The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, June 02, 1905, Image 8

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SOME OF THE THINGS WE SELL. The list given this week includes many of the articles in the stock of groceries that we have for sale. SPECIAL SALE OF COFFEE. On next Saturday and Tuesday one package of Arbuckle or Lion Cof fee for 10c with every 50c purchase of crockery, tinware or glassware. Syrups and Molasses. Georgia cane in barrelsanyl half barrels, Georgia (.inn in <|t. 1-2 gal. ami gal. cans. Lnha molasses. N. t). molasses. Bread. Durand's the bread that made Durand's restaurant famous. Sauces and Dressing. 111 KINZ | Tomato (,'aisup. Chili Sauce. Worcester Sauce, l'epper Sauce. Horse Radish. India Relish. Mustard Dressing Mayonnaise Dressing. Pickles, (ili'inz) Little (iiant, plain and mixed. Sweet Midget. Sour Midget. Sweet Gherkins. Sour Gherkins. Sweet Mixed, Sour Mixed, I’earl Onions. American I’lain. American Mixed. Dills. Mangoes. Olives. (lloin/..) Selected (Jucen, all sizes. Selected Stuffed, all sizes. Vinegar. | lloin/. | Malt, White Wine, Pure Apple. Preserves. 11l**iny..] Cherry, Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple, Damson Plum, Peach, Apple Mutter. Vegetables in Cans. Asparagus Tips. French Peas | Brochet] Karly June Peas. Tomatoes. Corn. ()kra, Corn and Tomatoes. I .ye I lominy Pork and Means. Soups. Van Camp’s celebrated chicken soups Milk Kaglc Mrand, White Lily. Cereals. Quaker Oats. Cream of Wheat Grape Nuts. Fruit in Cans. Peaches. Cherries. Pears. Pineapple Grated. Pineapple Sliced. Meats in Cans. Corn Meet. Smoked Dried Meet. Sliced Meef. Lunch Tongue. Potted Ham. Veal Lo if. Ham Loaf. Vienna Sausage. 1 lamberger Steak. Potted Chicken Chicken Toniale. Oysters. Pearl. Smiling. Roxbury. Sardines. I Imported. I Hollands’ a la tomate. Rolland's, in oil. Trcvatcc, it) oil. Kerity Club, in oil, Sardines. | Amnrutan. I Gold Label, in Mayonnaise dress ing. Gold Label, in oil. Federal, in oil. Continental, in oil. Mackerel. Gold Label, in cans. Lake Shore, in barrels. Salmon. Columbia River. Telmo. Kobt. K. Lee. Tcnina. Fortuna [Alaska.] Staple Groceries. Postel’s Klcgant Flour. K. K. K. Flour. Georgia nell Flour. Farm nell Flour. Roller Queen Flour. Silver King Flour. Askew’s Meal, Dove Hums. (dory I lams, ureakfast uacon, Silver Leaf Lard. Snow Flake Lard, Cottolene. Rice. orits. Sugar. Salt, bulk or package. Baking Powder. Royal. Kumford. Success. Sweetheart. Good Luck. 1 lorsford’s. Magic Yeast. Soda. Arm & Hammer. Farm Hell. Anvil. Starch. Diamond, Celluloid. Velvet. Shirt Waist. Nickel Gloss. Royal Gloss. Bluing. Jumbo box. Jumbo package. Toilet soap. White Clematis. Malsam Tolu. Ivory. Life Buoy. Fairy. White Floating. Grand Pa’s Tar. Pine Tar. Laundry soap. Octagon. Grand Duke, Export. Thunder. Lenox. Red Wrapper. Scouring soap. Sapolio. Fairbanks. Washing powder. Pearline. Golddust. Armour’s. Grandma’s. Coffee. Englt-hard's Eilson Club. “ Pendennis. “ Cardinal. Hianke’s Silver Moon. Metropolitan Java Screenings. Arbuckle’s. Lion. Hulk, roasted. Teas. Tetley’s No. i and No. 2. Pendennis. Imperial. Oolong. Gunpowder. English Breakfast. Spices, whole. Pepper, spice, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, mace, celery- seed, mixed spices. Spices, ground. Pepper, cinnamon, cayenne pep per, ginger, allspice, tumeric, mustard, mace, sage. Extracts. Lemon. Vanilla. Assorted flavors. Chocolates & Cocoas. Baker & Co's. Lowney’s Huyler’s Miscellaneous. Gelatine. Jell-o. Shredded Cocoanut. Cleaned Currants. Seeded Raisins. Cream Tarta. Orange Sugar. Snuff. Railroad. Lorillard’s. V Blue Ribbon. Brewton. Tobacco. Schnapps. Sweep Stakes. Early Bird. Hickory. Peper's Natural Leaf. P. H. Hane’s Natural Leaf. Corn Juice. Star Navy. Cigars. We carry a full line made by Salbide, Manget & Co. and Cuesta Rey & Co. In smoking tobacco we have Duke's Mixture, Old North State, Recruit, Victory. WANTED—One million tobacco tags, one thousand chickens, five hundred dozen eggs. NUNNALLY & BARRETT Hutchens’ Special Sale Turin hi* friends nt Wynne's Pond on Friday. ——^ Mrs. Wiley and Mrs. Margaret. Dean Mrs. Nancy Page, after a long illness, Moore are the guestsof Mrs. Stacy in died Thursday afternoon, May 25th, Nownan this week, leaving seven daughters and scores of grandchildren and great grand children. Nownan Presring Club, O. W. Brad- One daughter, Mrs. Hnnuioutt, and 1 toy, Proprietor, will keep your clothes three sous had gone on before. She was pressed nicely for *1 per month. Clothes will he called tor and delivered. Shop tf • ••• 250 Smyrna Rugs to close out at 1 49. we have a lew more odd coats and vests to close out at a price | Some of them are worth 4 00 ; a piece; clay worsted and, mixed goods, 1 00 each. Don't fail to get one ot our 10 |t black handle tin buckets, going at 10c each. Children's parasols 25c each. Carriage lap robes, large size 50c. ing assortment of glass ware and crockery at prices below all competition. There is some thing in this line you will need. Shoe nails, 5 8, jea box Epsom salts in 1 2 lb pkgs 3c. too white unlaundered shirts, wo'th 50c, at 29c each We will sell another lot ot ladies’ shoes at 25c pair. This is the best lot we have ever put on the market at this price. You will notice when we make prices, they are lower than others make. J. B. Hutchens west side square, Newnan, - Georgia. a quint, good woman, ami gave evidence of hoi 1 ig a child of (Jod. For many inoutliM her illucMH was long and full of |Niin, hut in it site exhibited both forti tude and resignation. Her body was gently laid to rest in Tranquil oometory in the presence of a great couoourso of |ieople. MihsUmiu Johnson, a student of the Normal School at Athens, is now at home to tqiend vacation. Miss Hattie May Bowden, the music teacher of Hamilton College at Bremen, over Poihi'k hardware store. FROM 8EN0IA ENTERPRISE 6AZETTE Mrs. W. L. Braketield was the guest of the family of L. B. Maun, at New- nan, the first of the week. The Mhrewmoane. The smallest inummai In the British Isle is the slirewmoiise. This Is not only the sninllest British mammal, but, with the exception of one other of the same genus, the smallest in Europe. The harvest mouse Is someti men thought to he even smaller, but the length of Its head and body Is often two and one-half Inches, while that of the lesser shrew Is rarely more than two Inches. The tall measures about one nnd one-third Inches, and Its teeth are so extremely small that a lens is required to detect them, ness," ‘‘JustlricBtlon," “truth" and “eternal life.”—8t. James’ Gazette. Defrltst Ideas af Korea. According to the Korean Idiom, It Is Mr. and Mrs. J. T. North ontertaiued | dishonoring to use “thou" or "he” of a number of their friends at a regular Hod. Iu speech Korean Christians are Georgia barbecue in New York City I 0 " on h * arA t0 ““ "^ Pn ** n * *>«" " , (that gentleman) In order to avoid the ueat ay. 1 objectionable terms. Instead or say- Rov. W. A. Davis and Mr. VV. A. Ing "He (God) says” they say "That is expected home Friday to sjicnd *‘or Kip| M , r returned last Friday from the 1 gentleman says.” Then the Korean vacation. | meeting of the grand lodge of Odd Fel- Inngnago does not posseas the article Prof. H S Bowden, of Hrcnum. spent lows at Savannah and rc(>ort a very *" d represent terms Nt>veral dnvB with home folk* thin \vt*ok. plt*a*aut trip. Kev. Davis had the lion- * „ ,l ,.! '* ° , 1 1 iipss * liitttim'ntIrm •‘truth nnd Miss Margaret Gay visited in Senoia or of being appointed grand chaplain several days last week. conferred upon him, which place we The children’s day exercises at the know he will till well, Methodist church lust Sunday were j otis Norris,a merchant of Lutherville, splendid. was put under arrest last Saturday night .. , ,, . 1 bv Sheriff Brown at tin instance of the Misses 1‘annie and Maud Mekoy, ot Bank of Gnnitvillc, charged with pro- Weloouio, i'i,turned home Monday, after curing $2,000 011 forged collaterals s|snding the week with Mis. F. O. Watkins. Miss Norma Jones returned homo Wednesday from Monroe Oollego, to spend tier vacation. Mrs. Jennie Hardy has been quite ill fm the [sist week. Mrs. Tallulah Mobley, of Hogansvillc, came up last week to be at her mother's (Mrs. Page’s) funeral. Mr. F. F. Hunter went up to Atlanta on business Wednesday. while nt Grantville. Norris secretly swallowed a large quantity of morphine and was in a stupor when he reached Nownan. By efforts of Comity Physi cian A. U. North his life was saved. Ho is now out 011 bond. t', of (Ip Slrrf). A hansom cab driver bad Just-picked up a fare Hiul was driving furiously along a crowded street when the wheel of Ills cab just managed to graze a horse which a very thin youth was driving. "Now. then, can’t yer see me?” bawl ed out the latter angrily. "No." was the reply; "yer whip's In front of yer.”—London Tit-Bits. Palmetto Buggies for youug men, buggies for old men, top buggies, runabouts, any style you want. See me and 1 will save you money on buggies. K. L. Waltorn. The closing exercises of Palmetto High School were held in the auditori um last week. The faculty, composed ot Prof. Ernest Neal and wife, Miss Marion Steele and Mis* Emmie Con yers, director of the music de|>«rtm*'iit, gave a most interesting program. Prof. Neal has given satisfaction to |tatrons and pupils as a most excellent toucher, and the closing exercises mark n most successful year in all departments. Misses Kathcriue and Ethel Held, the charming daughters of Col. Clms. Reid, are home from Agnes Scott Institute. Protracted meeting ut the Baptist Church will begin on Sunday, June 4tli. Dt. Spaldiug, the pastor, will be assisted at different times by Drs. Laudrnm, Broughton ami others. Dr. Hal Johnston gave a barbecue to How to Help the Dead Lady. Dr. Emerson Weems left Wednesday 1 The following note of excuse was re fer Borden Springs, where he will spend cetvod by a New \ork city teacher one some time. day: Dear Teacher— Please excuse Emma for having been absent yesterday, as I had to Regular meeting of Tailored Com- _ mamlerv, Knights Templar, occurs Fri- me to a " olli lady • ' ” 1 died and had no one to do her work, day nigl t of next week. Men's $3.50 slices for $2.75, iu New York Bargain Store’s summer sale. $1.50 shoes for 08 cents. Other grades nt just ns great reduction. All Settled. ‘‘You’re wasting a lot of time and money trying to capture that widow.” "Why? Don’t you think she’ll marry me?" "Sure. She told me the night she met you that she was going to." The Were* Termed. "Do you shave yourself all the time?" asked the barber. “No. I stop occasionally for meals," said Jlraplan savagely. I Tangle foot sticky fly pai>er, 50c box; I the original and by far the best brand of fly i>nper on the market. New lot iu this week at Holt & Cates. Quite a number of Newnan Masons attended the s|>ocial communication and banquet of Gate City lodge, Atlanta, last Tuesday night. Among those in the party were; J. J. Keith, P. T. Me- Cutehen, B. T. Thomson, T. B. Man- gum and H M. Fisher. Spoiled hi. Appetite. The tiuest toilet soaps and the best Baron Graham once asked an epicure values for the money, in our judgment, , * ow n,an - v ^'.'sters he should eat in or- ... : . , , tier to create a good appetite for dinner are represented m the following brands .. . h „ . _ , * . __ and was told to eat away until ne t»e- uiade by Colgate: Turkish Bath, oOc c . ftme n u „ Kr y. The baron, who never dozen, White Clematis, 25o box, Vioris, ; snw rt joke ate ten dozen and then 50c box, Cashmere Bouquet, Viodoro. ; plaintively remarked. “’Pon my word, Sandalwood, Monad Violet at 25c cake. I don’t think I am as hungry as when Holt <!fc Cates. I began.” Next to excellence Is the apprecUr tlon of It.—Thackeray. OUR VIEWS a a An optimist and pessimist—the difference is droll; The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole. OURS, The Line of Beauty and Busi ness Retainers. Another important factor in buying our vehicles is the fact that you can always rely on uniform quality, because ours come from factories that build from the raw mater ial to the finished vehicle. You are aware many so-called manufacturers buy ’be different parts from Tom, Dick and Harry and merely “set up” jobs. With the best as sortment ot ail styles in our repository and weekly ship ments w<- are conhdent you will be pleased. a ORR <S POWELL A Good Razor a Luxury. We guarantee our razors to do the work; put them in good shape before leaving our store, and hone and strap them free when they fail to give you a smooth shave. There is nothing that helps a good razor more than a good strap, and our line of straps would be a credit to a much larger city than Newnan. We carry the best Badger hair shaving brushes and Italian razor hones. In fact everything that goes to make shaving a pleasure. Williams Shaving Soap, the regular ioc size, for 5c a cake. Newnan Hardware Co. BRADLEY-WESTER'S OLD DRUG STORE. PHONE 148-2 Cotton Rece pts. Cotton receipts iu Newnan this sea- ton, np to June 1. amount to 15,499 bales. La>t seasou at same date the re ceipts amounted to 11,193 bales. At this time last season the stock on hands nere was 412 bales. This eeasou the stock is 1.711 bales. Subscribe for the News.