The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, June 09, 1905, Image 1

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Official Newspaper of Coweta County. Ch-c JVewman Weekly )Vcws Official Newspaper of Coweta County. VOL. VI. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY. JUNE 9. 1905. NO. 9 If You Saw the Advertisement in The News, Tell the Advertiser So. HON. HOKE SMITH, Candidate for Governor. THEY A8KED SMITH TO RUN Last Sunday’s Atlanta Journal, which contained Hon. Hoke Smith’s announcement as a candi date for governor, also contained a copy of a petition sent up from this county asking him to become a candidate. The petition and names of signers are as follows: Newnan, Ga., June 1st, 1905. Hon. Hoke Smith, Atlanta, Ga., Dear oir: We, the undersigned citizens of Coweta county, recog nizing your eminent qualifications and fitness the office of governor of the State of Georgia, and knowing you are not controlled bv corpor ate influence nor influenced by a horde of cheap politicians and hangers on; but that you are ac- . tuated by high and patriotic prin ciples; we respectfully request that . you become a candidate for the high office of governor of Georgia, and in the event you do we pledge our earnest support and best en deavor to secure your election, feeling sure that the people of Georgia will honor themselves in making you their choice .for l e highest gift in their power to be stow and that your administration would restore to the office of gov ernor that dignity which formerly attached thereto. We believe you are the man for the place,and that the interests of the masses of the people demand that you become their leader in the fight against unjust corporate power and influ ence. We feel sure that your adminis tration would eliminate many ob jectionable features in the man agement of the affairs of our state governtient, and relegate the , heeler and cheap politician. Trusting you will become a can didate, we are, Respectfully, Joseph T Kirby, I. A Perdue. Lynch Turner, J W Willcoxon, J L Brown, E Gary Summers, R H Ware, F M Bryant, W C Wright, W B Martin, A H Bohannon,Fred McSwain, Robert Orr, W S Ask ew & Co, by W S Askew, E S Buchanan, J T Williams, A R Burdett, J P Shackleford, C. S Fin- . car.non, I E Walker, J M Dunbar, W L Crowder, B F Pickett, M Sal bide, H F Herring, Wm By ram, B F Parker, W J Murphey, David S Cuttino, P F Cuttino, A M Nor ris. G Wynn Smith, J T Swint, J R Herring, H S Banta, P J Flannery, R E Simms, J T Car penter, H C Glover, \\ m Childers, O M Cavender, R C Moore, G W Byram. W W Cavender, j H Mor- , ris, G W St John, E M Yeager, C D Swint, W L Duncan. Jos R Hubbard, E >1 Bailey, R E Stew art, Roy Askew, J W Owens, C J Owens, ] F Lee, Fred Brakefield, E O Reese, W H Reynolds, J H Moore, John Ascew, Harvey H Farmer, T A Brown, J D Arnold, W A Herring, W M Askew, J S JEFFER80N DAVIS' BIRTHDAY ME MORIAL 8ERVICE ANOTHER CONTRIBUTION ON SOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROBLEMS Gibson, A J Phillips, O H Wingo, Whitfield Lee, J R Hodge, B M Lundie, H M Lundie, W L Alien I P Bradley, J F Dial, J M Cog gin, J T Brooks, H N Hammett, J A Hunter, W A Potts, A L Sew ell, E H Manning, j H widner, A E Brod, W E Prather, E L Wal tom, C B Glover, G R Black, Wil lis west, F C west, H M Arnold, J A Davis, jas H Moore, C w Talley, w FSummers,B C Ferrell, L j R Copeland, R P Carmichael, O w Floyd, G O Potts, B H Dial, j L Barge, 11 C Sanders, w D Meri wether, j j Keith, M G Keith, E R Barrett, R O Jones, w H H Hays, j w Stripling, G O Cranford. CHILDREN S DAY SERVICE8. A service in honor of the mem ory of Jefferson Davis was con ducted at the court house last Sat urday morning, June 3rd, on the 97th anniversary of Mr. Davis' birth. The service was conducted under the auspices of the Daugh ters of the Confederacy, being in charge of Mrs. Thomas J. Jones, President of the local chapter. Col. George H. Carmical pre sided in the meeting. The invoca tion was by Rev. W. J. Cotter; af ter which Jefferson Davis’ favorite hymn, “How Firm a Foundation,” was sung. Hon. W. A. Turner was presented as the orator of the occasion. He made an interesting address, citing many facts in the career of Mr. Dfcvis with which the public is unfamiliar. Of these, the facts that Jefferson Davis’ fa ther once lived in Georgia, near Augusta, and that Abraham Lin coln was sworn into'•the United States service as a captain of vol unteers in the Black Hawk Indian War, are among the least known. Both Davis and Lincoln were na tives of Kentucky. They were born in the same county—Davis in 1808 and Lincoln in 1809. After the conclusion of Major Turner’s address, Dr. G. A. Nun nally, Revs. J. S. Hardaway and W. J. Cotter, and Commander John B. Goodwyn made interesting talks in reference to the life, char acter and achievements of Jeffer son Davis. A feature of the program was Mrs. James E. Brown's rendition of*the beautiful song, “There is Land.” Col. Carmichael announced that Crosses of Honor had been bestow ed upon the following named vet erans. J. D, Arnold, Co. B, lot Ga. Oav.; W. Boone, Go. E, 7tli Ga. Rgt. I B. M Laudio, Go. D, Dili Ala. Rgt.; J. Story, Go. F, tilth Ga. Oav. ;J. R.Smith 84th Ga. Rgt.; G. T. Pruitt, Go. 0, 53d N. O. Rgt.; J. J. Ingram, Go. E, 10th Ga. Rgt.; W. H. H. Hayes, Go. D, 41st Ga. Rgt.; T. T. Eutrekin, Go. H, 4th Ga. Oav.; J. M. Brittain, Co. B, 1st Ga Oav.; H. H. Bruswell, Go. B. 1st Ga Oav.; J. M. Smith,Go. C, 34th Ga. Rgt O. F. Mathews, Go. E, 38th Ga. Rgt.;H T. Shores, 00. L>, 8th Ga. Rgt.; J. As kew, Co. F, Kith Ga. Oav.; W. T. Hum mers, Go. D, Phillips’ Legiou. At the conclusion of the service the audience sang “In the Sweet Bye and Bye” and the benediction was pronounced. It Mrs. Following is the program of Children’s Day exercises, which will be held at the Methodist Sun day School on next Sunday morn ing, June 11, at 9:30 o’clock: Song by Congregation. Prayer by Rev. J. R. King. Song by Sunday School, Responsive Reading, led by W. G. Post. Song by Congregation. Song by Sunday School. Recitation, "Welcome.” Scripture Verses by Children. Chorus, “Children’s Day." Recitation, “A Sermon in Rhyme.” Song by Congregation. Recitation, “The Penny He Meant to Gi’e.” Song by Sunday School. Address by Rev. Rufus W. I Smith, President of LaGrange Fe-j male,College. . j George, the little son of Mr. and The Methodist Siinday School j Mrs. C. S. Fincannon, had a nar- most earnestly requests all its j row e scape from death last Satur- members to attend, promptly, next | c j a y m0 rning, at the home of his Sunday morning. All friends of parents on Bridge Street. The CHILD HAD NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH is quite astonishing to read S. m. D's. [of Palmetto] ar ticle; especially her hit at the mill people. As there are no excep tions made, of course we consider general; and while these re marks may fit the mill people of almetto, it does groat injustice to other mill people. I have lived among the people of two different mills and know whereof I speak. A few years back, when the price of cotton was as low as 4 and cents per pound, farmers from all parts of the country, seeing themselves unable to make a liv ing and educate their children, loft the farms and moved to various cotton mills. And after finding better days for themselves and better opportunities for their chil dren, tht-y cannot be induced to go back to the farm; thus giving mill owners a much better class of operatives and citizens. For instance we take Newnan cotton mills. It is furnished with good school house and nine months school each year, abso lutely free to the operatives, and provided with as good teachers, 1 suppose, as the city affords. Dur ing the present year they have been provided with a kindergarten building and furnished with the best of instructors; of all which the mill people are proud. They have access to a splendid library in town. In fact, our opportunities are much better here than in the country or in a great many smaller towns. I feel that if Mrs. S. m. D. had been with us on last Thurs day evening at the closing exer cises of our mill town school, she would have found it about as nec essary for the next General As sembly to enact compulsory edu cational laws for somi; other class es as well as the mill people. As to the operatives here, we can say they all make good citi- HON. CLARK HOWELL, Gaiuli(lnti) tor Governor. BY THE WAY. the Sunday School are cordially invited. The services will be es pecially bright and interesting and will conclude with the address by Rev. R. W. Smith. We want you to come and be with us. W. G. Post, Supt. W. G. Camp, Asst. Supt. Ordinary’s Court. house occupied by this family had been raised several feet from the ground, and a detached section of the house, used as a kitchen, had also been raised. The pillars built up under the kitchen were defective, and soon after the jack screws were removed from be neath it, the building collapsed and became a complete wreck. / George P’incannon, who is about Judge L. A. Perdue heldrcgmar y ears dj, vvas at play under session of his court Monday, and the kitcheri when ; t fell. His es- transacted the following business: j cape {rom death seerns a i most R. H. Barnes, administrator del rniracul&ug A tal!ing timber bonis non of the estate of Thomas j stnjck him on the head and face Barnes, deceased, vvas granted l e t-| and f ra ctured his lower jaw bone, ters ot dismission. j injury is serious and painful, Alvin D. I* reeman, guardian j jj U t the child is doing well under Charles R. Dent, was granted let-• treatment 0 f Dr. T. B. Davis, ters of oismission. j fincannon is one of the zens; are law abiding, honest and pay their debts. They are social and make the very best of neigh bors. Some of them own good farms of their own, but prefer to live here; from the fact their op portunities are better, their pro tection is better; and for quietness of nights and Sundays we will put Newnan mill town against any place. Better people cannot be found, as a whole, and just where their peculiarity comes in I can not see. Shyness and antagonis tic qualities don’t fit our people; country men, merchants, doctors and all other classes come and go amongst us in perfect safety and we can prove by the whole police force of Newnan that they have less trouble in null town than any other part of the city. As to compulsory education, we would not object to it at all; and as to a child labor lav/, the cotton n.ill people have it; tor it is posi tively against the laws of Georgia to work a child under 12 years of age. Now, while the compulsory law is being passed for the mill people, extend the child labor law to the farmer and town; for we of ten find children on the farm and messenger boys in town and little fellows tramping the mud and tak ing the weather as it comes trying to sell papers and various other things, who arc under twelve years of age; who, in our opinion, had better be in a good cotton mill out of the weather and cold. Mill Woman. I was walking with Mr. Edward Buchanan, a leading citizen and manufacturer of Newnan, yester day, and learned something. “Aside from the fact that Cow eta County seems protty solid for Hoke Smith,” said he, "I want to mention a surprising thing. Among his supporters down there are several of tho hitherto machine politicians. They are enthusiastic for him. I hear that the same is the case in Troup and Muscogee, in both of which counties Smith has a great following. This means that the supporters of slate meth ods are breaking away. It is an astonishing fact.” Not so astonishing after all, friend Ed. It is natural tor poli ticians to leave a sinking ship and scramble into the band wagon. And just as Mr. Buchanan says, “The people interpret this new and interesting movement to mean that these men see the hand-writ ing on the wall!”—Smith Clayton in Tuesday’s Atlanta Journal. AT WYNN 8 POND A party composed of the follow ing named ladies and gentlemen enjoyed an outing of several days at Wynn’s pond this week: Mes- dames Elizabeth Mattox and I’. L. Sutherland, Misses Julia Hack ney, Bessie Powell, Martha Orr, Alma Arnold, Sadie Mae Powell, Virginia P'recman, Louise I’eddy, Mary Parrott, Messrs. Cliff Glover, Robert Orr, I. N. Jr., Frank Hughes, Hugh Hackney, Charles Farmer, George Wynn, Rawson Dent. Misses Belle Vernon King, Nettie Orr, Marguerite Nunually, Benetta Orr, Messrs. John Faver, Joe Arnall, J. W. Murray, Jack Powell, Bob Ingram, Joe Foatherston, Will Holmes, Starling Carpenter; J. D. Hudson and W. H. Pinson, of Atlanta: Dr. O. A, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Orr.Capt. and Mrs. T. 8. Parrott. THE FIR8T BALL SAME The ball parx in this city is be ing put in condition for the first game of the season. Grand stand is being repaired,bleachers erected and everything placed in first class condition. The first game schnduled will probably he pulled off on June 17th, when our team will go up against the Piedmont Athletics of Atlanta. The Athletics are ama teur stars, and the conflict will be fierce. Manager Joe Stephens announ ces that he has signed eleven men for the Newnan team, and the line-up shows that the team is a lively aggregation of ball tossera. The men will begin to report next week and the last man will arrive on the 16th. The line-up is as follows: Pitchers: De Witt Poole, of Douglasville; C. H. Davenport, of Helena; J. F. McFarland, of Meri dian, Miss. Catchers: Sam Wood ward, of the Tech., and Coley Westbrook, of Montezeuma. 1st base, Jim Ison, of Tech. 2nd, C. S. Sorrell, of Sylacauga, Ala. 3rd, Andrew Powell, of Woodbury. Short stop, Ed Lane,of Sylacauga. Left field, Lucius Coker, of Win der. Center field, Guy Boyd, of Maysville. Right field, to be sup plied. THE PATTER80N MURDER CA8ES Tho attorneys of Mao Patterson and his son, Burrell, convicted of murder in Heard Superior Court, have asked for new trials for their clients. Arguments will be heard before Judge Freeman in this city on June loth. It is said if the Pattersons ure refused new trials, their cases will be curried before the Supreme Court. The Pattersons ure now confined in the Fulton County jail in Atlanta. Burrell Patterson’s attorneys are Messes. Holderness, of Car rollton ;and Whitaker and Mooty, of Hogunsville. W. H. Hambrick, Esq„ of Carrollton, is Mac Patter son’s attorney. Mrs. Ann Herndon, guardian ot city's popular policemen, and he Preston A. Herndon, was granted , and ^ f arn iiy have the sympathy letters of dismission. 'of every body in their misfortune. INFANT DAUGHTER OF MR. AND MRS. T. M. GOODRUM DIED SATURDAY occurred Sunday afternoon. Fun eral service at the home was con ducted by Revs. J. R. King and F. G. Hughes. Marilu was an unusually bright and attractive child—the light of a happy home and the idol of fond parents. In their time of grief | and mourning, Mr. and Mrs. Good- Mrs. Mary A. Sifiy, who was rum, who are numbered with the j sen t to the State Asylum at Mil- city’s most highly esteemed resi- 1 ledgeville on May 30, died on June Died in Asylum. Dr. C. A. Smith, Veterinarian, treats all diseases of domestic animals. Calls answered day or night. Office at Gearreld’s livery stable. tf dents, have the deepest sympathy of a wide circle of friends. Straw Hats Below Cost. All our sample straw hats are offered at 25 per cent below actual New York cost, for the next GO days. tf Hardaway & Hunter. Marilu,the 2o-months-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Good-1 „ . .. I Men’s $3.50 shoes for $2.75, in New rurn, died last Saturday, after an York Bargain Store’s summer sale. illness of a few days, death being $1.50 shoes for 98 cents. Other grades caused by dysintcry. The burial at just as great reduction. 6. The burial occurred at Sharps- burg. Mrs. Sitty came to this county from Bibb County, anci had not long been a tesident of Cow eta. She was an aunt ot C. J. and J. W. Owen?, of this city.