The Newnan weekly news. (Newnan, Ga.) 189?-1906, July 21, 1905, Image 5

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Icc Cream ior Chautauqua ice cream tor dessert during Chautauqua week will mater ially lighten the duties of housekeepers and will allow many to attend the morning exercises who would otherwise he kept away. There is no better summer dessert than, good ice cream, but the bother of making it at home is too much for most people. Why not let us supply you with ice cream tor your dessert? We deliver it in any quantity, exactly on time. You get no more than you can conveniently use. there is no waste, and the cream is better than home made. The ice cream we nuwinfiieture is ex ceptionally line. It is smooth in tex ture, delicate in flavor, amt delightfully rich. We make to order any desired flavor and can supply instantly hurry orders for ordinary quantities. livery order for one quart or over is seat out in porcelain lined containers which insure its perfect condition and parity. Every order ts well packed and - under ordinary conditions will keep for hours. We manufacture any kind of cream—layer cream in bricks, fruit and nut creams, cream in of Carrollton, was among the visi tors in Newnan last Monday. Go to New York bargain Store and learn about the special Chau tauqua sale prices. We are sole agents in Newnan for Eastman Kodaks and supplies. Bradley’s Drug Store. Mrs. G. B. Barr and Misses Cla vidia, Susie and Lula Barr spent Monday in Atlanta. Of course you’ll take your i friends to Bradley’s fountain dur ing the Chautauqua. Miss Margaret Cooper, of Senoia, is upon a visit to Lad range friends. — Lad range draphic. If it’s a new drink, ask for it nt Bradley's fountain. All the new est drinks are served there. Park Newton, of Jackson, da., will spend Chautauqua week in Newnan with friends. ■lust reeeived at Reese's Drug Store fresh lot of Hula Buga and Turnip Seed of all kinds. Mr. A. d. I lend ricks, who was dangerously ill for ten day s, is aide to attend to business again. Now is the time to plant Turnip Seed. Kino lot of lresh seed just received at Reese’s Drug Store. .1. M. W atkins and Tom Ansley , from W hitesburg, were among the visitors in town last Tuesday. i Rig lot of whole and ground Second Week of our July Clothing Sele. Many have taken advantage of the out prices we are giving and equipped them selves with suits, hut we want to move I them faster. We are determined to re- 1 dace our stock of Clothing to the lowest possible notch. We quote you a few of our prices. SUITS WAS 7.50 NOW $4.95 Mainly About People 10.00 12.50 15.00 16.50 I860 7.15 8.25 9.35 11.45 12.6?> Dana Lee is in Atlanta. Orr, ,lr., spent Sunday in Grqnt- Simms tins returned F. KevHolds was in Atlanta yestoJ- Hradlev was in Atlanta yestet skating crane has hit Newnan Visit our store for Bargains we have them in store for you. BARNETT, ST. JOHN & CO. for parties, weddings and recep tions. Telephone us your orders. Holt & Cates Newnan, Ga. fancy individual moulds suitable [ spices, for pickling and preserving purposes, at Reese's Drug Store. * Miss Kate Enver is spending ten } days at Wrightsville Bench with I her aunt, Mrs. .). C. Greenfield. Am dosing out 10,000 Picture frames at ■ cost. You will find what you want in the lot. I M. C. Owens. Brewster Building. Newnan, Ga. « Your turnip patch will Ik* a suc cess if you plant the Rntn Itagn and Turnip Seed sold at Reese's I b ug Store. i Kor Rent— Nice front room,close to business section of city, either furnished or unfurnished. Kor particulars apply at News ollice. Special prices for Chautauqua week on all goods at New York 1 Bargain Store. Be sure to sail ! there and inspect their bargains. You’ll want a Kodak during j Local News of Newnan lion. L. M. Karmcr is having his residence enlarged and im proved. A second story is being added to the building; and. when the work is completed, it " ill be one of the handsomest residences in the city. lion. \V. It. I>it w ill have two nice residences erected on the lot between the houses of Mrs. Kirby and I’rof. K. I*. Johnston. They | will be six rooms, two story houses and "ill be to rent when complet ed, i If you wish to rent,buy or sell a home, vacant lot or farm, or any other kind of real (‘state call on or write to .1. T. Holmes, Real Estate and Renting Agent, Newnan, Ga. Otlice in store of.I. \V. Stripling Son. tf Next week is the acme of Now- nan's social and literary year, and is the onetime you would make good appearance. Knox Hats, with all that’s proper in Men’s Wear, is the suggestion of Ori tt Rowell. 1. N ville. Miss lmogtmt: from Grantville. Mr. Will Hnglms lias been quite sick for several days. Tlie Misses Fuatlierston are visiting Mrs. Edward Platt. Miss Ella Martin will return homo from Atlanta Saturday. Mrs. Will Muroliey and children have returned from Banning. Mrs. Aimer Cnllunin, of Atlanta, is visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. P. L. Sutherland will spend next week with Mrs. Sanders Gibson. Mrs. H. S. Smith is spending awhile in Gliicnumngik with Mrs. Gordon Lee. Mr. Oolquit.t Garter, of Atlanta, came down Wednesday to spend a levs days. Miss Judith Lvndon, of Washington, Ga., is the guest of Miss I,alette Sims. Prof, and Mrs. Grantlund Murray urn visiting the family ol Mr. S. W. Mur ray. Miss Mary Goiidrum spent Sunday in Grantville with Miss Emma Belle /il ia rs. Mrs. Rosebud Sunni will return from Atlanln Saturday to remain until Mon day. Mrs. Earl Adams left Saturday for Columbus, where she will spend a few weeks. G. K. day. The hard. Capt. A. B. Cates was in Atlanta last Wednesday. Skate and the town skates with yon; fall and you fall alone. Mrs. M. R. Harris, of Monroe, is vis- , itiog Mrs. George li. Carmieal and otli- I or relatives in Newnan. Miss Emma Adams, of West Point, is expected to spend next week with Mr. and Mrs. P. F.Cntfino. In view of the union nervines nt the Auditorium next Sunday, conducted by Rev. Dr. G. W. Bull, there will tie no premfliing that day at the Presbyterian ! Church. Last Sunday afternoon tin* Children's Day service for foreign missions nt the I Presbyterian Church was of a very in teresting character, and llic children do- ! sol ve high enniiiioiidntioii. The reeitn lions ol Missus Powell and Rlien King were nicely rendered mid gremh enjoyed A good oflViing was taken lip. The Supreme Court Inis refused u now trial lor l'\ M. Alimas, the convicted wife murderer; thus sustaining Judge R. W. Kriieinau, who over-ruled inolitm for new trial in Superior Court. Al lums’ only hope unW lies hi making mi appeal lor executive clemency. The News in not informed as to whether or not Ins attorneys will take this step SADIE ROBINSON. Pretty Girt Suffered From Aervousnttt and Pelvic Catarrh—Found Quick Relief in a Few Days. , Mrs YV. B, Pringle entertained in honor ol her guest, Miss llunic, of Charleston, S. C., Wednesday evening al a Domino-Whist parly. Mrs. Pringle was assisted in receiving her guests by her sisters, Mrs. Wright, and Miss Ini- Miss Nolle Pinson, of Ureeneville, is ,,11,, Arnold. Mrs. Pringle was liand- t.lie charming guest ol Miss Lydia soniel.v gowned in a pink chiffon dress Brown. and Miss Hume looked lovely in white cliilVnn over green tnfTepi. Salad course was served at the end of I let game. Miss Mary Parrott spent Monday in Atlanta. Mr. J. A. Hunter was in Atlan ta lasl Monday. J.T. Kirby, Esq., was in Allan- Chautauqua week. Eastman Ko to last Tuesday. dnks and supplies are sold in Now- A. H. Freeman, Esq.,was in At- nan only at Bradley’s Drug Store. Ian to last Monday. H011. W. A. Post was up from Grantville last Tuesday. Dr. and Mis. Sum Bradshaw, who have been visiting Mrs. Camp bell, recently, arc now living in Miss Palmer’s house. Mrs. Brad shaw is a graduate of the Southern Miss E11 hi Render, of LtiGrnugo, will j visit Miss Martini Orr during Olutn til input. Mrs. T P. '/altars, of, will visit relatives in tin-city during Clinn- 111 lupin Miss Ella Gena Beckon, of Jones county, is the guest ol Mrs. Mamie Johnson. Mrs Jcnuii! Bowers Lee has returned from Turin after a pleasant stay with relatives. Miss Sallie Mae Hugely, of Atlanta, will he the guest of Miss Man Campbell next week. Misses Oolite and Ruth Bailey enter tained several nonplus very delightfully Wednesday evening. Mrs. Pringle and Miss Hume, of i Charleston, H. C.,uru visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pringle. Mrs. Will Hpenoeentertained delight fully nt n “spend the day party" last Thursday. Ilia occasion being an infor mal one, in honor of Itor mother, Mrs. Clanton. About twenty friends wore her guests. Her home on Grccucvillo Street is a most attractive one and ils furnishings are artistic ami home like.; being beautifully duoornted throughout.. An elahorate dinner was served. Those present were MesdamcsG. A. Numially, Daniel Walker, Mary Burliunau, Mattie Thomas, W. B. Orr, 1. N. Orr, T. B. Davis, Mary Shannon, A. B. Cates, R. K. Milner, W. P. Niinmnns and Mrs Ransom. Mr. Spence's mother and two sisters were also present. NERVOUSNESS AND WEAKNESS CURED BY PE-RU-NA. Miss Nad in Robinson, 4 Rand street* Walden, Mass., writes: “ Peruna was recommended to me about a year ago as nn excellent remedy for the troubles peculiar to our sex, and as I found Unit nil that was said of flits nied let lie wns true, 1 nin pleased to en- dorso It. “I began to use II about seven months ago tor weakness and nervousness, caused from overwork and sleepless ness, and found that In a few days I began to grow strong, my appetite In creased and I began to sleep better, consequently my nervousness pessed away end the weakness In the pelvic organs soon disappeared and I have been wetland strong ever since, ” Address Dr. S. li. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O., for free medical advice. All corres pondence strictly confidential. , , . „ ,, Miss Martha Orr has returned from u School ol Osteopathy, at I'lanklin, 1 finliiclif.fnl stay in Union Springs, as the Dr. C. A. Smith, Veterinarian, trouts all diseases of domestic uni mals. (’alls answered day or night $5 Banistir Oxfords at #3.85, at ( >(lio.e at Gearreld’s livery stable. "Barnett, St. .I oh n & Co’s. Henry Camp, a well known Drink at Bradley’s fountain and young citizen of you’ll he healthy and happy. has been painfully ill for several Little Ellen Turner has been days, is thought to Im improving, quite ill, but is convalescent. .f. Sasser, Esq., of Senoia, The pure,delicious drinks served | one of Coweta’s most successful business men, is one of the. incor porators of the Central Cotton J. Cotter spent ast a $i00,0<)0 corporation that will be established in Griflin. Ky., and having bad ten months of clinic work, is well prepared to practice. Roger, the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bryant, fell! from the back of a horse at Gear reld’s livery stable last. Tuesday morning and was painfully in Moreland, who (jnred. No lames were broken, but the fall rendered him unconscious for some time. Drs. Davis and I’enistou rendered medical atten tion, and the little fellow was al right the next day. at Bradley’s delight all patrons Kev. W Hunday with relatives in LaGrange $3.50 Walkover Oxfords, at $2.75, at Barnett, St. John & <’o’s. Visit our store for bargains in clothing. Barnett, St. John & Co. Wanted—J want to buy scrap iron. E. L. Waltom, Newnan, (la. **• Mr. W. S. Copeland was in Ilo- gansville last Monday and Tues day . Now is the time for you to get that suit cheap. Barnett, St. John & Co. W.T. A mail, Esq., of Senoia, was greeting friends in ‘Newnan last Monday. We are closing out our clothing at greatly reduced prices. Barnett, St. John & Co. Mr. Fred Hunter, one of Turin’s leading business men, was in the city Monday. J. E. Askew, a clever citizen from the 2nd district, was in town last Tuesday. New York Bargain Store is the place to buy goods cheap during Chautauqua week. You’ll save money by buying at New York Bargain Store during Chautauqua week. Joseph Kingslierry, Esq., the wealthy planter and stock deale 1 L. T. L MEETINGS. We are sole agents in Newnan for Nunnally’s fine candies. Fresh shipments received twice eneli week. These elegant, delicious candies will please all classes of purchasers. Bradley’s Drugstore. An Invitation The l(. T. L. meets regularly each Friday afternoon in the Sun day School annex at the First Bap tist Church. The little folks arei visit, her sister, Mrs. Jack Powell. guest of Mrs. W. (’. Ellis. The friends of Mrs. Annie Himril will regret, to learn that, slid lias been quite sick the past, two weeks. Miss Emma Bello Zellers, of Grant.- ville, will ho Mid gnesl of Miss Mary Goorlrnm (luring (’liinitimqiia Mrs. Emily Hpenoe and Miss Laura Siicnco, of Baiiiosvillo, will spend some time with relatives in the eit.y. Mrs. Ham Lumpkin, of 'J'nskegee, Ala., will visit, her parents, Cupt. nod Mrs. Thomas Hwint, next week. | The friends of Mr. Millard Farmer are glad that, lie is able to lie ont. again, after an illness of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Ogle tree and daughters, of Talladega, Ala., am visit ing Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hpenoe. Mrs. F. W. Dixon and children, of Birmingham, are expected Hatuiday to The skating rink opened Thurs day night with very good attend ance. The managers have reserved Tuesdays and Thursdays, from three to five o’clock, lor ladies and children only. Admission, 10 cents; skates, 15 cents. Lieut. S G. Orr and family will arrive from Fortress Monroe next week and will spend a month with relatives here. Baseball in next week. Newnan every day I give both quality and quantity of stove-wood. Davis. Rhone 122. t-f Money to loan on real estate pt 7 |>er cent. Apply to L. M. Farmer. Turn Rev. U. F. Ilodmill lining nl the dis trict aoiiftirciinii al Oliiple.v, iliom was nn services at the Mellioilist church last Holiday. Mr. Watkins, of (Viliii-lnwii. is visit ing I’rof. F () Watkins noil family fliiH Wf eli Misses Helen Giupontei- and Lois Flemmen, of Newnan, are visiting Mrs. Fred Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Gorily, of Thoninston, arc visiting llioir sister, Mrs. New Me Morrill, and tlioir mother, Mis. Dora Ingram, at Hharpshnrg. Misses Bessie and Ruth Whatley, who had heen s|Mindiiig the pnsr two weeks- with their grandfather, VV.(’. Itussotl, relumed to Micir home in Nowiiivn, Wednesday. T’yrio Harris, of Gorilole, came up hist Thursday and is s|Ninding the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jmlsnn Har ris. Rroteoted services will he held nt the Methodist (llinreh next week hegiuning Sunday morning. Misses Alice Moses, Gertrude Bow den, Helen Cai'jieiiter, Lois Fleininnu and Margaret Gay went, down In Senoia Thursday, and Miss Dncli Giirpcntcr chaperoned the crowd. Baseball next week. in Newnan every day urged to come out. and help all they can in this grand work. Kar enin wont, you please remind them when the afternoon conics for them to meet, so that we may have good attendance^ The larger the at tendance, the more interesting the meetings. Mrs. .1. E. Dent, tf Lady Manager. All visitors to the Nownaii Chautauqua arc mo-1 cordi ally invited to visit nor store next week. Our best efforts will he devoted to receiving and entertaining all who come, regardless of business considerat ions to he friendly and make WOMEN’S PRAYER MEETING. The Women’s Prayer Meeting is held regularly each Wednesday afternoon at, 4:30 o’clock, at the First Baptist Church. The wo men of all denominations are cor dially invited to take part in these fives, Mrs. Spence and Mrs. Ed Nim- M iss burette Sims will entertain in | honor of her guest, Miss Lyndon, of Washington, Ga , Friday evening. Misses Susie Barr and Linda Himril will leave Monday for Opelika, Ain , where they will spend several days. Miss Lucy Harris has returned to her home in Carrollton, after a stay of sev eral days with Miss Rowena Turner. Mrs. Otis Jones and little daughter returned from Borden Springs Tuesday, after a delightful slay of several days. Mrs. Roscoe Gorman, who has been the guest, of Mrs. Gorman in Talbotton, Ims returned to the city.—Atlanta News. Misses Lnta and Elina Boykin, of Carrollton, are on a visit to thoir rein- Insist onhaving Climax coal. Good- wyn sells it for per ton. tf For Sale Two fine Jersey cows with calves. Apply to Maj. W. A. Turner, Newnan, (la. Mrs. H. K. Leigh, of Grnntvitlc, Ga., was in Mie city yesterday, stopping at the Majestic hotel. She came up to at tend the governor’s reception with her hnshniid, one of the representatives from Coweta.— Wednesday’s (fonstitntion. K. C. Goodwyn sells thogennine Mon- tevalid coal. There is no snch coal ns "Climax Montevallo." tf friends, us well as to do busi ness. So we urge nil Clinii- tnuqmi visitors and their Newnnn acquaintances to make ns friendly culls. services, as the object is to pray We are here that the Spirit of Christ may take hold of the Christians of New nan and that many souls may see our good works and hear our godly conversation and be constrained to turn unto the Lord for life and salvation. tf H. S. Banta, The Jeweler. Mr. Frank Wilkinson has return ed from Borden-Wheeler Springs. His health is improved and he is able to at'.tend to business again. Mr. W. C. McBrydehas returned ;!rorr. Border.-Wheeler Springs. moiiH. Mrs. G E. Croft will entertain Fri day afternoon in honor of Mrs. Thomas and the Misses Thomas of Little Rock, Arkansas. MissClandin Barr, of New Orleans, who is Miss Husie Barr’s attractive visitor, will be Miss Dorothy Burpee's guest driving the Chautauqua. Miss Willino Broom, after a pleasant visit, of several days at Turin, returned to Newnan Tuesday, where she will ire the gnestof Miss Nolle Russell. Mrs. Lynn Fort and children arrived a few days ago to visit, her aunt, Mrs. J N Orr. Mr. Fort will arrive Satnr day to take a few days vacation. For Chautauqua Week The products oi’the National Biscuit Com pany will lie in great demand. In antici pation of'this demand, we have new, fresh supplies of all the popular products of this, the most famous baking concern in the world. At any hour during Chautauqua week your orders will he promptly filled with any of the cakes or crackers or other delicacies made by the National Biscuit Company. 0. P. STEPHENS & GO. NEWNAN’S LIVE GROCERS.