The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, July 14, 1905, Image 8

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1 NUNNALLY & BARRETT To make room for other goods we offer special bargains this week. The Goods we offer in this COUPON SALE are all HIGH QUALITY GOODS. \ < ) ( TOO 1 )S Oil A H < i E1) A T’ COUPON PR ICE Coupon. pi ( with tins Coupon buys one M(’ ^-lO an ot IV.inku’:, “Silver Modi ' t tl worth Jl 1.0 Coupon. • a with thi* ( Coupon buy* one IHC SI r til.ASS TUMBLERS worth -. F )C 49c t Coupon. with this Coupon buys a 2-11). an ol Klglehar I’s "I’enden- nis” (police, worth 75 C Coupon. a with this Coupon buys one JJC glass Mutter Dish with top worth .... 2()c Coupon. fx with this Coupon*buys one yv 6 ip. Preserve Kettle worth -S c , Coupon. My presenting this Coupon and \~ln you ran buy a I-lb jar of Snuff **'' Coupon. op with this Coupon buys one £01 glass Preserve .Stand, with cover, win th . 4 0C 9c Coupon. with this Coupon buys one glass Pickle Dish, worth 15c Coupon. and this Coupon buys one I6c China Gravy It »wi, worth .15.' Coupon. *5Qwith this Coupon buy i one imported Coveted China Pish, worth t>~ 9c Coupon. with this Coupon entitles you to buy one 15 Plug Tobacco. Coupon. with this Coupon buys one w trge elsewhere. Decanter, worth 60c Coupon. witlv this Coupon buys one i m\* Decorated Covered China Dish, worth $ • Coupon. 59c worth buys with this Coupon one decorated Tea Pot, ft Coupon. with this Coupon buys JC/V. one glass set consisting of glass pitcher and six tumblers to match. Coupon. tf' ^ with this Coupon buys IvFL two bottles best grade Shoe Polish. Coupon. jnA with this Coupon buys one decorated Parlor Lamp, complete with shade and chimney, worth. Jr. 50 Coupon. with this Coupon buys / z v one 3 lb. can of Elgle- hard’s Celebrated "Filson Club" Coffee, worth _ ... ...... Jr Coupon. C97 1^ atu * Coupou buys the 3^.1 1 prettiest imported IT avi - land China Set in town 112 pieces worth J5’> Coupon. f-s with this Coupon buys two / L* milk pans that hold one quart each. 9c Coupon. with this Coupon buys t 2 gal. school bucket with top. Coupon. with this Coupon buys two v/L milk pans that holds two quarts each. Coupon. with this Coupon buys a 4 quart milk pan, worth 15c 9c I Coupon. w *lh this Coupon buys a • 10 qt. dish pan, worth 30c While we shall continue to carry Durand’s Bread we will fill all orders for Bread, Cake andjPies made by the Newnan Bakery. We believe in patronizing home industries. NUNNALLY & BARRETT Sargent. We inv having plenty of rain now. Crops are looking line. Mrs. \\ . T. Dyer is some better at this writing. \\ . T. Morris, of Atlanta, made a short visit to relatives in this community Iasi week. Miss Mlake Union and brother, JOSEPH HILL HALL TO SPEAK IN j COWETA. Rev. \V. M. Medium filled his regular appointment at Mt. Car mol Saturday and Sunday. Miss Maude Colquitt, Willie 1,011 • -loseph Hill Hall, lawyer. Amis and sister, Miss Mary, visit legislator and reformer, and one ot ed Miss Ximenu Strong Sunday. (Georgia’s greatest public men ot 15 very body come to the singing the day, will speak at \N hite Oak at Mt. Carmel Sunday afternoon!, Academy on Saturday, August \V ill begin at 1 :!10 o’clock . Rev. F. ,1. Amis tilled bis rogu Philip, from near Franklin, were appointment at Mow don Satin' visitors of Miss Mela Jackson hist Ray and Sunday . Sal unlay and Sunday. Messrs. T. N. Davis and A. L. Davis, ,u Frnluna, (la., were visi |ois at the home of Mr. J. \N . Jackson a few days hist week. Ernest Witcher and sister, Miss ICmmic, v isited Miss Viola New man Sunday. Miss Olivia Young, of Athens, v isited her sister, Mrs. .1. \\ . T>t li. The people of that section of (toweta expect to make this a (lay to be long remembered. Further particulars w ill be announced later. An Explanation. Mr. Tom Smith, accompanied j Summers, Saturday and Sunday. by |Miss Connie Smith, both ol j Carrollton, were tin* guests ol Mr.j mid Mrs. K. W . Jackson lust Sat- | unlay and Sunday . Farmers High School v Monday morning with good at tendance. Prof. F. Roy Union. Piin., and Miss Until Union, as sisiant. Miss Ida Jackson will leave Saluiday lor Roanoke, Ala., where siie will accept .1 position as music teacher. I’lie Sunday School picnic at Sargent Iasi Saturday was a grand success and much enjoyed by all. At It! o'clock an abundance of nice dinner was spread and everyone Mrs. C. K. Summers lias been visiting her mother, Mrs. Ilam rick. of Sargent. Miss Janie Amis bits law'll v isit ing in Corinth. T. A. 11 olchens and family visited J. C. McKay Sunday Several weeks ago the News an nounced a special Chautauqua edi lion of this paper, to appear some time before the Chautauqua open ed. The News regrets its inability to fulfill this promise due to ac. unprecedented rush ot business. Two expert, printers were added to the News’ force, with the expecta Our schools, both music and j tion that the increased lorce would ilerhry, are in a very flourishing ' be able to cope with the work, but "audition. j it has been found impossible. In j view of its promise to issue this Moreland 'Chautauqua special the News feels that this explanation is due the Ector Uimtes, Henry Camp, K public. Cumton, Jr., and Frank Mran-; Church Notice. I At the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath there will be the usual morning service at I I o’clock and an afternoon service at 4:20 oclock, but no night service. The after noon service will be a Children’s Day Service for Foreign Missions, and a very interesting and instruc tive order of exercises has been ar ranged for the occasion. Every body is invited to attend and bring an offering for Missions. In addi tion to an appropriate sermon by the pastor, there will be recita tions and songs by the young peo ple. A cordial welcome especially to strangers and drummers. OUR SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVES HONORED. t non are on the sick list this week Miss Virginia Coleman, a sweet young lad. of Sparta, returned Turi n enjoyed themselves. At I o'clock, home today after spending two the crowd gathered in the church ; weeks with Miss Onie Mrannon. and listened to some good speeches, { Misses Guinn Wilson recital ions and music bv the Sun - lie Brown, ot Atlanta Senator C. S. Reid, of this dis trict. and Representatives Leigh and Orr, of Coweta County , were honored by President W est and Speaker Slaton with a number of important positions on Senate and House Committees. Senator Reid was made Chairman of the Com-! mittee on Public Library and was placed on follow ing additional com mittees: Appropriations, Finance, day school pupils and Sunday school addresses by Rev . .1, M. S. Davis, of Newnan. and Dr. An drew s. of ('lem. The entertainment at the liospi table home of Mr. and Mrs. R. \\ . Jackson Saturday night wasveiy spent a i ck wit 11 friends at Moreland. Misses broom are spending a vv davs with Mr. and Mrs. K. 0. Special Judiciary, General Judi-i M 11. Martin, of Cedartovvn, spent „ . ., ' , ,,, ,. , . . , ciary. Privileges and Flections, Saturday ami Sunday with home folks. ^ Miss Helen Carpenter, of near New State Ot tile Republic and Western nun, spent Tuesday with her sister,Mrs. and Atlantic Railroad, and Nel-, b'red Hunter. 1 Representative Leigh was up-1 Mis> Eugenia Watkins, o. W lutes ‘ pointed Chairman of the Committee: burg, opened school Momiuv with a ,, . , , , on hxeuse ot Members and was also very good attendance. I Mr M M Smith, of HiohniouJ, Yu., placed on following additional com-; visited our town Sunday and Monday. I inittees-,: Special Judiciary, Gen-I Mr- Mary Will Gordon, of West era! Agriculture. Privileges and 1 Down South a lu our native soil where good timber abounds and where sunshine and pros perity smile on a contented people mod est little factories are turning out jobs that do credit to t he best products of tlie old Eastern factories, and with a spirit of loyalty and pride we are show ing what our home folks can do. Our repository is replete. Orr €s Powell. Cureton, Sr. Pike Pros, are busy grading for I *•>»». is spending several days with her I Elections and Public Library. e new store of 11. W. Camp Co. ,■ ,i Representative Oit was placed A. pp ro- tli e new store 01 11. vv . camp Miss Ruth Webb, with Misses Misses Mollio and Julia Harris, of jinseh enjoyed. Music and games Ada and Alice Webb, of Newnan. \| t> Hayiiie Fariudalc, spent Sunday with Mr and 0,1 following committees: wcu* ilu* program of the eveutn. At a late hour refreshment Svi V etl. priatious. County Matters. Rail- spent Saturday wall Welcome A. W ebb i Misses Bessie and Ruth Wlmtley, of j roads, Ininiigralitm, Roads and! were and'wife. Newnan. me visiting their grand-father. BritigejJi Western and Atlantic, Mrs. K. P. Floyd lias ret urned M ‘ " t . KussGl. 1 Railroad, Public Property and Ten- j t . * Mo-ssrs. Walraveu, Christopher, Wal- 1 J |iuun Anniston, Ala. j ker ami Hoduett left Wednesday tout- K, B. Cotton is spending this tend the district conference, held at ——— week with friends in North Geor- Chipley. Little Lane, of Heard, visited Air. and Mrs. A. .S. Hutchens Sat urday . H.C. Mt'Koy. of Newnan. was in our community Sunday. A Good Razor a Luxury. We guarantee our raz rrs to do the work; put them in good shape before leaving our store, and hone and strap them free when they fail to give you a smooth shave. There is nothing that helps a good razor more tiian a good strap, and our line of straps would be a credit to a much larger city than Newnan. We carry the best Badger hair shaving brushes and Italian razor hones. In fact everything that goes to make shaving a pleasure. Williams Shaving Soap, the regular ioc size, for 5c a cake. Newnan Hardware Co. BRADLEY-WESTER S OLD ORUG STORE. PHONE 148-2 CITIZENS, TAKE NOTICE! gia. Miss Gertrude Bowden entertained j Lonnie Chamble** is at home several friend, Monday evening m hou- . . . j or of Miss Bessie Couch. I 11118 week ’ j Mr. Juu McKillop, of Homeland,Fla., Try us for job printing. and mother. Mrs. Kate McKillop, are I visiting Mrs. Maggie Cray this week. City Tax Assessors of Newnan will meet in the Council Chamber on July 28th, 1905, at eight o'clock, a. m.. for purpose of hear ing objections of citizens whose; Prol’. B. F. Pickett is at hom taxable values have been raised. j for a few days. His family Is ii All interested persons will take. Douglasville, where hLs younges notice and be governed accordingly, child has beeu painfully ill fo 2t E. D. Fouse, Clerk J some time, but is now recovering