The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, July 14, 1905, Image 4

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Dr. Lon C. Broughton. *"""• Anderson vriM be tl.^ XZtttSZXZ: Mainly About People l , . t ' m Mirth Aimi»* Lnnirinn. of FftirHiri is (i, Broughton then* is a great man ( . xp ,,.i..,i to spend ciu,utnuq.m «erk iti Atlanta great as a I»uil<with Mm* Lncile Thompson, having lillilt (Hit <d nothing the lai Dovick Howell Hj>mt Hnnrlny illGrunt Mrs. Frank Clark ami family t (tost chunli in llm Ninth and ns v i. 1 < * Florida, am slopping at the (oniinei'Ciul Cftbli'hod himself in the foiefrimt Mjh(iJ|IH wll | visit Atlanta for u few days (it rcigiolls thought am! civil* re (his week. Miss Htumlta Orr return'd home form; great as » spirit nal bailer Miss Lnuiiltc Glass, of Madras, spent Monday from UGi-ang", wl»«-n* she lias making hi' i*hhri*!i the center of Monday in town hern visiting friends III) unusual spiritual awakening ol MlH Le, will haw inn few Mr and Mrs Harry liiigp- and the Soul Ii: great a* a business man, ,ia V s for iguu d,, n viK,t, ' (t Mr " nti MrH * K . .• ,.i i, «i....w Fonse the first of tins week. ('Otnlnetmp Ills ehnieli institutions M)> ){ u n„ n „ s is s|.endnn; s. v.-ial with the nut hod of large corpora il( Atlanta. Mif * J«n."iiaon. of,am, , Ala, will i>e Miss Dorothy Burpee's lions; ureal as a ’ Miss (tannine Ibiniel is visiting friends vimlpr during Chautauqua, having now a regular “unday night ( ,, Carrollton tins week. . i t inmsumil Mi«ses Unity Dovejoy and Rain Sue audience <it ahout tom tinnisami. .. ... . iir-iHUill i voceiK to leave ,, . . " '' 1 11 “ Ml x i’ ’ ntiv Urn water are expect***! home tins week great like a Daniel; luave, tearing f,Washington, I> C , in a few days trotn Criftin. nothinj; hut wronp. Snell is Dr. Mr Lewis liedwim . of Atlanta, is Mr. and Mrs. T. M Goodrum spent Broughton, nn miswit i ,,s 0,1 • n, J vinilin^ n latiVDH im tin-city. Sunday in Moreland with Mr unci Mr*, day in “Down in the Dumps, Mian I,u ay Ledtx'ttci, of Atlanta is W A H rim non which lecture alone win lor lhe k „,.h, of'Mia. Harvey N. rth. ,\| iss Ihud.anan. ol O,tel,tin, will vistt him national reputation. Iliis is yj,. K MoBnde and buhy will Miss I.node Tliouipsun during Chau- his old standhy and never wax (lull leave tins week lot Gainesville, <in. tnuqua ♦or worn. He tears licithei man not *q,. ( . Parrott and ft nnly liave r* Miss .Joins, of Atlanta, and Miss his Katauie ma jesty and we tuny turned from Borden Wheeler Hprmgs Steele, of Athens, spmit Sunday and At oil dm with .Ml'S Nellie (irr. M iss Snllu I > u<* I in mi ■ i w lew 11 e nds at lea '1 I,ui sdn v M iss Hdnu Na I AI ln.ii t m Iasi wt Miss l.onisi Anderson. W ill Visit la I SIM' I M rs Holds, soon. iiO rtaili n Veiiinp. spent a lew day S III >1 I i .r.\ I li I sit t h* .Miss Margin xpeeted Innne I mill reek. no M nrpi < airrolltoii kin . i . i;. iiitui (iirri)N. safely i \ peel him to Iteeoine one id' I lie pit at, st ministers of'this pen end i n. In tact lie is already ice Ognized outside of the Soulh as one ol flic three or lour aides! ministers in the I nited States. To the spi i it a ill power and si in plieity of Moody, tlie fait It ol George Muller, all tlie bravery anil much ot the wit ol Sum .limes, add Misses .Iciniii IInrdiiway led Hull. Cole w it! lit lend Shorter College 111is fall. Mr and Mrs. Wadi I>ent,and c.hildrn left tins week loi Michigan resorts where they will spend u month. Mrs Mel,can, ol (intiiii, Inis returned home, alter ii short visit lo Mrs I' I. Wadsworth. Mrs II (' Fislit r and Mis' It M Fisher will leave loi Washington, to, . tins week in attend tie Sims Key Holds wedding vorile, and every nuialier on the program was the oeeasion fora re pealed and spontaneous encore to which they gracefully and pi a eioiisly responded. Mrs H S Drake left Tuesday tor At lanln. utter n pleasant visit lo Inn nielli e', Mrs Faiilii'; Ihirtslii'ltl Miss Maenetle I'rewsPr till Thursday ter I 'oil,'iff' I'ark.aflei upending several weeks here witti n Ini ,vt s. Mrs. I i' Me.t'rnrv. it College Purl, will visit Inn |.nreiils, Capl nlnl Mrs. .1 .1 (me .rum. during ('hnutnnqr.u. Miss lOiiiiiia Helle Z,dial's ol (irant villi* will In I he attract tv** goes; of M iss ( inodi'uiii dm ;ng I 'huiitauquu Misses Katie Sue Hrewslei and Knhy Lovejov are hemp entertained di light- fully in Griffin. ('apt and Mrs. D i‘. Wood roof w .11 leave lids week foi Virginia, where they w ill spend several Wei I s. Mrs. M K 10,unions and little ,laugh lei. Kililyn, returned to Atlanta Mon day nftcr a visit (it several days to Mrs Hoy , kite. Dr W it. llutVnliii' is in northwest Georgia, in Dnlt.on and vicinity, spend ing a short Vlieution with ulnlivi - and friends. Miss lOiigenie Wilson, ol Bartow. Florida, aflei spending n few days will. Miss Willie MeClain ri turned o> At- Im11n Monday. i hie of the social events of last week was the party which Mr. Berryman !.engine gave in honor of his cousin. Mr. * Hm Dougino, of Atlanta. Music De- in a good Buggy. For the next thirty days we will make some interesting special prices. We want to sell during June and July one hundred Buggies and Surreys. BRADLEY & BANKS. unltio. Every tneniher of the church is urgi (l to lie piesent to hear this report and to give consideration lo important laismess. Attorney Hutton Lovt'joy was trnm I ,nG range last. Wednesday. United States Marins Br nd. Leaving the ilcciiling vote with us this is miqiiest ionalily our a great personal magnetism, an or strongest attraction and (hey cost lim ,|„ nuwtonjoyiilili* gani/inp aliility, mill n power ,d as almost as iniieli as our nciglior liglitfnl refresliinrnts were served, oratory his own, and one can have jug city paid lor all lu*r attrae Next Sunday morning at the regular it conception ol the most aggressive |j,,|,s. This is an army hand and time fur preaching service, at lhe Pres- and growing man in the Southern j.uveminent regulations forbid hyterian Church, Mr. G. B. Barr, Chair- irnH.H. ,.l,,.i,.„,lv,rti„i„ l! „,- .•v.' 1 ,all„»i„ E Hum Jours nu\s “Hr NW'i^hs I in tIit*ii pirlnrrs in m*Nvsim]u*rs and mu.n a rnport of th« work oi fhiHcoin* pounds; l.'ir, pounds ol this is back y,q die management took llieni in bone and T» pounds bail .' preference lo the best Atlanta or New York Herald “Dr. Brough 'Savannah could afford, nolwitli ton is the only supply in New York standing t Ii «• i r transportation this snniniervv bo packed his Iioiiso vvould exceed all others by one ill every service.'' humIretl dollars. Will state how Wilson Daily News "We heard over our Railroad ('ommittce is on one ot the strongest, most loreetul doav ,u ing to get a reduction of this and most eloquent sermons ever expense, a long haul and small preached in that church. It had company ol men make this quite the sweep of an avalanche down a ilM They will likely meet steep mountain side. It had the vv it Ii success as the railroad people feel very kindly toward our enter prise. Sev oral of our eiti/.ens liav ,* heard this baud and pronounce it superior to anything they liave heard in the South. I'rof. ('has. Aston is of the opinion that it is llie best south of the Mason and Dixon line. When you hear one musician praise another you may know that thov tics,tv e it. Money to loan on real estate t*t 7 per cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Insist onhaving Gliinax coal, (jood- vvvn sells it for f.V.ifi per ton. if I give both quality and quantity of stove-wood. Davis. Phone 122. tl K. G. Good vv vn sells tile genuine Mou- tevnlln ooal. There is no snch coal as "Climax Montevallo.” tf 1 Mr. M. C. Farmer is recovering from a serious illness which lias lasted seven up ol' eight weeks. Miss Lillian llni/.e, of Hognnsvilie, Save your dollais and put. them on will be the guest of Mrs. Danlen in a rush ot waves where waves are strongest. It had the Hire,* ot’ a storm where forests are reuded. it was a tornado ot logic, wild and unbridled and set free in the tu l ions 'Weep id it' lliassiv e povv el s. Chicnjgo Cloo Club. This was the last attraction st> cured; the directors hesitating on account of the high price this club costing almost tw ice ii' much as any oilier quartette ottered by other bureau', vet the spirit "give them tin best" prevailed and their contract was accepted. Pile reper toirc of the* quartette is very ex tensive, and includes the last se lections of standard secular and sacred music, together witli tolk, sentimental, plantation and limn oroussongs. Songs in action and (sisUnneare strong features. The sweetness and effective blending of their voices make it a ivst and pleasure U) listen to them. Their jiart alone of the week's entertainment is worth more than the cost of a sea son ticket. They take part in each entertainment. Augusta Lyceum Course. The best Glee Club Augusta has ever had. They are worthy to go on any lyceuuior concert stage in the United States. They cannot tail to please no matter what the re quirements may be. Atlanta Journal.— Patch one Ik* came on appearance at once a fa Corinth double duty at Boone's Mrs. Mike Powell was m Atlanta lust Tuesday. Dr. G. A. Numially is spending sev eral days at. Toeeoa and Alliens *• Miss Dora Kills will leave for Oak land, Tuesday. Dr. 11. .1. Goodvvyn, of lioopevillo, will visit Mr Karncst Goodvvyn soon. Miss Belle Vernon King tins returned from Home. Miss Kdna Null is spending the week with Miss Km mi** Terry Snead. Mrs. A .1 Smith and nhildrou, of At lanta, tire visiting relatives in the city. Miss Mania Penvy will In* tliouttrae- live guest of friends in Kenoia next Week. At tend Boone's Summer Slaughter Sale Begins duly tilth and continues School opened Monday with verv good attendance. 1 *iof. Jack- through the month son is a tine teacher and well de- Miss Tate left Thursday for tier home, serves his popularity. ufier spending a while with Mrs. Kd- Miss Nina Jordan is teaching at ward (Nile. Five Points. Miss Gibson Oir is Onr store will be closed all day Tuns- teaching at Slate Line. day to prepare for the greatest summer Semi-Annual Clean Sweep Sale to sell Mr. and Mis. Jethro Jones, of sale ever attempted in Newimn. Boone. U n merchandise in Season by Jane 20th. Whitesbug visited relatives here Miss Susie Parks, of Atlanta, will be We bad sold out most all summer goods j • . tlie guest of Miss Buchunou during so to have an inteiesting sale we were last week Chautauqua. forced to go to market. This we did and by attending some, special sales we few days. Messrs. Will and Goss Mattox are up from Florida for a short visit to their families, who are spending the summer here. Little Miss Nannie Cliff Farmer gave a delightful party Wednesday after noon. Games were the feature of the' afternoon. By attending tin* before inventory sales m New York, wesecured about one car load of desii able merchandise, under value The goods are here and priced for quick selling. Boone’s. John W. Powers, a well known citi zen living at iIn* Wilooxoti place, just north of the city, was stricken with paralysis last Saturday. He is now be lieved to la* improving. The P. H. Brewster residence in north Newimn. occupied hy Mr Mobley and family, caught tire early Tuesday morning. The tire department was soon on the ground and extinguished the lilnze. Damage done was very small. ll is the custom of this store to have a New goods arriving daily at the under selling store of ... . J. w. STRIPLING & SON Talcum Powders worth 10c at Talcum Powders worth 15c at Children’s Parasols 10c 10c, 25o and 50c each Mis. D. C. Gentry is spending a few days in Hogansville. Prof. F. P. Johnson has returned can give you more for your money than Boone’s. ! Mrs. li. C. Daniel, of Hogans- ” vide, visited her parents, Mr. and , , . . .In her usual charmiug style Miss: Mrs I 1 Miller Sunday Sue our big circular winch tells yon of gamh Bnolmllon ent ertained a few of 1 ‘ Mbs' Christina Sanders expects " ,U “‘- " er £?° ug ^^nds at a delightful ’ . MOOIK S. tea Wednesday evening. The tea was to leave Naturdny lot Uxtoic , Ala., j k j l . y \v. Ramey mid family, of At- in complimeut to the Misses Thrace and 1 where she will visit friends for a i Rn ta, came down to attend the funeral Mann, of Greenville, the guests of Mrs. ew weeks. of little Harriet Dent. L. B. Mann. The Bnclmnon home was Mrs. R. T. Hogan has returned Belle Morris returned homo tastefully decorated. Gaines and music home after an extended visit to her Tuesday, after a delightful visit te was the feature of the evening, parents at Hogansville. friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hogan were Miss,s Elizabeth and Christum Mel- WANTED- here Sunday. son. ot Atlanta, are the guests of rela- An intelligent, energetic boy, j Miss Lncy Ware is visiting her lives in the oity. 12 to 16 years of age, is wanted j aunt, Miss Ross Ware, at St. Cloud Miss Ella Kate Fain is spendiug sev- the News oft ' lce . Apply at] this week. eral weeks in Madison aud Monroe, visiting friends. Ladies’ and Gent’s Parasols, worth 75c, at Ladies’ 26-inch Black Parasols, worth 1.25 at.. Ladies’ Silk Parasols worth 1 50 at Ladies’ all silk Parasols, beautiful handles, worth 2.50, at . Thermometer^ with storm glass combined for Men’s suit cases worth 1.50 at Men’s imitation aligatnr skin suit cases worth 2.50 Telescopes, Bite to iiOc each. Lunch baskets, 5c, 10c and 15c each. Men’s white lawn ties, 10 cents a dozen. Box paper. 1 quire linen paper and envelopes to match in white and colors, per box New belt buckles at ] Kid hair curlers per bunch Buster Brown collars in all sizes, each New line latest styles in ladies’ collars. 50 eight-dav clocks tliai have been considered cheap • at 2.50, are now going at "New shipment of Valenciennes laces and Swiss embroideries going at a low price. Lace curtains worth LOO. per pair dbc Lace curtains, S yds. long, worth 1.50, per pair 08c Lace curtains, 53 1-2 yds. long, worth 2.50, per pair 1.08 Another big shipment muslin underwear cheaper than ever. 12 skirts with embroidery on bottom 7 1-2 in wide, good quality muslin, worth 2 00, at only 1-530 12 skirts with 10 in. flounce, S3 rows lace inserting 1 1-2 inches wide and one row of lace edging 2 1-2 in. wide, worth 1.50, at. only. L10 12 skirts with 2 rows inserting 1 1-2 in. wide and 1 row luce 1 1-2 in. wide, worth 1.00, at 70c 12 skirts with embroidery and lace on bottom, worth 75c, at only - — '40c Drawers with embroidery 0 inches wide and with tucks nice quality of muslin, at only !39c 2-)l! l()c 10c 1.08 J. w. STRIPLING ’Phone 98. & SON once.