Georgia Normal and Industrial School nnd visiting Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Atkin son. Miss Eva E. Davis, of the Stephens High School, Crawfordville, is spending vacation at her home in this city. She lias been re-elected to fill tier position in this school and will return to Crawford ville after the summer vncutlon. Tlie reception which the Juniors gave the Seniors last Tuesday evening at the J' H Turner home of Miss Snsie Martin, was quite a success. The hospitable home of Miss Martin was thrown open for the occa sion and almost every member of both classes were present.. After a game of Picnic Delicacies Tlio fiicnii- period of the ycur is with ns ttgtiiii the season when you riff anil old Hock to grove, lake or other place ol resort “on pleasure bent .” 1f The lunch basket is ever an indispensalile ad- junot of the picnic party; and it’s a, part of our business to (ill the lunch basket (or picnic, parties with good tilings to eat. II Your attention is directed to a lew of the good things we can place in your picnic, basket: We sell all the products of the National Misetul (,'nm- pany. They need no introduction to the owner of (lie picnic lunch basket In addition we can al ways furnish l J ick|es, Olives, Canned Meats. Im ported Sardines, etc., of standard brands always guaranteed to be fresh and of first nnalitv. ^ dlist now we can add to the above the lirs Peaches and Cantaloupes of (he season. C. P. STEPHENS & NEWNAN'S LIVE GROCERS. FOR SALE The National (collection will dispose of tlie following Notice is hereby given that, at the next session of General Assembly of Georgia, there will be introduced a bill entitled AN ACT to create a school district, embracing all of Grantville District, Coweta County, and a jiortion of Lone Oak District, Meriwether County in Quinn and May Russell; and said State; for the election ^ Penrter(?m8t) H . M. Mar- were served. Miss Cleone Ham was the lovely hos tess at an informal party last Wednes day evening. Those present were: Misses Coral Moses, Mary Murray, GEORGIA Will James Adrian $34.78 L D Whitsett Atlanta 1)4. IJt'i Gilbert & Hewitt Atlanta 4(1.6(S J H Rodgers Baxley Hi. 9!) Lewis & Murphy Calhoun 71.00 M T Lamb Cribb :j:j.20 Mrs A R Smith Cottage Mills 83.14 Ham Hurst Dublin 84 14 L H Turner Elberton 04.(16 R L Brewer Glenn IJ9 (K) Reeves Bros & Co Griffin 10. (X) J S Gregory Jolin 44.14 Frank P. Case Judson 92.45 J S Mills Lindsay 8.25 Watson & Lithia Strickland Springs 99.05 i C L Monsley Lothair 78.85 1 E C Brown Macon 79.40 i J B Stiles Meriwether 8) .80 j of trustees, to empower said trustees, to | levy and collect taxes for the support of ; said district school; and for other pur poses. 8-5t tin, of Chattanooga, Dr. Emerson Weems, Messrs. Frank Lee and E. H. Hand, of Senoia. Agency of W udgments : ns 11 i ngl.oo, 1) R L J,ewis M il leu f.2 08 W T Cockrell iVloleiia f;8 W) Galloway Bros Monroe 21.18 Warren & Huff Rochelle 4(i 0) O JI Levan Havannali ‘•8 (>'2 Mrs R Baer Havuiinuh 90 26 ALABAMA H L Durden Autuugaville $ 42.11 R L Clements Brockton 128.04 J P Hurst Clayton 88 08 B P Lara bee Florence 201.95 R H Candle Goodwater 118.50 J H Kingiy Gordon 857.08 Head & Warren Gum Hprings 188 70 Carr & Co Hardaway 140.25 H T Daniel Huntsville 12.50 W T Harrison &. Hon Killen 28.J 6 W J Henderson Lufayette 220.00 1 M Bouey Linden 260.00 J W Hand M obile 02.25 Send Bids to THE NATIONAL COLLECTION AGENCY, Washington, D. C.