The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, July 14, 1905, Image 6

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Dru I)r. Who Sell ^' NervJne f It Fails, .nd Cost. f.rrinl . /(I 'cr/isi’/n ('ll f s. tra cii Th< Our exp ring the 1 There w e trade of in the ()rient is opening up. ‘is to Japan and China multiplied t year. 11 soon be the Pacili a tremendous increase in e Coast cities with the Far , , rtumties tor the man who lives mere. Yv hy not look ths field over. Only $62.50, Chicago to San Francisco or Los Angeles and return, ofay i. 2, 3> 9* to, 11, i2 t ij, 29, 30, 31, June 1, August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13* and 1 4, 1905. Tickets good for return for 90 days. Rate for a double berth in a comfortable tour ist sleeper from Chicago to San Francisco, Los An geles, Santa Barbara, and many other points in California,only $7. Through train service irom Union Passenger Station, Chicago, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific Lli This is the route of The Overland Limited, leaving Union Passenger Station, Chicago, 6.05 p. m., and The California Lx press at 10.25 P- ni - The California Express carries tourist sleeping cars to California every day. Both trains carry t hrough standard sleepers. th< 'tijiu I. Oil, 1 or I*Tti», N'Wvouh Pros » the net v , Dr. M A vino v. 11 nl; <» euro tliono «» ;;nnii duo to IVOUH HVSti'lll. • mi o Indift* i I Ion, PL kidney Troutiln, Chronic? t.ip y, ('iitiiirh, Hhouma* MU S, U F.IMIHJKS. Mniinp 1 ; Mhiil.o 1 Lym mu Btimm, At kin in, ti 'oii wIiom- 1 *ui ' ini 111111!; . *• v min ( Ni.mlinn 1 mi at 11 tit tioiirt wu* m 1*111' d died toflioi* )im(1 nervoiiH prostration, 11..1 i v|Mi ti*d to live. I pro- > (Mitt 111 tn 1o fry Dr. Milos’ N i \ (no, mill now in* lias I m iwrod Von loinomlior I wrote x 1 j., w it a.ivod my llf« a fow yours ; . u . 11 | |md norvotiH trouble. I , u molds to everyone.” KIEV. . \iv pipt ('orreel tom Hie, Iowa. WI lie IIH mid WO will mall you m VYoo Tl la I P Dr M1 log' Antl-Paln Pills, s |c I{linedy for Pain Also Hyrnp lorn M n.K ('*’ "ill Hpoelitllfd to dlaipioto r . mid i'll von what Im wronit o I a 1o ilglil It, Ah olotolv Free. |||{ Mil. i :h M Idl >l< 'A 1. PO.# 1.A I * I|:A I’omitlH, lid dv 11 All r, INL>. ■ FREE Hitncly \\ line .lid III. 1 \\ atkilisv illc mull lie Itiim/ Not I rom ( l.'.nu'. 1 < uiinl\. loi llio.N all. w itli one ue coni, industriously d«*ii,\ it. Kvi-ii tin- Iiuiioi.mI legislator Irom Dial count\, amidst t in- • x •ilcmcnl and contusion ut tli«> orgiini/.iition of 1 lie House \\ it Ii a deadlock on in tlie Senate and chaos running riot in that aligns! I Hilly, and doubt less with the Kiibernatorinl refonn candidate and the candidate long since reformed (?) hot ut his heels knew at once that no constitu ent of his was a member thereof; and sniveled himself interviewed in thill direction. Certainly not from Clarke wherein is situated tioortfia's greatest educational in stitution, where men are instructed in law, taili;ht to obey law and up hold law. That cleared t’larke lie- yond cavil. Other neighboring counties, providentially, had rain the evening before and no trace of horse or man could be found trans cending their lionndaries. \\ here! Oh! where! did that midnight band come from that so noiselessly entered file sleepy (?) little city? IVrhnps it was a delegation from some would In 1 new county; and probably if t-liej would let them selves lie known, the same legisla lure that resolved to catch them at all hazards, would shove their bill further upon tile calendar. Ibis spout of 1 hetorie favoring thi and the world will blush and shiv er al I lie I bought of nakedness. (iive them n gracious mixture of moisture and sunshine and the textile w ill Ii nil its vva,\ into the ward ml ie of eivili/.alion. “I .ay by'* sweetest words are these to hhkp khi-i a* llie steady ploughman. (Ireen pastures for Ins patient mule. Whose calling equals the farming class/ Whose contentment is more genuine/ Klim church will entertain I lie general meeting, beginning on Kri day before the first Monday in An gusl. Pastor Amis appointed Inst meeting n commit tee on hospital ity the personol of which, is a guarantee that the temporal vvel fare of the v isitor w i looked after. The summer terms of the conn A Do id - mi* f mu* ami pine . tli Mi* filah *f N iii.ry Caldwell Mild lifiii tin* niir-iti II Ml tlhi midi vi* l* (I inter* -1 m 1. • t, 1 • i« l • /I 1* \. 1 '.11*1 vell in 11 tir.l to tilt’ following hnnl, situated in till’ * ill* 1 t V1111 1 Diistliet of « (.vVetd County 'll -n.ii of Nancy < ftilflw ell to wit; All «»t lot of land number titty three ifrtintid that put t of fin- ca*d half *.f lot of land number fifty four <fth which lies -outli of Now Kivcror Morgan m Creek; bounded on tip* north hy Dud of John l)u httr and New Hiver, on the ciihI by Mt> S K Leigh and T. Ill ZellatH, on tin south by Scot t Davis and outlie west by K. Mobley mid .lolin Dunbar • ontuining in the , limre or les-. I,evit d oil as t In-prop* 1 ty of mm id defendants hh above ile a-nhed under and l>> virtue of two just in eourt (I fiM is-ued from the justi •** eotirl of ' tin* lllldth DDIriet. (I M . said counts, in favor of UoberlH A- Longmo again.-Ht IV a Pa id well and Nancy 1 aldwell. L* vy made by P. a. Murks L t . and ttimed ov*-i t*» nn . This .Inn. dli, i n • .11- HUONN N. MienII'. 1 NOTICI t )R1)I N AHV (ilOf)U(flA -(kiwein (Joiuit.v. Annie K. Htilbide I ut v i n^r applied to tin* Court nf Ordinary of Hiiid County tor {(‘ttern of ndiuinistration on tin* cMtute of M. Sal bide, deremmd, all per-) sons concerned are required to show Im* rat el ill ly cause in said Court by the tirst Monday in August next, if any they cun. why said application should not bo granted , This July 8rd, 1905. try schools have botfim with lan ly ^ A pjohdUK, Ordinary. I^ood attendance. —_ Oood rains have fallen in , GEOHGLV—Coweta County, community and crops promise a J. Y. Nolan, having applied to the, 1 Ih)U 11 tious yield. Court of Ordinary of Haid County for . Welcome, we take it all back. |'«««« ° f administnitiouon the estate ° f 1 ... , . , . . ... Ditviil Nolan, decuiuted, ull imrMoiiNeou- We were mistaken almut yon. We . . . ’ , * ! curued are required to allow cause m thought you were a high, coarse ^ Court by the first Monday in Au- fellow like Ketlron -ill brogans ^ust next, if any they mu, why said ap- aml overalls. On the contrary, we hear you wear Mats all triiuud in luou; Stylish gowns—long raven hair; And walk will, beauteous grace. We are sorry wo reproved tlioe, now And had we known in time, No limit should contract thy brow, To bo removed m rhyme. dome down 10 Ib.indv, if you will; lu dainty little shoes; And dip your tiny, gifted quill In nil of IItinily's news We give you jurisdiction t)f nit the neighbors do, None in our estunation ('an tell il sweet ns you. Yes, nod you are pretty, tool ill'll vv plication should nut tic granted. This July 3rd, llK>f>. L. A. FKltDUE, Ordinary. Complete information sent free on receipt of coupon with bt.inW Inn's tilled. W. S. HOWELL, Gen'l Eastern Agent, 381 Broadway. NEW YORK CITY, or F. A. MILLER, General Passenger Agent, CHICAGO Nanie_ Street address City State. Probable destination. CAl.iroRNIA GEORGIA—Coweta County. Jos. K. Polk, Admr. of the estate of | William Newman, having applied to ! the Court of Ordinary of said County! for letters of dismission from his stiid 1 trust, all persons concerned are required EXCURSION RATES VIA CENTRAL OF 6A. RV. Hate of one fare plus 3fio for therouud trip will apply account the following 1 occasions: 1 To Oxford, Miss., Summer Soliool 1 University of Mississippi, June tt-July 1 3(1, 1905. Tickets on sale June 13, 13, 14 30, 37, July 0, 11, 18 uiul 35, 1905. To Knoxville, Tenn., Summer school, June 30-July 38, 1905. Tickets on sale to show cause in suit! Court hy the tirst 1 June 18, 19, 80, 34, 35, July 1, 8, 9 und ! 15, 1905. Tiokots account of nil the Summer , schools mentioned above, will he limited 1 to 15 days from date of sale. However, | extension to Sept. 30, 1905, can be oh- ■ rained under customary conditions. Now let old Kedron draw his Spring "cui'i" And on her bet t lie sk lor.; We “see mid call" him with the ooiue gu t, ' Monday ill August next, if any they can, why stud application should not tie grunted. This July 3rd, 1905. I j. A. PKKDUk!, Ordinary. GKi)KlHA—Coweta County. I). C. Posey, Giiardinu of Wtirren 0. Posey, having applied to the Court of ,, , Ordinary of said County for letters of Rock dismission trom Ins said trust, all por- Atlanta & West Point Railroad Co. The Western Railway of Alabama. Direct Lines Between North, East, South and Southwest. U. S. Fast Mail Route. Through Palace Sleeping Cars. Dining Cars. Tourist Sleepers to California. ItK \I> DOWN SCHEDULE IN EFFECT NOV. 20, 1004. Wei ll'"' 1 >1 the lovely . luizol tdution and tin- i-tl’orls id' the (lov crnni, make im tired. \\ ho seri expects them to Ik To Buffalo, N. \\, annual meeting Grand Lodge, B. P. O. IS., July 11-16. sons concerned are required to show Low excursion rates via nil rail and via cause in said Court by the first Monday j Bavminnh, Steamship to New York, in August next, if any they can, why i tliunce rail. And she must have lir-i prize. said npplictition should not he granted. This J ulv 3rd, 1905. I,. A PISUDUIS, Ordinary. Buy at your own figures at the New Y ork Bargain Store’s Clear unco Sale. Rev. J. R. King, of Novvimn, came here yesterday to conduct the funeral of Mrs. Klixalu-th Heard. (i rillin New - and Sun. Mrs. Rhodu Morris went over to New nan Mondoy fora v isit to Mrs. linker. Carrollton Free Press. Miss lVarl White, who spent some time with her aunt in this citv. 1ms gone to Villa Hiea, where Testament of Mrs. Mary A. Sifly.late she w ill spend u few days relatives al the home of Dr, liry before returning to her in New nan.—Carrollton I ’l ess. with Kni- home Proe caught/ Who has the faintest doubt about the result of a trial if they should catch them/ If any one fact ha- been more clearly demonstrated than another, it is the tact that you can’t convict a man for steal ing a hog, when eleven of the jury helped to eat it. Statesboro comes crowding in our mind. Where reputable witnesses swore to the leaders and the grand jury failed to indict them, the legislature, and they know it, may as well resign to the inevitable. Gentlemen.take your time and talent otVoftlie im possible. It is a wasteful expense of money and a precious loss of op- jiortunity. Put your energy on something that can In- accomplish ed and nearly three million pimple will lie thankfully appreciative. Captain, we congratulate you. ln>- New York Bargain Store. cause there was no •• Mitch” ; in this atVair. Governor are you sorry? for there is not another Hitch to spare. You discharged the iirst one from our military hand— Maj. Bacon took the last one otl' vour executive hand. “ •• Laying - by —and the farmers practical eye lingers lovingly on the circling cotton rows that so gracefully licit the hillside, form ing from base to summit an as cending stairway , carpeted with MR. I. N. ORR, JR., the clothes ol the universe. Parch Treasurer Newnan Chautauqua Asso- tliese plants in these crooked rows eiatiou. To Portland, Oregon, Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, Juno 1-Oct. 15, 1905. Low excursion rates; tickets on sale May 33-Sept. 30, 1905, inclusive; final limit 90 days from date of sale, not to exceed Nov. 30, 1905. GEORGIA —Coweta County. Tlionuis Leigh buying applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for Gunrdiniiship of the person and property of Lillian Burpee, minor, all persons Cholera Infantum, concerned are required to -how cause in Child Not Expected to Live from One Hour to snnl Court tiv the lir.-t Mondny in Au gust next, if any they enn, why -uid ap plication should not he granted This July 7th, 1905. L A. PURDUE, Ordinary. No lolNo JJ4 No iW s o Leave Arrive No lift 8 IBp l 12p No 87 No 27 No 88 H 15p 1*2 tOu 9 *J5a 1 2ft p K 15 P 12 10a Lv Lv ...New Orleans....... Mobile Ar Ar 7 lfta 2 ftfta 11 lOu 7 87il :::::: 11 uTip ...... pj ir>p 11 05p Lv .... Pensacola. Ar \ 00p ft 00a f> 00a 1 OOp ft (X)n Lv Selma Ar 11 IJOp 10 85a 0 15*i 10 0f>u lo HOu i aop 'Np a sip a aop 7 •I3p H l*»p 11 25 p rt 55n 7 58u 12 :tftp A r A r .. ...Montgomery—- Mil stead Chehaw Auburn Ar Ar Ar A r 10 ftfta \) 57a 0 42a 9 10*i 0 20 p 8 20’p 7 45 p 8 17a 0 20p ft 2.8 p ftOlp 4 S?/p I-’S-'U' Columbus—— Ar Il 8ftp 9 2ft p 11 -01. T.'-j;ip ;i lop 4 HOp * 35 p 9 02 p *4 87u w 12n a?:::::::::::: Opelika ...West Point. Vr *8 87a 7 ftfta 7 :;:ip ft 4ftp t ir,p 1 10k 4 Kip 3 '10;' 5*)i 11 Wo i> ::*p » ?7a Ar La Grange —A r 7 88:i '1 221 12 ft la 1 .vSp| tl 00| 10 27p 10 8ft a A r Newnan 0 84 H r> 2i ii 1-2 11.1 Luibp '■'7t> 0 281 A r.. - - Fairborn Ai 6 0ia ...... — t)oj . 7 I'M Ar ....Kiist Point Ar — — 8 '2»\ ; 7 »)| t! I0j 1! Mi Ar Atlanta . Lv ft 80i t 2flp 11 lap 1 5Rp i-» ftiip 9 t i 0 lftj •1 I2h A r Washington L\ 11 1ft- io iftl 1 iPp ! 1 2't; S 00i Ar Baltimore Ii*. fl 17; nfiipj ton p 12 11. ; : '*'l .10 1ft: \r - .... Philadelphia..... Lv 3 4ft» ft ftftp - 0 ip] 1 a i:ii |12 4llp|Al' New York Lv 12 10; 4 25p| Notice to heirs at Law. In Re: Probate of the last Will and Another, but Cured by Chamberlain's Colic. ^ S j) H p 'VtVuitn too Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Ruth, the little daughter of E. N. I Dewey, of Agnewville, Y'a., was seri ously ill of cholera infantum last sum mer. “We gave her up and did not ex pect her to live from one hour to anoth er," lie says. "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of it from Hie store. In five hours I saw a change for the better. We kept on giv ing it and before she iiad taken the half of one small bottle she was well.” This remedy is for sale by Holt & Cates, -Meats Allow train- dally. Connections at New Ortwins for Texas, Mexico, California. At Chehaw jor Tiiskegee, Mtlxtead for Tallahassee. I.Hi;rlingo accommodation leaves Atlanta dully, except Sunday at 5*80 p. in. Returning, leaves huC.rnnge at A;50 n. m. arrives Arlanta S:15 a. m. Trains ;g, and ;i(i Pullman sleepers New York un.l Now Orleans. Through coaches' on and New Orleans. . .... Trains 87 amt as Washington and Southwestern Limited. Pullman sleepers, compartmen. ar observation and dining ears. Complete service New Vork and Now Orleans. Train 97 United States fast mail. Through day coaches Atlanta and New Orleans. Write for maps, sehedules and Information. J. P. BILLUPS, CL P. A., Atlanta Oa. CITAS. A. WICKER8HAM, Pres, and (ien M«r.. Atlanta, (ia Kvery thing is going at cut prices in our July Glouiance Sale. Sent Her Double. I knew no otie, foe four weeks, when ^ E^xpert of Coweta County. Gu., deceased, in solemn form, upon the application of C. J. Oweus, the uomimited Executor. In the Court of Ordinary of Coweta County,Georgia, August Term, 1905. GEORGIA, Coweta County. . . _, To tlio heirs at law and children of 1 Iu t?8 lB **• ewuau, a. Julius M. Oweus, deceased, Mrs. Eliza- ' hetli Kelly, of the State of Arkansas, one Dollar Saved Represents Ten and Mrs. Susan Johusou of the State of Dollars Earned. Arkausas: The average mau does uot save to ex- You, and each of you, as heirs at law ; Clje ,i ten per cent, of his earnings. He of Mrs. M. A. Sifly, deceased, are here-, mast sl> oud u iue dollars in living ex- by notified that C. J. Owens has applied 1)eU8es f or every dollar saved. That be- to the Court of Ordinary of said Coweta illg t j le oa8e he cannot be too careful County, Ga., for the probate and ad- a hont unnecessary expenses. Very of- mission to record in solemn form of the t0 n a few cents properly invested, like hist will and testament of said deceased, buying seeds for his garden, will save and that said application will be passed seV eral dollars outlay later on. It is the on the first Monday in August, 1905. Haaie i u baying Chamberlain’s Colic, You are required to show cause, if Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It costs any you can, ou said date, why the pa- j bat a few cent8 , and a bottle of it iu the per offered for probate as the last will house often saves a doctor’s bill of sev- and testament of said deceased, should oral dollars. For sale by Holt & Cates, uot be proven and admitted to record iu druggists, Newnan, Ga. solemn form as the last will and testa- “SjSy | Read the News and be in the L. A. PERDUE, Ordinary j swim, first, last and al- the and Ex-OtJicio Clerk C. O. C.C.Ga. time. I was sick with typhoid and kidney trouble,” writes Mrs. Annie Huuter, of Pittsburg, Pa., “and when I got better, although I had one of the best doctors I could get, L was beut double, and had t« rest my bauds ou my knees when I walked. From this terrible affliction l was rescued by Electric Bitters, which restored my health and strength, and now I can walk as straight as ever. They are simply wonderful.” Guaranteed to cure stomach, liver and kidney disord ers; at J. T. Reese’s and Dr. Paul Peu- istou's drug stores; price 50c. The Diamond Cure. The latest news from Paris, is, that they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If you fear consump tion or pneumouia, it will, however, lie best for you to take that great remedy mentioned by W. T. McGee, of \ auleer, Tenn. “I had a cough for fourteen years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr. King’s New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, which gave instant relief, and effected a permanent cure.” Unequalled quick cure, for throat and lung troubles. At J T. Reese s and 1 Dr. Paul Peuiston’s drug stores; price 50c and $1. guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Plumbing When you give a plumber a job, be sure the plumber knows his business All work- in this line should be done by an ex pert. Otherwise, endless trouble and expense is certain to result. Iu dealiug with Sexton, you get the services of an expert. Remember this when yon need the services of a plumber. I have a complete stock of supplies, water fixtures, bath tubs, etc., etc., This is great ly to the advantage of my pat rons. as I can supply their needs on short notice and at small cost. Am selling garden hose at cost. W. L. Sexton, The Newnan Plumber.